Antifa burning Bibles now

There are no "communist Democrats". There are only idiot Republicans still living in the 1950's and still seeing a "commie under every bed". You were pathetic then, and since communism ended in 1989, you sound old, senile and out of touch. Not unlike your President.
The Soviet Union went away. Communism never did.
Look at all the Marxist/socialists pouring out of the woodwork now.
BLM is a dangerous violent organization
founded on Marxist principles and led by Marxist trained psychos who have pledged to burn down the USA if they don't get what they want (as per Hawk Hawthorne, NY BLM).

Are you too old or stupid to open your eyes and learn?
Democrats have had a soft spot for Communism going back to the 1930s.
We said it before....and we'll say it again...

This election is Good vs Evil.

GOD BLESS President Trump.

Politely, allow me to adjust this thread....

Joe biden supporters burning Bibles and American Flags.....
trump is evil. You are being deceived.

you are ok with burning bibles?

I feel sorry for you
IM2 is a Communist and bibles are irrelevant to him. As Trump represents the preservation of our Constitution and it's Bill of Rights, He sees Trump as the enemy and as such, he is part of the Communist, "divide and conquer" crowd out there. Ignore him.
Open Religious persecution for Christians is coming:mad:

Christians do not support trump.
Your opinions are irrelevant

Yeah, why don't you go with that. It's really working well for Trump, ignoring the opinions of people who disagree with him. People who think he should be fighting the virus. Helping working Americans, and saving lives. He's not going to do any of those things, and that's why he's not going to be re-elected.

Anyone wanna bet that he pulls out of the election so he won't become the biggest loser of all time too?
trump is evil. You are being deceived.
I have to ask, in what way is he "evil"?? All I have been seeing for close to 3-1/2 years now is Constant Attacks against him by the left wing Hating democrats. They can't stand him and they are doing all they can to engage in Character Assassination as well as to destroy his credibility by any means possible and they are using the people who support them like Pawns in a Chess game to do their dirty work for them.
President Trump came into the White House as a NON-Politician and he has been doing a better job than republican or democratic presidents from day one of his admin. He is a Major Embarrassment to both political parties due to him not being a career politician and he has his own way of doing things that is NOT standard protocol of career political figures. He is a Businessman and knows how to run a business to the extent that through trial and error, he has become among America's top Richest people which means that he has learned well from his mistakes and is now correcting the mistakes that ignorant career politicians have been making and he is exposing all of the corruption within our government that is acutely disturbing to all who have been engaging in illegal activities and they fear that they are going to be brought into the light for their violations, therefore, they are doing everything imaginable to try and get him removed from office!!
You, and those like you, are being played like a fiddle but yet, you are too naive to realize this FACT!!! We, Americans, many of us Military and some of us Law Enforcement Vets, have been waiting for such a president for a very long time!! Ever since the end of President Eisenhower's term in the White House, our country has been going down the tubes and into corruption. Why else do you think that politicians want to stay in office??
Their biggest reason is that before they go in, they are standard middle class individuals but after a short time of being in office, they become extremely wealthy. On a federal government's salary?? NOT a Cold Chance!!! They are getting a large sum of Bribe money from special interest groups and large corporations for every imaginable reason under the sun.
Take obama for example, a PRIME Example, he was nothing more than a community organizer which is NOT a lucrative means of monetary gain but when he left office, look where he is now, living in a $17 MILLION mansion on water front property that he bought and paid for and today, he owes Nothing on it except taxes and insurance each year!! Now, tell me, President Trump donating his salary as a President to different charities, NOT keeping any of the salaries for himself but living on his personal wealth, how can this be EVIL as you call him??
Another thing that needs to be mentioned here is that he is NOT responsible for all of the chaos that has broken out in our country, he is NOT responsible for a single death, he is NOT responsible for the demonstrations that turn Violent due to being instigated by the left, the absolute Core of these riots, looting, burning, taking the lives of Police Officers, etc. People like you need to wake up and smell what it is your leaders are shoveling here. And, I have to say, that it smells to High Heaven!!!
No, President is NOT "evil" nor are we "being deceived" as you claim. We are Adults who have the ability to Think for Ourselves WITHOUT ANY OUTSIDE INFLUENCE FROM THOSE WHO HATE OUR PRESIDENT OR BY THOSE WHO LOVE OUR PRESIDENT!!! We are Very well educated and a lot of us understand Psychological Warfare as some of us have studied this in depth and can recognize it for what it is and when it occurs and this is exactly what your leaders are trying to engage in but they are too Stupid to get it right!!! They don't have a clue how to engage us who understand this fact and they will NEVER be able to pull the old proverbial wool over our eyes!!! We are Independent thinkers which YOU should try to become, it would definitely improve your life!!!!
…and how could one forget: conspiring with foreign powers to interfere in American elections is in fact evil.

Being a toady for dictators such as Putin and Kim is likewise evil.
Again we know you leftist twits like China and live to pass the buck hoping no one notices ...your professors sell China our research....your politicians hire their spies. Your entertainers hold mass fundraisers for their interests and censor our movies to appease them. When are you asshats going to start working for America instead of against it?
trump is evil. You are being deceived.
I have to ask, in what way is he "evil"?? All I have been seeing for close to 3-1/2 years now is Constant Attacks against him by the left wing Hating democrats. They can't stand him and they are doing all they can to engage in Character Assassination as well as to destroy his credibility by any means possible and they are using the people who support them like Pawns in a Chess game to do their dirty work for them.
President Trump came into the White House as a NON-Politician and he has been doing a better job than republican or democratic presidents from day one of his admin. He is a Major Embarrassment to both political parties due to him not being a career politician and he has his own way of doing things that is NOT standard protocol of career political figures. He is a Businessman and knows how to run a business to the extent that through trial and error, he has become among America's top Richest people which means that he has learned well from his mistakes and is now correcting the mistakes that ignorant career politicians have been making and he is exposing all of the corruption within our government that is acutely disturbing to all who have been engaging in illegal activities and they fear that they are going to be brought into the light for their violations, therefore, they are doing everything imaginable to try and get him removed from office!!
You, and those like you, are being played like a fiddle but yet, you are too naive to realize this FACT!!! We, Americans, many of us Military and some of us Law Enforcement Vets, have been waiting for such a president for a very long time!! Ever since the end of President Eisenhower's term in the White House, our country has been going down the tubes and into corruption. Why else do you think that politicians want to stay in office??
Their biggest reason is that before they go in, they are standard middle class individuals but after a short time of being in office, they become extremely wealthy. On a federal government's salary?? NOT a Cold Chance!!! They are getting a large sum of Bribe money from special interest groups and large corporations for every imaginable reason under the sun.
Take obama for example, a PRIME Example, he was nothing more than a community organizer which is NOT a lucrative means of monetary gain but when he left office, look where he is now, living in a $17 MILLION mansion on water front property that he bought and paid for and today, he owes Nothing on it except taxes and insurance each year!! Now, tell me, President Trump donating his salary as a President to different charities, NOT keeping any of the salaries for himself but living on his personal wealth, how can this be EVIL as you call him??
Another thing that needs to be mentioned here is that he is NOT responsible for all of the chaos that has broken out in our country, he is NOT responsible for a single death, he is NOT responsible for the demonstrations that turn Violent due to being instigated by the left, the absolute Core of these riots, looting, burning, taking the lives of Police Officers, etc. People like you need to wake up and smell what it is your leaders are shoveling here. And, I have to say, that it smells to High Heaven!!!
No, President is NOT "evil" nor are we "being deceived" as you claim. We are Adults who have the ability to Think for Ourselves WITHOUT ANY OUTSIDE INFLUENCE FROM THOSE WHO HATE OUR PRESIDENT OR BY THOSE WHO LOVE OUR PRESIDENT!!! We are Very well educated and a lot of us understand Psychological Warfare as some of us have studied this in depth and can recognize it for what it is and when it occurs and this is exactly what your leaders are trying to engage in but they are too Stupid to get it right!!! They don't have a clue how to engage us who understand this fact and they will NEVER be able to pull the old proverbial wool over our eyes!!! We are Independent thinkers which YOU should try to become, it would definitely improve your life!!!!
…and how could one forget: conspiring with foreign powers to interfere in American elections is in fact evil.

Being a toady for dictators such as Putin and Kim is likewise evil.
Again we know you leftist twits like China and live to pass the buck hoping no one notices ...your professors sell China our research....your politicians hire their spies. Your entertainers hold mass fundraisers for their interests and censor our movies to appease them. When are you asshats going to start working for America instead of against it?
More RW stupidity. I guess it was the left that encouraged China to grant trademarks to trumps daughter.
wow...there you have the "peaceful" protesters on Portland burning Bibles... they also burnt American flags ....and they claim they are peaceful?


View attachment 370105
What is so important about a fairy tale book and some rag? Why are your feelings hurt over them being burnt? You do realize more people have been murdered under both of these symbols than any other right?

The irony here is that that fairy tale book specifically prohibits the graven image of the rag.
Emotional basket cases don't seem to get that irony.
You mean flag, of course, America-hater.

Haha, you spelled "non-fetishist" wrong.
Just show us how right you are, eh. Where does the Bible prohibit national flags?

Wouldn't matter, since in the next post you ran away. :gay:
No answer then, eh.

Just like a snowflake, you make things up, thinking you're smart.

Oops, I confuserated you with that other clown whose avatar is so creative it's a red spot like your'n. Y'all zombies look all alike to me.

What'd y'all do, hire a professional to come up with those?
Where does the Bible specifically prohibit national flags?
"Thou shall not worship false idols"
Clearly the need for a second civil war has been expressed. This one between good and evil, dark and light. This is the war in The Stand.

Drinking early in the day again Tipsy? You're really keen on a civil war. You keep saying the USA needs a civil war. Maybe what they need is to get rid of the people who think that a civil war would solve anything. It didn't last time. It ended slavery, only to have it replaced with Jim Crow laws, segregation, lynchings, and violence against "uppity *******".
The civil war was fought by people who seceded, formed their own army, then waged war by taking on the US military. So if that's what tipsy wants to do... Go for the gusto!
trump is evil. You are being deceived.
I have to ask, in what way is he "evil"?? All I have been seeing for close to 3-1/2 years now is Constant Attacks against him by the left wing Hating democrats. They can't stand him and they are doing all they can to engage in Character Assassination as well as to destroy his credibility by any means possible and they are using the people who support them like Pawns in a Chess game to do their dirty work for them.
President Trump came into the White House as a NON-Politician and he has been doing a better job than republican or democratic presidents from day one of his admin. He is a Major Embarrassment to both political parties due to him not being a career politician and he has his own way of doing things that is NOT standard protocol of career political figures. He is a Businessman and knows how to run a business to the extent that through trial and error, he has become among America's top Richest people which means that he has learned well from his mistakes and is now correcting the mistakes that ignorant career politicians have been making and he is exposing all of the corruption within our government that is acutely disturbing to all who have been engaging in illegal activities and they fear that they are going to be brought into the light for their violations, therefore, they are doing everything imaginable to try and get him removed from office!!
You, and those like you, are being played like a fiddle but yet, you are too naive to realize this FACT!!! We, Americans, many of us Military and some of us Law Enforcement Vets, have been waiting for such a president for a very long time!! Ever since the end of President Eisenhower's term in the White House, our country has been going down the tubes and into corruption. Why else do you think that politicians want to stay in office??
Their biggest reason is that before they go in, they are standard middle class individuals but after a short time of being in office, they become extremely wealthy. On a federal government's salary?? NOT a Cold Chance!!! They are getting a large sum of Bribe money from special interest groups and large corporations for every imaginable reason under the sun.
Take obama for example, a PRIME Example, he was nothing more than a community organizer which is NOT a lucrative means of monetary gain but when he left office, look where he is now, living in a $17 MILLION mansion on water front property that he bought and paid for and today, he owes Nothing on it except taxes and insurance each year!! Now, tell me, President Trump donating his salary as a President to different charities, NOT keeping any of the salaries for himself but living on his personal wealth, how can this be EVIL as you call him??
Another thing that needs to be mentioned here is that he is NOT responsible for all of the chaos that has broken out in our country, he is NOT responsible for a single death, he is NOT responsible for the demonstrations that turn Violent due to being instigated by the left, the absolute Core of these riots, looting, burning, taking the lives of Police Officers, etc. People like you need to wake up and smell what it is your leaders are shoveling here. And, I have to say, that it smells to High Heaven!!!
No, President is NOT "evil" nor are we "being deceived" as you claim. We are Adults who have the ability to Think for Ourselves WITHOUT ANY OUTSIDE INFLUENCE FROM THOSE WHO HATE OUR PRESIDENT OR BY THOSE WHO LOVE OUR PRESIDENT!!! We are Very well educated and a lot of us understand Psychological Warfare as some of us have studied this in depth and can recognize it for what it is and when it occurs and this is exactly what your leaders are trying to engage in but they are too Stupid to get it right!!! They don't have a clue how to engage us who understand this fact and they will NEVER be able to pull the old proverbial wool over our eyes!!! We are Independent thinkers which YOU should try to become, it would definitely improve your life!!!!
…and how could one forget: conspiring with foreign powers to interfere in American elections is in fact evil.

Being a toady for dictators such as Putin and Kim is likewise evil.
Again we know you leftist twits like China and live to pass the buck hoping no one notices ...your professors sell China our research....your politicians hire their spies. Your entertainers hold mass fundraisers for their interests and censor our movies to appease them. When are you asshats going to start working for America instead of against it?
More RW stupidity. I guess it was the left that encouraged China to grant trademarks to trumps daughter.
Ah...yes ....thanks for reminding me about Hunter Biden’s trip with daddy to procure his 1.5 billion dollar “Chinese private equity fund“.
There are no "communist Democrats". There are only idiot Republicans still living in the 1950's and still seeing a "commie under every bed". You were pathetic then, and since communism ended in 1989, you sound old, senile and out of touch. Not unlike your President.
The Soviet Union went away. Communism never did.
Look at all the Marxist/socialists pouring out of the woodwork now.
BLM is a dangerous violent organization
founded on Marxist principles and led by Marxist trained psychos who have pledged to burn down the USA if they don't get what they want (as per Hawk Hawthorne, NY BLM).

Are you too old or stupid to open your eyes and learn?
Bullshit. Now when they start bombing buildings like your white supremacist brethren, maybe then you can say that.
trump is evil. You are being deceived.
I have to ask, in what way is he "evil"?? All I have been seeing for close to 3-1/2 years now is Constant Attacks against him by the left wing Hating democrats. They can't stand him and they are doing all they can to engage in Character Assassination as well as to destroy his credibility by any means possible and they are using the people who support them like Pawns in a Chess game to do their dirty work for them.
President Trump came into the White House as a NON-Politician and he has been doing a better job than republican or democratic presidents from day one of his admin. He is a Major Embarrassment to both political parties due to him not being a career politician and he has his own way of doing things that is NOT standard protocol of career political figures. He is a Businessman and knows how to run a business to the extent that through trial and error, he has become among America's top Richest people which means that he has learned well from his mistakes and is now correcting the mistakes that ignorant career politicians have been making and he is exposing all of the corruption within our government that is acutely disturbing to all who have been engaging in illegal activities and they fear that they are going to be brought into the light for their violations, therefore, they are doing everything imaginable to try and get him removed from office!!
You, and those like you, are being played like a fiddle but yet, you are too naive to realize this FACT!!! We, Americans, many of us Military and some of us Law Enforcement Vets, have been waiting for such a president for a very long time!! Ever since the end of President Eisenhower's term in the White House, our country has been going down the tubes and into corruption. Why else do you think that politicians want to stay in office??
Their biggest reason is that before they go in, they are standard middle class individuals but after a short time of being in office, they become extremely wealthy. On a federal government's salary?? NOT a Cold Chance!!! They are getting a large sum of Bribe money from special interest groups and large corporations for every imaginable reason under the sun.
Take obama for example, a PRIME Example, he was nothing more than a community organizer which is NOT a lucrative means of monetary gain but when he left office, look where he is now, living in a $17 MILLION mansion on water front property that he bought and paid for and today, he owes Nothing on it except taxes and insurance each year!! Now, tell me, President Trump donating his salary as a President to different charities, NOT keeping any of the salaries for himself but living on his personal wealth, how can this be EVIL as you call him??
Another thing that needs to be mentioned here is that he is NOT responsible for all of the chaos that has broken out in our country, he is NOT responsible for a single death, he is NOT responsible for the demonstrations that turn Violent due to being instigated by the left, the absolute Core of these riots, looting, burning, taking the lives of Police Officers, etc. People like you need to wake up and smell what it is your leaders are shoveling here. And, I have to say, that it smells to High Heaven!!!
No, President is NOT "evil" nor are we "being deceived" as you claim. We are Adults who have the ability to Think for Ourselves WITHOUT ANY OUTSIDE INFLUENCE FROM THOSE WHO HATE OUR PRESIDENT OR BY THOSE WHO LOVE OUR PRESIDENT!!! We are Very well educated and a lot of us understand Psychological Warfare as some of us have studied this in depth and can recognize it for what it is and when it occurs and this is exactly what your leaders are trying to engage in but they are too Stupid to get it right!!! They don't have a clue how to engage us who understand this fact and they will NEVER be able to pull the old proverbial wool over our eyes!!! We are Independent thinkers which YOU should try to become, it would definitely improve your life!!!!
…and how could one forget: conspiring with foreign powers to interfere in American elections is in fact evil.

Being a toady for dictators such as Putin and Kim is likewise evil.
Again we know you leftist twits like China and live to pass the buck hoping no one notices ...your professors sell China our research....your politicians hire their spies. Your entertainers hold mass fundraisers for their interests and censor our movies to appease them. When are you asshats going to start working for America instead of against it?
More RW stupidity. I guess it was the left that encouraged China to grant trademarks to trumps daughter.
Ah...yes ....thanks for reminding me about Hunter Biden’s trip with daddy to procure his 1.5 billion dollar “Chinese private equity fund“.
Lol! Your mouth won't let go of trumps manhood.

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