Antifa burning Bibles now

I said nothing about burning the bible. I said trump is evil. And that's because trump IS evil.
Sometimes in order to beat evil, a person has to be evil themselves, especially when who they are going against has no interest in learning another language. When you multiply a positive times a negative, the product is never a positive.

God bless you and our current leader always!!!


trump is evil. He was evil long before he stepped in the white house. What you extremists posing as conservatives support is evil. You guys are the ones not interested in learning another language. God has placed his judgment on this administration. Look around you and it is very clear.
You guys have lost EVERY BATTLE with this man yet you still think you're winning.

Trump is the one who's losing every battle. He can't even win at the Supreme Court, even though he packed it with Conservatives.

Yesterday, Stephen Miller's grandmother died of Covid19. I'm sure Miller doesn't care. She was over 90, and the rest of the family has pretty much disowned him.

Trump thinks he can run a campaign like it's 2016 and the future is looking bright for Americans. I have to admit he did keep one promise. He promised to undo everything Obama did and Obama's economic recovery was his greatest accomplishment. Trump has utterly destroyed that.

But he hasn't destroyed Obamacare. Not from lack of trying though. And he continues to try to destroy it, even though 50 million Americans have lost access to health care when their jobs ended in the pandemic.

Trump repeated his "better cheaper healthcare for all" claims two weeks ago in his Chris Wallace interview. He said he would be signing an EO to that effect "within two weeks", but the two weeks have passed and no sign of this EO. Of course any health care EO would have all of the force and effect of his Drug Pricing EO. Trump keeps thinking he can legislate by EO, mostly because he's too lazy, too stupid, and too impatient to try to legislate anything.
Christians do not support trump.
Do not pretend to speak for Christians. It's absurd.
Communist Democrats have no problem doing that to Christians but they would be scared shitless to do that to Muslims :mad: :rolleyes:

There are no "communist Democrats". There are only idiot Republicans still living in the 1950's and still seeing a "commie under every bed". You were pathetic then, and since communism ended in 1989, you sound old, senile and out of touch. Not unlike your President.
We said it before....and we'll say it again...

This election is Good vs Evil.

GOD BLESS President Trump.

"A Bible". One person burned one Bible. Less blashemous than Trump gassing protestors and standing in front of a Church, whose minister he had just tear gassed, holding an unside down Bible in a photo op.

The protestor actually believes that burning a Bible means something. But the Bible has become meaningless in Trumpland. It's just another symbol of decency to be degraded by Donald Trump.

The so-called "Christian right" has completely abandoned the Bible, in their all-out pursuit of political power. Instead of "loving one another, as I have loved you", you're here preaching hatred against Democrats, utterly forgetting "How many times should I forgive a man who has wronged me", and instead encouraging attacks on those who disagree with you.

150,000 Americans have died from covid19, and your President doesn't even mention them. Or even acknowledge the deaths. He has done nothing to stop the dying. The Trump Administration is now negotiating a stimulus bill for corona virus recovery, but Donald Trump refuses to put any money at all into fighting the virus. Pelosi won't sign off on any bill that doesn't fight the virus.

Instead of worry about the burning of a book you don't believe in anyway, and a flag you dishonour daily, why don't you put your energy into living the word of Jesus, instead of the word of Trump?

You didn’t read the article did you?

I don't waste my time reading "questionable sources". You shouldn't either. They're lying to you and feeding you bullshit you want to believe is true.

  • Overall we rate the New York Post on the far end of Right-Center Biased due to story selection that typically favors the Right and Mixed (borderline questionable) for factual reporting based on several failed fact checks

Clearly the need for a second civil war has been expressed. This one between good and evil, dark and light. This is the war in The Stand.
We said it before....and we'll say it again...

This election is Good vs Evil.

GOD BLESS President Trump.

"A Bible". One person burned one Bible. Less blashemous than Trump gassing protestors and standing in front of a Church, whose minister he had just tear gassed, holding an unside down Bible in a photo op.

The protestor actually believes that burning a Bible means something. But the Bible has become meaningless in Trumpland. It's just another symbol of decency to be degraded by Donald Trump.

The so-called "Christian right" has completely abandoned the Bible, in their all-out pursuit of political power. Instead of "loving one another, as I have loved you", you're here preaching hatred against Democrats, utterly forgetting "How many times should I forgive a man who has wronged me", and instead encouraging attacks on those who disagree with you.

150,000 Americans have died from covid19, and your President doesn't even mention them. Or even acknowledge the deaths. He has done nothing to stop the dying. The Trump Administration is now negotiating a stimulus bill for corona virus recovery, but Donald Trump refuses to put any money at all into fighting the virus. Pelosi won't sign off on any bill that doesn't fight the virus.

Instead of worry about the burning of a book you don't believe in anyway, and a flag you dishonour daily, why don't you put your energy into living the word of Jesus, instead of the word of Trump?

You didn’t read the article did you?

I don't waste my time reading "questionable sources". You shouldn't either. They're lying to you and feeding you bullshit you want to believe is true.

  • Overall we rate the New York Post on the far end of Right-Center Biased due to story selection that typically favors the Right and Mixed (borderline questionable) for factual reporting based on several failed fact checks

Media Bias Fact Check is a left-wing "fact-checker" owned by Dave Van Zandt which purports to monitor bias in the media. It is similar to Snopes.

Most of Media Bias Fact Check's assessments are wildly inaccurate. For instance, Conservapedia is placed at the very end of the right-wing of the political spectrum (see Conservapedia Derangement Syndrome). Conservapedia is listed under "Questionable Sources" and described as "border[ing] on hate group status." It is accused of promoting "conspiracies" and "fake news." They claim that it, "is not a credible source on any level or by any known criteria."[1]
Clearly the need for a second civil war has been expressed. This one between good and evil, dark and light. This is the war in The Stand.

Drinking early in the day again Tipsy? You're really keen on a civil war. You keep saying the USA needs a civil war. Maybe what they need is to get rid of the people who think that a civil war would solve anything. It didn't last time. It ended slavery, only to have it replaced with Jim Crow laws, segregation, lynchings, and violence against "uppity *******".
  • Thanks
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There are no "communist Democrats". There are only idiot Republicans still living in the 1950's and still seeing a "commie under every bed". You were pathetic then, and since communism ended in 1989, you sound old, senile and out of touch. Not unlike your President.
The Soviet Union went away. Communism never did.
Look at all the Marxist/socialists pouring out of the woodwork now.
BLM is a dangerous violent organization
founded on Marxist principles and led by Marxist trained psychos who have pledged to burn down the USA if they don't get what they want (as per Hawk Hawthorne, NY BLM).

Are you too old or stupid to open your eyes and learn?
We said it before....and we'll say it again...

This election is Good vs Evil.

GOD BLESS President Trump.

"A Bible". One person burned one Bible. Less blashemous than Trump gassing protestors and standing in front of a Church, whose minister he had just tear gassed, holding an unside down Bible in a photo op.

The protestor actually believes that burning a Bible means something. But the Bible has become meaningless in Trumpland. It's just another symbol of decency to be degraded by Donald Trump.

The so-called "Christian right" has completely abandoned the Bible, in their all-out pursuit of political power. Instead of "loving one another, as I have loved you", you're here preaching hatred against Democrats, utterly forgetting "How many times should I forgive a man who has wronged me", and instead encouraging attacks on those who disagree with you.

150,000 Americans have died from covid19, and your President doesn't even mention them. Or even acknowledge the deaths. He has done nothing to stop the dying. The Trump Administration is now negotiating a stimulus bill for corona virus recovery, but Donald Trump refuses to put any money at all into fighting the virus. Pelosi won't sign off on any bill that doesn't fight the virus.

Instead of worry about the burning of a book you don't believe in anyway, and a flag you dishonour daily, why don't you put your energy into living the word of Jesus, instead of the word of Trump?

You didn’t read the article did you?

I don't waste my time reading "questionable sources". You shouldn't either. They're lying to you and feeding you bullshit you want to believe is true.

  • Overall we rate the New York Post on the far end of Right-Center Biased due to story selection that typically favors the Right and Mixed (borderline questionable) for factual reporting based on several failed fact checks

Media Bias Fact Check is a left-wing "fact-checker" owned by Dave Van Zandt which purports to monitor bias in the media. It is similar to Snopes.

Most of Media Bias Fact Check's assessments are wildly inaccurate. For instance, Conservapedia is placed at the very end of the right-wing of the political spectrum (see Conservapedia Derangement Syndrome). Conservapedia is listed under "Questionable Sources" and described as "border[ing] on hate group status." It is accused of promoting "conspiracies" and "fake news." They claim that it, "is not a credible source on any level or by any known criteria."[1]

That's very true. I've read the Conservapedia, and it's bullshit all the way.

Conservatives are allowed to have their own point of view, but you're not allowed to have your own set of "facts". Try as you might.

What I found particularly sad is the level of disinformation on covid19 being broadcast in the Billionaire Conservative media. Medical staff at hospitals said when elderly FOX viewers arrived at hospitals, they had no idea of what was about to happen. The staff all in hazmat suits, tending to very sick patients on ventilators. No visitors, no contact with people outside the hospital. They were terrified and confused.

FOX, Breitbart and Sinclair Broadcasting, keeping blowing sunshine and rainbows up the asses of Trump voters, about the economy because Murdoch, Mercer and the entire Sinclair Family are profitting off a Republican Presidency. $29 billion in tax cuts for billionaires, in the Senate stimulus package. $70 trillion increase in the wealth of billionaires since the virus started.

No wonder Donald Trump doesn't want his administration to fight the virus. His pals are getting rich off people dying.

We said it before....and we'll say it again...

This election is Good vs Evil.

GOD BLESS President Trump.

too bad they didn't start that before the digital age came and made a permanent record of the hundreds of different Bible translations that are out there. The Bible can no longer actually be burned. But it's definitely a great campaigning point.
We said it before....and we'll say it again...

This election is Good vs Evil.

GOD BLESS President Trump.

"A Bible". One person burned one Bible. Less blashemous than Trump gassing protestors and standing in front of a Church, whose minister he had just tear gassed, holding an unside down Bible in a photo op.

The protestor actually believes that burning a Bible means something. But the Bible has become meaningless in Trumpland. It's just another symbol of decency to be degraded by Donald Trump.

The so-called "Christian right" has completely abandoned the Bible, in their all-out pursuit of political power. Instead of "loving one another, as I have loved you", you're here preaching hatred against Democrats, utterly forgetting "How many times should I forgive a man who has wronged me", and instead encouraging attacks on those who disagree with you.

150,000 Americans have died from covid19, and your President doesn't even mention them. Or even acknowledge the deaths. He has done nothing to stop the dying. The Trump Administration is now negotiating a stimulus bill for corona virus recovery, but Donald Trump refuses to put any money at all into fighting the virus. Pelosi won't sign off on any bill that doesn't fight the virus.

Instead of worry about the burning of a book you don't believe in anyway, and a flag you dishonour daily, why don't you put your energy into living the word of Jesus, instead of the word of Trump?

You didn’t read the article did you?

I don't waste my time reading "questionable sources". You shouldn't either. They're lying to you and feeding you bullshit you want to believe is true.

  • Overall we rate the New York Post on the far end of Right-Center Biased due to story selection that typically favors the Right and Mixed (borderline questionable) for factual reporting based on several failed fact checks

Media Bias Fact Check is a left-wing "fact-checker" owned by Dave Van Zandt which purports to monitor bias in the media. It is similar to Snopes.

Most of Media Bias Fact Check's assessments are wildly inaccurate. For instance, Conservapedia is placed at the very end of the right-wing of the political spectrum (see Conservapedia Derangement Syndrome). Conservapedia is listed under "Questionable Sources" and described as "border[ing] on hate group status." It is accused of promoting "conspiracies" and "fake news." They claim that it, "is not a credible source on any level or by any known criteria."[1]

That's very true. I've read the Conservapedia, and it's bullshit all the way.

Conservatives are allowed to have their own point of view, but you're not allowed to have your own set of "facts". Try as you might.

What I found particularly sad is the level of disinformation on covid19 being broadcast in the Billionaire Conservative media. Medical staff at hospitals said when elderly FOX viewers arrived at hospitals, they had no idea of what was about to happen. The staff all in hazmat suits, tending to very sick patients on ventilators. No visitors, no contact with people outside the hospital. They were terrified and confused.

FOX, Breitbart and Sinclair Broadcasting, keeping blowing sunshine and rainbows up the asses of Trump voters, about the economy because Murdoch, Mercer and the entire Sinclair Family are profitting off a Republican Presidency. $29 billion in tax cuts for billionaires, in the Senate stimulus package. $70 trillion increase in the wealth of billionaires since the virus started.

No wonder Donald Trump doesn't want his administration to fight the virus. His pals are getting rich off people dying.

Meth is bad, you need to stop now
We said it before....and we'll say it again...

This election is Good vs Evil.

GOD BLESS President Trump.

"A Bible". One person burned one Bible. Less blashemous than Trump gassing protestors and standing in front of a Church, whose minister he had just tear gassed, holding an unside down Bible in a photo op.

The protestor actually believes that burning a Bible means something. But the Bible has become meaningless in Trumpland. It's just another symbol of decency to be degraded by Donald Trump.

The so-called "Christian right" has completely abandoned the Bible, in their all-out pursuit of political power. Instead of "loving one another, as I have loved you", you're here preaching hatred against Democrats, utterly forgetting "How many times should I forgive a man who has wronged me", and instead encouraging attacks on those who disagree with you.

150,000 Americans have died from covid19, and your President doesn't even mention them. Or even acknowledge the deaths. He has done nothing to stop the dying. The Trump Administration is now negotiating a stimulus bill for corona virus recovery, but Donald Trump refuses to put any money at all into fighting the virus. Pelosi won't sign off on any bill that doesn't fight the virus.

Instead of worry about the burning of a book you don't believe in anyway, and a flag you dishonour daily, why don't you put your energy into living the word of Jesus, instead of the word of Trump?

You didn’t read the article did you?

I don't waste my time reading "questionable sources". You shouldn't either. They're lying to you and feeding you bullshit you want to believe is true.

  • Overall we rate the New York Post on the far end of Right-Center Biased due to story selection that typically favors the Right and Mixed (borderline questionable) for factual reporting based on several failed fact checks

Media Bias Fact Check is a left-wing "fact-checker" owned by Dave Van Zandt which purports to monitor bias in the media. It is similar to Snopes.

Most of Media Bias Fact Check's assessments are wildly inaccurate. For instance, Conservapedia is placed at the very end of the right-wing of the political spectrum (see Conservapedia Derangement Syndrome). Conservapedia is listed under "Questionable Sources" and described as "border[ing] on hate group status." It is accused of promoting "conspiracies" and "fake news." They claim that it, "is not a credible source on any level or by any known criteria."[1]

That's very true. I've read the Conservapedia, and it's bullshit all the way.

Conservatives are allowed to have their own point of view, but you're not allowed to have your own set of "facts". Try as you might.

What I found particularly sad is the level of disinformation on covid19 being broadcast in the Billionaire Conservative media. Medical staff at hospitals said when elderly FOX viewers arrived at hospitals, they had no idea of what was about to happen. The staff all in hazmat suits, tending to very sick patients on ventilators. No visitors, no contact with people outside the hospital. They were terrified and confused.

FOX, Breitbart and Sinclair Broadcasting, keeping blowing sunshine and rainbows up the asses of Trump voters, about the economy because Murdoch, Mercer and the entire Sinclair Family are profitting off a Republican Presidency. $29 billion in tax cuts for billionaires, in the Senate stimulus package. $70 trillion increase in the wealth of billionaires since the virus started.

No wonder Donald Trump doesn't want his administration to fight the virus. His pals are getting rich off people dying.

Akin to snopes.

YOU argued about sketchy sources and you use Dave Van Zandt as an authoritative "source." Not surprised you don't see the humor in that. But then you'd run to David Brock's Media Matters just as fast

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