Antifa going after pets now.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013

Lovely. What will be next?
Oh my fuckin gawd.

Those crazy mother fuckers need to be set on fire.
And why is google allowing this? Google drive? What about those cities mentioned? Do they know this is the plan? What about the city its posted in? Why are the CIA and FBI not involved in hunting these people down?
So many questions. So little answers.

Meanwhile...keep an eyeball on your pets, people.
Fake or not..its still there. And Antifa are crazies. They don't care if its fake or not. They will still act on their orders from their Glorious One...whomever that is. Oh. Wait. Soros. And Fuckerberg.

Lovely. What will be next?

Well, according to Rose City Antifa's FB page, this is fake. And that picture is old, and was part of a fake Facebook scare in the past, so that lends some credence to their claim. Hazardous Treats Found at Dog Parks
Nails in pieces of cheese left at dog parks? A Facebook scare ignites

It was posted in june and reposted last week. On their page still as of yesterday

I'm on the Rose City Antifa FB page that Gracie provided a link for right now. They have multiple posts claiming that that is not their page, they did not post that meme. I only see that meme in a couple of posts where they deny having created it and deny that the page it is posted on is theirs.

Lovely. What will be next?

Well, according to Rose City Antifa's FB page, this is fake. And that picture is old, and was part of a fake Facebook scare in the past, so that lends some credence to their claim. Hazardous Treats Found at Dog Parks
Nails in pieces of cheese left at dog parks? A Facebook scare ignites

It was posted in june and reposted last week. On their page still as of yesterday

I'm on the Rose City Antifa FB page that Gracie provided a link for right now. They have multiple posts claiming that that is not their page, they did not post that meme. I only see that meme in a couple of posts where they deny having created it and deny that the page it is posted on is theirs.
ANYTHING antifa says, I don't believe. So sorry, but I think they are fucking liars.
This guy/gal that wrote this on Craigslist? Spot on. This is where its all heading.

News story about a coming "Civil War", between Liberals and Conservatives, before the 2018 elections.

Listen up, Snowflakes: Better quit with the violent tendencies, ASAP. If push comes to shove, you are ridiculously OUTGUNNED.

You Snowflakes have been out there, throwing your little temper tantrums, breaking windows, lighting fires, looting, throwing bricks at cops, damaging businesses and all your other fun illegal stuff. So far, nobody has tried to stop you, or retaliate when you get violent against others. Conservatives have been basically holding back, taking it on the chin, everything you can throw at them and not fighting back. And then the Conservatives do the right thing and clean up your mess after you leave.

Well, now the word is, Conservatives are going to start fighting back. Something you should know, if / when the Conservatives decide to rise up and say "NO MORE", you Snowflakes will be in a world of trouble, with a Capital "T". There more than 400 Million guns in America, billions of bullets, and Conservatives own 90% of them.

You have been warned, better cool your jets while you still can. By this time next year, it'll be too late.
We can only tolerate your immaturity for so long. Liberals will NOT dictate the direction of this country, they are running us into the ground.
Fake or not..its still there. And Antifa are crazies. They don't care if its fake or not. They will still act on their orders from their Glorious One...whomever that is. Oh. Wait. Soros. And Fuckerberg.

Fuckerburg is a bitch with T=shirt. He banned a friend of mine for posting a freaking song. I kid you not.Facebook allows vids of children being run over and people laughing and loving them. Fascistbook is an arm of the leftists

Fake or not..its still there. And Antifa are crazies. They don't care if its fake or not. They will still act on their orders from their Glorious One...whomever that is. Oh. Wait. Soros. And Fuckerberg.

It's still where?

They do seem to care if it's fake, as they have made multiple posts saying it is fake and changed their avatar to this:

There certainly seem to be some crazies involved in Antifa, but that doesn't make the meme really from the Rose City Antifa.
Which is why I don't do FB and am still amazed people still do.
Fake or not..its still there. And Antifa are crazies. They don't care if its fake or not. They will still act on their orders from their Glorious One...whomever that is. Oh. Wait. Soros. And Fuckerberg.

It's still where?

They do seem to care if it's fake, as they have made multiple posts saying it is fake and changed their avatar to this:

There certainly seem to be some crazies involved in Antifa, but that doesn't make the meme really from the Rose City Antifa.

You are naive. Believe them if you want. Just don't expect others to follow suit.

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