Zone1 Any billionaires who are devoutly religious?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I don't mean just going to religious services but also keeping their oath and abiding by G_ds instructions etc. Charity would be an easy representation, but also their particular works and character. If more public and unabashed, even better imo.
Is OP talking strictly about billionaires or just quite wealthy folks?

Mike Lindell was worth $50 million last time I checked. I consider $50M rich.

Time for yet another sniveling whine about Joel Osteen, lol. Never mind he's given away about 75% of what he's been paid in just advances on his books, and hasn't taken a dime from his church since 2005. Deviants and faggots just can't keep from getting butthurt over Xians being popular. They never complain about Elton John or some other faggot being rich.
Imagine having a billion dollars and dying with a billion dollars?

Just my perogartive of course. Take care of your family and then give the rest to charity, you can change so many lives. Let them fight over the last $50 million or so. That's what I would do anyways.
Imagine having a billion dollars and dying with a billion dollars?

Just my perogartive of course. Take care of your family and then give the rest to charity, you can change so many lives. Let them fight over the last $50 million or so. That's what I would do anyways.
That sure sounds philanthropic. Meanwhile, you may want to avoid looking for the speck in your brother's eye while ignoring the beam in your eye.
Maybe The Sage and The canadian who disagreed and wowed my last post, will care to explain why it's ok to assume that billionaires are not charitable and obedient to God. Weren't Mary, Martha and Lazarus quite rich and very good friends of Jesus?
I don't mean just going to religious services but also keeping their oath and abiding by G_ds instructions etc. Charity would be an easy representation, but also their particular works and character. If more public and unabashed, even better imo.
There's nothing wrong with having wealth.......its a tool, the rich can find salvation just as easy as the poor by following the advise found in the Holy Scriptures. Its not wealth or money that is the's THE LOVE OF MONEY (1 Tim. 6:10)

The scriptures declare that its easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God. (Matthew 19:24). Many people fail to comprehend the meaning of this passage......they attempt to apply a literal needle to the equation (of course a camel cannot go through the eye of a needle that is used for sewing)......the eye spoken of in this passage is a small entrance point used to enter walled cities and it would remain open after dark when the other entrance ways were closed.

A camel with pack could not possibly enter the city after dark unless all the equipment was removed and it forced itself to bend its knees. Some claim that Jesus is speaking about a literal needle........but Jesus did not declare that it was impossible for the rich to enter the kingdom of God...i.e, the Christian church founded by Jesus....Jesus stated that it was difficult/hard (Matt. 19:23)

Why is it difficult for the rich to enter the church/kingdom of God? Jesus presents a teaching lesson about a rich young man who asked Jesus what must he do to enter the kingdom of God/Heaven. Jesus informed the young man.........sell your possessions and give to the poor. Jesus did not declare that the young man had to sell His possessions and give all his wealth to the poor.....but to GIVE TO THE POOR........the young man heard this and walked away .....not because he was wealthy but because HE LOVED HIS RICHES MORE......i.e, HIS LOVE OF MONEY stopped him......he did not want to share in the possessions that God had helped him obtain. (Matthew 19:21-22)

Some attempt to argue about it being a literal needle or metaphor..........its impossible for anything other than a small thread etc. to literally go through the eye of a needle...........but Jesus declared it was difficult/hard.......not impossible which suggests the use of metaphorical language.

Most rich people have many skeletons in their financial closet .......having taken advantage of others in order to obtain their wealth, but there are Honest Devout wealthy people who obtained their wealth honestly.
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