Any Buddy else out there really enjoying the Trumpbots seeing Trump channel McCain?

Sage, no, you did not. You are lying as usual.

Oh, show us where "snowflake" came from: be specific.
Trump did the right thing.

Kill Assad.

Bring our people home.

Let the locals figure it out.
Weren't you the shrill little (((man))) all a-pitch and a-twitter over Russia interfering in our election, but now it's OK for us to kill the leader of a foreign nation that poses zero threat to us and has made zero threat to us? You, of course, understand that such a move would only serve to pull the region even further into conflagration. But then, blood lust is (((your))) defining quality, isn't it, and further blood shed is a feature, not a bug. You people sicken me.

Bullshit. Where is your post condemning Obama for overthrowing Egypt and handing it over to a terrorist group. And where is your post condemning the murder of the leader of Libya? Was it OK then?
I :piss2: on your selective umbrage.

There was a very tentative peace among most of those nations until Obama ripped through like Sherman. UN rep. Bush started it and UN reps Obama and Hitlery destroyed any peace that was left. They created this mess. No matter how this turns out, the blame for most of this is Obama's, and there is no backing out now. These are the consequences of his behavior.
How many planeloads of laundered money from Obama to Iran did we fail to uncover before we one was caught red handed? Where did all of that missing State Dept. money end up? Iran & ISIL are Obam's gift to the Muslim world, and his middle finger to us.
We have a stand off coming today like Kennedy experienced. I hope we handle it as well. Russia is on it's way, we are already there. There are 3 solutions to today's dilemma. One will back down and turn around. Both will agree to back down. Neither is going to back down.
It's a crap shoot. Place your bets.

Watch for Damascus to be leveled in the not so distant future, never to be rebuilt.
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You are high Methodist, and Obama, you hissy princess shrill shill, has nothing to do with it.

Very good to see Trump do something right for a change.
One thing we do not need to worry about is an alien contact from outer space, it's pretty clear there is no intelligent life on our planet and no sane alien would seek to associate with the human species.
Einstein would have you both placed in a hole then he and his friends would stand and pee on you.

And most people would cheer.
He presents a document, you present playground slurs. You are despicable. Really. I yearn for the day we will be rid of you and your blood lust.
He presents a document, you present playground slurs. You are despicable. Really. I yearn for the day we will be rid of you and your blood lust.

The HATE Zionist Jews show non-Zionist Jews is right up there with the HATE Black Dems spew at Black Republicans.

DWS is a Zionist Jew
Bernie Sanders is not

Did they get along???????????????????
You anti-Israel and Jewish hatred
I tell the truth, and, like any mediocre two-bit tyrant, you just THINK it's hatred. It's telling that when we object to bloodshed, you, snarling and spitting, defend your beloved blood-letting. It's truly remarkable, your blood lust. Die, warmonger.
You are high Methodist, and Obama, you hissy princess shrill shill, has nothing to do with it.

Very good to see Trump do something right for a change.

High Methodist. You forgot to capitalize the H. Kinda like High Priest.. :bow3::bowdown::bowdown:

Give Trump a chance. He'll do more right things. :)
Nelsen, you are deranged and have no idea what is the truth.

You remind me of cultsmasher, who was even more deranged and dumber than you or LADexter, which is hard to do. Maybe you two can set a new low. :lol:
You remind me of cultsmasher, who was even more deranged and dumber than you or LADexter, which is hard to do. Maybe you two can set a new low.

Hey Jake,

I was told by a Zionist Jew that "non-Zionist Jews are traitors." Do you agree with that? Did DWS do everything possible and then some to derail Bernie because she sees Bernie as a traitor to the cause of reconquering the Promised Land???

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