Any wonder why we liberty loving supporters don't believe the MSM.

back to your word games,,

sorry that you cant keep up with a conversation,, you might want to check your meds,,
Not word games. Just showing you what the topic was. You changed the subject from what caused the riot to what you wanted.

I showed you proof of it. You refuse to acknowledge it. That's why it's pointless to talk to you. You cannot recognize reality.

you showed me youre willing to spin anything to meet your narrative,,

I read alinsky too,, so youre not fooling anyone,,

Here's a challenge. Let's see if you're up to the task of if you're too embarrassed to even try.

Show me the first thing that I wrote that you responded to in this conversation.

And tell me what the topic of that post was.
it wasnt about giving trump the election,, its about election integrity,,,
Incorrect. Trump said he'd never accept any outcome other than victory.

Never concede.
I dont give a fuck what trump said or thinks,,, I dont like him and didnt vote for him,,

I will never again trust any election involving dems or repubes,,,

Sure. You're just deeply committed to the accurate representation of the "will of the people".

you obviously arent,,

True that. The will of the people can go wrong in all kinds of ways. Majority rule is a concession to the mob, not a commitment to justice.
I can agree with that but POTUS election isnt mob rule cause it goes to the electoral college,,

Uh huh, and where does the tin foil hat fit in?
what tin foil hat???

I'm just trying to figure out how you guys jump from the valid observation that "the mainstream media is biased and trying to manipulate us" to "Alex Jones is right. Bigfoot is real."
so its your tin foil hat,,,

you do what you want with it,, its your hat,,
That doesn't answer the question.
Whats so blaringly obvious is the ignoring of months of nightly riots by ANTIFABLM. Billions of dollars of property damage and 30 murders.

Its because the rioters were leftist. Then a few idiots take selfies in the Capitol and its the end of the USA.
The riot at the Capitol was literally a riot of Trump supporters for Trump.

No on was rioting to help Biden. They weren’t saying that they’re there for Biden. They weren’t talking at all about politics or Democrats.

This just isn’t comparable no matter how desperate you are.
All the George Floyd riots were intended to help Biden, douchebag. Who do you think you're fooling?
back to your word games,,

sorry that you cant keep up with a conversation,, you might want to check your meds,,
Not word games. Just showing you what the topic was. You changed the subject from what caused the riot to what you wanted.

I showed you proof of it. You refuse to acknowledge it. That's why it's pointless to talk to you. You cannot recognize reality.

you showed me youre willing to spin anything to meet your narrative,,

I read alinsky too,, so youre not fooling anyone,,

Here's a challenge. Let's see if you're up to the task of if you're too embarrassed to even try.

Show me the first thing that I wrote that you responded to in this conversation.

And tell me what the topic of that post was.
Nobody cares, asshole.
it wasnt about giving trump the election,, its about election integrity,,,
Incorrect. Trump said he'd never accept any outcome other than victory.

Never concede.
I dont give a fuck what trump said or thinks,,, I dont like him and didnt vote for him,,

I will never again trust any election involving dems or repubes,,,

Sure. You're just deeply committed to the accurate representation of the "will of the people".

you obviously arent,,

True that. The will of the people can go wrong in all kinds of ways. Majority rule is a concession to the mob, not a commitment to justice.
I can agree with that but POTUS election isnt mob rule cause it goes to the electoral college,,

Uh huh, and where does the tin foil hat fit in?
what tin foil hat???

I'm just trying to figure out how you guys jump from the valid observation that "the mainstream media is biased and trying to manipulate us" to "Alex Jones is right. Bigfoot is real."
so its your tin foil hat,,,

you do what you want with it,, its your hat,,
That doesn't answer the question.
Yes it does.
it wasnt about giving trump the election,, its about election integrity,,,
Incorrect. Trump said he'd never accept any outcome other than victory.

Never concede.
I dont give a fuck what trump said or thinks,,, I dont like him and didnt vote for him,,

I will never again trust any election involving dems or repubes,,,

Sure. You're just deeply committed to the accurate representation of the "will of the people".

you obviously arent,,

True that. The will of the people can go wrong in all kinds of ways. Majority rule is a concession to the mob, not a commitment to justice.
I can agree with that but POTUS election isnt mob rule cause it goes to the electoral college,,

Uh huh, and where does the tin foil hat fit in?
what tin foil hat???

I'm just trying to figure out how you guys jump from the valid observation that "the mainstream media is biased and trying to manipulate us" to "Alex Jones is right. Bigfoot is real."
so its your tin foil hat,,,

you do what you want with it,, its your hat,,
That doesn't answer the question.
that wasnt a question,,
Yes it was. The left and some left congressmembers were encouraging it. Yes, it was true. You can't make it go away.
Riots would have happened regardless of anything anyone on the left said. They were spontaneous.

There would have been no Capitol riot if Trump hadn’t made it so.
"Spontaneous" may ass. they were probably planned years ago. Nothing the left does is ever spontaneous.
Whats so blaringly obvious is the ignoring of months of nightly riots by ANTIFABLM. Billions of dollars of property damage and 30 murders.

Its because the rioters were leftist. Then a few idiots take selfies in the Capitol and its the end of the USA.
The riot at the Capitol was literally a riot of Trump supporters for Trump.

No on was rioting to help Biden. They weren’t saying that they’re there for Biden. They weren’t talking at all about politics or Democrats.

This just isn’t comparable no matter how desperate you are.

The actions were the same. Actually, they were FAR worse by BLM and ANTIFA. Your problem is that you're allowing the cause to excuse criminal activity. It's a horrible moral stance.
it wasnt about giving trump the election,, its about election integrity,,,
Incorrect. Trump said he'd never accept any outcome other than victory.

Never concede.
I dont give a fuck what trump said or thinks,,, I dont like him and didnt vote for him,,

I will never again trust any election involving dems or repubes,,,

Sure. You're just deeply committed to the accurate representation of the "will of the people".

you obviously arent,,

True that. The will of the people can go wrong in all kinds of ways. Majority rule is a concession to the mob, not a commitment to justice.
I can agree with that but POTUS election isnt mob rule cause it goes to the electoral college,,

Uh huh, and where does the tin foil hat fit in?
what tin foil hat???

I'm just trying to figure out how you guys jump from the valid observation that "the mainstream media is biased and trying to manipulate us" to "Alex Jones is right. Bigfoot is real."
so its your tin foil hat,,,

you do what you want with it,, its your hat,,
That doesn't answer the question.
Yes it does.
No, it doesn't. Here's the question again: "I'm just trying to figure out how you guys jump from the valid observation that "the mainstream media is biased and trying to manipulate us" to "Alex Jones is right. Bigfoot is real." "

How does your distrust of mainstream media turn into - "I'll believe any fucking thing that (feels like it) supports my bias"?
Whats so blaringly obvious is the ignoring of months of nightly riots by ANTIFABLM. Billions of dollars of property damage and 30 murders.

Its because the rioters were leftist. Then a few idiots take selfies in the Capitol and its the end of the USA.
The riot at the Capitol was literally a riot of Trump supporters for Trump.

No on was rioting to help Biden. They weren’t saying that they’re there for Biden. They weren’t talking at all about politics or Democrats.

This just isn’t comparable no matter how desperate you are.

The actions were the same. Actually, they were FAR worse by BLM and ANTIFA. Your problem is that you're allowing the cause to excuse criminal activity. It's a horrible moral stance.
He's just flat out lying. Don't give him the benefit of the doubt about his intentions. Dictatorship is his intention.
Let's forget the disclaimers. I'm tired of repeating them.
State for me, how many of these protests started with the aim of overthrowing the United States government? How many of these protests stormed the Capitol building with the intent on forcing lawmakers at the point of violence to overturn the results of a free and fair election? How many of these protests were people committing acts of sedition and treason?

Answer none.

It doesn't matter, criminal activity is criminal activity.

If I punch you in the face because of "racial justice", or I punch you in the face because I think you're a meanie... the action is the same. I punched you, and I'd be immoral.

You seem to think the punch for racial justice needs to be understood and treated differently. So, you're rationalizing violence based on the intent behind it. It's immoral.
it wasnt about giving trump the election,, its about election integrity,,,
Incorrect. Trump said he'd never accept any outcome other than victory.

Never concede.
I dont give a fuck what trump said or thinks,,, I dont like him and didnt vote for him,,

I will never again trust any election involving dems or repubes,,,

Sure. You're just deeply committed to the accurate representation of the "will of the people".

you obviously arent,,

True that. The will of the people can go wrong in all kinds of ways. Majority rule is a concession to the mob, not a commitment to justice.
I can agree with that but POTUS election isnt mob rule cause it goes to the electoral college,,

Uh huh, and where does the tin foil hat fit in?
what tin foil hat???

I'm just trying to figure out how you guys jump from the valid observation that "the mainstream media is biased and trying to manipulate us" to "Alex Jones is right. Bigfoot is real."
so its your tin foil hat,,,

you do what you want with it,, its your hat,,
That doesn't answer the question.
Yes it does.
No, it doesn't. Here's the question again: "I'm just trying to figure out how you guys jump from the valid observation that "the mainstream media is biased and trying to manipulate us" to "Alex Jones is right. Bigfoot is real." "

How does your distrust of mainstream media turn into - "I'll believe any fucking thing that (feels like it) supports my bias"?
You have me confused with someone who's interested in your horseshit.
Let's forget the disclaimers. I'm tired of repeating them.
State for me, how many of these protests started with the aim of overthrowing the United States government? How many of these protests stormed the Capitol building with the intent on forcing lawmakers at the point of violence to overturn the results of a free and fair election? How many of these protests were people committing acts of sedition and treason?

Answer none.

It doesn't matter, criminal activity is criminal activity.

If I punch you in the face because of "racial justice", or I punch you in the face because I think you're a meanie... the action is the same. I punched you, and I'd be immoral.

You seem to think the punch for racial justice needs to be understood and treated differently. So, you're rationalizing violence based on the intent behind it. It's immoral.
These Stalinist turds don't give a damn about racial justice. That's just a propaganda meme they use to justify totalitarianism.
Whats so blaringly obvious is the ignoring of months of nightly riots by ANTIFABLM. Billions of dollars of property damage and 30 murders.

Its because the rioters were leftist. Then a few idiots take selfies in the Capitol and its the end of the USA.
The riot at the Capitol was literally a riot of Trump supporters for Trump.

No on was rioting to help Biden. They weren’t saying that they’re there for Biden. They weren’t talking at all about politics or Democrats.

This just isn’t comparable no matter how desperate you are.

The actions were the same. Actually, they were FAR worse by BLM and ANTIFA. Your problem is that you're allowing the cause to excuse criminal activity. It's a horrible moral stance.

Summer riots were worse in many ways. In scale and destruction. No doubt. Destruction committed during the riots is deplorable and inexcusable.

But saying that these two events are the same is a disservice. The Capitol riot was unlike any political violence we’ve had in the modern era. It was a current president and his supporters in direct assault on the foundation of the country and it was all due to his inability to accept the fact that he lost an election.

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