Any wonder why we liberty loving supporters don't believe the MSM.

There is no audit that would have prevented this because no audit was going to give the election to Trump.
Which is THE point, stupid- the evil ficks id the District of Criminals won't even audit the fed reserve- follow the money see the agenda- stop the pretentious apologetics tour already-enough is enough- fraud is happening everywhere in the District of Criminals and defending even one part makes you guilty of defending all of it-[/B]

Come on big guy-
An Invitation to Apologist and Defenders of the "current events"
Lol, what that proves is that "mobs" are very rarely made up of Biden supporters.

I am sure all the rioting and looting from this past year was made up of Trump supporters who were protesting supposed racial injustices and inequality. Only left wingers buy into that false narrative to the extent they want to riot, loot, and burn a city down.
it wasnt about giving trump the election,, its about election integrity,,,
Incorrect. Trump said he'd never accept any outcome other than victory.

Never concede.
I dont give a fuck what trump said or thinks,,, I dont like him and didnt vote for him,,

I will never again trust any election involving dems or repubes,,,

Sure. You're just deeply committed to the accurate representation of the "will of the people".

you obviously arent,,
it wasnt about giving trump the election,, its about election integrity,,,
Incorrect. Trump said he'd never accept any outcome other than victory.

Never concede.
I dont give a fuck what trump said or thinks,,, I dont like him and didnt vote for him,,

I will never again trust any election involving dems or repubes,,,

Sure. You're just deeply committed to the accurate representation of the "will of the people".

you obviously arent,,

True that. The will of the people can go wrong in all kinds of ways. Majority rule is a concession to the mob, not a guarantee of justice. All too often it's a direct threat to individual liberty.
it wasnt about giving trump the election,, its about election integrity,,,
Incorrect. Trump said he'd never accept any outcome other than victory.

Never concede.
I dont give a fuck what trump said or thinks,,, I dont like him and didnt vote for him,,

I will never again trust any election involving dems or repubes,,,

Sure. You're just deeply committed to the accurate representation of the "will of the people".

you obviously arent,,

True that. The will of the people can go wrong in all kinds of ways. Majority rule is a concession to the mob, not a commitment to justice.
I can agree with that but POTUS election isnt mob rule cause it goes to the electoral college,,
it wasnt about giving trump the election,, its about election integrity,,,
Incorrect. Trump said he'd never accept any outcome other than victory.

Never concede.
I dont give a fuck what trump said or thinks,,, I dont like him and didnt vote for him,,

I will never again trust any election involving dems or repubes,,,

Sure. You're just deeply committed to the accurate representation of the "will of the people".

you obviously arent,,

True that. The will of the people can go wrong in all kinds of ways. Majority rule is a concession to the mob, not a commitment to justice.
I can agree with that but POTUS election isnt mob rule cause it goes to the electoral college,,

Uh huh, and where does the tin foil hat fit in?
it wasnt about giving trump the election,, its about election integrity,,,
Incorrect. Trump said he'd never accept any outcome other than victory.

Never concede.
I dont give a fuck what trump said or thinks,,, I dont like him and didnt vote for him,,

I will never again trust any election involving dems or repubes,,,

Sure. You're just deeply committed to the accurate representation of the "will of the people".

you obviously arent,,

True that. The will of the people can go wrong in all kinds of ways. Majority rule is a concession to the mob, not a commitment to justice.
I can agree with that but POTUS election isnt mob rule cause it goes to the electoral college,,

Uh huh, and where does the tin foil hat fit in?
what tin foil hat???
back to your word games,,

sorry that you cant keep up with a conversation,, you might want to check your meds,,
Not word games. Just showing you what the topic was. You changed the subject from what caused the riot to what you wanted.

I showed you proof of it. You refuse to acknowledge it. That's why it's pointless to talk to you. You cannot recognize reality.

it wasnt about giving trump the election,, its about election integrity,,,
Incorrect. Trump said he'd never accept any outcome other than victory.

Never concede.
I dont give a fuck what trump said or thinks,,, I dont like him and didnt vote for him,,

I will never again trust any election involving dems or repubes,,,

Sure. You're just deeply committed to the accurate representation of the "will of the people".

you obviously arent,,

True that. The will of the people can go wrong in all kinds of ways. Majority rule is a concession to the mob, not a commitment to justice.
I can agree with that but POTUS election isnt mob rule cause it goes to the electoral college,,

Uh huh, and where does the tin foil hat fit in?
what tin foil hat???

I'm just trying to figure out how you guys jump from the valid observation that "the mainstream media is biased and trying to manipulate us" to "Alex Jones is right. Bigfoot is real."
The people who stormed the Capitol last week were Trump supporters bent on making sure that the electoral vote was cast out and that Trump would be installed for another four years. There were no Biden supporters. No BLM. No Antifa. No Rainbow Unicorns. Stop deflecting. Stop parroting misinformation. No one is buying it anymore. Stop blaming the media for your savior's shortcomings.
BLM activist inside Capitol claims he was 'documenting ...

Known Antifa members posed as pro-Trump to infiltrate ...
back to your word games,,

sorry that you cant keep up with a conversation,, you might want to check your meds,,
Not word games. Just showing you what the topic was. You changed the subject from what caused the riot to what you wanted.

I showed you proof of it. You refuse to acknowledge it. That's why it's pointless to talk to you. You cannot recognize reality.

you showed me youre willing to spin anything to meet your narrative,,

I read alinsky too,, so youre not fooling anyone,,
it wasnt about giving trump the election,, its about election integrity,,,
Incorrect. Trump said he'd never accept any outcome other than victory.

Never concede.
I dont give a fuck what trump said or thinks,,, I dont like him and didnt vote for him,,

I will never again trust any election involving dems or repubes,,,

Sure. You're just deeply committed to the accurate representation of the "will of the people".

you obviously arent,,

True that. The will of the people can go wrong in all kinds of ways. Majority rule is a concession to the mob, not a commitment to justice.
I can agree with that but POTUS election isnt mob rule cause it goes to the electoral college,,

Uh huh, and where does the tin foil hat fit in?
what tin foil hat???

I'm just trying to figure out how you guys jump from the valid observation that "the mainstream media is biased and trying to manipulate us" to "Alex Jones is right. Bigfoot is real."
so its your tin foil hat,,,

you do what you want with it,, its your hat,,

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