Anyone else laugh out loud over the cops atomizing the animal with c4?

Seems like in most situations there would be a high probability of property damage.

Like in an occupied wildlife refuge building, for instance.
Did they KILL ALL COPS IN OREGON....Did I miss that SMALL detail?...Fucking FAGERAL scumbags ALWAYS open mouth and put their dick in it!!

Same group of thugs that drew down on law enforcement in Nevada. Get out your hanky and clean yourself up.

You mean CITIZENS that took over a wildlife station like COLLEGE STUDENTS take over college offices...EXCEPT the LIBERAL COLLEGE KIDS get away with doing all their damage in the name of diversity...Ass Clown, please continue, I'm enjoying bitch slapping your liberal ass!....But don't continue to shit on yourself if you have any DIGNITY left!
Little asshole, since when have the college students been carrying an arsenal? Those bastards got what they deserved. They will now be occupying Federal property for a long time, they should be happy. I don't care what the color, you point guns at officers of the law, you are either going to get shot, or spend a lot of time in prison.

BIG ASSHOLE, here's your RACIST AG Eric Holder doing the OCCUPY in 1973 ARMED!


You fucking idiots know NOTHING of our History!

  1. Attorney General Eric Holder was 'armed ... -...
    Attorney General Eric Holder was 'armed' when he took part in protest at Columbia and occupied a school...

  2. As college student, Eric Holder participated in...
    Sep 29, 2012 · Guns; Issues; Blogs; Deals; Send ... As college student, Eric Holder ... As a freshman at Columbia...

That crap should have disqualified him from holding any political office. What has happened to America, what is happening to America, it's not a good situation.
I just laugh thinking about it. He is just sitting there, and here comes a robot...

1. I think it is sad they couldn't reason with him in time to stop further risk without killing him. They negotiated well into the early hours the next day, so obviously they tried.

Theowl32 I don't think any of those police thought that was "funny" at all, but took this very seriously in making a life death decision that would be scrutinized both procedurally, legally and politically in greater depth given the circumstances.

2. I am glad for the fact that he could be taken out with killing other people.
We've come a long way since Waco where the death of innocent children, dragged into the fray by the perpetrator, was blamed on a botched govt response. I know a minister who personally requested to negotiate with Koresh during the standoff, but was denied access and forced to remain outside to watch helplessly as the disaster escalated.

Perhaps we need to set up teams in advance that both the police and the Black Panthers/BLM agree to work with should any other violent confrontations arise.

Out of respect for the loss of officers, and a honored veteran to this political violence,
I pray that people on all sides come together and resolve to put an end to any further political division and violence.
In honor of those who were lost, and the people they were trying to save from future violence.

Not funny at all, but truly tragic, and heartbreaking on all sides no matter who you blame or who you sympathize with.
Let's hope the heart of America can be healed and not broken over and over again by repeated abuse.
We can do better than this, and given the loved ones lost in the fight, we owe it to them, each other, and future generations.

I'm sorry, but with vermin such as this (no his color is immaterial, he was vermin due merely to his actions) I really don't give a crap what their "motives" were. They are assholes and we don't need to pay for their upkeep. Good for the DPD for dealing with this asshole in the most expeditious way possible.
The robot probably cost $5000, the C-4 $900, compare this to the cost of a trial, 20 years of incarceration only to end in an execution which would be in the millions of dollars.

The C4 and the blasting cap along with the detcord to set it off cost less than 100 bucks. C4 is cheap. We used to use it in our demolition work on industrial cleanups.

Pink mist!
Did they KILL ALL COPS IN OREGON....Did I miss that SMALL detail?...Fucking FAGERAL scumbags ALWAYS open mouth and put their dick in it!!

Same group of thugs that drew down on law enforcement in Nevada. Get out your hanky and clean yourself up.

You mean CITIZENS that took over a wildlife station like COLLEGE STUDENTS take over college offices...EXCEPT the LIBERAL COLLEGE KIDS get away with doing all their damage in the name of diversity...Ass Clown, please continue, I'm enjoying bitch slapping your liberal ass!....But don't continue to shit on yourself if you have any DIGNITY left!
Little asshole, since when have the college students been carrying an arsenal? Those bastards got what they deserved. They will now be occupying Federal property for a long time, they should be happy. I don't care what the color, you point guns at officers of the law, you are either going to get shot, or spend a lot of time in prison.

BIG ASSHOLE, here's your RACIST AG Eric Holder doing the OCCUPY in 1973 ARMED!

.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+funny black badass/*.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+

You fucking idiots know NOTHING of our History!

  1. Attorney General Eric Holder was 'armed ... -...
    Attorney General Eric Holder was 'armed' when he took part in protest at Columbia and occupied a school....+

  2. As college student, Eric Holder participated in...
    Sep 29, 2012 · Guns; Issues; Blogs; Deals; Send ... As college student, Eric Holder ... As a freshman at Columbia...

That crap should have disqualified him from holding any political office. What has happened to America, what is happening to America, it's not a good situation.

HE BE BLACK, YOUS CAN'T DOES DAT TO DA BLACK MAN!....Republicans run like little fucking girls ...when even HINTED AT that they are RACIST by the black and DemoRAT RACISTS!.... What this country has become!...Sooner or later the SECOND REVOLUTION will have to start...not that I want that, BUT IT IS INEVITABLE!
This is tragic. I almost stifled a laugh, why not use flash bangs instead? They wanted this guy dead, and I don't blame them either.

You could argue the cops murdered the guy.

WTF Timmy, that POS murdered 5 police officers and seriously injured 6 more and you say you could argue the police murdered him?
He's pissed off that the Dallas PD demonstrated black lives splatter.
Now the BLM and the LIBERAL ENABLERS are spreading hate, and PROBABLY police officers deaths with this SHIT....

Wow. This thread is a hodgepodge of blood thirst and right wing hysteria. Moving along...
Let's don't forget the left wing hysterical anti cop people, don't forget them! Without them this thread wouldn't be possible.
Same group of thugs that drew down on law enforcement in Nevada. Get out your hanky and clean yourself up.

You mean CITIZENS that took over a wildlife station like COLLEGE STUDENTS take over college offices...EXCEPT the LIBERAL COLLEGE KIDS get away with doing all their damage in the name of diversity...Ass Clown, please continue, I'm enjoying bitch slapping your liberal ass!....But don't continue to shit on yourself if you have any DIGNITY left!
Little asshole, since when have the college students been carrying an arsenal? Those bastards got what they deserved. They will now be occupying Federal property for a long time, they should be happy. I don't care what the color, you point guns at officers of the law, you are either going to get shot, or spend a lot of time in prison.

BIG ASSHOLE, here's your RACIST AG Eric Holder doing the OCCUPY in 1973 ARMED!

.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+funny black badass/*.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+

You fucking idiots know NOTHING of our History!

  1. Attorney General Eric Holder was 'armed ... -...
    Attorney General Eric Holder was 'armed' when he took part in protest at Columbia and occupied a school....+

  2. As college student, Eric Holder participated in...
    Sep 29, 2012 · Guns; Issues; Blogs; Deals; Send ... As college student, Eric Holder ... As a freshman at Columbia...

That crap should have disqualified him from holding any political office. What has happened to America, what is happening to America, it's not a good situation.

HE BE BLACK, YOUS CAN'T DOES DAT TO DA BLACK MAN!....Republicans run like little fucking girls ...when even HINTED AT that they are RACIST by the black and DemoRAT RACISTS!.... What this country has become!...Sooner or later the SECOND REVOLUTION will have to start...not that I want that, BUT IT IS INEVITABLE!

Like hell. Won't happen for two reasons. First, no reason for it. Second, people like you that fantasize about it are too damned lazy to ever get off your couch and do it. Flap yap all you want on this board, but too scared and lazy to do the real thing. That is what Micah Xavier Johnson did, and any one else that tries that sort of bullshit will end up the same, irregardless of color.
You mean CITIZENS that took over a wildlife station like COLLEGE STUDENTS take over college offices...EXCEPT the LIBERAL COLLEGE KIDS get away with doing all their damage in the name of diversity...Ass Clown, please continue, I'm enjoying bitch slapping your liberal ass!....But don't continue to shit on yourself if you have any DIGNITY left!
Little asshole, since when have the college students been carrying an arsenal? Those bastards got what they deserved. They will now be occupying Federal property for a long time, they should be happy. I don't care what the color, you point guns at officers of the law, you are either going to get shot, or spend a lot of time in prison.

BIG ASSHOLE, here's your RACIST AG Eric Holder doing the OCCUPY in 1973 ARMED!

.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+funny black badass/*.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+

You fucking idiots know NOTHING of our History!

  1. Attorney General Eric Holder was 'armed ... -...
    Attorney General Eric Holder was 'armed' when he took part in protest at Columbia and occupied a school....+

  2. As college student, Eric Holder participated in...
    Sep 29, 2012 · Guns; Issues; Blogs; Deals; Send ... As college student, Eric Holder ... As a freshman at Columbia...

That crap should have disqualified him from holding any political office. What has happened to America, what is happening to America, it's not a good situation.

HE BE BLACK, YOUS CAN'T DOES DAT TO DA BLACK MAN!....Republicans run like little fucking girls ...when even HINTED AT that they are RACIST by the black and DemoRAT RACISTS!.... What this country has become!...Sooner or later the SECOND REVOLUTION will have to start...not that I want that, BUT IT IS INEVITABLE!

Like hell. Won't happen for two reasons. First, no reason for it. Second, people like you that fantasize about it are too damned lazy to ever get off your couch and do it. Flap yap all you want on this board, but too scared and lazy to do the real thing. That is what Micah Xavier Johnson did, and any one else that tries that sort of bullshit will end up the same, irregardless of color.

You don't understand the difference, do you FAGERAL?

Seems like in most situations there would be a high probability of property damage.

Like in an occupied wildlife refuge building, for instance.
No...they trashed that with their feces without needing any kind of bomb.
But yet the press is claiming that it was a "lone gunman" when it was actually a military like sniper attack complete with crossfire. We re being lied to yet again and people are sucking it up. Better wake up, people.....
Seems like in most situations there would be a high probability of property damage.

Like in an occupied wildlife refuge building, for instance.
Did they KILL ALL COPS IN OREGON....Did I miss that SMALL detail?...Fucking FAGERAL scumbags ALWAYS open mouth and put their dick in it!!

Same group of thugs that drew down on law enforcement in Nevada. Get out your hanky and clean yourself up.
WIll be fun to use it on their ilk in the future.
Let's don't forget the left wing hysterical anti cop people, don't forget them! Without them this thread wouldn't be possible.
Or the rightwingnuts that rejoice in the death of anybody of a different skin hue than themselves.

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