Anyone notice? Media's sly push to make Bin Laden look like a "rich" person?

Anyone notice this sly trick the left wingers of media played? They kept referring to OBL's home as a "mansion"? Maybe I'm cynical. But that place wasn't a mansion by any means. It looked like American section-8 government housing.

But they wanted OBL to have the image of living in a "mansion". An evil rich guy. The class warfare never ends. Of course. How could he be evil without first being rich!!!

You sit in front of the internet. I'm assuming you have Google on your computer. Don't you know how to use it?
These right wingers. Get so angry when people question their intelligence.
Anyone notice this sly trick the left wingers of media played? They kept referring to OBL's home as a "mansion"? Maybe I'm cynical. But that place wasn't a mansion by any means. It looked like American section-8 government housing.

But they wanted OBL to have the image of living in a "mansion". An evil rich guy. The class warfare never ends. Of course. How could he be evil without first being rich!!!
No matter how much you'd love to be a Cynic, you will never make the grade!!!

Rather than Cynical, you are brainwashed by your MessiahRushie. He told you it was a "HUT" so it can't be a mansion.

May 2, 2011
RUSH: The stories that we're getting are that this mansion -- and, believe me, I've seen the pictures, it's not a mansion. I mean it's an enlarged hut where this guy was living. It was a big hut but it was not a mansion.
The house itself was huge, three stories surrounded by a couple hundred feet of wall.

That the place was not well taken care of just shows his personality, not his wealth.

You walk in any city in the US, you will see very nice structures, some very large trashed by their owners and some very small places that are lovingly cared for. Large quantities of money does not show good sense, good taste, intelligence or class.
Anyone notice this sly trick the left wingers of media played? They kept referring to OBL's home as a "mansion"? Maybe I'm cynical. But that place wasn't a mansion by any means. It looked like American section-8 government housing.

But they wanted OBL to have the image of living in a "mansion". An evil rich guy. The class warfare never ends. Of course. How could he be evil without first being rich!!!

Yeah, and there wasn't even a McDonalds within a mile of the "mansion"!

Of course, it could be that the standards of wealth are different in a place like Pakistan..........
It seems like with all those wives and kids in the house, he could have gotten a little house work accomplished. The place was a pig pen.

Looks more like a bunker than a mansion

Regardless, they lived life pigs, crap furniture and clutter all over the place. Even poor people know how to use a broom
Yeah, they even have blood all over the place!!! You'd think it was ransacked by a small army. You'd think a dead guy would at least sweep up before he let the camera crews in!!! :eusa_whistle:
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The house itself was huge, three stories surrounded by a couple hundred feet of wall.

That the place was not well taken care of just shows his personality, not his wealth.

You walk in any city in the US, you will see very nice structures, some very large trashed by their owners and some very small places that are lovingly cared for. Large quantities of money does not show good sense, good taste, intelligence or class.
Yeah, inviting in people who ransacked his house definitely shows his personality. :cuckoo:
Anyone notice this sly trick the left wingers of media played? They kept referring to OBL's home as a "mansion"? Maybe I'm cynical. But that place wasn't a mansion by any means. It looked like American section-8 government housing.

But they wanted OBL to have the image of living in a "mansion". An evil rich guy. The class warfare never ends. Of course. How could he be evil without first being rich!!!
I'm sure he appreciates your support and best wishes.

Killing him was wrong somehow.
Yeah I noticed the Navy Times referred to the Bin Laden residence as a mansion. I guess they're in on it!!
Anyone notice this sly trick the left wingers of media played? They kept referring to OBL's home as a "mansion"? Maybe I'm cynical. But that place wasn't a mansion by any means. It looked like American section-8 government housing.

But they wanted OBL to have the image of living in a "mansion". An evil rich guy. The class warfare never ends. Of course. How could he be evil without first being rich!!!
"The financial interests of the bin Laden family are represented by the Saudi Binladin Group, a global oil and equity management conglomerate grossing $5 billion U.S. dollars annually, and one of the largest construction firms in the Islamic world, with offices in London and Geneva. According to an American diplomat, the bin Laden family owns part of Microsoft and Boeing among other companies.[1]"

You're right about one thing.

Class war never ends.

Bin Laden family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anyone notice this sly trick the left wingers of media played? They kept referring to OBL's home as a "mansion"? Maybe I'm cynical. But that place wasn't a mansion by any means. It looked like American section-8 government housing.

But they wanted OBL to have the image of living in a "mansion". An evil rich guy. The class warfare never ends. Of course. How could he be evil without first being rich!!!

Well, not that I agree with the class warfare angle, but let's be honest. Osama was a rich person. that is what was so strange about him. Raised up with a silver spoon in his mouth, it was always hard to understand why he became what he was.

Osama always had money, and access to millions. He was living in a mansion when we got him.

Those are facts not fiction.
Anyone notice this sly trick the left wingers of media played? They kept referring to OBL's home as a "mansion"? Maybe I'm cynical. But that place wasn't a mansion by any means. It looked like American section-8 government housing.

But they wanted OBL to have the image of living in a "mansion". An evil rich guy. The class warfare never ends. Of course. How could he be evil without first being rich!!!

He was RICH...and EVIL in this case...

Well, I see this thread went way over libtards head.

I know he's fucking rich you morons. His whole family is.

The original point was the media's sly push to remind us that. Their theme may have well been "Osama Bin Laden, a murderous, ruthless terrorist. The Most Wanted Man in the World. And oh....folks......don't forget.........he's also a RICH GUY!!! OOOOOHHH!!! BOOGEY MAN!!!"
I suspect that the reason the "mansion" angle is played up is because before INTEL discovered Osama's hidie hole, the media kept suggesting that he was hiding in a CAVE, remember, Buc?

I guess the point people of both the right and left persuasions are trying to make to you is your theory -- that this is an example of class war propaganda -- is that:

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The American MSM is a farce at this point. There is no Independent Media in this country. They just do what their told. It's All Government Propaganda 24/7. The MSM went from Watchdogs to Lapdogs in a flash. The MSM pushed this "rich person" thing because that's what they were told to push. It's all just rehearsed Talking Points B.S. now. There is very little investigative Journalism going on in this country at this point. This is especially true when a Democrat is in the White House. Media Outlets like the NY Times do pretend to be Watchdogs and investigate a little when a Republican is in there though. But for the most part the American MSM are Lapdogs for the Government. Without brave people like those at Wikileaks,we would never get any truth. I believe very little of what out Government & MSM tells me. I just assume they're always lying. It is very sad but it is what it is.
I suspect that the reason the "mansion" angle is played up is because before INTEL discovered Osama's hidie hole, the media kept suggesting that he was hiding in a CAVE, remember, Buc?

I guess the point people of both the right and left persuasions are trying to make to you is your theory -- that this is an example of class war propaganda -- is that:


Actually, I expect the mansion "angle" existed because the house, compared to the others in the area, was a frigging mansion. It's not being compared to, say Rush Limbaugh's gilt frosted digs, but to the quality of the homes in the area.
When are people gonna learn? The U.S. Government & Media always lie. If you think you're gonna get any truth from the U.S. Government & Media,you're gonna be sadly disappointed. Their whole story on this Bin Laden thing is very flimsy at best. It's all a lie. We wont get the truth on this until Wikileaks or a Wikileaks-type organization investigates what really happened. So stop looking to the U.S. Government & Media for truth. That's just not gonna happen.
Well, I see this thread went way over libtards head.

I know he's fucking rich you morons. His whole family is.

The original point was the media's sly push to remind us that. Their theme may have well been "Osama Bin Laden, a murderous, ruthless terrorist. The Most Wanted Man in the World. And oh....folks......don't forget.........he's also a RICH GUY!!! OOOOOHHH!!! BOOGEY MAN!!!"
It never amazes me the "logical" gymnastics CON$ can go through to rationalize an attack on their pet scapegoats.

Nowhere in the media did they say "don't forget he's rich." Clearly they were comparing his digs to the claim that he lived in a cave in emphasizing that he lived in a mansion.
When are people gonna learn? The U.S. Government & Media always lie. If you think you're gonna get any truth from the U.S. Government & Media,you're gonna be sadly disappointed. Their whole story on this Bin Laden thing is very flimsy at best. It's all a lie. We wont get the truth on this until Wikileaks or a Wikileaks-type organization investigates what really happened. So stop looking to the U.S. Government & Media for truth. That's just not gonna happen.
"The official 'back story' released Sunday night by Obama is that US intelligence learned of the Abbottabad compound only last August and spent the following months watching the place, following Osama's trusted couriers and concluding that it was highly likely, though not certain, that Osama was there.

"This is bunk.

"The three-storey house has been a well-known feature of Abbottabad. Shaukat Qadir, a well-connected Pakistan Army officer, reported to CounterPunch from Pakistan: 'For the record, this house has been under ISI surveillance while it was under construction.

"It was first raided in 2003, and the ISI just missed capturing al-Libi (he was later captured by the ISI close to Mardan in K-P Province).

"'It has been raided on numerous occasions since.'"

If the ISI suspected Osama was living in that house, how likely is it the CIA wasn't aware of their suspicions?

Sometime between now and November 2012 we may find out why Obama chose this particular moment to deliver "justice."

CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

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