Anyone Tired of Black Privilege?

, you don't have to pay a CEO millions of dollars while the workers make minimum wage.

"You" don't pay a CEO millions, customers do (by buying what a CEO is selling) to improve their standard of living. The more you improve people's standard of living the more a CEO makes thanks to capitalism. This is why Americans are so rich!
We all desperately want CEO's to start businesses and sell us stuff that raises our standard of living!! Do you understand! We want them to earn more not less so they have max incentive to help us live better!!
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As I said, 44 unarmed killed by cops last year, only 9 were black. When you think you've made a good point, remember you're a liberal

"Only" nine. How many have to be killed before they lose the 'only' tag?

Embarrassing that it was only 9 when you thought it was way more than white killings?? Do you want to riot now because cops are killing way more unarmed white men? Are cops anti-white racists? ? See why we say liberalism is based ignorance??
, you don't have to pay a CEO millions of dollars while the workers make minimum wage.

"You" don't pay a CEO millions, customers do (by buying what a CEO is selling) to improve their standard of living. The more you improve people's standard of living the more a CEO makes thanks to capitalism. This is why Americans are so rich!
We all desperately want CEO's to start businesses and sell us stuff that raises our standard of living!! Do you understand! We want them to earn more not less so they have max incentive to help us live better!!
America is not rich , it is actually in debt.
I'm not against paying CEO a good salary but the disparities are huge, hence we have a huge poor base and we haven't learned from other civilizations why they went instinct. It will happen here and soon.
Cops kill a black guy and they want to burn down their own neighborhoods. Cops kill more white guys than black guys and they could care less. They kill each other and they could care less.

It seems liberals are responsible for this perverse attitude. Can anyone explain why?

Did the cops kill the unarmed white guy while he was handcuffed on the ground and pleading for air?
its happened many times,,,
Can you show us one?

I can. James Barnes, a former client. A genuinely sweet man who was killed in an almost identical manner by law enforcement, but even more brutally. It generated plenty of press, and not a single protest or riot erupted.

Here's an article that describes how it went down, based on actual evidence during the court proceeding, not just one side of the story (and this article paints a rosy picture of how law enforcement treated him during this incident. There was much more they could have included here, including that Taktuk had his knee jammed into James' back pressing him face first into the ground while he was being Tasered, at which time an off-duty fire chief who happened to be on the scene was pleading with them to let him breathe, and was threatened with arrest if he didn't shut was a truly horrific incident and will forever be a stain on those law enforcement agencies):

While conducting a baptismal ritual with his aunt at Honeymoon Island State Park on the west coast of Florida, James Clifton Barnes began acting erratically and yelling about a demon. Officer Joseph Tactuk of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection responded to the disturbance. Tactuk ordered Barnes out of the water, and when he did not comply, entered the water to pull him out.

A struggle ensued, and Tactuk repeatedly struck Barnes in the face. He then placed Barnes in a chokehold and dragged him from the water. While attempting to handcuff Barnes, Tactuk repeatedly pummeled him. Barnes was eventually handcuffed, but "[t]he handcuff was not placed on Barnes' second arm in the normal fashion, and instead, one of Barnes' arms was pulled over his head, with his elbow pointing toward the sky, and his other arm was twisted behind his back, in a manner that looked like a figure-eight."

"One bystander observed that an 'eruption of blood and fluids' spewed from Barnes' mouth with each breath, and that Barnes was struggling to breathe," wrote the Eleventh Circuit.

While Barnes lay handcuffed in this way, continuing to "resist," Tactuk straddled him and sprayed him in the face with pepper spray.

Pinellas County Deputy Sheriff Kenneth Kubler then arrived on the scene. While Tactuk continued to beat Barnes in the face, Kubler assisted in rolling him over. Kubler warned Barnes to stop resisting, and when he did not, Kubler tasered Barnes -- five times, over a two-minute period. By the fifth tasing, Barnes was no longer breathing.

After essentially killing him, the two officers uncuffed Barnes, flipped him over and attempted CPR. The officers were unable to get an airway due to the extensive trauma to Barnes' face. Barnes died two days later. According to the medical examiner, the cause of death was "asphyxia with contributory conditions of blunt trauma and restraint."
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Had you cracker assholes back in the day not demanded your free labor, none of this would be happening.

You are 100 percent right.

Our Founding Fathers made a fatal mistake in forcing ladies and gentlemen from a far continent to come here to labor for free. They planted the inevitable destruction of the country (the Civil War being just one step along the way).

I sincerely believe that by the end of this century, the United States of America will no longer exist in its current configuration.


Many people do not know this, but Abraham Lincoln (before he was President) was very pessimistic that the two largest ethnicities (at that time) could live together in a harmonious manner. He actually suggested that one group relocate to the islands in the Caribbean.
, you don't have to pay a CEO millions of dollars while the workers make minimum wage.

"You" don't pay a CEO millions, customers do (by buying what a CEO is selling) to improve their standard of living. The more you improve people's standard of living the more a CEO makes thanks to capitalism. This is why Americans are so rich!
We all desperately want CEO's to start businesses and sell us stuff that raises our standard of living!! Do you understand! We want them to earn America is not rich , it is actually in debt.
I'm not against paying CEO a good salary but the disparities are huge, hence we have a huge poor base and we haven't learned from other civilizations why they went instinct. It will happen here and soon.
, you don't have to pay a CEO millions of dollars while the workers make minimum wage.

"You" don't pay a CEO millions, customers do (by buying what a CEO is selling) to improve their standard of living. The more you improve people's standard of living the more a CEO makes thanks to capitalism. This is why Americans are so rich!
We all desperately want CEO's to start businesses and sell us stuff that raises our standard of living!! Do you understand! We want them to earn more not less so they have max incentive to help us live better!!
America is not rich , it is actually in debt.
I'm not against paying CEO a good salary but the disparities are huge, hence we have a huge poor base and we haven't learned from other civilizations why they went instinct. It will happen here and soon.
1) america is richest country in human history
2) the more ceos make the richer they make average Americans
3) no country went extinct because capitalist CEOs made too much money. That is a simple stupid lie, a simple stupid Marxist lie for which you have no evidence whatsoever.
, you don't have to pay a CEO millions of dollars while the workers make minimum wage.

"You" don't pay a CEO millions, customers do (by buying what a CEO is selling) to improve their standard of living. The more you improve people's standard of living the more a CEO makes thanks to capitalism. This is why Americans are so rich!
We all desperately want CEO's to start businesses and sell us stuff that raises our standard of living!! Do you understand! We want them to earn more not less so they have max incentive to help us live better!!
CEO's? The more money you put in the hands of the consumer the better it will be for America Blacks have been getting the shitty end of the stick as far as education ,home costs , equal salaries etc etc ,as far as the eye can see
Had you cracker assholes back in the day not demanded your free labor, none of this would be happening.

You are 100 percent right.

Our Founding Fathers made a fatal mistake in forcing ladies and gentlemen from a far continent to come here to provide free labor

In retrospect it is easy to say slavery was a fatal mistake but at the time it was normal all over the world so don’t congratulate yourself and your 2020 hindsight. Slavery was not the biggest mistake. Liberalism was . Many immigrant groups came to America and did very well. What distinguishes black people is that they were special victims of liberal programs.
CEO's? The more money you put in the hands of the consumer the better it will be for America
Totally wrong of course when you put money in peoples hands that they did not earn they waste it, become crippled and dependent and they stay poor. You’ve just advocated one of the key liberal programs that has oppressed black people, one of the liberal programs directed at black people. Now do you understand?
Blacks have been getting the shitty end of the stick as far as education ,home costs , equal salaries etc etc ,as far as the eye can see

end of stick???They have had every liberal program anyone can imagine for 50 straight years. What they have gotten is the liberal end of the stick for 50 years.
This is what happens when Dems and the Dem news media tell blacks they are justified in rioting, looting, and burning. That it's okay to run amok because, racism. Forgetting of course all these cities are run by Dems and have been for decades.
Racism is real as my video proves.

Yeah Dem racism by Dems in Dem cities and Dem states.
This is what happens when Dems and the Dem news media tell blacks they are justified in rioting, looting, and burning. That it's okay to run amok because, racism. Forgetting of course all these cities are run by Dems and have been for decades.

Conservatives offer equality, liberals offer paternalism and victimhood. Blacks choose the latter

There are also millions of whites stuck on these Dem party plantations.
This is what happens when Dems and the Dem news media tell blacks they are justified in rioting, looting, and burning. That it's okay to run amok because, racism. Forgetting of course all these cities are run by Dems and have been for decades.

Conservatives offer equality, liberals offer paternalism and victimhood. Blacks choose the latter

There are also millions of whites stuck on these Dem party plantations.
ImageThe Seattle Times
Man dies 6 years after he was slammed into wall by deputy, disabled
Christopher Harris, Seattle Washington from

Dec 11, 2015 · Harris, 36, formerly of Edmonds, died Thursday, according to his wife's attorney, Sim Osborn . Christopher Sean Harris and his wife
If you think about it it’s really amazing these liberals can constantly make wild claims about black people being gunned down by cops on a regular basis, yet they never have any statistical evidence to back up the claim. And when someone makes that point, they are considered a racist and liberals go into conspiracy theories on how black deaths are purposely left unaccounted for. It’s idiotic
Any of you republican idiots think blacks have gotten JUSTICE ,the same as you've had all your miserable lives? The only thing they're in first place is in the % of deaths from the virus
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Any of you republican idiots think blacks have gotten JUSTICE ,the same as you've had all your miserable lives?
yes, judging from disproportionate number of unarmed white folks killed by cops blacks have gotten justice. That makes eddie the idiot, not Republicans.

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