Anyone watching Biden's presser??

What were the straight answers about what they're doing?
I heard quite a lot. If you didn't see it, I'm sure it will be on youtube soon.

James recorded it.

So, you have no answer? Is that because they aren't doing anything or because what they're doing is wrong and you don't want to talk about it?
I already watched it once. As much as I like you, I'm not going to watch it again and take notes to give you a book report. If James recorded it, watch it!

I like you too, OldLady. But if someone's trying to load me up with horseshit, I'm not gonna stand still and allow myself to be horseshitted.

You said he had straight answers about what they're doing and I asked you what they were. You shouldn't have to re-watch it or take notes if that were true.
He talked on it a long time, deanna. If you asked me something specific, I would probably remember. But I'm not doing your homework. Have a beer (or 4) and watch it.

Please explain to us how it's OUR homework to clarify YOUR answer.

You know what, "He gave straight answers, NO I can't tell you what any of them were, go look it up and find them yourself!!!" means? It means, "I've decided they were good answers because I want to believe that."

Old Lady is the kind of person who owns a dog, but expects others to clean up after it.
So what is it, you lying fuck. Are we 85th in infrastructure or 13th. According to the world economic forum it is 13th. Biden is a fucking joke. Most of America's water comes through lead pipes? My ass, that is in the democrat run cities of Chicago and Detroit. The dems have known about it since before Obummer's administration. Fuck Biden AND every democrat.

Does anyone really believe we are 85th in infrastructure??? Even the supporters of Biden and dyed in the wool Democrats? Where and how did that number come from?
The problem is not the ranking. Making country to build useless infrastructure is one of the CCP's weapons, so we better watch next week's press conf.
So what is it, you lying fuck. Are we 85th in infrastructure or 13th. According to the world economic forum it is 13th. Biden is a fucking joke. Most of America's water comes through lead pipes? My ass, that is in the democrat run cities of Chicago and Detroit. The dems have known about it since before Obummer's administration. Fuck Biden AND every democrat.

Does anyone really believe we are 85th in infrastructure??? Even the supporters of Biden and dyed in the wool Democrats? Where and how did that number come from?
The problem is not the ranking. Making country to build useless infrastructure is one of the CCP's weapons, so we better watch next week's press conf.
I wonder if Biden will have us building new cities in the desert that no one will occupy
Xi and Biden will have the US version of Uighurs in there.
All states and cities get aid no matter what the color. And it is not just for covid relief, but covid is responsible for the plight of many Americans, so in a sense, it is covid relief.

oh i bet you wouldnt take that attitude if it were trump. wouldja bbob.

and that is a hell of a 'shut your eyes' way of justifying this. You didn't read it. and you're fine with the rest of us bailing out blue states that allowed domestic terrorists antifa/blm to run rampant. Well...i'm not happy with that bbob. And you still haven't told us where all this $$ is coming from. You think it grows on trees bbob??
Only one thing to say about that clown show

Repeating the immortal words of one of my heroes, Candace Owens : :clap::clap::clap:


Anyone watching Biden's presser??
We didn't have a border crisis, the price of gas is up, and it wasn't just the pipeline workers that got the ax, so did the towns around where they worked. Oh and another thing the pipeline is carbon neutral, but trucking it down to the same spot is equivalent to putting a million new cars on the road.

I like how they did it during the day, when good Americans are actually working while liberals and negroes sit back and spend the money from their gub'mint checks. They intentionally avoided answering questions from Fox News, knowing full well that the old man would be painting himself into a corner in a heartbeat.

Part of me actually feels sad for Biden, while another part of me loathes him...
The world is laughing at what has happened to the US.

The world didn't laugh when Trump was President, it was a mixture of disgust, horror, and disbelief.

The world once again, thanks to Joe Biden, thinks a majority of Americans are sane again. Putin knows his cock holster is gone, and China can no longer take advantage of a trade war that Trump started and failed at miserably, just like all of his other gambles and scams, be they Trump University, Trump casinos, or the rest of his business empire. There is a reason he didn't release his taxes, even though he lied (shocker!) and said he would, it would reveal what a downright clownish and reckless businessman he is, to say nothing of being BROKE.

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