Anyone watching Biden's presser??

Lots of other stuff in the bill to help people get on their feet.

yeah...for freakin' illegals and jail birds. but you go ahead and post those other good things the american people are gonna get. I'll wait for you.
What's in Joe Biden's $1.9T American Rescue Plan Stimulus? › whats-in-joe-bidens-stimulus-package-plan

Mar 11, 2021 — Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus package plan, a proposal known as the ... which includes $1 trillion in direct aid to individuals, $440 billion in ...

It was supposed to be for covid relief.
Why do blue states and cities get 350 billion in aide?

Billions to bail out union pension Funds. :rofl: :auiqs.jpg:

Talk about quid pro quo.
Do some research. Quid pro quo? Nah. Just a new expression for you, but false.

WYF are you attempting to say?
All states and cities get aid no matter what the color. And it is not just for covid relief, but covid is responsible for the plight of many Americans, so in a sense, it is covid relief.
He didn't cut "thousands of good paying jobs", he stopped construction of a pipeline. And for all the right reasons. Canada can ship their dirty crude elsewhere if they want to keep digging it out of the ground, and tar sands oil is the most destructive to the environment, because it actually has to go through the refinement process twice. Those workers on that pipeline can find work elsewhere, there are plenty of opportunities. He is not busy "busing illegals all across America", no illegals are being granted citizenship or entry, he has not changed anything from the Trump era. Yet. But he needs to, as Trump fixed nothing, he just barked about building a wall. Didn't fix a single thing.

Guess who Biden wants to raise taxes on? Only those making over $400,000 a year, and the increases will be graduated, with the biggest increases on the biggest incomes. The only thing Trump accomplished in 4 years was getting tax breaks for the richest Americans.

You don't know any of this because they don't report this on Fox News or Newsmax.

View attachment 472254

That's the best ya got? Ya got nothing. Not surprising, meme boy.
Lol, Biden had a list of names to call on and he needed notes to answer questions that he knew we going to be asked. Your people are a joke.
I just put it on my pc at work...all I need was two minutes of watching...watching him follow his script that was obviously telling him who to allow a question next. But listening to him?

BUMBLING IDIOT! In a word...can't believe this is the President of the United States...WOW:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Trump was a smooth operator and a good speaker unless he was reading from the prompter. He could bullshit his way through any press conference until he walked out due to a question he didn't like. He was the consummate con-man and literally lied about most topics. He called "fake" any question that challenged him and those he didn't like. He "knows more than the Generals, knows more about technology than anybody, Mexico is going to pay for the wall", etc. You all have fallen for the con.
Election fraud? His lawyer has said that 'no one in their right mind would believe that the election was fraudulent.' Trump spent his days whining and is still meowing about the election to keep his followers in his hip pocket.
Still harping on the Mexico will pay for the wall. Maybe not the wall but Trump got the to stop the caravans at their border. Using their military and resources to enforce it. So Mexico did help slow down illegal immigration. Trump fulfilled most of his campaign promises. Alot more than Obama.
The Mexican wall comment was used as an example of Trump's idiocy.
Lol, Obama biggest campaign promise was you will save $2500 a year on health insurance under his plan. It went up Einstein, Trump said he will get Mexico to pay for the wall. In one of his rally speeches. Well he got Mexico spend their resources to help secure our border. At least he got them to do something. Obama, well he just raised healthcare cost. Maybe you should just be quiet and stop proving yourself an idiot.
He cut thousands of good paying jobs. He is busing thousand of illegals all across America. Energy prices are rising, which effects how much we pay for everything. He is fixing to raise taxes highest since 1993. No Biden cares less for the working class.

He didn't cut "thousands of good paying jobs", he stopped construction of a pipeline. And for all the right reasons. Canada can ship their dirty crude elsewhere if they want to keep digging it out of the ground, and tar sands oil is the most destructive to the environment, because it actually has to go through the refinement process twice. Those workers on that pipeline can find work elsewhere, there are plenty of opportunities. He is not busy "busing illegals all across America", no illegals are being granted citizenship or entry, he has not changed anything from the Trump era. Yet. But he needs to, as Trump fixed nothing, he just barked about building a wall. Didn't fix a single thing.

Guess who Biden wants to raise taxes on? Only those making over $400,000 a year, and the increases will be graduated, with the biggest increases on the biggest incomes. The only thing Trump accomplished in 4 years was getting tax breaks for the richest Americans.

You don't know any of this because they don't report this on Fox News or Newsmax.
We didn't have a border crisis, the price of gas is up, and it wasn't just the pipeline workers that got the ax, so did the towns around where they worked. Oh and another thing the pipeline is carbon neutral, but trucking it down to the same spot is equivalent to putting a million new cars on the road.
We certainly did have a border crisis and Trump did a good job of covering it up.
The pipeline workers were there temporarily. You don't build something just to find jobs for people. Gas price rises are a product of the Saudis. Do some research.
Watching Fox News is not research as it is an arm of Trump.
Lol, if there was a border crisis the media would've reported it 24/7. But you know what? There wasn't a crisis, another campaign promise kept and the media wouldn't report that.
It was boring, uninformative and THE WH PRESS CORPS ARE SHAMEFUL EUNUCHS!
I found it was boring at first. However, I found that it was funny he kept saying his infrastructure plan when the reporter asked him about gun ctl.

The infrastructure plan that he's supposed to announce in Pittsburgh tomorrow.
I guess he forgot what day it is.
He cut thousands of good paying jobs. He is busing thousand of illegals all across America. Energy prices are rising, which effects how much we pay for everything. He is fixing to raise taxes highest since 1993. No Biden cares less for the working class.

He didn't cut "thousands of good paying jobs", he stopped construction of a pipeline. And for all the right reasons. Canada can ship their dirty crude elsewhere if they want to keep digging it out of the ground, and tar sands oil is the most destructive to the environment, because it actually has to go through the refinement process twice. Those workers on that pipeline can find work elsewhere, there are plenty of opportunities. He is not busy "busing illegals all across America", no illegals are being granted citizenship or entry, he has not changed anything from the Trump era. Yet. But he needs to, as Trump fixed nothing, he just barked about building a wall. Didn't fix a single thing.

Guess who Biden wants to raise taxes on? Only those making over $400,000 a year, and the increases will be graduated, with the biggest increases on the biggest incomes. The only thing Trump accomplished in 4 years was getting tax breaks for the richest Americans.

You don't know any of this because they don't report this on Fox News or Newsmax.

"All the right reasons." that is the bribes he got from Russia and Iran...
At 2:19pm, a reporter asked him about gun control....AND BIDEN ANSWERED BY TALKING ABOUT INFRASTRUCTURE.

First of all, that gun ctl was a following q. I believed he thought it was the next reporter question (maybe something about econ.). You could rewatch the news conf., and found that the whole conf (the q and his ans) was a little off after that.
I just put it on my pc at work...all I need was two minutes of watching...watching him follow his script that was obviously telling him who to allow a question next. But listening to him?

BUMBLING IDIOT! In a word...can't believe this is the President of the United States...WOW:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Trump was a smooth operator and a good speaker unless he was reading from the prompter. He could bullshit his way through any press conference until he walked out due to a question he didn't like. He was the consummate con-man and literally lied about most topics. He called "fake" any question that challenged him and those he didn't like. He "knows more than the Generals, knows more about technology than anybody, Mexico is going to pay for the wall", etc. You all have fallen for the con.
Election fraud? His lawyer has said that 'no one in their right mind would believe that the election was fraudulent.' Trump spent his days whining and is still meowing about the election to keep his followers in his hip pocket.
Still harping on the Mexico will pay for the wall. Maybe not the wall but Trump got the to stop the caravans at their border. Using their military and resources to enforce it. So Mexico did help slow down illegal immigration. Trump fulfilled most of his campaign promises. Alot more than Obama.
The Mexican wall comment was used as an example of Trump's idiocy.
The cost of living is going up for the peasant now. Its a Progafication.
He cut thousands of good paying jobs. He is busing thousand of illegals all across America. Energy prices are rising, which effects how much we pay for everything. He is fixing to raise taxes highest since 1993. No Biden cares less for the working class.

He didn't cut "thousands of good paying jobs", he stopped construction of a pipeline. And for all the right reasons. Canada can ship their dirty crude elsewhere if they want to keep digging it out of the ground, and tar sands oil is the most destructive to the environment, because it actually has to go through the refinement process twice. Those workers on that pipeline can find work elsewhere, there are plenty of opportunities. He is not busy "busing illegals all across America", no illegals are being granted citizenship or entry, he has not changed anything from the Trump era. Yet. But he needs to, as Trump fixed nothing, he just barked about building a wall. Didn't fix a single thing.

Guess who Biden wants to raise taxes on? Only those making over $400,000 a year, and the increases will be graduated, with the biggest increases on the biggest incomes. The only thing Trump accomplished in 4 years was getting tax breaks for the richest Americans.

You don't know any of this because they don't report this on Fox News or Newsmax.

Actually, we DO know all of that, because - unlike Democrat dogs like you - we don't live in a bubble surrounded only by propaganda that agrees with us. That's why we ALSO know that everything you just said is a bunch of self-comforting blather, ie. lies.

"He didn't cut good-paying jobs, he just cancelled the pipeline that would have provided the jobs, but I don't like pipelines, so jobs doing things I don't like don't really exist and fuck those people for daring to do things I don't like, anyway!!!"

Way to not only contradict yourself in your own paragraph, but also sound like a complete piece of shit while doing it.

"Biden SAYS he's going to get those bad rich people who DARE to have more stuff than me, and that'll make me feel really good while I sit in my studio apartment eating ramen, so that makes it TRUE!!!"

If you'd stop being such an incredible loser, you wouldn't have to invest so much emotion into hurting other people for not being incredible losers. Just a life tip.

You may not have noticed this, but those of us who actually earn a living and pay taxes saw a reduction in our taxes under Trump. Contrary to the talking points you obediently bark out when your masters yell, "Speak, boy!", the richest Americans actually paid more. President Asterisk, on the other hand, keeps vowing to undo all of that, which would raise taxes for working Americans across the board. And there you are, clapping along like a trained seal because he threw you the metaphorical fish of "It'll hurt rich people. Just believe that."

Furthermore, Senor Sundowner's own press secretary came out and "clarified" that his "only those making over $400,000" ACTUALLY meant couples jointly making that much, which means individuals making only $200,000 could be seeing those increases, depending on what their spouses make. I guess we'll just have to see what he proposes, and what he orders you to "know" about it.

Further-furthermore, only a non-taxpaying ass could believe you can raise taxes on one group of people without the economic impact and burden being felt down the line. Do you really believe that the "mean old" corporations President Houseplant plants to raise taxes on pay those taxes themselves? No, they pass them along to their customers in the form of higher prices, which means YOU are paying, every time you buy something, for those higher taxes you're loving because you think you're "getting those rich bastards". Moron.
What were the straight answers about what they're doing?
I heard quite a lot. If you didn't see it, I'm sure it will be on youtube soon.

James recorded it.

So, you have no answer? Is that because they aren't doing anything or because what they're doing is wrong and you don't want to talk about it?
I already watched it once. As much as I like you, I'm not going to watch it again and take notes to give you a book report. If James recorded it, watch it!

I like you too, OldLady. But if someone's trying to load me up with horseshit, I'm not gonna stand still and allow myself to be horseshitted.

You said he had straight answers about what they're doing and I asked you what they were. You shouldn't have to re-watch it or take notes if that were true.
He talked on it a long time, deanna. If you asked me something specific, I would probably remember. But I'm not doing your homework. Have a beer (or 4) and watch it.

Please explain to us how it's OUR homework to clarify YOUR answer.

You know what, "He gave straight answers, NO I can't tell you what any of them were, go look it up and find them yourself!!!" means? It means, "I've decided they were good answers because I want to believe that."

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