Anyone watching Biden's presser??

I was watching it on my tablet. Got his take on how great things are on UE cause he's POTUS. He was about to start taking questions from the press when I got a black screen and silence.

Anyone watching??

He can't remember ANYONE'S name! Holy crap...
I didn't know weather to throw up or cry!! Just sayin..
Whether. Weather is raIn, snow, etc.

Uh....if you're going to criticize someones spelling ya probably should make sure you about your own.
Just sayin.....
Just trying to be helpful.
My takeaway is that his focus is on America, particularly the working class, the same dumbasses who are on here attacking him and who voted for Trump, who stood up there and was either attacking Democrats or bragging about his non-existent accomplishments.

It's so nice to listen to a real President who puts America first.

The working class have bailed on dems.
They see just like most Americans that Xiden and company only care about bringing in new voters and blue collar workers can get fucked.
If trump was reelected, you would have been totally fucked as he would continue to look out for the wealthy at your expense and with that big smile on his puss. Biden cares about the working class as he has shown time and again.
To which Democratic Club do you belong, brainless one?
I was watching it on my tablet. Got his take on how great things are on UE cause he's POTUS. He was about to start taking questions from the press when I got a black screen and silence.

Anyone watching??
I thought he did a good job. No teleprompter, challenging questions.
which question was the challenging one? The one when someone asked if he was going to run for re-election? Or the reported that asked the follow up, are you going to run for re-election?
Is that all of it you saw?
I watched it all...frankly I thought the first time he was asked that was the hardest question for him.

What do you think the hardest one was?
Well, for him, the questions on immigration and the crowd at the border were probably the hardest, because he didn't have all the answers yet. His explanations about what is going on made sense, and it was good to get some straight answers about what they're doing.
I was watching it on my tablet. Got his take on how great things are on UE cause he's POTUS. He was about to start taking questions from the press when I got a black screen and silence.

Anyone watching??
I thought he did a good job. No teleprompter, challenging questions.

Now you know what flavor of ice cream he likes?
You didn't watch it, obviously.

It was tough but I watched the whole thing.
Might as well have watched a sitcom since the entire thing was scripted.
He read from notes on who to call on to ask a question and he read from notes to answer them.
I would hardly call that a presser.....more like a play on broadway.
I was watching it on my tablet. Got his take on how great things are on UE cause he's POTUS. He was about to start taking questions from the press when I got a black screen and silence.

Anyone watching??

He can't remember ANYONE'S name! Holy crap...
I didn't know weather to throw up or cry!! Just sayin..
Whether. Weather is raIn, snow, etc.

Uh....if you're going to criticize someones spelling ya probably should make sure you about your own.
Just sayin.....
Just trying to be helpful.

You misspelled rain...just trying to be helpful.
I was watching it on my tablet. Got his take on how great things are on UE cause he's POTUS. He was about to start taking questions from the press when I got a black screen and silence.

Anyone watching??
I thought he did a good job. No teleprompter, challenging questions.

We're supposed to be impressed that he went with notecards instead of a teleprompter? And at this point, you're going to have to show me proof that those "challenging questions" weren't handed off to his staffers to write answers for prior to the press conference.
I was watching it on my tablet. Got his take on how great things are on UE cause he's POTUS. He was about to start taking questions from the press when I got a black screen and silence.

Anyone watching??
I thought he did a good job. No teleprompter, challenging questions.
which question was the challenging one? The one when someone asked if he was going to run for re-election? Or the reported that asked the follow up, are you going to run for re-election?
Is that all of it you saw?
I watched it all...frankly I thought the first time he was asked that was the hardest question for him.

What do you think the hardest one was?
Well, for him, the questions on immigration and the crowd at the border were probably the hardest, because he didn't have all the answers yet. His explanations about what is going on made sense, and it was good to get some straight answers about what they're doing.

If he didnt have the answers why was he reading his notes?
I was watching it on my tablet. Got his take on how great things are on UE cause he's POTUS. He was about to start taking questions from the press when I got a black screen and silence.

Anyone watching??
I thought he did a good job. No teleprompter, challenging questions.
which question was the challenging one? The one when someone asked if he was going to run for re-election? Or the reported that asked the follow up, are you going to run for re-election?
Good Allah the old man will be 86 at the end of that term.

Who honestly thinks he can finish his first term?
We're supposed to be impressed that he went with notecards instead of a teleprompter? And at this point, you're going to have to show me proof that those "challenging questions" weren't handed off to his staffers to write answers for prior to the press conference.

I'm sure the Baghdad Bob's asking the questions also supplied the answers.
I was watching it on my tablet. Got his take on how great things are on UE cause he's POTUS. He was about to start taking questions from the press when I got a black screen and silence.

Anyone watching??
I thought he did a good job. No teleprompter, challenging questions.
which question was the challenging one? The one when someone asked if he was going to run for re-election? Or the reported that asked the follow up, are you going to run for re-election?
Is that all of it you saw?
I watched it all...frankly I thought the first time he was asked that was the hardest question for him.

What do you think the hardest one was?
Well, for him, the questions on immigration and the crowd at the border were probably the hardest, because he didn't have all the answers yet. His explanations about what is going on made sense, and it was good to get some straight answers about what they're doing.

If he didnt have the answers why was he reading his notes?
What have you got against notes? At least he's not pulling "facts" out of his ass.
At 2:19pm, a reporter asked him about gun control....AND BIDEN ANSWERED BY TALKING ABOUT INFRASTRUCTURE.

I heard him say "it's a matter of timing" and apparently, President Biden thinks it's not time for focusing on gun control--infrastructure comes first. That ought to relieve quite a few people.

Of course, it contradicts what he said over the bleeding corpses of the victims in Boulder: “I don’t need to wait another minute, let alone an hour to take common sense steps that will save the lives in the future." Except now, apparently, he DOES need to wait.

Mind you, I'd be perfectly happy if he holed up in the Oval Office, playing MarioKart with his granddaughter for the next four years. I'm simply pointing out that he's contradicting himself.
I was watching it on my tablet. Got his take on how great things are on UE cause he's POTUS. He was about to start taking questions from the press when I got a black screen and silence.

Anyone watching??
I thought he did a good job. No teleprompter, challenging questions.
which question was the challenging one? The one when someone asked if he was going to run for re-election? Or the reported that asked the follow up, are you going to run for re-election?
Is that all of it you saw?
I watched it all...frankly I thought the first time he was asked that was the hardest question for him.

What do you think the hardest one was?
Well, for him, the questions on immigration and the crowd at the border were probably the hardest, because he didn't have all the answers yet. His explanations about what is going on made sense, and it was good to get some straight answers about what they're doing.

If he didnt have the answers why was he reading his notes?
What have you got against notes? At least he's not pulling "facts" out of his ass.

So I guess you dont understand what it means when he's reading notes.
I'll explain it to you...if the questions are unscripted you dont have notes to refer to right in front of you.
He knew the question that were coming and the answers to those questions before hand.
Does that clear things up in your addled old brain?
I was watching it on my tablet. Got his take on how great things are on UE cause he's POTUS. He was about to start taking questions from the press when I got a black screen and silence.

Anyone watching??
I thought he did a good job. No teleprompter, challenging questions.
which question was the challenging one? The one when someone asked if he was going to run for re-election? Or the reported that asked the follow up, are you going to run for re-election?
Is that all of it you saw?
I watched it all...frankly I thought the first time he was asked that was the hardest question for him.

What do you think the hardest one was?
Well, for him, the questions on immigration and the crowd at the border were probably the hardest, because he didn't have all the answers yet. His explanations about what is going on made sense, and it was good to get some straight answers about what they're doing.

If he didnt have the answers why was he reading his notes?
What have you got against notes? At least he's not pulling "facts" out of his ass.

Who said the two were mutually exclusive? I can't remember the last "fact" he cited that WASN'T pulled out of someone's ass.
What a fuken joke..
Touting the $1400 dollar covide relief like it's going to make a difference.
He mentiond people who needed to pay rent,WTF good is $1400 bucks when that barely covers most peoples rent for one month?
What about the other 11 months Joe?

He gave peoples rent for the other 11 months to Blue State public employee unions.

And hotels for illegals.

He's special that way.
I was watching it on my tablet. Got his take on how great things are on UE cause he's POTUS. He was about to start taking questions from the press when I got a black screen and silence.

Anyone watching??
I thought he did a good job. No teleprompter, challenging questions.
which question was the challenging one? The one when someone asked if he was going to run for re-election? Or the reported that asked the follow up, are you going to run for re-election?
Is that all of it you saw?
I watched it all...frankly I thought the first time he was asked that was the hardest question for him.

What do you think the hardest one was?
Well, for him, the questions on immigration and the crowd at the border were probably the hardest, because he didn't have all the answers yet. His explanations about what is going on made sense, and it was good to get some straight answers about what they're doing.

Please point me to anything he said that was a "straight answer" or "made sense" regarding the border. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't his response to laugh and say, "Is that a serious question? C'mon", when a reporter asked him, " What’s your reaction to these images that have come out from that particular facility? Is what’s happening inside acceptable to you? And when is this going to be fixed?”

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