Anyone watching Biden's presser??

I was watching it on my tablet. Got his take on how great things are on UE cause he's POTUS. He was about to start taking questions from the press when I got a black screen and silence.

Anyone watching??
I thought he did a good job. No teleprompter, challenging questions.

He repeatedly read from prepared notes. You have go to be joking.
I have never seen a President at a "press conference" have to go back to his briefing binder so much to look at the talking points
I was watching it on my tablet. Got his take on how great things are on UE cause he's POTUS. He was about to start taking questions from the press when I got a black screen and silence.

Anyone watching??
I thought he did a good job. No teleprompter, challenging questions.
which question was the challenging one? The one when someone asked if he was going to run for re-election? Or the reported that asked the follow up, are you going to run for re-election?
I just put it on my pc at work...all I need was two minutes of watching...watching him follow his script that was obviously telling him who to allow a question next. But listening to him?

BUMBLING IDIOT! In a word...can't believe this is the President of the United States...WOW:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Trump was a smooth operator and a good speaker unless he was reading from the prompter. He could bullshit his way through any press conference until he walked out due to a question he didn't like. He was the consummate con-man and literally lied about most topics. He called "fake" any question that challenged him and those he didn't like. He "knows more than the Generals, knows more about technology than anybody, Mexico is going to pay for the wall", etc. You all have fallen for the con.
Election fraud? His lawyer has said that 'no one in their right mind would believe that the election was fraudulent.' Trump spent his days whining and is still meowing about the election to keep his followers in his hip pocket.

The best was "I'm a really stable genius"….. :auiqs.jpg:

You really don't want to get into a stupid quote war, do you?

Just in the last year, Biden has put so much gobbledy gook out there, no one has a chance of ever catching up with his endless examples of idiocy.

You might come close though.
I was watching it on my tablet. Got his take on how great things are on UE cause he's POTUS. He was about to start taking questions from the press when I got a black screen and silence.

Anyone watching??
I thought he did a good job. No teleprompter, challenging questions.
which question was the challenging one? The one when someone asked if he was going to run for re-election? Or the reported that asked the follow up, are you going to run for re-election?
Is that all of it you saw?
I was watching it on my tablet. Got his take on how great things are on UE cause he's POTUS. He was about to start taking questions from the press when I got a black screen and silence.

Anyone watching??
I thought he did a good job. No teleprompter, challenging questions.

Now you know what flavor of ice cream he likes?
I was watching it on my tablet. Got his take on how great things are on UE cause he's POTUS. He was about to start taking questions from the press when I got a black screen and silence.

Anyone watching??
I thought he did a good job. No teleprompter, challenging questions.

Challenging questions?
He was reading his responses from notes fer fucks sake!!!!
I'm going to assume you understand what that means.
I was watching it on my tablet. Got his take on how great things are on UE cause he's POTUS. He was about to start taking questions from the press when I got a black screen and silence.

Anyone watching??
I thought he did a good job. No teleprompter, challenging questions.

He repeatedly read from prepared notes. You have go to be joking.
I have never seen a President at a "press conference" have to go back to his briefing binder so much to look at the talking points
Even with the interrogators praising him at every opportunity. His disingenuous depiction of himself caring about "these poor immigrants." was a hoot. Hey, Joey, how about the homeless people living under the bridges in every major city in the US. Are you going to open up military bases to them too? CCP Joe is a waste of good air.
Hell, I don't know what I'm going to do 3 1/2, 4 years from now! Newsflash China Joe, it is only 2 years away, and if you can't make plans for the most important things you'll ever do, what the FUCK are you doing in the WH?

Joe shouldna done that. Remember Ruth Buzzy Ginsberg said she was staying in her SC seat till President Trump was gone...and she died before that happened. I knew she was tempting fate and laughing in God's face when she said that. I knew she wasn't going to make it.

Last week Di-Fi said she was going to serve out her term. Shouldna done that either. We'll see. you know she's 87 years old. EIGHTY SEVEN Years old. She should have retired 20 years ago. That shows you these pigs can't bear to leave the money and the power. They have to be carried out of their offices in Body Bags. Power is addictive and the money is fine too. That is why our reps and senators go in as normal working americans and come out as america hating multi millionaires. Term limits. NO pay. Serving this country is a privilege...not their entitlement. Keep yer day job.
I was watching it on my tablet. Got his take on how great things are on UE cause he's POTUS. He was about to start taking questions from the press when I got a black screen and silence.

Anyone watching??
I thought he did a good job. No teleprompter, challenging questions.
which question was the challenging one? The one when someone asked if he was going to run for re-election? Or the reported that asked the follow up, are you going to run for re-election?
Is that all of it you saw?
I watched it all...frankly I thought the first time he was asked that was the hardest question for him.

What do you think the hardest one was?
I was watching it on my tablet. Got his take on how great things are on UE cause he's POTUS. He was about to start taking questions from the press when I got a black screen and silence.

Anyone watching??

He can't remember ANYONE'S name! Holy crap...
I didn't know weather to throw up or cry!! Just sayin..
Whether. Weather is raIn, snow, etc.

Uh....if you're going to criticize someones spelling ya probably should make sure you about your own.
Just sayin.....

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