Anyone watching Biden's presser??

I was watching it on my tablet. Got his take on how great things are on UE cause he's POTUS. He was about to start taking questions from the press when I got a black screen and silence.

Anyone watching??
I thought he did a good job. No teleprompter, challenging questions.
which question was the challenging one? The one when someone asked if he was going to run for re-election? Or the reported that asked the follow up, are you going to run for re-election?
Is that all of it you saw?
I watched it all...frankly I thought the first time he was asked that was the hardest question for him.

What do you think the hardest one was?
Well, for him, the questions on immigration and the crowd at the border were probably the hardest, because he didn't have all the answers yet. His explanations about what is going on made sense, and it was good to get some straight answers about what they're doing.

If he didnt have the answers why was he reading his notes?
What have you got against notes? At least he's not pulling "facts" out of his ass.

It was supposed to be a presser,not a read from my notes to answer questions that I already know are coming.
I was watching it on my tablet. Got his take on how great things are on UE cause he's POTUS. He was about to start taking questions from the press when I got a black screen and silence.

Anyone watching??
I thought he did a good job. No teleprompter, challenging questions.
which question was the challenging one? The one when someone asked if he was going to run for re-election? Or the reported that asked the follow up, are you going to run for re-election?
Is that all of it you saw?
I watched it all...frankly I thought the first time he was asked that was the hardest question for him.

What do you think the hardest one was?
Well, for him, the questions on immigration and the crowd at the border were probably the hardest, because he didn't have all the answers yet. His explanations about what is going on made sense, and it was good to get some straight answers about what they're doing.

He doesn't have all the answers yet. Like immigration and that border haven't been a problem shuffled about by politicians for decades. He's been in gubbmint 40 years. He was vice prez for 8. Apparently, he's a slow fucking learner.

What were the straight answers about what they're doing?
I was watching it on my tablet. Got his take on how great things are on UE cause he's POTUS. He was about to start taking questions from the press when I got a black screen and silence.

Anyone watching??
I thought he did a good job. No teleprompter, challenging questions.
which question was the challenging one? The one when someone asked if he was going to run for re-election? Or the reported that asked the follow up, are you going to run for re-election?
Is that all of it you saw?
I watched it all...frankly I thought the first time he was asked that was the hardest question for him.

What do you think the hardest one was?
Well, for him, the questions on immigration and the crowd at the border were probably the hardest, because he didn't have all the answers yet. His explanations about what is going on made sense, and it was good to get some straight answers about what they're doing.

He doesn't have all the answers yet. Like immigration and that border haven't been a problem shuffled about by politicians for decades. He's been in gubbmint 40 years. He was vice prez for 8. Apparently, he's a slow fucking learner.

What were the straight answers about what they're doing?

Also, if he "doesn't have the answers yet", what the fuck is he doing making policy on it? Sane, intelligent people do not rush off and do something before they have the answers about what needs to be done.
I can summarize what Chairman Xiden said

The border crisis is not really a crisis

However, the border crisis that does exist, Trump is to blame.. In fact, everything is Trump's fault in the space/time continuum.

Also, grab your ass, cuz I'm about to spend more money than you can fathom, and yes, I'm coming for your money as well.
What were the straight answers about what they're doing?
I heard quite a lot. If you didn't see it, I'm sure it will be on youtube soon.

James recorded it.

So, you have no answer? Is that because they aren't doing anything or because what they're doing is wrong and you don't want to talk about it?
I already watched it once. As much as I like you, I'm not going to watch it again and take notes to give you a book report. If James recorded it, watch it!
What were the straight answers about what they're doing?
I heard quite a lot. If you didn't see it, I'm sure it will be on youtube soon.

James recorded it.

So, you have no answer? Is that because they aren't doing anything or because what they're doing is wrong and you don't want to talk about it?
I already watched it once. As much as I like you, I'm not going to watch it again and take notes to give you a book report. If James recorded it, watch it!

I like you too, OldLady. But if someone's trying to load me up with horseshit, I'm not gonna stand still and allow myself to be horseshitted.

You said he had straight answers about what they're doing and I asked you what they were. You shouldn't have to re-watch it or take notes if that were true.

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