Anyone watching Biden's presser??

I was watching it on my tablet. Got his take on how great things are on UE cause he's POTUS. He was about to start taking questions from the press when I got a black screen and silence.

Anyone watching??
I thought he did a good job. No teleprompter, challenging questions.
which question was the challenging one? The one when someone asked if he was going to run for re-election? Or the reported that asked the follow up, are you going to run for re-election?
Is that all of it you saw?
I watched it all...frankly I thought the first time he was asked that was the hardest question for him.

What do you think the hardest one was?
Well, for him, the questions on immigration and the crowd at the border were probably the hardest, because he didn't have all the answers yet. His explanations about what is going on made sense, and it was good to get some straight answers about what they're doing.

If he didnt have the answers why was he reading his notes?
What have you got against notes? At least he's not pulling "facts" out of his ass.

It was supposed to be a presser,not a read from my notes to answer questions that I already know are coming.

Yes, why was Joe reading from a paper with names on it, the order to call them and what the questions would be much less the answers?
Joe got a tough question! I didn't hear this one

Yes but everyone was so polite! No one was shouting over Joe, with a combative, argumentative tone. They were all so grateful just to SEE the president, alive, well, and in the same room with them.
Conservative reporters (reporters who actually do their job) are always tough but civil.

You'll never hear Jim Acosta have a temper tantrum with Biden. I've never seen such disrespect as the left displayed towards President Trump.
What were the straight answers about what they're doing?
I heard quite a lot. If you didn't see it, I'm sure it will be on youtube soon.

That was quick. Tim Pool does a great job fact checking his former party

I dont think the dems were ever his party,,

Yeah, he voted Democrat. He's one of many whose eyes were opened during the Trump administration. Joe Rogan too

They were the reasonable Democrats who woke up to what their party has become
What were the straight answers about what they're doing?
I heard quite a lot. If you didn't see it, I'm sure it will be on youtube soon.

That was quick. Tim Pool does a great job fact checking his former party

I dont think the dems were ever his party,,

Yeah, he voted Democrat. He's one of many whose eyes were opened during the Trump administration. Joe Rogan too

he didnt vote for obama the second time,, for what ever that means,,
Lots of other stuff in the bill to help people get on their feet.

yeah...for freakin' illegals and jail birds. but you go ahead and post those other good things the american people are gonna get. I'll wait for you.
What's in Joe Biden's $1.9T American Rescue Plan Stimulus? › whats-in-joe-bidens-stimulus-package-plan

Mar 11, 2021 — Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus package plan, a proposal known as the ... which includes $1 trillion in direct aid to individuals, $440 billion in ...

It was supposed to be for covid relief.
Why do blue states and cities get 350 billion in aide?

Billions to bail out union pension Funds. :rofl: :auiqs.jpg:

Talk about quid pro quo.
Do some research. Quid pro quo? Nah. Just a new expression for you, but false.
Lots of other stuff in the bill to help people get on their feet.

yeah...for freakin' illegals and jail birds. but you go ahead and post those other good things the american people are gonna get. I'll wait for you.
What's in Joe Biden's $1.9T American Rescue Plan Stimulus? › whats-in-joe-bidens-stimulus-package-plan

Mar 11, 2021 — Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus package plan, a proposal known as the ... which includes $1 trillion in direct aid to individuals, $440 billion in ...

It was supposed to be for covid relief.
Why do blue states and cities get 350 billion in aide?

Billions to bail out union pension Funds. :rofl: :auiqs.jpg:

Talk about quid pro quo.
Do some research. Quid pro quo? Nah. Just a new expression for you, but false.

No, I think you know exactly what I mean, you fraud.

Why should there be a union pension fund bailout in a COVID package?
What a fuken joke..
Touting the $1400 dollar covide relief like it's going to make a difference.
He mentiond people who needed to pay rent,WTF good is $1400 bucks when that barely covers most peoples rent for one month?
What about the other 11 months Joe?
Lots of other stuff in the bill to help people get on their feet.

Like what?
Do some research on your own. They really do teach you how to do research in high school. You weren't paying attention.
What's in Joe Biden's $1.9T American Rescue Plan Stimulus? › whats-in-joe-bidens-stimulus-package-plan

Mar 11, 2021 — What Is in Joe Biden's $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Package Plan? · $1,400 checks for most Americans · $300 in weekly federal unemployment through ...
1.9 trillion, that is 'T,' how many Americans get the 1400 checks? 1.3 billion Americans???
Lots of other stuff in the bill to help people get on their feet.

yeah...for freakin' illegals and jail birds. but you go ahead and post those other good things the american people are gonna get. I'll wait for you.
What's in Joe Biden's $1.9T American Rescue Plan Stimulus? › whats-in-joe-bidens-stimulus-package-plan

Mar 11, 2021 — Joe Biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus package plan, a proposal known as the ... which includes $1 trillion in direct aid to individuals, $440 billion in ...

It was supposed to be for covid relief.
Why do blue states and cities get 350 billion in aide?

Billions to bail out union pension Funds. :rofl: :auiqs.jpg:

Talk about quid pro quo.
Do some research. Quid pro quo? Nah. Just a new expression for you, but false.

No, I think you know exactly what I mean, you fraud.

Why should there be a union pension fund bailout in a COVID package?
I am opposed to unions, but the workers are not responsible for those failures and that is a way to help the company employees so that when they retire they will not
retire broke. Get it, smart guy? Punish the union heads, not the workers who have, in recent years, been a lot more reasonable.
I just put it on my pc at work...all I need was two minutes of watching...watching him follow his script that was obviously telling him who to allow a question next. But listening to him?

BUMBLING IDIOT! In a word...can't believe this is the President of the United States...WOW:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Trump was a smooth operator and a good speaker unless he was reading from the prompter. He could bullshit his way through any press conference until he walked out due to a question he didn't like. He was the consummate con-man and literally lied about most topics. He called "fake" any question that challenged him and those he didn't like. He "knows more than the Generals, knows more about technology than anybody, Mexico is going to pay for the wall", etc. You all have fallen for the con.
Election fraud? His lawyer has said that 'no one in their right mind would believe that the election was fraudulent.' Trump spent his days whining and is still meowing about the election to keep his followers in his hip pocket.
Still harping on the Mexico will pay for the wall. Maybe not the wall but Trump got the to stop the caravans at their border. Using their military and resources to enforce it. So Mexico did help slow down illegal immigration. Trump fulfilled most of his campaign promises. Alot more than Obama.
Joe got a tough question! I didn't hear this one

Yes but everyone was so polite! No one was shouting over Joe, with a combative, argumentative tone. They were all so grateful just to SEE the president, alive, well, and in the same room with them.
Conservative reporters (reporters who actually do their job) are always tough but civil.

You'll never hear Jim Acosta have a temper tantrum with Biden. I've never seen such disrespect as the left displayed towards President Trump.
Trump has no respect for anybody and got what he deserved. He insulted reporters whose questions he didn't like.
My takeaway is that his focus is on America, particularly the working class, the same dumbasses who are on here attacking him and who voted for Trump, who stood up there and was either attacking Democrats or bragging about his non-existent accomplishments.

It's so nice to listen to a real President who puts America first.

The working class have bailed on dems.
They see just like most Americans that Xiden and company only care about bringing in new voters and blue collar workers can get fucked.
If trump was reelected, you would have been totally fucked as he would continue to look out for the wealthy at your expense and with that big smile on his puss. Biden cares about the working class as he has shown time and again.
He cut thousands of good paying jobs. He is busing thousand of illegals all across America. Energy prices are rising, which effects how much we pay for everything. He is fixing to raise taxes highest since 1993. No Biden cares less for the working class.
So what is it, you lying fuck. Are we 85th in infrastructure or 13th. According to the world economic forum it is 13th. Biden is a fucking joke. Most of America's water comes through lead pipes? My ass, that is in the democrat run cities of Chicago and Detroit. The dems have known about it since before Obummer's administration. Fuck Biden AND every democrat.

Does anyone really believe we are 85th in infrastructure??? Even the supporters of Biden and dyed in the wool Democrats? Where and how did that number come from?
Joe got a tough question! I didn't hear this one

Yes but everyone was so polite! No one was shouting over Joe, with a combative, argumentative tone. They were all so grateful just to SEE the president, alive, well, and in the same room with them.
Conservative reporters (reporters who actually do their job) are always tough but civil.

You'll never hear Jim Acosta have a temper tantrum with Biden. I've never seen such disrespect as the left displayed towards President Trump.
Trump has no respect for anybody and got what he deserved. He insulted reporters whose questions he didn't like.

Reporters didn't like Trump and it showed. Reporters love Biden unconditionally and it shows.
Joe got a tough question! I didn't hear this one

Yes but everyone was so polite! No one was shouting over Joe, with a combative, argumentative tone. They were all so grateful just to SEE the president, alive, well, and in the same room with them.
Conservative reporters (reporters who actually do their job) are always tough but civil.

You'll never hear Jim Acosta have a temper tantrum with Biden. I've never seen such disrespect as the left displayed towards President Trump.
Trump has no respect for anybody and got what he deserved. He insulted reporters whose questions he didn't like.
Oh my, you mean the reporters only asked gotcha questions? Or the ones that reported negatively 99.9% of the time? Maybe when the cnn reporter Costa assaulted the poor girl holding the microphone? Trump treated them alot better than I would've.
I just put it on my pc at work...all I need was two minutes of watching...watching him follow his script that was obviously telling him who to allow a question next. But listening to him?

BUMBLING IDIOT! In a word...can't believe this is the President of the United States...WOW:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Trump was a smooth operator and a good speaker unless he was reading from the prompter. He could bullshit his way through any press conference until he walked out due to a question he didn't like. He was the consummate con-man and literally lied about most topics. He called "fake" any question that challenged him and those he didn't like. He "knows more than the Generals, knows more about technology than anybody, Mexico is going to pay for the wall", etc. You all have fallen for the con.
Election fraud? His lawyer has said that 'no one in their right mind would believe that the election was fraudulent.' Trump spent his days whining and is still meowing about the election to keep his followers in his hip pocket.
Still harping on the Mexico will pay for the wall. Maybe not the wall but Trump got the to stop the caravans at their border. Using their military and resources to enforce it. So Mexico did help slow down illegal immigration. Trump fulfilled most of his campaign promises. Alot more than Obama.
No. Trump's promises were fraught with unintended consequences. Immigrants were piled up on the other side and living in squalor with rape, crime, disease, trafficking in people and drugs into the US. Biden is letting in the children, and that is ok with me. Trump's way is the chaotic way and it usually explodes in our face.

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