AOC: Girl Scouts taught me how to change brake fluid and recreate the Space Shuttle Challenger Missi

Pffft. Girls ...

In Boy Scouts we learned how to make weapons, divert creeks to flood your enemies, eat stuff that would make a billy goat puke, and how to sneak into the nearby Girl Scout camp undetected.

--- only to find out the GS camp was encircled by poison ivy....

A friend and I discovered we were not allergic to it.

A camp counselor once wronged us grievously. While the site was empty, we sneaked back to camp, filled his sleeping bag with poison ivy, and rolled around on it to get the juice all over. Then we shook it out and wandered off.

He left the camp two days later. :113:

You sure it wasn't because the camp's management saw security footage of 2 young campers bringing a bundle of something loosely resembling MJ (esp if it was Virginia creeper which has 5 leaves and causes allergic reactions in a much smaller percentage of people) then emerging from the counselor's sleeping bag? Have you checked to see if this guy is now a registered sex offender?

At the time, it was still a free country. There was no security footage to be had. Pre-Summer of Love, marijuana hadn't come onto the suburban scene yet.

Pffft. Girls ...

In Boy Scouts we learned how to make weapons, divert creeks to flood your enemies, eat stuff that would make a billy goat puke, and how to sneak into the nearby Girl Scout camp undetected.
They don't have to sneak into the SEXIST Girl Scout camp anymore, there's girls and little fag boys in the Boy, ooops, the SCOUTS now. They can just have a nice pervert orgy soon as the sun goes down right in their own camp now.

Our way was 'way more fun. The Left destroyed the Boy Scouts, but there are alternatives now.

Yes I did know it would send you foaming to google. And no you don’t need to change your brake fluid. Nor do the Girl Scouts teach brake fluid changing.
But it seemed manly to her somehow.

Nor does it say " the Girl Scouts teach brake fluid changing" does it.

Reading comprehension: a lost art.
There are abortion baby parts in all of their cookies!

Yes I did know it would send you foaming to google. And no you don’t need to change your brake fluid. Nor do the Girl Scouts teach brake fluid changing.
But it seemed manly to her somehow.

Nor does it say " the Girl Scouts teach brake fluid changing" does it.

Reading comprehension: a lost art.
There are abortion baby parts in all of their cookies!


Yes I did know it would send you foaming to google. And no you don’t need to change your brake fluid. Nor do the Girl Scouts teach brake fluid changing.
But it seemed manly to her somehow.

Nor does it say " the Girl Scouts teach brake fluid changing" does it.

Reading comprehension: a lost art.
There are abortion baby parts in all of their cookies!

I am emoting!
Damn you guys really obsess over AOC!
It really is hard to ignore all the stupid shit she says

I mean she makes Joe Biden look like a super genius

it is almost as if her purpose is to get the focus on her...

her special purpose?

everyone is given a role to play, that is the way the system works.

In her case, she is playing a roll, as in a biscuit, as in "as stupid as a". She is a laugh generator, like Crazy Guggenheim.
Damn you guys really obsess over AOC!
It really is hard to ignore all the stupid shit she says

I mean she makes Joe Biden look like a super genius

it is almost as if her purpose is to get the focus on her...

her special purpose?

everyone is given a role to play, that is the way the system works.

In her case, she is playing a roll, as in a biscuit, as in "as stupid as a". She is a laugh generator, like Crazy Guggenheim.

she is the shiny object, the magicians assistant, the distraction.
It really is hard to ignore all the stupid shit she says

I mean she makes Joe Biden look like a super genius

it is almost as if her purpose is to get the focus on her...

her special purpose?

everyone is given a role to play, that is the way the system works.

In her case, she is playing a roll, as in a biscuit, as in "as stupid as a". She is a laugh generator, like Crazy Guggenheim.

she is the shiny object, the magicians assistant, the distraction.

Au contraire, she and Tlaib and Omar are the proverbial turds in the Democrats' punchbowl. They may have already lost 2020 for them.

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