AOC Gives Her Definition of Capitalism

Capital is not necessary in order to eat.
You can barter, work for food, etc.
Capital refers to the investment money necessary in order to build the means of production.
Like to build a factory.
If you spend your income on food, then it is not capital.
Capital is excess money you can invest in order to return a profit.
capital in terms of economics just means liquid assets

so yes cash is capital…not cash - what it cost to eat.

try again
An example of wage theft could be the many employees hiring illegals which helps keep wages depressed.
An example of wage theft could be the many employees hiring illegals which helps keep wages depressed.
agreed. it’s important that we keep the number of illegals down, prosecute snd deport them.

deter them from coming illegally and using illegal means to obtain jobs and IDs
If you think she is wrong, it's you should have something in your mouth.

She is 100% correct and you know it but you don't admit it because it is the mantra of your blessed Republican party. You also see her as a threat in the future and rightly so. She's not the idiot you think she because you hate her. You have nothing but hate for democrats. Stick with your bible.
Her statement about capitalism is hisgtoricalllty and factually wrong.

SHe is not an ingtelligent person and like you very out of touch with reality.

because you’re a failure. A bitter failure, insulting hard working successful people amd repeating debunked dembot talking points over and over…
I’m a failure? How so?

I’ve not insulted any hard working successful people. Just giving hard truths.
An example of wage theft could be the many employees hiring illegals which helps keep wages depressed.
Another example would be not paying employees what they were promised, because they are "illegals" and have no recourse.
Another example would be not paying employees what they were promised, because they are "illegals" and have no recourse.

Of course they have recourse. If an employer doesn't pay what he said, turn around and go back over the border where you belong.
Nope! The Democratic Party wants them to be made legal workers and have fair wages.

If there was any truth to that they would have done so when GW was President when we had control over the federal government since Bush was soft on immigration because his sister-in-law is a Mexican immigrant, or when Trump took the presidency in 2016. Instead Trump was tough on immigration.

It's not Republican led cities where they warn illegals when ICE does their workplace raids, or give them drivers licenses to get to those illegal jobs.

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