AOC Gives Her Definition of Capitalism

Good to see she's living rent free in y'all's head. But there is still plenty of vacancy...LOL

Where'd you get that ditty?

Insults for Dummies, published in 1892?

The only time I think about her at all, is when I see her here at usmb.
I don’t know why you think telling me I’m a “failure” is a good debate tactic. It’s not. It just shows how weak you are.

Persuasive people are some of the most dangerous people. They are quite successful. Especially the ones that are able to deflect blame for their broken promises.
because you’re a failure. A bitter failure, insulting hard working successful people amd repeating debunked dembot talking points over and over…
try eating without any capital einstein

Capital is not necessary in order to eat.
You can barter, work for food, etc.
Capital refers to the investment money necessary in order to build the means of production.
Like to build a factory.
If you spend your income on food, then it is not capital.
Capital is excess money you can invest in order to return a profit.
Perhaps you live in the middle of nowhere.
Corporations are saving money by using efficient waste collection technology.

But the cheapest waste collection technology is just to dump it into a nearby river.
So since capitalism is entirely motivated by profits, we need to have socialist regulations to prevent that.
Capitalism is entirely profit motivated, so is not sufficient for self regulation, and needs external regulation that is not profit motivated.
All capitalism requires socialist regulation, or else we would have child labor, unsafe work conditions, slavery, etc.
But you believe government is your friend?


Ideally government is supposed to be representative of the whole community, collectively.
If and when its not, then it is because some capitalists invested enough money into the campaigns and media, to skew it somehow, with misinformation, bribes, etc..
Like the defense contractors who got the Pentagon to claim Iraq had stockpiles of WMD when they really didn't.
Ancient Rome was the original ideal capitalist society.
It was entirely profit motivated.
The only socialism was for the minority they allowed to be citizens, and that was in order to control their vote.
Rome lied, stole, enslaved, or whatever they could in order to ensure maximum profits.
It was the most despicable society that ever existed.
But it also had the ultimate in technology, since that is necessary for maximum profits.

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