AOC: Ironic People Who’s Families Immigrated Legally Oppose Illegal Immigration

When my ancestors came to this country thru Ellis Island there was no requirements other than 'they wanted to come to America'. No request for asylum, no claims of persecution. They simply believed that they could have a better life here.

The same is true for the ancestors of the majority of Americans.

Now, instead of letting people come here just to start a better life, we have set ridiculous requirements. Requirements that none of our ancestors had to meet.

If we didn't have ridiculous laws people wouldn't be breaking that law and there would be no illegal immigrants.

If you don't like 'open borders' just remember - if it weren't for open borders YOU would not be here!

Those immigrants payed for their own welfare with no expectation of being taken care of.

Illegal immigration costs the taxpayers Billions of dollars every year.

Your argument is bullshit.

The vast majority of illegal immigrants work. Your argument is pure BULLSHIT.

The vast majority of illegal immigrant contribute more to our economy than you ever have!

They don't pay income tax from those jobs because the don't have a Social Security card.

So no, they do not contribute more to the economy than I do and they are breaking the law by not paying income taxes.

Spending of income tax revenues contributes to the economy.

Are you any relation to AOC? Just curious about your genetics.
When my ancestors came to this country thru Ellis Island there was no requirements other than 'they wanted to come to America'. No request for asylum, no claims of persecution. They simply believed that they could have a better life here.

The same is true for the ancestors of the majority of Americans.

Now, instead of letting people come here just to start a better life, we have set ridiculous requirements. Requirements that none of our ancestors had to meet.

If we didn't have ridiculous laws people wouldn't be breaking that law and there would be no illegal immigrants.

If you don't like 'open borders' just remember - if it weren't for open borders YOU would not be here!
When we had an open borders policy in the late 18th and through to the late 19th centuries, we had a wide-open country with a population of fewer than 51 million people.

Today, we are full up and have no need for more.
The vast majority of illegal immigrants work. Your argument is pure BULLSHIT.

You cannot work legally without a social security card or a work visa, so how are they working, except for working illegally under the table you moron idiot.
The vast majority of illegal immigrant contribute more to our economy than you ever have!

You are a bald faced liar. Go suck some more gonads you freak.

The cost of illegal immigration to the U.S. is more than $100 billion a year
When my ancestors came to this country thru Ellis Island there was no requirements other than 'they wanted to come to America'. No request for asylum, no claims of persecution. They simply believed that they could have a better life here.

The same is true for the ancestors of the majority of Americans.

Now, instead of letting people come here just to start a better life, we have set ridiculous requirements. Requirements that none of our ancestors had to meet.

If we didn't have ridiculous laws people wouldn't be breaking that law and there would be no illegal immigrants.

If you don't like 'open borders' just remember - if it weren't for open borders YOU would not be here!

Those immigrants payed for their own welfare with no expectation of being taken care of.

Illegal immigration costs the taxpayers Billions of dollars every year.

Your argument is bullshit.

The vast majority of illegal immigrants work. Your argument is pure BULLSHIT.

The vast majority of illegal immigrant contribute more to our economy than you ever have!
Complete and utter bullshit.
When my ancestors came to this country thru Ellis Island there was no requirements other than 'they wanted to come to America'. No request for asylum, no claims of persecution. They simply believed that they could have a better life here.

The same is true for the ancestors of the majority of Americans.

Now, instead of letting people come here just to start a better life, we have set ridiculous requirements. Requirements that none of our ancestors had to meet.

If we didn't have ridiculous laws people wouldn't be breaking that law and there would be no illegal immigrants.

If you don't like 'open borders' just remember - if it weren't for open borders YOU would not be here!

Those immigrants payed for their own welfare with no expectation of being taken care of.

Illegal immigration costs the taxpayers Billions of dollars every year.

Your argument is bullshit.

The vast majority of illegal immigrants work. Your argument is pure BULLSHIT.

The vast majority of illegal immigrant contribute more to our economy than you ever have!

Sure, you don't know how many cross the border every day, you don't know how many are in this country, but you do know how many are working. You are so full of shit.
When my ancestors came to this country thru Ellis Island there was no requirements other than 'they wanted to come to America'. No request for asylum, no claims of persecution. They simply believed that they could have a better life here.

The same is true for the ancestors of the majority of Americans.

Now, instead of letting people come here just to start a better life, we have set ridiculous requirements. Requirements that none of our ancestors had to meet.

If we didn't have ridiculous laws people wouldn't be breaking that law and there would be no illegal immigrants.

If you don't like 'open borders' just remember - if it weren't for open borders YOU would not be here!

Part of me would be.
When my ancestors came to this country thru Ellis Island there was no requirements other than 'they wanted to come to America'. No request for asylum, no claims of persecution. They simply believed that they could have a better life here.

The same is true for the ancestors of the majority of Americans.

Now, instead of letting people come here just to start a better life, we have set ridiculous requirements. Requirements that none of our ancestors had to meet.

If we didn't have ridiculous laws people wouldn't be breaking that law and there would be no illegal immigrants.

If you don't like 'open borders' just remember - if it weren't for open borders YOU would not be here!

Those immigrants payed for their own welfare with no expectation of being taken care of.

Illegal immigration costs the taxpayers Billions of dollars every year.

Your argument is bullshit.

The vast majority of illegal immigrants work. Your argument is pure BULLSHIT.

The vast majority of illegal immigrant contribute more to our economy than you ever have!

They don't pay income tax from those jobs because the don't have a Social Security card.

So no, they do not contribute more to the economy than I do and they are breaking the law by not paying income taxes.

Spending of income tax revenues contributes to the economy.

Are you any relation to AOC? Just curious about your genetics.

So? Give them a green card and a social security number.

And no, I'm not Hispanic.
When my ancestors came to this country thru Ellis Island there was no requirements other than 'they wanted to come to America'. No request for asylum, no claims of persecution. They simply believed that they could have a better life here.

The same is true for the ancestors of the majority of Americans.

Now, instead of letting people come here just to start a better life, we have set ridiculous requirements. Requirements that none of our ancestors had to meet.

If we didn't have ridiculous laws people wouldn't be breaking that law and there would be no illegal immigrants.

If you don't like 'open borders' just remember - if it weren't for open borders YOU would not be here!
When we had an open borders policy in the late 18th and through to the late 19th centuries, we had a wide-open country with a population of fewer than 51 million people.

Today, we are full up and have no need for more.

So they said in the 18th thru the late 19th centuries.

The Anti-immigrant card has been played by Conservatives since this country started.

It was BULLSHIT then and it's BULLSHIT now.
So? Give them a green card and a social security number.
And no, I'm not Hispanic.

Where are you from, the planet Asshole?

Sure... ...just give every illegal alien who commits the crime of sneaking into the country an SS card, Sure.

Are you on crack? Or are you just a natural imbecile.
The vast majority of illegal immigrants work. Your argument is pure BULLSHIT.

You cannot work legally without a social security card or a work visa, so how are they working, except for working illegally under the table you moron idiot.
The vast majority of illegal immigrant contribute more to our economy than you ever have!

You are a bald faced liar. Go suck some more gonads you freak.

The cost of illegal immigration to the U.S. is more than $100 billion a year

Labor creates wealth. Illegal immigrants are usually grossly underpaid and make many Americans very wealthy thru their labor.

You may quote the the gross cost of illegal immigrants, but you don't factor in the value of their labor.

A huge percentage of the food harvested in the U.S. is done by illegal immigrant a value that far exceed $100 billion.
I've always found it odd how people say "got to love" when the messenger is mostly hateful, as in OAC's case. When they add "you got to love" it means they're also insecure.

I think folks like OAC use these terms because they're dumb. In OAC's case she's miss-educated as well.
So? Give them a green card and a social security number.
And no, I'm not Hispanic.

Where are you from, the planet Asshole?

Sure... ...just give every illegal alien who commits the crime of sneaking into the country an SS card, Sure.

Are you on crack? Or are you just a natural imbecile.

No. Return to the laws that allow people to enter into this country legally.
When my ancestors came to this country thru Ellis Island there was no requirements other than 'they wanted to come to America'. No request for asylum, no claims of persecution. They simply believed that they could have a better life here.

The same is true for the ancestors of the majority of Americans.

Now, instead of letting people come here just to start a better life, we have set ridiculous requirements. Requirements that none of our ancestors had to meet.

If we didn't have ridiculous laws people wouldn't be breaking that law and there would be no illegal immigrants.

If you don't like 'open borders' just remember - if it weren't for open borders YOU would not be here!

A changed world mandates new conditions. It's very strange how progs like yourself want to turn the entire world upside down in the name of change only, just cuz. Yet when the obvious bumps off your heads....well, it just bump's off.
When my ancestors came to this country thru Ellis Island there was no requirements other than 'they wanted to come to America'. No request for asylum, no claims of persecution. They simply believed that they could have a better life here.

Sorry, no. When our parents came here through Ellis island, they had documentation, passports, their names were recorded (my grandfather's was changed because it had diacritics in it), you were checked out for disease, asked your destination and how you would support yourself.

These people were Europeans with skills coming to a mostly European-populated country, people who wanted to become Americans and adopt our way of life, wanted to start businesses here, trades, and were a very good fit in with our society and culture.

Illegals coming across the southern border are undocumented, we don't know who they are or where they came from, they are disease-ridden, have no specific destination, no money, not even a toothbrush or a bar of soap, a few of them may have terrorist intentions or ties, drug gang ties or the like, they don't want to be Americans but rather bring their culture here, and they come from a location with no skills, no education and an average IQ 50 points below the national average.

The first group was an asset. The second group will be a huge liability.
When my ancestors came to this country thru Ellis Island there was no requirements other than 'they wanted to come to America'. No request for asylum, no claims of persecution. They simply believed that they could have a better life here.

The same is true for the ancestors of the majority of Americans.

Now, instead of letting people come here just to start a better life, we have set ridiculous requirements. Requirements that none of our ancestors had to meet.

If we didn't have ridiculous laws people wouldn't be breaking that law and there would be no illegal immigrants.

If you don't like 'open borders' just remember - if it weren't for open borders YOU would not be here!

A changed world mandates new conditions. It's very strange how progs like yourself want to turn the entire world upside down in the name of change only, just cuz. Yet when the obvious bumps off your heads....well, it just bump's off.

Its amazing how you just contradicted yourself!

Talk about obvious!
When my ancestors came to this country thru Ellis Island there was no requirements other than 'they wanted to come to America'. No request for asylum, no claims of persecution. They simply believed that they could have a better life here.

The same is true for the ancestors of the majority of Americans.

Now, instead of letting people come here just to start a better life, we have set ridiculous requirements. Requirements that none of our ancestors had to meet.

If we didn't have ridiculous laws people wouldn't be breaking that law and there would be no illegal immigrants.

If you don't like 'open borders' just remember - if it weren't for open borders YOU would not be here!

A changed world mandates new conditions. It's very strange how progs like yourself want to turn the entire world upside down in the name of change only, just cuz. Yet when the obvious bumps off your heads....well, it just bump's off.

Its amazing how you just contradicted yourself!

Talk about obvious!

"Talk about obvious" only means you're insecure. There's nothing amazing here, you're just a snowflake thus dramatic. I'd be insecure as well, because you didn't say anything of value to defend your position.
When my ancestors came to this country thru Ellis Island there was no requirements other than 'they wanted to come to America'. No request for asylum, no claims of persecution. They simply believed that they could have a better life here.

Sorry, no. When our parents came here through Ellis island, they had documentation, passports, their names were recorded (my grandfather's was changed because it had diacritics in it), you were checked out for disease, asked your destination and how you would support yourself.

These people were Europeans with skills coming to a mostly European-populated country, people who wanted to become Americans and adopt our way of life, wanted to start businesses here, trades, and were a very good fit in with our society and culture.

Illegals coming across the southern border are undocumented, we don't know who they are or where they came from, they are disease-ridden, have no specific destination, no money, not even a toothbrush or a bar of soap, a few of them may have terrorist intentions or ties, drug gang ties or the like, they don't want to be Americans but rather bring their culture here, and they come from a location with no skills, no education and an average IQ 50 points below the national average.

The first group was an asset. The second group will be a huge liability.

Nonsense! Most European immigrants were uneducated and had no job skills. Most worked as manual labor,

They were as diseased ridden as disease ridden gets. Look up 'Typhoid Mary'.

So what your saying is that all we need to do is register them? Sounds good to me!
When my ancestors came to this country thru Ellis Island there was no requirements other than 'they wanted to come to America'. No request for asylum, no claims of persecution. They simply believed that they could have a better life here.

The same is true for the ancestors of the majority of Americans.

Now, instead of letting people come here just to start a better life, we have set ridiculous requirements. Requirements that none of our ancestors had to meet.

If we didn't have ridiculous laws people wouldn't be breaking that law and there would be no illegal immigrants.

If you don't like 'open borders' just remember - if it weren't for open borders YOU would not be here!

A changed world mandates new conditions. It's very strange how progs like yourself want to turn the entire world upside down in the name of change only, just cuz. Yet when the obvious bumps off your heads....well, it just bump's off.

Its amazing how you just contradicted yourself!

Talk about obvious!

"Talk about obvious" only means you're insecure. There's nothing amazing here, you're just a snowflake thus dramatic. I'd be insecure as well, because you didn't say anything of value to defend your position.

I'm not going to respond to someone that's obviously contradicting themselves. You seem to be doing a good enough job fighting with yourself!
When my ancestors came to this country thru Ellis Island there was no requirements other than 'they wanted to come to America'. No request for asylum, no claims of persecution. They simply believed that they could have a better life here.

The same is true for the ancestors of the majority of Americans.

Now, instead of letting people come here just to start a better life, we have set ridiculous requirements. Requirements that none of our ancestors had to meet.

If we didn't have ridiculous laws people wouldn't be breaking that law and there would be no illegal immigrants.

If you don't like 'open borders' just remember - if it weren't for open borders YOU would not be here!
Natural law is a fuck up... Because it makes no sense

BTW All of the white people look the same

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