AOC not A-OK with Boston's Straight Pride Parade

The law can be a funny thing.

Only when liberals are the ones making the laws.
Yeah, you never see a leftist hate group like Black Lives Matter charged with hate crimes.

By definition, hate crime laws give extra penalties to those attacking a likely Democrat voter, particularly in the Protected Class.
Goddamn that is painfully stuoid. As if its anyone's fault but you bigoted,cackling fools that gays and minorities don't vote for your bigoted GOP religious nutballs.

You seem like someone with a tenuous control over his emotions.
Thank you for pausing from your daily series of emotional metldowns to opine on me.
New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took a swipe not necessarily at the city of Boston, but at the men marching in the town's Straight Pride parade Saturday. Commenting on a tweeted video that shows mostly men with a few women marching, AOC said it looks like the men might have a "masculinity" problem.

"For men who are allegedly so "proud" of being straight, they seem to show real incompetence at attracting women to their event," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "Seems more like a "I-Struggle-With-Masculinity" parade to me. Hope they grow enough over the next year to support / join LGBTQ fam next #Pride!"

AOC bashes Boston "Straight Pride" parade for having few accompanying females

Right airhead. You will get just as many straight pride people joining the LGBTXZOI community as you will them joining the straight pride parade.

The organizers of this event made a public announcement that all who are not troublemakers or hate groups are welcome. If mostly men were interested, then how is that a masculinity problem? I thought a desire to carry firearms was a masculinity problem too!

In any case, there were police in riot gear, protesters against the parade because of course being for normal people means you are against non-normal people, and few arrests were made.
I say if they wanna march then they can march on both ides of that fence. I do not get either march but hey if they wanna spend thier time that way it s all right with me.
New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took a swipe not necessarily at the city of Boston, but at the men marching in the town's Straight Pride parade Saturday. Commenting on a tweeted video that shows mostly men with a few women marching, AOC said it looks like the men might have a "masculinity" problem.

"For men who are allegedly so "proud" of being straight, they seem to show real incompetence at attracting women to their event," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "Seems more like a "I-Struggle-With-Masculinity" parade to me. Hope they grow enough over the next year to support / join LGBTQ fam next #Pride!"

AOC bashes Boston "Straight Pride" parade for having few accompanying females

Right airhead. You will get just as many straight pride people joining the LGBTXZOI community as you will them joining the straight pride parade.

The organizers of this event made a public announcement that all who are not troublemakers or hate groups are welcome. If mostly men were interested, then how is that a masculinity problem? I thought a desire to carry firearms was a masculinity problem too!

In any case, there were police in riot gear, protesters against the parade because of course being for normal people means you are against non-normal people, and few arrests were made.
I say if they wanna march then they can march on both ides of that fence. I do not get either march but hey if they wanna spend thier time that way it s all right with me.

I think what they are doing is proving a point. If every oddity group in our country can have a parade, why not normal people?
The parade was designed to annoy Leftists. It worked.
You mean it gave them more to joke about.

Leftists don’t have a sense of humor. Don’t tell me what I mean, loser.
AOC sure does. haha

You support her?
She sure made these straight pride clowns look stupid. They need to find girlfriends. haha

Do you support her? Yes or No? Seems simple. But you evade and refuse to answer the question. That makes me laugh at your expense.
I do not get either march
Well, let me help:

The gay pride march arose because of centuries of awful oppression of homosexual and trans people.

The straight pride march arose because a bunch of incels and trolls wanted some negative attention, as they cannot get any other kind.

In a nutshell.
New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took a swipe not necessarily at the city of Boston, but at the men marching in the town's Straight Pride parade Saturday. Commenting on a tweeted video that shows mostly men with a few women marching, AOC said it looks like the men might have a "masculinity" problem.

"For men who are allegedly so "proud" of being straight, they seem to show real incompetence at attracting women to their event," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "Seems more like a "I-Struggle-With-Masculinity" parade to me. Hope they grow enough over the next year to support / join LGBTQ fam next #Pride!"

AOC bashes Boston "Straight Pride" parade for having few accompanying females

Right airhead. You will get just as many straight pride people joining the LGBTXZOI community as you will them joining the straight pride parade.

The organizers of this event made a public announcement that all who are not troublemakers or hate groups are welcome. If mostly men were interested, then how is that a masculinity problem? I thought a desire to carry firearms was a masculinity problem too!

In any case, there were police in riot gear, protesters against the parade because of course being for normal people means you are against non-normal people, and few arrests were made.
I say if they wanna march then they can march on both ides of that fence. I do not get either march but hey if they wanna spend thier time that way it s all right with me.

I think what they are doing is proving a point. If every oddity group in our country can have a parade, why not normal people?
Who says they can't? What a dumb question.
Have we figured out yet that homosexuality is synonymous with sexual deviancy and perversion, and is an abomination in the eyes of God and Man?
New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took a swipe not necessarily at the city of Boston, but at the men marching in the town's Straight Pride parade Saturday. Commenting on a tweeted video that shows mostly men with a few women marching, AOC said it looks like the men might have a "masculinity" problem.

"For men who are allegedly so "proud" of being straight, they seem to show real incompetence at attracting women to their event," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "Seems more like a "I-Struggle-With-Masculinity" parade to me. Hope they grow enough over the next year to support / join LGBTQ fam next #Pride!"

AOC bashes Boston "Straight Pride" parade for having few accompanying females

Right airhead. You will get just as many straight pride people joining the LGBTXZOI community as you will them joining the straight pride parade.

The organizers of this event made a public announcement that all who are not troublemakers or hate groups are welcome. If mostly men were interested, then how is that a masculinity problem? I thought a desire to carry firearms was a masculinity problem too!

In any case, there were police in riot gear, protesters against the parade because of course being for normal people means you are against non-normal people, and few arrests were made.
AOC has a problem she really opens up a can of worms, and she steps out. Stupid is as stupid does.
You mean it gave them more to joke about.

Leftists don’t have a sense of humor. Don’t tell me what I mean, loser.
AOC sure does. haha

You support her?
She sure made these straight pride clowns look stupid. They need to find girlfriends. haha

Do you support her? Yes or No? Seems simple. But you evade and refuse to answer the question. That makes me laugh at your expense.
I don't have much support for any politicians. But she often seems alright to me.
Riddle me this genius: Do you disagree with what I said? Name the groups that hate crime laws apply to, and get back to me if you ever figure it out
All laws protect white people mostly.

Because most americans are white.

Why do you support laws designed to protect whitey?

I am smart!
The parade was designed to annoy Leftists. It worked.
You mean it gave them more to joke about.

Leftists don’t have a sense of humor. Don’t tell me what I mean, loser.
AOC sure does. haha

You support her?
She sure made these straight pride clowns look stupid. They need to find girlfriends. haha

Really? So how did she accomplish that?

Think that the masculinity thing is the first time a lib used that nonsense?
You mean it gave them more to joke about.

Leftists don’t have a sense of humor. Don’t tell me what I mean, loser.
AOC sure does. haha

You support her?
She sure made these straight pride clowns look stupid. They need to find girlfriends. haha

Really? So how did she accomplish that?

Think that the masculinity thing is the first time a lib used that nonsense?
She made them look like a bunch of tools that need girlfriends. That is pretty funny.
She seems to know how to piss you guys off big time

Freshman Congresswoman in her twenties and you guys go into a rage every time she mentions you

She knew how to respond to the straight pride parade. Bunch of losers who can’t get a date

She is the most stupid woman on the planet..

And you love her
AOC is not only smart as hell, she is one sexy looking woman

You can say that again.

View attachment 277177

Damn sexy woman

I personally love this girl, the more she talks, the more I like her. She needs to say a lot more.

The professors at BU cringe when they hear a news report that AOC said something. :auiqs.jpg:
Leftists don’t have a sense of humor. Don’t tell me what I mean, loser.
AOC sure does. haha

You support her?
She sure made these straight pride clowns look stupid. They need to find girlfriends. haha

Do you support her? Yes or No? Seems simple. But you evade and refuse to answer the question. That makes me laugh at your expense.
I don't have much support for any politicians. But she often seems alright to me.

So the answer is “yes”? Outstanding

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