AOC Slips Up, Admits Trump’s NYC Trial Is To Keep Him From Leaving The City To Campaign

She was elected by a majority in her district. And she was re-elected with 70.7% of the vote in 2022. Don't attack her for being elected. She won fair and square. But mourn that 82,453 people in New York thought she was the best choice.
Some people actually vote in their economic self interest, instead of voting over tranny bathroom fantasies and controlling other people's bodies.
They indeed did. And voted against the party giving a 40 year blowjob to rich people and corporations.
Your post suggests you are as clueless on the economy as those who voted for AOC. Maybe you're in her district?
The underlying crime does not have to be listed in the indictment. That is a NY state rule.

In court, the other crimes were put forth. You just choose to ignore the truth.

Pointless copying and pasting of previously debunked piffle.
No slip up. It is keeping him back.

Are you suggesting a criminal trail be put on hold because the accused decided to run in an election? Wow! That is nuts.
Yeah, it doesn't work. I tried.

I put my hat in for president and shortly after I was pulled over for speeding. I told the cop I was a candidate for President and he wrote me a ticket anyhow. I was screaming that this was lawfare but he didn't care.

So I took that shit to court and explained my political situation but the judge was not convinced. So then I asked the court, "Yes, I was speeding, but who is the victim?"

The judge could not name one victim of my speeding yet he still let the people ticket stand.

This is corruption. Now money I was going to spend on my campaign has to be used to pay my speeding ticket.

I looked into the judge later on and it turns out his son's ex roommates cousin's pen pal had donated to the Trump campaign so right then I knew it was a setup. A right wing plot to cripple my blossoming political career.
You’re posting in a thread and you didn’t bother to understand the topic.

Never post again.
This weaselly whining won't help you.

We already know the thread title is an idiotic lie. This was already settled.

Defend what? What point, in the posts you didn't read, do you want me to defend?

Oops, didn't think this through, did ya?
It's a slum with 16% voter participation. They get exactly what they deerve. When the pain and suffering reach levels most humans can't tolerate, they'll figure out what to do. Until then, fuck 'em.
Apparently you've never been to Appalachia where a lot of white folks live the same way.
No slip up. It is keeping him back.

Are you suggesting a criminal trail be put on hold because the accused decided to run in an election? Wow! That is nuts.

It obviously escaped you that the phony Bragg and Fani Willis witch hunts were timed to occur before the election. They were intended to have exactly the affect described by the Dem / Socialist brain trust, AOC.

It’s such a complete sham that Merchan’s violation of ethics rules was simply ignored because in a leftist Hell hole like NY, lawless, unethical and retrograde behavior by reprehensible democrats is the expectation.


AOC Slips Up, Admits Trump’s NYC Trial Is To Keep Him From Leaving The City To Campaign

While trying to take a shot at Trump, AOC accidentally confirms Trump's claim.

22 May 2024 ~~ By K. Walker

NOTE: This article may include commentary reflecting the author’s position.
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is very upset that former President Donald Trump will be campaigning on her turf.
When speaking to the press on Tuesday, the House Representative for New York’s 14th Congressional district accidentally admitted that the trial is de facto election interference by hobbling one candidate’s presidential campaign. She actually compared it to wearing an ankle bracelet.

Isn’t that precisely what Trump has been complaining about in his pressers outside of the courthouse?​

We know it’s election interference. They know it’s election interference.
We all know that’s illegal, and nothing will be done about it.
Who’s going to break the news to the genius AOC that there’s quite a big difference between an ankle monitor that you wear to broadcast your location to the authorities and an ankle bracelet that you wear to broadcast your availability to men?
AOC's false eyelashes keep interfering with her thought ptrcesses.

Since she has zero involvement influence or authority over the matter, it’s not really something she can admit to.

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