Apparently dems are all lathered up over Jared Kushner having a security clearance

We already went over all this. They're bringing it back to see if it will stick this time.
Oh, dear! Does that mean Gen Kelley is a DINO because he objected to Trump's over-ride of FBI/CIA guidelines?

No, it means his job is to object as he sees fit, then to shut up when his opinions are overridden by the president.
Yknow, billy. I swear you'd have objected to high heaven if this kind of security carelessness had occurred a few years back. I'd guess there are a lot of things happening now that would have upset you not so long ago.

I had no problem with Obama exercising legal authority. Now, I may have thought his intentions nefarious, but he certainly had the authority. Hence, for said reason Hillary lost the election.
Republicans didn’t realize that Trump was just going to give away whatever classified material the Russians ask for.
They still don’t want to believe that Trump works for Putin.

They made such a big deal about Hillary‘s emails. But then they didn’t really act surprised when Trump brought Russian spies into the oval office to give them classified material if they wanted it. You know that when somebody is given material like that it doesn’t stop, they ask for more. Obviously Trump has been compromised.
Like 500k speeches
Uranium One deals
and reset buttons.
....ya sure. LOL
Look guys, a security clearance doesn't mean Kushner gets to see any and all classified documents that he wants to. He has to have a need to know, somebody above him has to decide that he needs to see something that is classified, to advise the President or someone else. The clearance is nothing more than the President's authorization that he can be trusted with whatever documents the President thinks he should see, and if that trust is misplaced or misused then you've finally got something to bitch about concerning Trump.
Most Top Secret Clearances are compartmentalized. Need to know

But Kushner is in a unique position as advisor to the President. He can access almost anything he wants
but were here, see, and spoke no evil about hillary's server
So you equate his unauthorized top secret security clearance because of Hillary, in essence you are admitting you approved of both with your whataboutism...
To review some of Kushner's "reasonable" advice to Trump: 1) Fire Comey! Dems'll love it 2) Back Luther Strange! 3) Hire Scaramucci (for professionalism!) 4) Hinge our Mideast plans on buddying up with MBS 5) Cook up amnesty-for-fence bill (it'll get 75 votes! [crushed, 50-47])
His friendship with Prince Salman should be enough to prevent a clearance
what do you think will happen if Jared asks Trump for intel? "Sorry kid, but you lost your clearance, and you know me -- I'm a real stickler for protocol!" Trump will give Jared whatever he needs and he'll commit crimes until you indict them. All of them.
what do you think will happen if Jared asks Trump for intel? "Sorry kid, but you lost your clearance, and you know me -- I'm a real stickler for protocol!" Trump will give Jared whatever he needs and he'll commit crimes until you indict them. All of them.
Trump thinks in short sentences. He is incapable of explaining complex topics
Remember: "Elections have consequences", and "There's no better revenge than voting." Obama said those things. :biggrin:
Remember that about 3 million more votes were cast for the person to whom you choose to direct your incessant malice upon. Sounds a lot like your Mom gave you green lollipops when you really wanted red ones and you are making Hillary pay for your hatred of strong women who make the rules instead of catering to your wishes. Ya think?

I don't care if she got 10 million more votes. We don't live under a "mob rule" Democracy, this is a constitutional republic. Hillary is not a "strong" woman either. She is an obsessed weakling who willingly gave comfort and aid to Russia with her Uranium One scandal.

Thank God Hillary lost the election. She could have been the worst thing to ever happen to this country. and if those Russians somehow had something to do with her loss, I congratulate each and every one of them. Stick that in your little Chinese-made neo-McCarthyite phony patriot's pipe and smoke it. Hope you choke on it.
Hey Galt...even as I am aware that your heart pumps battery acid instead of warm blood, I ask what you think would have happened in America if Hillary had won the 2016 election.
Remember: "Elections have consequences", and "There's no better revenge than voting." Obama said those things. :biggrin:
Remember that about 3 million more votes were cast for the person to whom you choose to direct your incessant malice upon. Sounds a lot like your Mom gave you green lollipops when you really wanted red ones and you are making Hillary pay for your hatred of strong women who make the rules instead of catering to your wishes. Ya think?

I don't care if she got 10 million more votes. We don't live under a "mob rule" Democracy, this is a constitutional republic. Hillary is not a "strong" woman either. She is an obsessed weakling who willingly gave comfort and aid to Russia with her Uranium One scandal.

Thank God Hillary lost the election. She could have been the worst thing to ever happen to this country. and if those Russians somehow had something to do with her loss, I congratulate each and every one of them. Stick that in your little Chinese-made neo-McCarthyite phony patriot's pipe and smoke it. Hope you choke on it.
BTW Galt, Even though you don't believe in any media save Breitbart and Fox and InfoWars, do take a look at what is evident to the un-duped just for reference as to why they find you hopeless.
FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?
Remember: "Elections have consequences", and "There's no better revenge than voting." Obama said those things. :biggrin:
Remember that about 3 million more votes were cast for the person to whom you choose to direct your incessant malice upon. Sounds a lot like your Mom gave you green lollipops when you really wanted red ones and you are making Hillary pay for your hatred of strong women who make the rules instead of catering to your wishes. Ya think?

I don't care if she got 10 million more votes. We don't live under a "mob rule" Democracy, this is a constitutional republic. Hillary is not a "strong" woman either. She is an obsessed weakling who willingly gave comfort and aid to Russia with her Uranium One scandal.

Thank God Hillary lost the election. She could have been the worst thing to ever happen to this country. and if those Russians somehow had something to do with her loss, I congratulate each and every one of them. Stick that in your little Chinese-made neo-McCarthyite phony patriot's pipe and smoke it. Hope you choke on it.
Hey Galt...even as I am aware that your heart pumps battery acid instead of warm blood, I ask what you think would have happened in America if Hillary had won the 2016 election.


Remember: "Elections have consequences", and "There's no better revenge than voting." Obama said those things. :biggrin:
Remember that about 3 million more votes were cast for the person to whom you choose to direct your incessant malice upon. Sounds a lot like your Mom gave you green lollipops when you really wanted red ones and you are making Hillary pay for your hatred of strong women who make the rules instead of catering to your wishes. Ya think?

I don't care if she got 10 million more votes. We don't live under a "mob rule" Democracy, this is a constitutional republic. Hillary is not a "strong" woman either. She is an obsessed weakling who willingly gave comfort and aid to Russia with her Uranium One scandal.

Thank God Hillary lost the election. She could have been the worst thing to ever happen to this country. and if those Russians somehow had something to do with her loss, I congratulate each and every one of them. Stick that in your little Chinese-made neo-McCarthyite phony patriot's pipe and smoke it. Hope you choke on it.
Hey Galt...even as I am aware that your heart pumps battery acid instead of warm blood, I ask what you think would have happened in America if Hillary had won the 2016 election.


Great song
There's a reason Jared had to amend his FBI clearance for 100 times.

He's as dirty as John Gotti
I honestly don’t know what’s sadder there: Either Ivanka is knowingly lying about her Dad forcing her and Jared’s security clearance through, or she genuinely thinks they got it on merits on their own
I honestly don’t know what’s sadder there: Either Ivanka is knowingly lying about her Dad forcing her and Jared’s security clearance through, or she genuinely thinks they got it on merits on their own
Red flags went up all over

Trump ignored them
Jared had to amend his security paperwork ONE HUNDRED times as new meetings with foreign government officials were unearthed.

How many days has he been in the White House?

That's more than once a week...

No wonder the intel folks don't trust him
'Apparently dems are all lathered up over Jared Kushner having a security clearance'

"Dems demanding documents from Ivanka. They need to be more specific. She is a VERY high powered woman. Do they want documents on belts and handbags? Or shoes? If so, pumps or stilettos?" - Coulter

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