Appeal to sensible people

Tying this into the region in question...

[. . .]Israelis, all ex-military men, are behind bars in four countries on gunrunning charges, a state of affairs that veteran security analyst Yossi Melman laments "is very damaging to Israel's image, or what remains of it."

All face judicial proceedings, including extradition, that could lift the veil on their alleged business interest and links with the Middle East, Africa's perpetual wars and the Latin American narcotics trade.[...][emphasis Capstone's]

That's a veil people like you really don't want lifted, eh Roudy? :doubt:
Last I checked Syria and Israel were enemies and at war for the last 60 years.

Only shameless LIARS will somehow involve Israel in Assad's savagery.

"People like you".
I am shocked and surprised that Sherri was the first to jump in and thank this bottom feeder for calling America war criminals and butchers in his very first post. Not.
What's funny is America hasn't even touched Syria yet, and they both agreed on the "American war crimes in Syria". Hilarious. I guess they are both reading from the same playbook.

Maybe she's talking to herself? Nah...she's not that smart.

Americans eyes are opened, we know the US had Special Operations in Syria stirring up dissension against Assad for years. We know we have been arming the Rebels. WE ARE not all deniers of US involvement in Syria and we are not all Israel ass kissers and we are not all ready to eagerly kill babies for Israel. And some of us are not afraid to express remorse for our Nations sins. Fear lies behind all the denials. Fear mostly of facing who we are.
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What's funny is America hasn't even touched Syria yet, and they both agreed on the "American war crimes in Syria". Hilarious. I guess they are both reading from the same playbook.

Maybe she's talking to herself? Nah...she's not that smart.

Americans eyes are opened, we know the US had Special Operations in Syria stirring up dissension against Assad for years. We know we have been arming the Rebels. WE ARE not all deniers of US involvement in Syria and we are not all Israel ass kissers and we are not all ready to eagerly kill babies for Israel.
Oh how it weeps for Assad.

And who exactly is the "we". Anti American ass kissers of Hamas?
Mr. Nouri al-Maliki, Mr. Hussain al-Shahristani, Mr. Saleh al-Mutlaq, Mr. RowschNuriShaways, Mr. Saadoun al-Dulaimi, Mr. HoshyarZebari, Mr. Muhammad Shiya al-Sudani, Mr. Ali Abdullah al-Sajeri, Mr.Fakhri Kareem, and all those most respectable politicians Iraqi fate depends on!
Don't be indifferent and reactionless! Look at those grievous crimes Americans commit in Syria under pretext of answer for using of chemical weapons by al Assad's government. Remember tragic doom of Iraq. That time American war criminals and their allies used just the same pretext for invasion into your country.
War in Syria is instigated by the United States of America just like war in Iraq. And they must pay for all tears and blood they spilled on this land. For they are going to spill more.
So use Syrian events and call American and NATO butchers to account. Stop massacre of your Syrian brothers and avenge for Iraqi ruin!
There is no time to sit and watch. It is time to act.

I am shocked and surprised that Sherri was the first to jump in and thank this bottom feeder for calling America war criminals and butchers in his very first post. Not.

Truth being brought into the light is beautiful to see.
Mr. Nouri al-Maliki, Mr. Hussain al-Shahristani, Mr. Saleh al-Mutlaq, Mr. RowschNuriShaways, Mr. Saadoun al-Dulaimi, Mr. HoshyarZebari, Mr. Muhammad Shiya al-Sudani, Mr. Ali Abdullah al-Sajeri, Mr.Fakhri Kareem, and all those most respectable politicians Iraqi fate depends on!
Don't be indifferent and reactionless! Look at those grievous crimes Americans commit in Syria under pretext of answer for using of chemical weapons by al Assad's government. Remember tragic doom of Iraq. That time American war criminals and their allies used just the same pretext for invasion into your country.
War in Syria is instigated by the United States of America just like war in Iraq. And they must pay for all tears and blood they spilled on this land. For they are going to spill more.
So use Syrian events and call American and NATO butchers to account. Stop massacre of your Syrian brothers and avenge for Iraqi ruin!
There is no time to sit and watch. It is time to act.

I am shocked and surprised that Sherri was the first to jump in and thank this bottom feeder for calling America war criminals and butchers in his very first post. Not.

Birds of a feather you know.

Scumbags are an avian species?
Mr. Nouri al-Maliki, Mr. Hussain al-Shahristani, Mr. Saleh al-Mutlaq, Mr. RowschNuriShaways, Mr. Saadoun al-Dulaimi, Mr. HoshyarZebari, Mr. Muhammad Shiya al-Sudani, Mr. Ali Abdullah al-Sajeri, Mr.Fakhri Kareem, and all those most respectable politicians Iraqi fate depends on!
Don't be indifferent and reactionless! Look at those grievous crimes Americans commit in Syria under pretext of answer for using of chemical weapons by al Assad's government. Remember tragic doom of Iraq. That time American war criminals and their allies used just the same pretext for invasion into your country.
War in Syria is instigated by the United States of America just like war in Iraq. And they must pay for all tears and blood they spilled on this land. For they are going to spill more.
So use Syrian events and call American and NATO butchers to account. Stop massacre of your Syrian brothers and avenge for Iraqi ruin!
There is no time to sit and watch. It is time to act.

I am shocked and surprised that Sherri was the first to jump in and thank this bottom feeder for calling America war criminals and butchers in his very first post. Not.

Truth being brought into the light is beautiful to see.

It is beautiful exposing the hypocrisy of self-hating 'Americans' like sherriKKKins : ))
Mr. Nouri al-Maliki, Mr. Hussain al-Shahristani, Mr. Saleh al-Mutlaq, Mr. RowschNuriShaways, Mr. Saadoun al-Dulaimi, Mr. HoshyarZebari, Mr. Muhammad Shiya al-Sudani, Mr. Ali Abdullah al-Sajeri, Mr.Fakhri Kareem, and all those most respectable politicians Iraqi fate depends on!
Don't be indifferent and reactionless! Look at those grievous crimes Americans commit in Syria under pretext of answer for using of chemical weapons by al Assad's government. Remember tragic doom of Iraq. That time American war criminals and their allies used just the same pretext for invasion into your country.
War in Syria is instigated by the United States of America just like war in Iraq. And they must pay for all tears and blood they spilled on this land. For they are going to spill more.
So use Syrian events and call American and NATO butchers to account. Stop massacre of your Syrian brothers and avenge for Iraqi ruin!
There is no time to sit and watch. It is time to act.

I am shocked and surprised that Sherri was the first to jump in and thank this bottom feeder for calling America war criminals and butchers in his very first post. Not.

Truth being brought into the light is beautiful to see.
Your insanity does not in any way shape or form come close to the "truth".

But that's usually how insane people think, that they are speaking the truth.
I am shocked and surprised that Sherri was the first to jump in and thank this bottom feeder for calling America war criminals and butchers in his very first post. Not.
What's funny is America hasn't even touched Syria yet, and they both agreed on the "American war crimes in Syria". Hilarious. I guess they are both reading from the same playbook.

Maybe she's talking to herself? Nah...she's not that smart.

Ask the " christian" Pro Palestinian what " war crimes" we comitteed in Syria and there will be no response. Act why she doesn't condemn Assad there will be no response either. Consider where it comes from :lol:
Mr. Nouri al-Maliki, Mr. Hussain al-Shahristani, Mr. Saleh al-Mutlaq, Mr. RowschNuriShaways, Mr. Saadoun al-Dulaimi, Mr. HoshyarZebari, Mr. Muhammad Shiya al-Sudani, Mr. Ali Abdullah al-Sajeri, Mr.Fakhri Kareem, and all those most respectable politicians Iraqi fate depends on!
Don't be indifferent and reactionless! Look at those grievous crimes Americans commit in Syria under pretext of answer for using of chemical weapons by al Assad's government. Remember tragic doom of Iraq. That time American war criminals and their allies used just the same pretext for invasion into your country.
War in Syria is instigated by the United States of America just like war in Iraq. And they must pay for all tears and blood they spilled on this land. For they are going to spill more.
So use Syrian events and call American and NATO butchers to account. Stop massacre of your Syrian brothers and avenge for Iraqi ruin!
There is no time to sit and watch. It is time to act.

I am shocked and surprised that Sherri was the first to jump in and thank this bottom feeder for calling America war criminals and butchers in his very first post. Not.

Truth being brought into the light is beautiful to see.

Maybe Miss Shiite would care to cite some of the war crimes and butchery America has committed in Syria? We know your truth. Arabs good...Joooos bad.
Military Intervention In Syria", US Training "Rebels" Since 2011 And The Complete Grand Plan - The March 2012 Leak

They wanted to grill me on the strategic picture on Syria, so after that I got to grill them on the military picture.*There is still a very low level of understanding of what is actually at stake in Syria, what's the strategic interest there, the Turkish role, the Iranian role, etc.*After a couple hours of talking,*they said without saying that SOF teams (presumably from US, UK, France, Jordan, Turkey) are already on the ground*focused on recce*[ZH: "recce" means reconnaissance]*missions and training opposition forces.*One Air Force intel guy (US) said very carefully that there isn't much of a Free Syrian Army to train right now anyway, but all the operations being done now are being done out of 'prudence.' The way it was put to me was, 'look at this way - the level of information known on Syrian OrBat this month is the best it's been since 2001.' They have been told to prepare contingencies and be ready to act within 2-3 months, but they still stress that this is all being done as contingency planning,*not as a move toward escalation. "Military Intervention In Syria", US Training "Rebels" Since 2011 And The Complete Grand Plan - The March 2012 Leak | Zero Hedge
I am shocked and surprised that Sherri was the first to jump in and thank this bottom feeder for calling America war criminals and butchers in his very first post. Not.

Truth being brought into the light is beautiful to see.

Maybe Miss Shiite would care to cite some of the war crimes and butchery America has committed in Syria? We know your truth. Arabs good...Joooos bad.

The letter in OP is actually addressing the war crime that military strikes in Syria would be. In Iraq, it happened when we invaded Iraq . BUT , the US has been doing other things in Syria for years, as last post illustrates.
"we are not all ready to eagerly kill babies for Israel"

She's been hittin' the Hitler hghballs again....... It's funny how the HAMAS whores just can't refrain from spewing the old classic canards once they get going. It usually doesn't take very long before they fall back on the old favorite Big Lies.

There isn't any truth to be had from the l'il sherrithing - at least not since she's pickled her brain in propaganda and started hangin' with the 'Heil Hitler' crowd.....
It is very simple, if we launch missiles at Syria it is for Israel, and every single child who dies from those strikes is a baby killed for Israel. Now, I do not want to kill babies for Israel, but some here seem to have an unquenchable lust for blood of the children of Syria.
Before the chemical attack and any talk about the U.S attacking Syria, Sherri never uttered a WORD about Assad slaughtering his own people by the tens of thousands.
But the moment the U.S talks about potentially attacking Syria, she comes out with here "The U.S are war criminals, the Zionists are forcing them to attack Syria, what about the Syrians who will be killed when the U.S attacks"
Then she expects to be taken seriously

BTW, the other say she mentioned hoe she has sent letters to Bibi but has never gotten a response :lol:
Someone needs to get this loon a life..

OH, and please quote this message because she has me on ignore, so I want her to see what I wrote.
It is very simple, if we launch missiles at Syria it is for Israel, and every single child who dies from those strikes is a baby killed for Israel. Now, I do not want to kill babies for Israel, but some here seem to have an unquenchable lust for blood of the children of Syria.

You see what I'm talking about ?? This woman is batshit crazy
She deserves more than one 'crazy' emoticon

It is very simple, if we launch missiles at Syria it is for Israel, and every single child who dies from those strikes is a baby killed for Israel. Now, I do not want to kill babies for Israel, but some here seem to have an unquenchable lust for blood of the children of Syria.

This is a very interesting and powerful statement. Do you have substantive material to back up your assertion?
It is very simple, if we launch missiles at Syria it is for Israel, and every single child who dies from those strikes is a baby killed for Israel. Now, I do not want to kill babies for Israel, but some here seem to have an unquenchable lust for blood of the children of Syria.

This is a very interesting and powerful statement. Do you have substantive material to back up your assertion?

I have read over a dozen articles that state the dubious Intelligence that gave rise to the plan for military strikes came from Israel and that Israel is behind these strikes, as is AIPAC, and they have been discussed in many discussion threads here and on the US Politics board. The American people do not support strikes. Our own board poll shows 94% of us oppose military strikes. If we have strikes, it shall not be American interests servesd and babies who die will not be being killed to support American interests.
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It is very simple, if we launch missiles at Syria it is for Israel, and every single child who dies from those strikes is a baby killed for Israel. Now, I do not want to kill babies for Israel, but some here seem to have an unquenchable lust for blood of the children of Syria.

This is a very interesting and powerful statement. Do you have substantive material to back up your assertion?

I have read over a dozen articles that state the dubious Intelligence that gave rise to the plan for military strikes came from Israel and that Israel is behind these strikes, as is AIPAC, and they have been discussed in many discussion threads here and on the US Politics board. The American people do not support strikes. Our own board poll shows 94% of us oppose military strikes. If we have strikes, it shall not be American interests servesd and babies who die will not be being killed to support American interests.

Thank you for answering, nevertheless, that does not support your quoted statement. The US has legitimate interests in the area beyond Israel. Further, I am on a military base, talking with those who may be deployed and those who are familial support for these soldiers almost everyday. I have not ever heard one person claim they willing to risk their lives for Israel or any foreign power let alone kill children for Israel or any a foreign power.

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