Are American Hispanics Stupid ? They Have No Reason to Hate Trump

I think you should go campaign for Trump, knocking on doors in the Hispanic community and explain this to them.

I'm sure you'll win many Trump votes!
I've ALREADY done that. Sometimes in Spanish. So far they have all agreed with me. Every one of them. They just hadn't thought it through, that's all. Like you. :biggrin:


No it doesn't scare me bc AdolfTrump will not win the general election.

Keep believing that.

I have written him off 3 times already in the primary alone, and I am a Trump supporter.

i'm not a Trump supporter, but not a Trump Hater either, and I think he is going to win in a landslide.

Weird election season, huh?

JimBowei YOU are 100% Trump supporter. You are just saying that so you don't look stupid.
Thing is, Trump didn't say "some Hispanics are rapists", he said YOU are a rapist. Are you? Seeing as you've legitimized Trump saying that.
You generalize Christians all the time. Do you believe all Christians are evil or stupid or just some of them?

I've never said all Christians are evil and I've never said all Christians are stupid.

Trump said all Mexicans are rapists.

Do you see the difference?

Trump might have said that all Mexicans are rapists, but I haven't heard him say it. Maybe you have a link to that?

Donald Trump’s false comments connecting Mexican immigrants and crime

"“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”"

Okay, he didn't say all Mexicans are rapists. He said all those coming from Mexico to the US are rapists. Again, any person whose family has come over from Mexico, is apparently a rapist.

One problem I have with Trump is that he often does not speak with accuracy and precision. It's not that he isn't politically correct. I like that he is not politically correct. However, what does it mean that "When Mexico sends it's people......" Is Mexico (the government) sending them or are they coming voluntarily? Also, the way he stresses that they are bringing problems, drugs and crime and that they are rapists and then he dismissively says "And some, I assume, are good people", seem to me that he is saying that the vast majority of people from Mexico are terrible people. I am also disappointed that he didn't say ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS rather than Mexicans.

I am all for enforcing our laws against illegal immigrants, even if many or most are generally good people. America has a right to regulate the immigration process by which non citizens are allowed to enter the country (or not enter the country).

I was having a conversation about political correctness with some guy last night.

He said "What is political correctness? Someone says they hate political correctness, then you ask them if it's okay to say 'n*gger' and they say of course it isn't"

So, people will often not like political correctness when it suits them. When it suits them they'll be for political correctness.
One problem I have with Trump is that he often does not speak with accuracy and precision. It's not that he isn't politically correct. I like that he is not politically correct. However, what does it mean that "When Mexico sends it's people......" Is Mexico (the government) sending them or are they coming voluntarily? Also, the way he stresses that they are bringing problems, drugs and crime and that they are rapists and then he dismissively says "And some, I assume, are good people", seem to me that he is saying that the vast majority of people from Mexico are terrible people. I am also disappointed that he didn't say ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS rather than Mexicans.

I am all for enforcing our laws against illegal immigrants, even if many or most are generally good people. America has a right to regulate the immigration process by which non citizens are allowed to enter the country (or not enter the country).
1. The GUIA DEL MIGRANTE MEXICANO (Guide for the Mexican Migrant) was printed by the Mexican government. It helps illegal aliens get into the US illegally and avoid US immigration authorities. See POST # 65



2. Ex-Mexican president Vicente Fox has openly bragged & gloated about Mexicans going into the US illegally and sending back remittances$$$, and these being Mexico's # 1 source of income.

Vicente Fox Says Remittances Largest Source Of Revenue Since 2003, Gloats At Getting Illegals And Matricula Consular Into US : Diggers Realm

Oh yes, they have been, and still are SENDING them all right. No doubt about that. This is a clear cut INVASION.

If you read it, it actually tells them more or less how to stay safe.

"If you are detained

Don't run or try to escape
Don't hide in dangerous places
Don't cross highways
It is better that you are detained and returned to Mexico, than getting lost in the desert"

Does this sound like people who are helping you to get into the US illegally? Or people who know that some people will try it, and advising them to be safe?
Are American Hispanics Stupid ? They Have No Reason to Hate Trump

Uh oh. Sounds like Captain Dumbshit finally figured out he needs the "rapists, drug dealers and murderers" votes in order to beat Hillary. Oopsies.

Next up, Mr. Stoopid yellow toupee with tiny hands will figure out that habitually rating women on the 1-10 scale like cuts of beef and making fun of them bleeding and speculating in 1994 how big his infant daughter's tits would get, might get in the way of winning against Hillary too.

RNC, are you aware of these insurmountable problems? Is it your intention to just get up at the convention this June and read a concession speech to Hillary or what?

The email bullshit isn't going to get any traction with voters. Everyone sympathizes with wanting to keep your emails hidden. All it's going to do is make the GOP look even more desperate and pathetic. And it won't boil down to a victory for Trump. Quite the contrary. In fact, the more the GOP harps on those goddamned who gives a shit emails, the better Hillary's numbers will be in the end. Mark my words.

The RNC had better get its head screwed on straight and quick. The sands in the hourglass have almost run out on its endless blunders...
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According to polls, American Hispanics are in opposition to Donald Trump in big numbers. Even among Republican Hispanics this is the case. But why ? I'm a Hispanic American. I don't see a damn thing wrong with anything Trump has said, or proposes to do. So what if he talked about Mexicans coming here illegally being criminals ? They ARE. They are committing a crime as soon as they cross the border. Of course, they're criminals. And some commit more crimes than that.

And rapists ? Sure, some of them are. Trump didn't say all of them are. In fact, he said some of them were good people. I think that was too generous. Good people don't break our laws by crossing the border illegally & criminally and disrespecting our laws, and therefore us too.

And yes, some of them ARE bringing drugs. Just watch the TV show "Border Wars" and watch the border patrol catching tons of the stuff coming in.

And mass deportation ? Of course. Do these people not know that we are losing $123 Billion/year from our economy due to the remittances that these raiders pillage out of our economy + Billions more lost in welfare via the anchor baby racket ? Do they not know that millions of jobs are being lost to illegal aliens ?

What the hell is wrong with American Hispanics ? I see no reason why they should have this anti-Trump attitude. It is purely stupid. These fools need to stop being so ethno-centrist and see this election objectively.

Trump faces stiff opposition from Hispanic Republicans | Washington Examiner

What is wrong with American Hispanics? Deporting 11 millions and calling them criminals.................. How is that sound?
Most or all of these people are against illegals but deporting their friends or relatives is not acceptable. I know lots of Hispanics here in Florida and California and they are pissed. Don't be surprise if they create their own militias to counter deportation courtesy of 2nd amendment. You will need marines to pull these illegals from barrios just like what Adolf Hitler did in WW2. *TRUST ME*
Charwin clear something up you are saying most or all illegals are against illegals?..and deporting their friends and family is no good,but the others its ok?...kind of hypercritical dont you think?....

I'm talking about American Hispanics, US citizens and Hispanics that has green cards.
These people are against illegals................ but they strongly opposed deportations. Most or all of these has friends or relatives that are illegals.
the American born Mexicans i know are more against illegals than any non Mexicans i know.....but wont support the republicans because of the ones who made this a racial thing....
I'm talking about American Hispanics, US citizens and Hispanics that has green cards.
These people are against illegals................ but they strongly opposed deportations. Most or all of these has friends or relatives that are illegals.
If you strongly oppose deportations, you are NOT against illegals. Deportation for illegal aliens is the LAW. There could be no greater support for illegal aliens, than to oppose their deportation.
I'm talking about American Hispanics, US citizens and Hispanics that has green cards.
These people are against illegals................ but they strongly opposed deportations. Most or all of these has friends or relatives that are illegals.
If you strongly oppose deportations, you are NOT against illegals. Deportation for illegal aliens is the LAW. There could be no greater support for illegal aliens, than to oppose their deportation.

I agree

what's the problem?

illegals have to be deported. Period.
Another bitter old white Conservative who is telling minorities that they are stupid- and doesn't understand why the minorities reject Conservatives.
I explained why they reject Conservatives (like Trump) in the OP. Can you read ?

Also, your racism and ageism aren't necessary, but 10-4 on them anyway, since you insist on putting them on display.
Why can't the hordes of illegals come in a legal way?

Why do they have to cut the line asses that they are....

Yes, it's irritating and annoying and illegal too.
Are American Hispanics Stupid ? They Have No Reason to Hate Trump

Uh oh. Sounds like Captain Dumbshit finally figured out he needs the "rapists, drug dealers and murderers" votes in order to beat Hillary. Oopsies.

Next up, Mr. Stoopid yellow toupee with tiny hands will figure out that habitually rating women on the 1-10 scale like cuts of beef and making fun of them bleeding and speculating in 1994 how big his infant daughter's tits would get, might get in the way of winning against Hillary too.

RNC, are you aware of these insurmountable problems? Is it your intention to just get up at the convention this June and read a concession speech to Hillary or what?

The email bullshit isn't going to get any traction with voters. Everyone sympathizes with wanting to keep your emails hidden. All it's going to do is make the GOP look even more desperate and pathetic. And it won't boil down to a victory for Trump. Quite the contrary. In fact, the more the GOP harps on those goddamned who gives a shit emails, the better Hillary's numbers will be in the end. Mark my words.

The RNC had better get its head screwed on straight and quick. The sands in the hourglass have almost run out on its endless blunders...
I got as far as the "email bullshit isn't going to get any traction " and decided I couldn't take any more of this IDIOCY. When you write a post this dumb and detached from reality, you don't get answered in any way except to say please stop polluting the tread. YUK! Pheeeeeww!! (high-pitched whistle)
the American born Mexicans i know are more against illegals than any non Mexicans i know.....but wont support the republicans because of the ones who made this a racial thing....

Democrats have made this a racial thing. It's called THE RACE CARD. No one else has.
Another bitter old white Conservative who is telling minorities that they are stupid- and doesn't understand why the minorities reject Conservatives.
I explained why they reject Conservatives (like Trump) in the OP. Can you read ?

Also, your racism and ageism aren't necessary, but 10-4 on them anyway, since you insist on putting them on display.

LOL- I call you a bitter old white Conservative because that is an entirely accurate description by someone who is as white as you, as old as you- just not as racist, bigoted or stupid as you.
the American born Mexicans i know are more against illegals than any non Mexicans i know.....but wont support the republicans because of the ones who made this a racial thing....

Democrats have made this a racial thing. It's called THE RACE CARD. No one else has.

You blame Democrats for your thread?

You blame Democrats for Trump's idiotic statements about Mexicans?

Is there anything you don't blame Democrats for?
If you read it, it actually tells them more or less how to stay safe.

"If you are detained

Don't run or try to escape
Don't hide in dangerous places
Don't cross highways
It is better that you are detained and returned to Mexico, than getting lost in the desert"

Does this sound like people who are helping you to get into the US illegally? Or people who know that some people will try it, and advising them to be safe?
I read every word of it (10 years ago). And it isn't any better now than it was then. It is AS I SAID, a guide to help illegal aliens break and disrespect our laws (and us), and evade US authorities. You can cherry pick a few lines and think you can distort this guide, but there is no question that it was Mexico's intention to help them get into the US and raid our economy and treasuries. This all equals Mexico's # 1 source of income. No doubt about it. You got the link to the Mexico president openly admitting it. Did you think there was a question about this invasion ?
the American born Mexicans i know are more against illegals than any non Mexicans i know.....but wont support the republicans because of the ones who made this a racial thing....

Democrats have made this a racial thing. It's called THE RACE CARD. No one else has.

You blame Democrats for your thread?

You blame Democrats for Trump's idiotic statements about Mexicans?

Is there anything you don't blame Democrats for?

The one to blame is Hillary Clinton.

She is a sick SICK witch who has poisoned the well for the Democrats out there... she is a true disgrace of a woman .
You blame Democrats for your thread?

You blame Democrats for Trump's idiotic statements about Mexicans?

Is there anything you don't blame Democrats for?
NO, I don't blame them for my thread, I blame them for constantly trying to turn this election into something racial, when it isn't. Standard liberal behavior. The RACE CARD is always used.

And Trumps's statements are NOT about "Mexicans" (as you deliberately distort them). They are about those particular Mexicans who come here and rape and murder, and bring drugs. And his statement actually was too nice. He said some of them are good people. NO THEY"RE NOT. They are all lawbreakers, whether they cross the border illegally or overstay a visa.

And in so doing, they disrespect our laws, and therefore us, as well. Nothing "good" about that.
LOL- I call you a bitter old white Conservative because that is an entirely accurate description by someone who is as white as you, as old as you- just not as racist, bigoted or stupid as you.
1. I am only half white, I am half Hispanic (British Honduras/Belize), and I speak fluent Spanish.

2. YOU are who is obvioulsy racist (against whites), and ageist as well. YOU ARE A BIGOT. Big time.
1. I am only half white, I am half Hispanic (British Honduras/Belize), and I speak fluent Spanish.

So can you tell me why speaking Spanish makes you not white? The Spaniards in Spain are totally white and speak Spanish.

This has never made any sense to me.

2. YOU are who is obvioulsy racist (against whites), and ageist as well. YOU ARE A BIGOT. Big time.

He is a typical libtard.

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