Are American Hispanics Stupid ? They Have No Reason to Hate Trump

1. I am only half white, I am half Hispanic (British Honduras/Belize), and I speak fluent Spanish.

So can you tell me why speaking Spanish makes you not white? The Spaniards in Spain are totally white and speak Spanish.

This has never made any sense to me.

2. YOU are who is obvioulsy racist (against whites), and ageist as well. YOU ARE A BIGOT. Big time.

He is a typical libtard.
Protectionist did not say that his ability to speak Spanish made him non-white. He claims to be half white and half Hispanic. I expect his claim is based on having one Hispanic parent and one White parent, but I could be wrong.
Protectionist did not say that his ability to speak Spanish made him non-white. He claims to be half white and half Hispanic.

When people say that they are half this and half that, they usually mean to refer to things that are not ever the same. That is like me saying that the paint job on my car is half blue, and half General Motors, which makes no sense if a car can be both blue and General Motors make. So the way the statement is structured implied that Hispanics are/can not be white, and I am asking why is that?

There is nothing I can see that makes Hispanics anything other than white people that speak Spanish, except for the Asians and blacks who also speak Spanish, but they are not the predominant majority of Hispanics coming into our country. Those are 99% white.

Which is why all this panic press about whites becoming a minority is so much bullshit.
Are American Hispanics Stupid ? They Have No Reason to Hate Trump

Uh oh. Sounds like Captain Dumbshit finally figured out he needs the "rapists, drug dealers and murderers" votes in order to beat Hillary. Oopsies.

Next up, Mr. Stoopid yellow toupee with tiny hands will figure out that habitually rating women on the 1-10 scale like cuts of beef and making fun of them bleeding and speculating in 1994 how big his infant daughter's tits would get, might get in the way of winning against Hillary too.

RNC, are you aware of these insurmountable problems? Is it your intention to just get up at the convention this June and read a concession speech to Hillary or what?

The email bullshit isn't going to get any traction with voters. Everyone sympathizes with wanting to keep your emails hidden. All it's going to do is make the GOP look even more desperate and pathetic. And it won't boil down to a victory for Trump. Quite the contrary. In fact, the more the GOP harps on those goddamned who gives a shit emails, the better Hillary's numbers will be in the end. Mark my words.

The RNC had better get its head screwed on straight and quick. The sands in the hourglass have almost run out on its endless blunders...
I got as far as the "email bullshit isn't going to get any traction " and decided I couldn't take any more of this IDIOCY. When you write a post this dumb and detached from reality, you don't get answered in any way except to say please stop polluting the tread. YUK! Pheeeeeww!! (high-pitched whistle)

Oh, OK, so Trump's strategists nor the GOP want to hear about how real voters are actually thinking. I was in a friend's house the other day and the news was on. As soon as the email crap with Hillary started up, he jumped up, snapped off the TV and said "god I'm sick of hearing that &*%#".

But if it soothes you to believe that the GOP's big "HIllary email scandal" is going to impress voters, go right ahead. Alternate reality seems to be vogue these days anyway. The trouble with politicians is they get so caught up in their elite bubble world that they don't really get in the trenches and they've lost touch with what really resonates with voters.


So "yeah" "people really care about Hillary's email server"....*yawn*....zzzzzz (But really they're thinking it makes the GOP establishment look even more pathetic and desperate)... Oh, wait, sorry to pollute the thread with reality..
Protectionist did not say that his ability to speak Spanish made him non-white. He claims to be half white and half Hispanic. I expect his claim is based on having one Hispanic parent and one White parent, but I could be wrong.
You are NOT wrong. My mother was born in Denmark. My father was born in USA, but his parents immigrated from British Honduras around 1900 (now called Belize), in Central America. My grandfather was actually European and immigrated from Corsica (French) to British Honduras, and then to the USA. But both grandparents spoke Spanish. That's how I learned it - from living with them for 2 years.
Are American Hispanics Stupid ? They Have No Reason to Hate Trump

Stupidest OP of the week. GOP wants Hispanic voters and boy golly protectionist's latest stupidity will really help.
Absolutely this OP will help. It already has, however small. Every Hispanic person I've talked to has agreed that they were wrong in opposing Trump, and they agree the the Mexican invasion must be stopped, and agree with the wall idea. They also agree that the occupying, imperialist, remittancers (pillagers) need to be deported ASAP, and the money Mexico has stolen, must be paid back to us. This is all just common sense. As for what JakeStarkey and other liberals are thinking, God only knows. They are programmed into cluelessness.
Are American Hispanics Stupid ? They Have No Reason to Hate Trump

Stupidest OP of the week. GOP wants Hispanic voters and boy golly protectionist's latest stupidity will really help.
Absolutely this OP will help. It already has, however small. Every Hispanic person I've talked to has agreed that they were wrong in opposing Trump, and they agree the the Mexican invasion must be stopped, and agree with the wall idea. They also agree that the occupying, imperialist, remittancers (pillagers) need to be deported ASAP, and the money Mexico has stolen, must be paid back to us. This is all just common sense. As for what JakeStarkey and other liberals are thinking, God only knows. They are programmed into cluelessness.

You are a clueless Moron. Aside from your bullshit you are a liar. Since when a racist asshole like you know Hispanics or even blacks .......................... that you will allow them to get close to you?
I know lots of Hispanics here in Florida and California. They hate Trump. What do they gain in voting trump? Deportation of their friends or relatives to start, calling them criminals etc. etc etc etc. Try again.

Poll: More than 80 percent of Hispanics view Donald Trump unfavorably
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I'm talking about American Hispanics, US citizens and Hispanics that has green cards.
These people are against illegals................ but they strongly opposed deportations. Most or all of these has friends or relatives that are illegals.
If you strongly oppose deportations, you are NOT against illegals. Deportation for illegal aliens is the LAW. There could be no greater support for illegal aliens, than to oppose their deportation.

Go back and read my post again. Pay attention .................. And read my HIPS.
Are American Hispanics Stupid ? They Have No Reason to Hate Trump

Stupidest OP of the week. GOP wants Hispanic voters and boy golly protectionist's latest stupidity will really help.
Absolutely this OP will help. It already has, however small. Every Hispanic person I've talked to has agreed that they were wrong in opposing Trump, and they agree the the Mexican invasion must be stopped, and agree with the wall idea. They also agree that the occupying, imperialist, remittancers (pillagers) need to be deported ASAP, and the money Mexico has stolen, must be paid back to us. This is all just common sense. As for what JakeStarkey and other liberals are thinking, God only knows. They are programmed into cluelessness.
No, it has not. The Hispanics are thinking you are stupid. Insult them and expect them to vote for your guy. Idiotic.

You are as silly as healthmyths and shootspeeders.

Be honest now, are you a millennial living with you parents?
You are a clueless Moron. Aside from your bullshit you are a liar. Since when a racist asshole like you know Hispanics or even blacks .......................... that you will allow them to get close to you?
I know lots of Hispanics here in Florida and California. They hate Trump. What do they gain in voting trump? Deportation of their friends or relatives to start, calling them criminals etc. etc etc etc. Try again.

Poll: More than 80 percent of Hispanics view Donald Trump unfavorably
Boy, are you ignorant. What do they have to gain ? They have to gain the elimination of all the harms of immigration (which harm them as well as any other American), Mr Warmth. And they shouldn't be "friends" with people who are invading our country, pillaging our economy & treasuries, stealing our jobs, and disrespecting our laws (and therefore us as well) Get a brain..

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($123 Billion/year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

17. Influx of terrorists.
No, it has not. The Hispanics are thinking you are stupid. Insult them and expect them to vote for your guy. Idiotic.

You are as silly as healthmyths and shootspeeders.

Be honest now, are you a millennial living with you parents?
They don't care about insults. They care about doing what is right. And this is getting rid of all illegal aliens, and doing everything we can to stop more from coming here. And the traitors who support them can leave right along with them. Adios.
So, yes, you are a millennial who is living with his parents.

No one is going anywhere except you to the 'safe space' in your basement.
the American born Mexicans i know are more against illegals than any non Mexicans i know.....but wont support the republicans because of the ones who made this a racial thing....

Democrats have made this a racial thing. It's called THE RACE CARD. No one else has.
bull shit.....try reading some of the posts around here.....the ones from tipsy are some of the better ones....yea she is a righty,i know i was shocked too....
Latinos for Trump recording. Link below. My Latino stepson sent me this u tube clip. Many Latinos, himself included, like Trump. They're different and have more on the ball than the border jumpers who Vincente Fox and Obama are trying to flood the country with. He's a physical therapist and tells me obama care is piece of shit program. High deductibles and crappy coverage. His mom (my ex) is mad about the great Obama also. Had her tax return confiscated to pay her fine for not signing up for Obiecare. Love that salsa beat. Much better than the rap crap today's youngsters listen to in America. Go Trump and bury the beast.


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