Are American Hispanics Stupid ? They Have No Reason to Hate Trump

It could happen to the Hispanics too. If people allow politicians to go around making such claims, if they gain a foothold in society, this sort of thing could end up as a Rwanda, a former Yugoslavia.


That's why the demagogue Trump is going to get a record-low share of the minority vote for a Republican in this election, amongst not just Hispanics, but blacks and Asians also.

Trump's incendiary remarks towards Hispanics is heard by other minorities. They think "If he can disparage Hispanics, he can say that about me, too."

Hispanics are going to come out in record numbers, and blacks will come out for Hillary almost as hard as they did for Obama.
You can't even find a poll that so much as indicates this...
It could happen to the Hispanics too. If people allow politicians to go around making such claims, if they gain a foothold in society, this sort of thing could end up as a Rwanda, a former Yugoslavia.


That's why the demagogue Trump is going to get a record-low share of the minority vote for a Republican in this election, amongst not just Hispanics, but blacks and Asians also.

Trump's incendiary remarks towards Hispanics is heard by other minorities. They think "If he can disparage Hispanics, he can say that about me, too."

Hispanics are going to come out in record numbers, and blacks will come out for Hillary almost as hard as they did for Obama.

And then Torid woke up, realizing that he had been asleep for nine months.....
According to polls, American Hispanics are in opposition to Donald Trump in big numbers. Even among Republican Hispanics this is the case. But why ? I'm a Hispanic American. I don't see a damn thing wrong with anything Trump has said, or proposes to do. So what if he talked about Mexicans coming here illegally being criminals ? They ARE. They are committing a crime as soon as they cross the border. Of course, they're criminals. And some commit more crimes than that.

And rapists ? Sure, some of them are. Trump didn't say all of them are. In fact, he said some of them were good people. I think that was too generous. Good people don't break our laws by crossing the border illegally & criminally and disrespecting our laws, and therefore us too.

And yes, some of them ARE bringing drugs. Just watch the TV show "Border Wars" and watch the border patrol catching tons of the stuff coming in.

And mass deportation ? Of course. Do these people not know that we are losing $123 Billion/year from our economy due to the remittances that these raiders pillage out of our economy + Billions more lost in welfare via the anchor baby racket ? Do they not know that millions of jobs are being lost to illegal aliens ?

What the hell is wrong with American Hispanics ? I see no reason why they should have this anti-Trump attitude. It is purely stupid. These fools need to stop being so ethno-centrist and see this election objectively.

Trump faces stiff opposition from Hispanic Republicans | Washington Examiner

Thing is, Trump didn't say "some Hispanics are rapists", he said YOU are a rapist. Are you? Seeing as you've legitimized Trump saying that.
You generalize Christians all the time. Do you believe all Christians are evil or stupid or just some of them?

I've never said all Christians are evil and I've never said all Christians are stupid.

Trump said all Mexicans are rapists.

Do you see the difference?

Trump might have said that all Mexicans are rapists, but I haven't heard him say it. Maybe you have a link to that?

Donald Trump’s false comments connecting Mexican immigrants and crime

"“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”"

Okay, he didn't say all Mexicans are rapists. He said all those coming from Mexico to the US are rapists. Again, any person whose family has come over from Mexico, is apparently a rapist.

One problem I have with Trump is that he often does not speak with accuracy and precision. It's not that he isn't politically correct. I like that he is not politically correct. However, what does it mean that "When Mexico sends it's people......" Is Mexico (the government) sending them or are they coming voluntarily? Also, the way he stresses that they are bringing problems, drugs and crime and that they are rapists and then he dismissively says "And some, I assume, are good people", seem to me that he is saying that the vast majority of people from Mexico are terrible people. I am also disappointed that he didn't say ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS rather than Mexicans.

I am all for enforcing our laws against illegal immigrants, even if many or most are generally good people. America has a right to regulate the immigration process by which non citizens are allowed to enter the country (or not enter the country).
No it doesn't scare me bc AdolfTrump will not win the general election.

Keep believing that.

I have written him off 3 times already in the primary alone, and I am a Trump supporter.

i'm not a Trump supporter, but not a Trump Hater either, and I think he is going to win in a landslide.

Weird election season, huh?
If he doesn't win by more than 40% in West Virginia I will be genuinely surprised.
It could happen to the Hispanics too. If people allow politicians to go around making such claims, if they gain a foothold in society, this sort of thing could end up as a Rwanda, a former Yugoslavia.


That's why the demagogue Trump is going to get a record-low share of the minority vote for a Republican in this election, amongst not just Hispanics, but blacks and Asians also.

Trump's incendiary remarks towards Hispanics is heard by other minorities. They think "If he can disparage Hispanics, he can say that about me, too."

Hispanics are going to come out in record numbers, and blacks will come out for Hillary almost as hard as they did for Obama.
You can't even find a poll that so much as indicates this...

All the polls have Trump doing worse than Romney amongst minorities (and women).

Registration is accelerating amongst Hispanics because of Trump. They're going to do to the national Republicsn Party what they did to the California GOP.
One problem I have with Trump is that he often does not speak with accuracy and precision. It's not that he isn't politically correct. I like that he is not politically correct. However, what does it mean that "When Mexico sends it's people......" Is Mexico (the government) sending them or are they coming voluntarily?
Here's Donald Trump's Presidential Announcement Speech
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people.

It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably— probably— from the Middle East. But we don’t know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast.

Trump was looking at Hispanics that worked for him at the building he announced in, I think it was Trump Plaza in New York. In the context he was speaking of illegal immigrants. Otherwise there is no relevance tot he border guard comments either.

Also, the way he stresses that they are bringing problems, drugs and crime and that they are rapists and then he dismissively says "And some, I assume, are good people", seem to me that he is saying that the vast majority of people from Mexico are terrible people.

He is saying that there is an abnormally high number of other criminal types among the illegal immigrant criminals who are violating our immigration laws. I am not sure why anyone would be surprised by that.

I am also disappointed that he didn't say ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS rather than Mexicans.

It was implied in the context, IMO.

I am all for enforcing our laws against illegal immigrants, even if many or most are generally good people. America has a right to regulate the immigration process by which non citizens are allowed to enter the country (or not enter the country).


I believe that the Hispanic community is the future of our nation. They are smart, they work hard, they are moral, solid family centered people and we need them for so many reasons, to include the displacement of our degenerate elites who are mostly centered around the old Protestant Anglo denominations. I am pretty sure this will happen in the form of some kind of Anglo-Hispanics Catholic elite, but time will tell.

But with so many Hispanics coming into the country illegally, it is undermining the legitimacy and the status of the Hispanic immigration. It needs to become legal and with respect to our laws.
Protectionist was speaking in general. That leaves implied exceptions for individual cases. Even the black community gives the GOP about 3% of its vote in Presidential elections, but both, Hispanics and blacks are going to give Trump a much bigger share this time around because ALL AMERICANS white, black, Hispanic, Moonbeam Hippies all need JOBS.

Clueless Republicans said the same thing about why minorities would vote for Romney in 2012, too.
Protectionist was speaking in general. That leaves implied exceptions for individual cases. Even the black community gives the GOP about 3% of its vote in Presidential elections, but both, Hispanics and blacks are going to give Trump a much bigger share this time around because ALL AMERICANS white, black, Hispanic, Moonbeam Hippies all need JOBS.

Clueless Republicans said the same thing about why minorities would vote for Romney in 2012, too.
Trump is not Romney, dude.

Hillary's negatives are growing at about 1% each month since December of 2015. Trumps are going DOWNWARDs more than 7% in the last 6 weeks.

But polls TODAY show Trump and Hillary already tied nationally, so things are going to get worse for the Dems unless something happens to change the direction that people are moving in. Exclusive: Trump surges in support, almost even with Clinton in national U.S. poll

New Polls Show Trump Tied With Clinton In Three Major Swing States

I think Trump will win Virginia, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, the whole South, and most Western states other than California and New Mexico, though Trump might win Ne Mexico too, especially if he takes their governor an Hispanic Republican Susan Martrinez as his VP.

Trump wins with over 350 Electoral college votes.
Protectionist was speaking in general. That leaves implied exceptions for individual cases. Even the black community gives the GOP about 3% of its vote in Presidential elections, but both, Hispanics and blacks are going to give Trump a much bigger share this time around because ALL AMERICANS white, black, Hispanic, Moonbeam Hippies all need JOBS.

Clueless Republicans said the same thing about why minorities would vote for Romney in 2012, too.
Trump is not Romney, dude.

Hillary's negatives are growing at about 1% each month since December of 2015. Trumps are going DOWNWARDs more than 7% in the last 6 weeks.

But polls TODAY show Trump and Hillary already tied nationally, so things are going to get worse for the Dems unless something happens to change the direction that people are moving in. Exclusive: Trump surges in support, almost even with Clinton in national U.S. poll

New Polls Show Trump Tied With Clinton In Three Major Swing States

I think Trump will win Virginia, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, the whole South, and most Western states other than California and New Mexico, though Trump might win Ne Mexico too, especially if he takes their governor an Hispanic Republican Susan Martrinez as his VP.

Trump wins with over 350 Electoral college votes.

You're right that Trump's not Romney.

Romney will have won more of the minority and female vote than Trump will. Probably more EVs too.
According to polls, American Hispanics are in opposition to Donald Trump in big numbers. Even among Republican Hispanics this is the case. But why ? I'm a Hispanic American. I don't see a damn thing wrong with anything Trump has said, or proposes to do. So what if he talked about Mexicans coming here illegally being criminals ? They ARE. They are committing a crime as soon as they cross the border. Of course, they're criminals. And some commit more crimes than that.

And rapists ? Sure, some of them are. Trump didn't say all of them are. In fact, he said some of them were good people. I think that was too generous. Good people don't break our laws by crossing the border illegally & criminally and disrespecting our laws, and therefore us too.

And yes, some of them ARE bringing drugs. Just watch the TV show "Border Wars" and watch the border patrol catching tons of the stuff coming in.

And mass deportation ? Of course. Do these people not know that we are losing $123 Billion/year from our economy due to the remittances that these raiders pillage out of our economy + Billions more lost in welfare via the anchor baby racket ? Do they not know that millions of jobs are being lost to illegal aliens ?

What the hell is wrong with American Hispanics ? I see no reason why they should have this anti-Trump attitude. It is purely stupid. These fools need to stop being so ethno-centrist and see this election objectively.

Trump faces stiff opposition from Hispanic Republicans | Washington Examiner

What is wrong with American Hispanics? Deporting 11 millions and calling them criminals.................. How is that sound?
Most or all of these people are against illegals but deporting their friends or relatives is not acceptable. I know lots of Hispanics here in Florida and California and they are pissed. Don't be surprise if they create their own militias to counter deportation courtesy of 2nd amendment. You will need marines to pull these illegals from barrios just like what Adolf Hitler did in WW2. *TRUST ME*
Charwin clear something up you are saying most or all illegals are against illegals?..and deporting their friends and family is no good,but the others its ok?...kind of hypercritical dont you think?....
According to polls, American Hispanics are in opposition to Donald Trump in big numbers. Even among Republican Hispanics this is the case. But why ? I'm a Hispanic American. I don't see a damn thing wrong with anything Trump has said, or proposes to do. So what if he talked about Mexicans coming here illegally being criminals ? They ARE. They are committing a crime as soon as they cross the border. Of course, they're criminals. And some commit more crimes than that.

And rapists ? Sure, some of them are. Trump didn't say all of them are. In fact, he said some of them were good people. I think that was too generous. Good people don't break our laws by crossing the border illegally & criminally and disrespecting our laws, and therefore us too.

And yes, some of them ARE bringing drugs. Just watch the TV show "Border Wars" and watch the border patrol catching tons of the stuff coming in.

And mass deportation ? Of course. Do these people not know that we are losing $123 Billion/year from our economy due to the remittances that these raiders pillage out of our economy + Billions more lost in welfare via the anchor baby racket ? Do they not know that millions of jobs are being lost to illegal aliens ?

What the hell is wrong with American Hispanics ? I see no reason why they should have this anti-Trump attitude. It is purely stupid. These fools need to stop being so ethno-centrist and see this election objectively.

Trump faces stiff opposition from Hispanic Republicans | Washington Examiner
It’s because Hispanic Americans aren’t stupid that they won’t be voting for Trump.

Hispanic Americans know exactly what rightwing bigotry is about concerning undocumented immigrants, having little to do with ‘breaking the law’; it’s about the unwarranted fear and contempt most on the right have for ‘brown people’ who ‘speak Spanish’ and are ‘taking over’ America.

Indeed, the right’s animus toward Hispanics is what’s meant when conservatives refer to ‘taking America back’ – which is to ‘take America back’ from the ‘brown people,’ ‘Spanish speakers,’ and ‘foreigners.’
undocumented immigrants
dont be afraid jones,you can say it....ready....Illegal Aliens....there was that so bad?...
It’s because Hispanic Americans aren’t stupid that they won’t be voting for Trump.

Hispanic Americans know exactly what rightwing bigotry is about concerning undocumented immigrants, having little to do with ‘breaking the law’; it’s about the unwarranted fear and contempt most on the right have for ‘brown people’ who ‘speak Spanish’ and are ‘taking over’ America.

Indeed, the right’s animus toward Hispanics is what’s meant when conservatives refer to ‘taking America back’ – which is to ‘take America back’ from the ‘brown people,’ ‘Spanish speakers,’ and ‘foreigners.’
1. First of all, the correct term for the INVADERS is ILLEGAL ALIENS. To call an illegal alien an "undocumented immigrant", is about the equivalent of calling a bank robber an informal withdrawl agent.

2. Your whole (predictable) race card presentation is racist. You turn what is not racist into a race issue. There are a ton of things involved in Mexican imperialism, remittances$$, birthright citizenship myth, sanctuary city criminality, and all the HARMS of immigration, all having nothing to do with race. Your boy who cried wolf approach doesn't cut it, and it died out long ago. You're a relic.

3. Conservatives are just as opposed to illegal immigration (and excessive legal immigration) from white Europeans as from the brown people you yammer about. A series of legislative, social, and political actions in the United States and Ireland unfolding since the 1960s, collided in the mid-1980s, to create a situation where the Irish leaving home for America entered the country as tourists, overstayed their visas and worked and lived as illegal aliens in established Irish-American neighborhoods. The activists reached out to the established ethnic leadership in the city for help and dissatisfied with the response formed the Irish Immigrant Reform Movement.
US conservatives are just as opposed to these Irish invaders, as they are to any others. And notably, Hillary Clinton is just as suck-up to the Irish illegal aliens (for their illegal VOTES) as she is to Mexicans or anyone of any ethnicity. I wonder if she used one of her phony accents (in this case, Irish), when talking to this group.

Legalize the Irish: the Legacy of the IIRM | Glucksman Ireland House | New York University

View attachment 74454
jones doesnt believe they are illegal unless they get caught....he feels the same about a shoplifter....he aint one unless he gets caught....
I think you should go campaign for Trump, knocking on doors in the Hispanic community and explain this to them.

I'm sure you'll win many Trump votes!
I've ALREADY done that. Sometimes in Spanish. So far they have all agreed with me. Every one of them. They just hadn't thought it through, that's all. Like you. :biggrin:
.That's why the demagogue Trump is going to get a record-low share of the minority vote for a Republican in this election, amongst not just Hispanics, but blacks and Asians also.

Trump's incendiary remarks towards Hispanics is heard by other minorities. They think "If he can disparage Hispanics, he can say that about me, too."

Hispanics are going to come out in record numbers, and blacks will come out for Hillary almost as hard as they did for Obama.
1. YOU DON'T KNOW what share of the minority vote Trump is going to get. To make judgements like that in May, is absurd.

2. Trump has NOT made any "incendiary remarks towards Hispanics" That was explained in the OP. Maybe you're a slow learner ?

3. Blacks, as a group, have a very high welfare recipient rate. That will help Hillary. But certainly nothing to be proud of.
One problem I have with Trump is that he often does not speak with accuracy and precision. It's not that he isn't politically correct. I like that he is not politically correct. However, what does it mean that "When Mexico sends it's people......" Is Mexico (the government) sending them or are they coming voluntarily? Also, the way he stresses that they are bringing problems, drugs and crime and that they are rapists and then he dismissively says "And some, I assume, are good people", seem to me that he is saying that the vast majority of people from Mexico are terrible people. I am also disappointed that he didn't say ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS rather than Mexicans.

I am all for enforcing our laws against illegal immigrants, even if many or most are generally good people. America has a right to regulate the immigration process by which non citizens are allowed to enter the country (or not enter the country).
1. The GUIA DEL MIGRANTE MEXICANO (Guide for the Mexican Migrant) was printed by the Mexican government. It helps illegal aliens get into the US illegally and avoid US immigration authorities. See POST # 65



2. Ex-Mexican president Vicente Fox has openly bragged & gloated about Mexicans going into the US illegally and sending back remittances$$$, and these being Mexico's # 1 source of income.

Vicente Fox Says Remittances Largest Source Of Revenue Since 2003, Gloats At Getting Illegals And Matricula Consular Into US : Diggers Realm

Oh yes, they have been, and still are SENDING them all right. No doubt about that. This is a clear cut INVASION.
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All the polls have Trump doing worse than Romney amongst minorities (and women).

Registration is accelerating amongst Hispanics because of Trump. They're going to do to the national Republicsn Party what they did to the California GOP.
No such thing as "going to" in May.
According to polls, American Hispanics are in opposition to Donald Trump in big numbers. Even among Republican Hispanics this is the case. But why ? I'm a Hispanic American. I don't see a damn thing wrong with anything Trump has said, or proposes to do. So what if he talked about Mexicans coming here illegally being criminals ? They ARE. They are committing a crime as soon as they cross the border. Of course, they're criminals. And some commit more crimes than that.

And rapists ? Sure, some of them are. Trump didn't say all of them are. In fact, he said some of them were good people. I think that was too generous. Good people don't break our laws by crossing the border illegally & criminally and disrespecting our laws, and therefore us too.

And yes, some of them ARE bringing drugs. Just watch the TV show "Border Wars" and watch the border patrol catching tons of the stuff coming in.

And mass deportation ? Of course. Do these people not know that we are losing $123 Billion/year from our economy due to the remittances that these raiders pillage out of our economy + Billions more lost in welfare via the anchor baby racket ? Do they not know that millions of jobs are being lost to illegal aliens ?

What the hell is wrong with American Hispanics ? I see no reason why they should have this anti-Trump attitude. It is purely stupid. These fools need to stop being so ethno-centrist and see this election objectively.

Trump faces stiff opposition from Hispanic Republicans | Washington Examiner

What is wrong with American Hispanics? Deporting 11 millions and calling them criminals.................. How is that sound?
Most or all of these people are against illegals but deporting their friends or relatives is not acceptable. I know lots of Hispanics here in Florida and California and they are pissed. Don't be surprise if they create their own militias to counter deportation courtesy of 2nd amendment. You will need marines to pull these illegals from barrios just like what Adolf Hitler did in WW2. *TRUST ME*
Charwin clear something up you are saying most or all illegals are against illegals?..and deporting their friends and family is no good,but the others its ok?...kind of hypercritical dont you think?....

I'm talking about American Hispanics, US citizens and Hispanics that has green cards.
These people are against illegals................ but they strongly opposed deportations. Most or all of these has friends or relatives that are illegals.
According to polls, American Hispanics are in opposition to Donald Trump in big numbersr

Another bitter old white Conservative who is telling minorities that they are stupid- and doesn't understand why the minorities reject Conservatives.

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