Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

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Chicago is predominantly black. Regardless of whose money is being poured into their elections, the politicians are, virtually to a man, black. That means you just accused your own race of being racist. Good job there.

While I don't recall the specific post with katsteve, I have told posters there NOT "grown ass men" men as they claim regardless of their chronological age. If you're acting ten, the you could be 100 and still have the mindset of a ten year old... apparently that describes katsteve.

Next, your characterization about whites being the most criminal is dishonest. In the 1970s I remember discussing this very point on the radio. They didn't have the Internet back then so accurate figures for recent years was hard to come by. So we relied on those figures for the 1960s. Back then black people made up less than 13 percent of the population, but committed 67 percent of the violent crime. Then there was this in more recent years:

FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?

(Note their sources)

Finally, I've heard that figure a lot lately. 95 percent of the doctors in this country are NOT white. I go to a medical facility - and have been going there for over 15 years. I looked them up on the Internet. The Internet said they had sixteen employees there... that was a crock. This place has an urgent care center, a pharmacy, primary care doctors, lab and a host of specialty doctors... gastroenterology, neurology, rheumatology, internal medicine, dermatology, pediatrics, radiology, opthamology, optometry, - (and maybe some specialities I don't know about) I've seen all those listed ones (except pediatrics) over the last few years. 95 percent of the people there are non-white. All of my surgeons and specialty doctors - and their assistants (save of 2) have been non-white. That includes their assistants.

In all that time I've never had a primary care doctor that was white. Working backward my primary care doctors over the last fifteen years was a Japanese, Chinese, Thai, and an Indian. A white guy from Germany did do a colonoscopy on me once and there are two white nurses in urgent care. ALL of the ladies that check you in are black or Hispanic. I don't think that facility is any different than any other. Surgeries in three different hospitals are not any different I just don't believe anyone goes from hospital to hospital and doctor's office to doctor's office asking what race they are. So, pardon my skepticism on that one.

All Rise! Class is in session.

If we are acting 10, you are behaving like an infant.

5 percent of all doctors are back. No one gives a damn about your skepticism

Whites commit more crimes. You cite ne category

From 1776 until now whites have been the most violent and criminal race in this country. Fact. Your denying that is dishonest. Now if you want to pretend those years never existed, then we look at the last recorded year from the FBI and these are arrest rates which is what channel 4 used as well.

When we look at this, whites are arrested at more than double the rate of blacks and led in 27 of the 30 categories of crime. Including violent crime.

Notice the source.

Table 21

The top five races for people living in Chicago are: White (44%), Black (32%), Asian (5%), Hispanic or Latino (28%), Two or more races (2%).
Chicago Population 2018 | Population USA

It appears that Chicago is majority white.


No point in responding to you. You are afraid of the facts. Chicago's politicians are almost, to a man, black, but are still being led around like a puppy on a leash by whites.... according to your B.S.

The mayor of Chicago


Chicago city council


Where are all of the exclusively black politicians?

They don't exist.

Where did I use the word exclusively?

I'm not going tp play the word game with you chump.

You are afraid of the facts. Chicago's politicians are almost, to a man, black, but are still being led around like a puppy on a leash by whites.... according to your B.S.

Where are all those blacks who are supposed to be running Chicago m-f?

They don't exist!

That's where.

Now what does Chicago have to do with anything? Because we just had a black president save our NATION from a potential depression created by white republicans in charge. But whites like you are sooo stupid they elect another one to repeat the same process that created a near depression and this time he's setting us up with annual trillion dollar deficits and no surplus to squander. But hey not a problem, we'll just make up an imaginary Chicago and then make false claims.

Were you meaning to call me out or are you calling me names because all of us now realize you are full of shit?

Your black president amassed more debt than all previous presidents combined!

Finally, you are not addressing me. I'm not the white race and I have a position that few will adopt. I will NEVER support any program that increases the size, power, and / or scope of government... no Obamacare, no wall around America, no National ID, no gun registration schemes... NONE of it.

Government screws up everything they touch.
You dont get to decide what people are allowed to say on these forums. I did not mention institutional racism. You also dont get to decide whether or not a white person experiences racism. I dont tell you how all blacks feel, think or behave, but you seem to think you know all about whites. You are the whiner and trying to talk down to people with name calling only shows your true, ugly character

Well I CAN say that what you see as racism is not the same as what we see. I CAN say that 1 black person saying they don't like you because you are white is not the same as a 6-1 white vole against providing resources that will help 75,000 blacks. I CAN say that one black person saying blacks are superior is not the same as a 5-4 supreme court decision that kills portions of the voting act that gave 40 plus million he right to vote. Yes, I CAN say those things because they are different.

If you can tell me what I did not suffer from when you have not lived 1 day black and probably with little interaction with blacks, I can say no white person has ever suffered from racism after growing up in a town that was 90 prcent white, going to a university that was 90 percent white, being on a wrestling team in college where I was the only black, playing rugby where the most black teammates I had was 5 out of 50 men,the rest white, working jobs where I was the only black person in a company full of whites, I do think that after more than 45 years of that, I can say I have learned a lot about how white people think.
Not all white people think alike, thus you do not know how white people think. And it doesn't matter how many people experience racism, it still happens, you just play the victim.

Who said I think all white people think alike? YOU! I have learned how white people think. When you are a person of color you have to Iearn how whites think in order to survive You need to understand that different races have different experiences. You cannot assume that just because I say you know nothing abut being black that you get say I know nothing about whites. Your comments reveal you don't know jack about blacks.

I know there are whites who have had exposure to blacks enough to understand where blacks are coming from and how we see things. You are not one of hem. And when whites out number blacks 5 -1 as you racists are so adept at saying, the chance of blacks not knowing anyone white is going to be very slim. The likelihood of whites not knowing anyone black would be very high. You are unable to understand this simple reality because you are too busy looking for a way to be a poor pitiful oppressed white victim of black racism.

Who originally said all white people were alike? With my experiences on this board, that would be ATL.

With walls of text about how great blacks are and that only they understand racism and have (by inference) hold a monopoly of being mistreated and so forth, the black extremists have shown they are bigoted, racist, and hate mongers.

When one of you does say something inaccurate, the other extremists remain silent - and silence is consent.

Ask Molly, because she's the one who made the comment.There are no black extremists here. .And as we see by your lying you ignore the hundreds of threads here and thousands of posts full of inaccurate racist garbage by whites. You talk a lot of shit here where there are other racists, why not try entering an all black forum and express your ideas to them?
What comment did I make? I never associate all black people as thinking alike, nor any other race.
false accusations such as you did, are tearing this nation apart.
Making the same false statement repeatedly doesn't make it any more true than the first time you made the statement. Don't forget I went back and read our conversation. Even if you deleted all your posts I'd still have copies of them.

Your false denial, that you called me a racist, is noted and dismissed.

Such false accusations are tearing this nation apart.

Your silliness about deleting posts is noted and laughed at.
Back then black people made up less than 13 percent of the population, but committed 67 percent of the violent crime. Then there was this in more recent years:
Before the FBI began compiling crime statistics, which are voluntarily provided to them by the some of the LE agencies in the country (if receiving federal grant money in exchanging for providing information can be called "voluntary") there was an incident that had it been reported would have been documented as hundreds of black criminals being responsible for the destruction of their own neighborhood when in reality an angry white mob completely destroyed the most affluent black community in all of the United States none of whom were arrested let alone held accountable for the loss of life and destruction of property that occurred. Nor were any of the residents reimbursed for their losses. This was the Tulsa Race Riots that destroyed what was called the Black Wall.

I'm telling you this because I've been developing database software for 30 years therefore I know very thoroughly what data is needed in order to come up with accurate results and the first problem is that they aren't collecting all of the needed information in order to depict an accurate portrayal of crime in America by race. And this is before we even get to the stereotyping of black Americans as being inherently more violent and criminally inclined (there are documents and court rulings that state this), which leads to racial profiling and discrimination at each step of the criminal justice system from arrest to prosecution, conviction and sentencing.

I don't have time to revisit this again today but I sincerely hope you're not attempt to imply that black people commit more crimes than whites do.
LOL you are blaming whites for destroying black communities? Anyone in their own communities can make it a good place to live or a dump. Whites do not go into black neighborhoods and destroy it.
Back then black people made up less than 13 percent of the population, but committed 67 percent of the violent crime. Then there was this in more recent years:
Before the FBI began compiling crime statistics, which are voluntarily provided to them by the some of the LE agencies in the country (if receiving federal grant money in exchanging for providing information can be called "voluntary") there was an incident that had it been reported would have been documented as hundreds of black criminals being responsible for the destruction of their own neighborhood when in reality an angry white mob completely destroyed the most affluent black community in all of the United States none of whom were arrested let alone held accountable for the loss of life and destruction of property that occurred. Nor were any of the residents reimbursed for their losses. This was the Tulsa Race Riots that destroyed what was called the Black Wall.

I'm telling you this because I've been developing database software for 30 years therefore I know very thoroughly what data is needed in order to come up with accurate results and the first problem is that they aren't collecting all of the needed information in order to depict an accurate portrayal of crime in America by race. And this is before we even get to the stereotyping of black Americans as being inherently more violent and criminally inclined (there are documents and court rulings that state this), which leads to racial profiling and discrimination at each step of the criminal justice system from arrest to prosecution, conviction and sentencing.

I don't have time to revisit this again today but I sincerely hope you're not attempt to imply that black people commit more crimes than whites do.
LOL you are blaming whites for destroying black communities? Anyone in their own communities can make it a good place to live or a dump. Whites do not go into black neighborhoods and destroy it.

They go into Black Neighborhoods and get destroyed ......
Back then black people made up less than 13 percent of the population, but committed 67 percent of the violent crime. Then there was this in more recent years:
Before the FBI began compiling crime statistics, which are voluntarily provided to them by the some of the LE agencies in the country (if receiving federal grant money in exchanging for providing information can be called "voluntary") there was an incident that had it been reported would have been documented as hundreds of black criminals being responsible for the destruction of their own neighborhood when in reality an angry white mob completely destroyed the most affluent black community in all of the United States none of whom were arrested let alone held accountable for the loss of life and destruction of property that occurred. Nor were any of the residents reimbursed for their losses. This was the Tulsa Race Riots that destroyed what was called the Black Wall.

I'm telling you this because I've been developing database software for 30 years therefore I know very thoroughly what data is needed in order to come up with accurate results and the first problem is that they aren't collecting all of the needed information in order to depict an accurate portrayal of crime in America by race. And this is before we even get to the stereotyping of black Americans as being inherently more violent and criminally inclined (there are documents and court rulings that state this), which leads to racial profiling and discrimination at each step of the criminal justice system from arrest to prosecution, conviction and sentencing.

I don't have time to revisit this again today but I sincerely hope you're not attempt to imply that black people commit more crimes than whites do.

Unlike yourself, I have not made a religion out of race. I don't have the time nor the inclination to become an absolute authority on the subject, but smarter men than you and I have already debated this. When the people at Harvard University broached the subject, they said what many others don't. And they saw the problem I face in their opening paragraphs:

"The topic of race and crime still rankles, fueling ideologically charged discussions over competing schools of thought such as discrimination versus differential involvement, cultures of violence versus structural inequality, and empiricism versus critical theory. Some argue that bringing empirical data to bear on the race and crime question is itself evidence of racism (MacLean and Milovanovic 1990). It is thus not surprising that, despite the abundance of empirical data, many criminologists are loathe to speak openly on race and crime for fear of being misunderstood or labeled a racist."

What I've noticed on these boards is that when I first said something along the lines of race, my post was not biased and it called the whites out as much as the blacks. HOWEVER, a black guy replied back and stated "I stopped reading at...": He then began leveling accusations at me that were worse than what white supremacists say to blacks.

Since then, it has been accusation, counter accusation, and those black supremacists all teaming up with walls of text, trying to prove that black people are the only ones who have faced persecution, racism, and hardship. They have slapped the faces of the whites who were in the trenches with them. And each time I respond to one critic, another just like you comes along with walls of text that cannot be responded to.

I have no idea what you're trying to prove, but I've watched more than one liberal get converted to the right as a result of your efforts. Just as the anti-immigrant lobby brought down the conservatives, you are the black equivalent of Richard Spencer, David Duke, etc. You're doing more to hurt yourself than anything else. If that gets you the title of champ of USM and king of the Internet, white racists will be happy to give you the world's belt.

ANYBODY that believes that 95 percent of America's doctors are white; that no white has ever been a victim of racism; that only blacks have experienced inhumanity is an idiot. That's the bottom line. You can send 100 trolls to talk about umpteen different issue, throwing up walls of text and giving whites a million things to argue over, but if you want a conversation, pick a topic and light on it.

The question the OP asks is if blacks are more racist than whites. You answered that: You've made a religion out of race; nobody can dare present another view; you're side is the most intolerant and you need fifty paragraphs for me to answer to - as do the other extremists that back you up. So, now that question has been unequivocally answered to. I'll give you some contrast here and let it go:

One time, a group of blacks were going to march through an all white town here Georgia. A community leader asked me what they should do. My advice was to stay home, close your businesses, let them march and life will go on. Of course, they were too damn ignorant to just let it go. Now, when blacks hear that a dozen white supremacists are going to march in a town, what happens? That First Amendment becomes a piece of toilet paper.

Okay, you've got fifty issues for me to respond. What ONE do you want me to address?
LOL you are blaming whites for destroying black communities? Anyone in their own communities can make it a good place to live or a dump. Whites do not go into black neighborhoods and destroy it.
So it appears I was pretty much on the mark when I previously mentioned the lack of reading comprehension.

What I was discussing in that comment was FBI statistics and how not collecting & including certain attributes of an incident will not allow the accurate depiction of race & crime in America.

And yeah, that's exactly what the whites I was referring to in my comment did. And even if the FBI had been collecting crime statistics at that time, their statics would have shown that the black residents were the perpetrators of the riots that destroyed their entire community and shown no white people to be at fault. Just because you personally have no knowledge or understanding of a particular situation doesn't mean it's not true.

The Tulsa Race Riots of 1921
Tulsa Race Riot of 1921 (Paper)

Your false denial, that you called me a racist, is noted and dismissed.
Such false accusations are tearing this nation apart.

Your silliness about deleting posts is noted and laughed at.
You would find that funny.

I'm still trying to figure out why you're so bent out of shape when you, for all intents and purposes (by way of analogy before you blow a fuse), show up at a Klan rally, are seen carrying a sign supporting the Klan, voice your support when asked by a TV News reporter "why are you here today" and then get mad when your boss, family and friends later see you on the 11:00 news being interviewed and voicing your support for the Ku Klux Klan.

When I show up at rallies and protests I expect to be photographed and filmed and possibly end-up in a government database. Did you not consider that the same thing could result from your participation in this forum? I'm not saying that it's necessary something that should be happening, but it is the world we live in. The ACLU does work in this area.

Also because you seemed sooooo offended I looked up the word 'vile' which I have an understanding of, but I wanted to see what the dictionary says
foul, nasty, unpleasant, bad, disagreeable, horrid, horrible, dreadful, abominable, atrocious, offensive, obnoxious, odious, unsavory, repulsive, disgusting, distasteful, loathsome, hateful, nauseating, sickening
So you're saying those words don't describe racists? I mean now that I look at all of the synonyms that sounds exactly how white racists would routinely describe black people

So according to you I called you 'foul, nasty, unpleasant, bad, disagreeable, horrid, horrible, dreadful, abominable, atrocious, offensive, obnoxious, odious, unsavory, repulsive, disgusting, distasteful, loathsome, hateful, nauseating, and/or sickening' right and you're claiming that I did so falsely is that correct?

I could possibly understand your reaction if I had called you a child molester or something of that nature KNOWING that the charges against you resulted in a acquittal however the acquittal could mean that they just didn't have enough evidence to get a conviction not necessarily that the crime didn't occur but that's not what I did.
Lack of personal harm does not excuse rude behavior, AND such easy, reflexive use of false accusations of racism, is causing great harm to this nation, tearing it apart actually.

I will not let it pass unchallenged.
And you called me the Drama Queen... challenge accepted.

Nothing over dramatic about my post.

False accusations such as you did, are tearing this nation apart.

Your statement is "dramatic". Perceived false accusations, are exactly that.


Someone's personal hurt feelings cannot "tear a nation apart"

Grow a pair.
LOL you are blaming whites for destroying black communities? Anyone in their own communities can make it a good place to live or a dump. Whites do not go into black neighborhoods and destroy it.
So it appears I was pretty much on the mark when I previously mentioned the lack of reading comprehension.

What I was discussing in that comment was FBI statistics and how not collecting & including certain attributes of an incident will not allow the accurate depiction of race & crime in America.

And yeah, that's exactly what the whites I was referring to in my comment did. And even if the FBI had been collecting crime statistics at that time, their statics would have shown that the black residents were the perpetrators of the riots that destroyed their entire community and shown no white people to be at fault. Just because you personally have no knowledge or understanding of a particular situation doesn't mean it's not true.

The Tulsa Race Riots of 1921
Tulsa Race Riot of 1921 (Paper)

I agree
Unlike yourself, I have not made a religion out of race. I don't have the time nor the inclination to become an absolute authority on the subject, but smarter men than you and I have already debated this. When the people at Harvard University broached the subject, they said what many others don't. And they saw the problem I face in their opening paragraphs:
Why do you think I'm here? And it's not to 'make a religion out of race'.

The reason you keep getting the push back that you do is because you all for some reason are unable to 'hear' what we have been stating. This has never been a competition of who has suffered more or that whites haven't suffered too in various ways. It's not about individuals, it's about the white and black races as a whole. If we can't answer the basic question we're never going to get to the actual race relation issues, but I've begun suspecting that the other side is only here to do damage, not work on improving race relations.

Admit or Deny:
The white race considered themselves to be superior to the black race

Admit or Deny:
There exists historical documents in which white racists verbalize their belief of racial superiority and the inferiority of the black race

Admit or Deny:
There exists a Supreme Court ruling in which the justice stated that the black man has no rights which a white man need respect

Admit or Deny:
There existed specific laws for the purpose of limiting or restricting the rights of people of African descent, also known as Jim Crow laws or Black Codes

Admit or Deny:
There exists legislative, court or other history documents in which the black race has declared their belief in racial superiority over the white race

Admit or Deny:
There exists specific laws for the purpose of limiting or restricting the rights of white Americans while granting additional rights to blacks

Admit or Deny:
There exists a Supreme Court Ruling in which a justice rules that the white man is so far below the black man that he has no rights of which need be respected

and so on and so forth.
Unlike yourself, I have not made a religion out of race. I don't have the time nor the inclination to become an absolute authority on the subject, but smarter men than you and I have already debated this. When the people at Harvard University broached the subject, they said what many others don't. And they saw the problem I face in their opening paragraphs:
Why do you think I'm here? And it's not to 'make a religion out of race'.

The reason you keep getting the push back that you do is because you all for some reason are unable to 'hear' what we have been stating. This has never been a competition of who has suffered more or that whites haven't suffered too in various ways. It's not about individuals, it's about the white and black races as a whole. If we can't answer the basic question we're never going to get to the actual race relation issues, but I've begun suspecting that the other side is only here to do damage, not work on improving race relations.

Admit or Deny:
The white race considered themselves to be superior to the black race

Admit or Deny:
There exists historical documents in which white racists verbalize their belief of racial superiority and the inferiority of the black race

Admit or Deny:
There exists a Supreme Court ruling in which the justice stated that the black man has no rights which a white man need respect

Admit or Deny:
There existed specific laws for the purpose of limiting or restricting the rights of people of African descent, also known as Jim Crow laws or Black Codes

Admit or Deny:
There exists legislative, court or other history documents in which the black race has declared their belief in racial superiority over the white race

Admit or Deny:
There exists specific laws for the purpose of limiting or restricting the rights of white Americans while granting additional rights to blacks

Admit or Deny:
There exists a Supreme Court Ruling in which a justice rules that the white man is so far below the black man that he has no rights of which need be respected

and so on and so forth.
These are historical, in the past


This is one of the first subjects I talked about when I started posting on message boards. Are Blacks on average more racist than whites?
I've always believed that they are. Something that I discovered growing up was that almost every black in America thinks about race every day, whereas most whites don't. There's a reason for this, but this simple fact is being used by the left to divide America.

A Rassmussen survey asked the question 5 years ago, and my guess is it would be even worse today.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Americans consider blacks more likely to be racist than whites and Hispanics in this country.

Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

There is a huge ideological difference on this topic. Among conservative Americans, 49% consider most blacks racist, and only 12% see most whites that way. Among liberal voters, 27% see most white Americans as racist, and 21% say the same about black Americans.

From a partisan perspective, 49% of Republicans see most black Americans as racist, along with 36% of unaffiliated adults and 29% of Democrats.

Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.

Among white adults, 10% think most white Americans are racist; 38% believe most blacks are racist, and 17% say most Hispanics are racist.

Overall, just 30% of all Americans now rate race relations in the United States as good or excellent. Fourteen percent (14%) describe them as poor. Twenty-nine percent (29%) think race relations are getting better, while 32% believe they are getting worse. Thirty-five percent (35%) feel they are staying about the same.

These figures reflect more pessimism than was found in April when 42% gave race relations positive marks and 39% said race relations were improving. However, the April number reflected all-time highs while the current numbers are more consistent with the general attitudes of recent years.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 1,000 Adults was conducted on July 1-2, 2013 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.


Blacks are slightly more optimistic about the current state of race relations in American than whites and Hispanics are. But 37% of blacks and 38% of Hispanics believe those relations are getting worse, compared to 29% of whites.​


About the same as I see it.
I've begun suspecting that the other side is only here to do damage, not work on improving race relations

Winner winner chicken dinner! Except it’s not just the other side, it’s both sides ( or various sides). There are both black and white racist here that are here to do damage such that those that would like to have a civil conversation about race and perhaps improve race relations can’t do it.
Unlike yourself, I have not made a religion out of race. I don't have the time nor the inclination to become an absolute authority on the subject, but smarter men than you and I have already debated this. When the people at Harvard University broached the subject, they said what many others don't. And they saw the problem I face in their opening paragraphs:
Why do you think I'm here? And it's not to 'make a religion out of race'.

The reason you keep getting the push back that you do is because you all for some reason are unable to 'hear' what we have been stating. This has never been a competition of who has suffered more or that whites haven't suffered too in various ways. It's not about individuals, it's about the white and black races as a whole. If we can't answer the basic question we're never going to get to the actual race relation issues, but I've begun suspecting that the other side is only here to do damage, not work on improving race relations.

Admit or Deny:
The white race considered themselves to be superior to the black race

Admit or Deny:
There exists historical documents in which white racists verbalize their belief of racial superiority and the inferiority of the black race

Admit or Deny:
There exists a Supreme Court ruling in which the justice stated that the black man has no rights which a white man need respect

Admit or Deny:
There existed specific laws for the purpose of limiting or restricting the rights of people of African descent, also known as Jim Crow laws or Black Codes

Admit or Deny:
There exists legislative, court or other history documents in which the black race has declared their belief in racial superiority over the white race

Admit or Deny:
There exists specific laws for the purpose of limiting or restricting the rights of white Americans while granting additional rights to blacks

Admit or Deny:
There exists a Supreme Court Ruling in which a justice rules that the white man is so far below the black man that he has no rights of which need be respected

and so on and so forth.

You, sir, are full of shit. Let's face it. The "push back" to which you allude began in another thread when a black supremacist started his reply to me with "I stopped reading at..." What followed was a scathing attack on my personal character. I should not have to repeat that story any longer. Now, sir, allow me to define prejudice just for you:

"an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling formed without enough thought or knowledge:"

prejudice Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary

You support that kind of prejudice and then demand that others support YOUR agenda, YOUR platform, and YOUR viewpoint without regard to anyone's feelings unless their skin tone is black. If we don't bow down to YOUR viewpoint, then supposedly the other guy is the racist, not you.

You have proven to be more dangerous than the KKK or white nationalists. Every post you do contains a wall of text amounting to a Manifesto that has a unilateral mandate - either agree or face your wrath. Hell, dude, even Richard Spencer isn't that extreme.

Your race didn't hang the freaking moon and you've made your demand, so I'll make mine. Unless and until I meet a black poster on this thread who wants to have a civil conversation, I'll continue to remind you, you cannot win through bullying and intimidation. It's cowardly and nobody who has any respect for their fellow man would tolerate such behavior.

You have a problem with me? ONE ISSUE AT A TIME. No, you cannot throw fifty mandatory questions for me to answer and you ignore the wrong that was done to me by ATL. He / she admitted in their first posting addressing me: "I stopped reading at..."

You nor any other black person had just cause to "push back" or anything else until you had the facts. You seem to think if you dominate this thread with bullying tactics and prejudice, you (like another delusional idiot here) can be the "champ." I won't grovel at your feet and tell you about blacks in the family, tales of despising racism (though I get regular death threats and Net games played on me by the White Nationalists) or all that other B.S.

The black people who came here and said not one white person ever experienced racism slapped all his / her supporters in the face. Those who remained silent are just as guilty as the whites who sit on their ass when cops are shooting black people down like animals in the street. Two wrongs don't make a right. And what you're doing to me is allowing one of your own to be a racist, bigot and intolerant asshole... but to expect me to grovel at your feet in order to prove myself worthy to be in a conversation with you - COLD DAY IN HELL. As your famous leader once said "Justice delayed is justice denied."

If you were any kind of sensible, honest and decent human being you would disavow ATL and then proceed with a civil conversation - discussing this stuff ONE ISSUE AT A TIME. You won't because you're wrong. You should know that ever since the people held a popularity vote and decided to worship the golden calf, majorities have been universally proven wrong. So, we put a majority of black people into power - and they will be worse than the whites they curse. You're proving it. So, do you have AN issue? You asked me twenty questions. You did not answer mine.

Do you disavow what ATL did and the tactics he / she employed?
Last edited:
I've begun suspecting that the other side is only here to do damage, not work on improving race relations

Winner winner chicken dinner! Except it’s not just the other side, it’s both sides ( or various sides). There are both black and white racist here that are here to do damage such that those that would like to have a civil conversation about race and perhaps improve race relations can’t do it.

Where is the black poster here that disavows the proven racist rant a certain black racist initiated? When they come forward, we can restart this discussion and see if it's possible to have a civil conversation.
I've begun suspecting that the other side is only here to do damage, not work on improving race relations

Winner winner chicken dinner! Except it’s not just the other side, it’s both sides ( or various sides). There are both black and white racist here that are here to do damage such that those that would like to have a civil conversation about race and perhaps improve race relations can’t do it.

Where is the black poster here that disavows the proven racist rant a certain black racist initiated? When they come forward, we can restart this discussion and see if it's possible to have a civil conversation.
You will not find a civil conversation about race here.

I check in from time to time purely for entertainment, and I probably shouldn’t do that.
LOL you are blaming whites for destroying black communities? Anyone in their own communities can make it a good place to live or a dump. Whites do not go into black neighborhoods and destroy it.
So it appears I was pretty much on the mark when I previously mentioned the lack of reading comprehension.

What I was discussing in that comment was FBI statistics and how not collecting & including certain attributes of an incident will not allow the accurate depiction of race & crime in America.

And yeah, that's exactly what the whites I was referring to in my comment did. And even if the FBI had been collecting crime statistics at that time, their statics would have shown that the black residents were the perpetrators of the riots that destroyed their entire community and shown no white people to be at fault. Just because you personally have no knowledge or understanding of a particular situation doesn't mean it's not true.

The Tulsa Race Riots of 1921
Tulsa Race Riot of 1921 (Paper)


Your false denial, that you called me a racist, is noted and dismissed.
Such false accusations are tearing this nation apart.

Your silliness about deleting posts is noted and laughed at.
You would find that funny.

I'm still trying to figure out why you're so bent out of shape when you, for all intents and purposes (by way of analogy before you blow a fuse), show up at a Klan rally, are seen carrying a sign supporting the Klan, voice your support when asked by a TV News reporter "why are you here today" and then get mad when your boss, family and friends later see you on the 11:00 news being interviewed and voicing your support for the Ku Klux Klan.

SO, far the evidence you have presented to support your smearing me,

has consisted of my not answering a single question, buried in the middle of a long post of yours.

Now you are characterizing my not answering a question, (and you assuming the answer), to participating in a Klan rally.

That is insane of you.


Such behavior casts an interesting light on your posts in this thread, assuming that various whites are committing discrimination, or claiming that you fight for the rights of whites.

TO be clear, it reveals that your ability to rationally and fairly judge whites, is zero.

AND one has to wonder, how wide spread your viewpoint is, among minorities or liberals.
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