Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

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Seventy years old??? Well, your statistics are just as terrible as your ability to follow the signs. You are correct about one thing, however. The person that gets into a pissing match with you is going up a teenager and playing their game. It's pretty bad if someone of 70 can bet to go up against you and best you in any test of physical prowess you choose.

Now, all of us can play statistical prestidigitation, but at the end of the day, when you take a city like Chicago that is run virtually by an all black leadership, the statistics seem to point into a new direction.

As for numbers, Whites are almost 77 percent of this nation's population. Blacks are less than 13 percent. Now let us wave this little wand and presto. Hispanics are considered, by the government, to be an ethnicity as opposed to a "race." The bulk of those people are then categorized as whites. AND a lot of people classify Jews as whites, with a lot of whites claiming Jews are not white.

In the end, whites get the blame for a lot of foreigners who just happen to be "white." For all the jockeying that is being done some of you forget that you were arguing about George Zimmerman. His arrest record will always read his race as "white."

When statisticians want to argue stats, they will go to great lengths to prove their point. For instance, tell this to Trump supporters:

"If natural-born citizens were incarcerated at the same rate as undocumented immigrants, "about 893,000 fewer natives would be incarcerated," read the study. Similarly, if native citizens were incarcerated at the same rate as documented immigrants, 1.4 million fewer would be in prison"

Reports find that immigrants commit less crime than US-born citizens

It both naive and dishonest for you to claim that the opioid epidemic is anything less than racism. Look at the facts:

Virtually all mass shooters (save of political jihadists) are white; they are young males; they come from poor - one parent homes. AND what I said about doctors, got that tidbit from doctors.

"Something that we do know is that doctors prescribe narcotics more cautiously to their non-white patients. It would seem that if the patient is black, the doctor is more concerned about the patient becoming addicted, or maybe they're more concerned about the patient selling their pills, or maybe they are less concerned about pain in that population. But the black patient is less likely to be prescribed narcotics, and therefore less likely to wind up becoming addicted to the medication. So what I believe is happening is that racial stereotyping is having a protective effect on non-white populations."

Why Is The Opioid Epidemic Overwhelmingly White?

I would dismantle the balance of your argument, but the fact that you've read my posts and place my age at 70 shows that you are not qualified to extrapolate my age within even a decade.

But, you will always remain a legend in your own mind.

All rise! Class is in session!

Chicago is not run by virtually all black leadership. The facts

How Chicago's White Donor Class Distorts City Policy

Chicago’s 2015 mayoral race was one of the most expensive in the nation’s history, with big donors playing an outsized role in financing both candidates’ campaigns. In fact, over 90 percent of the money raised by the two major candidates came from donors giving more than $1,000, and more than half (52%) came from donors outside of the city.[1] Both the Chicago mayoral and council elections are primarily financed by white, male donors who don’t reflect the racial and class diversity of the city’s residents. The experience in Chicago is emblematic of national elections, where a small cadre of white major donors—.01 percent—accounted for over 40 percent of all campaign contributions.[2] New research provides disturbing evidence that the financing of our elections by a small group of big donors has very real consequences in terms of the public policies that get enacted.[3] In fact, when the preferences of the donor class diverge with those of the average voter, it is the donor class’s preferences that win. But donors and voters don’t always agree. For example, while 34% of non-donors living in Chicago support the Bowles-Simpson austerity plan, 62% of Chicago donors do. The preferences of the white, male and rich donor class diverge strongly from ordinary Chicagoans but it’s their agenda that’s being implemented.


  • The 2015 mayoral election was dominated by big money, with candidates raising more than 92% of their funds from donors giving $1,000 or more.
  • These big donors are disproportionately white. Though whites make up 39% of the population of Chicago, they make up 88% of donors giving more than $1,000. While only 6% of Emanuel’s donors were people of color, 39% of Garcia’s donors were.
  • Chicago donors are overwhelmingly high-income. Though only 15% of Chicagoans make more than $100,000, 63% of donors did and 74% of those giving more than $1,000 did.
  • The donor class is more supportive of budget cuts than average Chicagoans and more opposed to policies that would bolster opportunity.
  • In the council races there were also deep disparities. In these races, 79% of donors were men, 82% were white and 54% had an income over $100,000.
  • Only five overwhelmingly white wards accounted for 13 percent of Chicago’s population, but 42 percent of donors to the Chicago mayoral and aldermanic races.

Chicago’s democracy is being distorted by an overwhelmingly, white, wealthy and male donor class.

How Chicago's White Donor Class Distorts City Policy

You said you were older than katsteve and he's into his 60's. .And it's really unwise for you to make claims of being able to physically out do people you know nothing about.

Third, America has a history, and that history shows that whites have been the most violent and criminal race since this nation was established until this very moment.

Last, 95 percent of the doctors are white. So what your paragraph shows is that the racism practiced by white doctors against black patients has come back to bite whites in the ass. You can't dismantle my argument. That's why you didn't.


Chicago is predominantly black. Regardless of whose money is being poured into their elections, the politicians are, virtually to a man, black. That means you just accused your own race of being racist. Good job there.

While I don't recall the specific post with katsteve, I have told posters there NOT "grown ass men" men as they claim regardless of their chronological age. If you're acting ten, the you could be 100 and still have the mindset of a ten year old... apparently that describes katsteve.

Next, your characterization about whites being the most criminal is dishonest. In the 1970s I remember discussing this very point on the radio. They didn't have the Internet back then so accurate figures for recent years was hard to come by. So we relied on those figures for the 1960s. Back then black people made up less than 13 percent of the population, but committed 67 percent of the violent crime. Then there was this in more recent years:

FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?

(Note their sources)

Finally, I've heard that figure a lot lately. 95 percent of the doctors in this country are NOT white. I go to a medical facility - and have been going there for over 15 years. I looked them up on the Internet. The Internet said they had sixteen employees there... that was a crock. This place has an urgent care center, a pharmacy, primary care doctors, lab and a host of specialty doctors... gastroenterology, neurology, rheumatology, internal medicine, dermatology, pediatrics, radiology, opthamology, optometry, - (and maybe some specialities I don't know about) I've seen all those listed ones (except pediatrics) over the last few years. 95 percent of the people there are non-white. All of my surgeons and specialty doctors - and their assistants (save of 2) have been non-white. That includes their assistants.

In all that time I've never had a primary care doctor that was white. Working backward my primary care doctors over the last fifteen years was a Japanese, Chinese, Thai, and an Indian. A white guy from Germany did do a colonoscopy on me once and there are two white nurses in urgent care. ALL of the ladies that check you in are black or Hispanic. I don't think that facility is any different than any other. Surgeries in three different hospitals are not any different I just don't believe anyone goes from hospital to hospital and doctor's office to doctor's office asking what race they are. So, pardon my skepticism on that one.

All Rise! Class is in session.

If we are acting 10, you are behaving like an infant.

5 percent of all doctors are back. No one gives a damn about your skepticism

Whites commit more crimes. You cite ne category

From 1776 until now whites have been the most violent and criminal race in this country. Fact. Your denying that is dishonest. Now if you want to pretend those years never existed, then we look at the last recorded year from the FBI and these are arrest rates which is what channel 4 used as well.

When we look at this, whites are arrested at more than double the rate of blacks and led in 27 of the 30 categories of crime. Including violent crime.

Notice the source.

Table 21

The top five races for people living in Chicago are: White (44%), Black (32%), Asian (5%), Hispanic or Latino (28%), Two or more races (2%).
Chicago Population 2018 | Population USA

It appears that Chicago is majority white.


No point in responding to you. You are afraid of the facts. Chicago's politicians are almost, to a man, black, but are still being led around like a puppy on a leash by whites.... according to your B.S.

The mayor of Chicago


Chicago city council


Where are all of the exclusively black politicians?

They don't exist.

Where did I use the word exclusively?
All rise! Class is in session!

Chicago is not run by virtually all black leadership. The facts

How Chicago's White Donor Class Distorts City Policy

Chicago’s 2015 mayoral race was one of the most expensive in the nation’s history, with big donors playing an outsized role in financing both candidates’ campaigns. In fact, over 90 percent of the money raised by the two major candidates came from donors giving more than $1,000, and more than half (52%) came from donors outside of the city.[1] Both the Chicago mayoral and council elections are primarily financed by white, male donors who don’t reflect the racial and class diversity of the city’s residents. The experience in Chicago is emblematic of national elections, where a small cadre of white major donors—.01 percent—accounted for over 40 percent of all campaign contributions.[2] New research provides disturbing evidence that the financing of our elections by a small group of big donors has very real consequences in terms of the public policies that get enacted.[3] In fact, when the preferences of the donor class diverge with those of the average voter, it is the donor class’s preferences that win. But donors and voters don’t always agree. For example, while 34% of non-donors living in Chicago support the Bowles-Simpson austerity plan, 62% of Chicago donors do. The preferences of the white, male and rich donor class diverge strongly from ordinary Chicagoans but it’s their agenda that’s being implemented.


  • The 2015 mayoral election was dominated by big money, with candidates raising more than 92% of their funds from donors giving $1,000 or more.
  • These big donors are disproportionately white. Though whites make up 39% of the population of Chicago, they make up 88% of donors giving more than $1,000. While only 6% of Emanuel’s donors were people of color, 39% of Garcia’s donors were.
  • Chicago donors are overwhelmingly high-income. Though only 15% of Chicagoans make more than $100,000, 63% of donors did and 74% of those giving more than $1,000 did.
  • The donor class is more supportive of budget cuts than average Chicagoans and more opposed to policies that would bolster opportunity.
  • In the council races there were also deep disparities. In these races, 79% of donors were men, 82% were white and 54% had an income over $100,000.
  • Only five overwhelmingly white wards accounted for 13 percent of Chicago’s population, but 42 percent of donors to the Chicago mayoral and aldermanic races.

Chicago’s democracy is being distorted by an overwhelmingly, white, wealthy and male donor class.

How Chicago's White Donor Class Distorts City Policy

You said you were older than katsteve and he's into his 60's. .And it's really unwise for you to make claims of being able to physically out do people you know nothing about.

Third, America has a history, and that history shows that whites have been the most violent and criminal race since this nation was established until this very moment.

Last, 95 percent of the doctors are white. So what your paragraph shows is that the racism practiced by white doctors against black patients has come back to bite whites in the ass. You can't dismantle my argument. That's why you didn't.


Chicago is predominantly black. Regardless of whose money is being poured into their elections, the politicians are, virtually to a man, black. That means you just accused your own race of being racist. Good job there.

While I don't recall the specific post with katsteve, I have told posters there NOT "grown ass men" men as they claim regardless of their chronological age. If you're acting ten, the you could be 100 and still have the mindset of a ten year old... apparently that describes katsteve.

Next, your characterization about whites being the most criminal is dishonest. In the 1970s I remember discussing this very point on the radio. They didn't have the Internet back then so accurate figures for recent years was hard to come by. So we relied on those figures for the 1960s. Back then black people made up less than 13 percent of the population, but committed 67 percent of the violent crime. Then there was this in more recent years:

FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?

(Note their sources)

Finally, I've heard that figure a lot lately. 95 percent of the doctors in this country are NOT white. I go to a medical facility - and have been going there for over 15 years. I looked them up on the Internet. The Internet said they had sixteen employees there... that was a crock. This place has an urgent care center, a pharmacy, primary care doctors, lab and a host of specialty doctors... gastroenterology, neurology, rheumatology, internal medicine, dermatology, pediatrics, radiology, opthamology, optometry, - (and maybe some specialities I don't know about) I've seen all those listed ones (except pediatrics) over the last few years. 95 percent of the people there are non-white. All of my surgeons and specialty doctors - and their assistants (save of 2) have been non-white. That includes their assistants.

In all that time I've never had a primary care doctor that was white. Working backward my primary care doctors over the last fifteen years was a Japanese, Chinese, Thai, and an Indian. A white guy from Germany did do a colonoscopy on me once and there are two white nurses in urgent care. ALL of the ladies that check you in are black or Hispanic. I don't think that facility is any different than any other. Surgeries in three different hospitals are not any different I just don't believe anyone goes from hospital to hospital and doctor's office to doctor's office asking what race they are. So, pardon my skepticism on that one.

All Rise! Class is in session.

If we are acting 10, you are behaving like an infant.

5 percent of all doctors are back. No one gives a damn about your skepticism

Whites commit more crimes. You cite ne category

From 1776 until now whites have been the most violent and criminal race in this country. Fact. Your denying that is dishonest. Now if you want to pretend those years never existed, then we look at the last recorded year from the FBI and these are arrest rates which is what channel 4 used as well.

When we look at this, whites are arrested at more than double the rate of blacks and led in 27 of the 30 categories of crime. Including violent crime.

Notice the source.

Table 21

The top five races for people living in Chicago are: White (44%), Black (32%), Asian (5%), Hispanic or Latino (28%), Two or more races (2%).
Chicago Population 2018 | Population USA

It appears that Chicago is majority white.


You still are governed most by blacks. Start at the city level. Tell us what party they belong to and what race they are. Then do the same for the county, state and your federal legislators... party and race. Then we'll talk.

No. We've talked and you're wrong. I live in Kansas, a state ran by white conservatives. And it has been ruined.

Kansas' experiment in conservative economics still a bust


Kansas' experiment in conservative economics still a bust

You don't get to nitpick then try blaming things on blacks and democrats.

IF you live in Kansas and IF it was ruined AND you haven't moved, what it says about you does not need any future commentary.

Why is it that whites like you think everyone else should move but you complain and go nowhere? That pretty much says it all about someone like you and that is what needs no further commentary.
You are truly a stupid person Molly. I am 57 years old. In my life I have endured every abuse on that list, except sexual abuse, from whites. Every black person living in America can say the same thing. Your favorite black conservatives included. In all cases of abuse, the person who has been abused develops ways of dealing with it. They are called coping mechanisms. Whites like you would call this getting past racism.. But no one gets past racism, we learn how to cope with it. Your favorite black conservative is practicing a maladaptive way of coping with racism. And you guys just go along and support a person mentally self destructing, you guys tell us that's who we need to be like. I don't know why I'm trying to explain this to you because you don't understand a word but at least I tried.

You see Molly, all you do here is try telling us how whites are getting screwed and how backs are just as racist. Your example to newsvbine for example. Here you say you have heard that blacks don't like you because you are white and that A black person said blacks were superior. So in your mind these are the same things as a system created by whites where they control the resources and information to the extent of enforcing their belief in white supremacy. We as blacks do not look at racism as you do. YOU appear to only see it as an individual act, we see it as a system. One black psi saying that blacks are superior is not the same as a 5-4 supreme court decision that erases provisions of the voting rights act. It is not the same as a 6-1 city council vote by whites on a council denying resources to community organizations that serve the black community.

" For example, in 2008, for the first time in history, the black voter turnout rate nearly equaled that of whites, and the turnout of voters of all races making less than $15,000 nearly doubled. “While the number of whites who voted remained roughly the same as it had been in the 2004 election,” she says, “two million more African Americans, two million additional Hispanics, and 600,000 more Asians cast their ballots in 2008.”

The GOP, “trapped between a demographically declining support base and an ideological straitjacket . . . reached for a tried and true weapon: disfranchisement.” Anderson notes that despite the rarity of voter fraud, state after state began requiring voters to have documents such as bank statements, utility bills and W-2 forms, which African Americans, Latinos, the young and other economically disadvantaged people are less likely than others to possess.

Then, in 2013 the Supreme Court voted 5 to 4 to strike down a key part of the Voting Rights Act that for decades had protected African Americans from blatant disfranchisement. Since the ruling, 22 states have passed voter-restriction statutes. Anderson also argues that white resistance to the Supreme Court’s landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision explains why, six decades later, black children largely remain trapped in segregated and unequal schools."

Is white rage driving our racial divide?

A black person telling you they don't like you because you are white is not the same thing as this. Your feelings are hurt, but your life is not impacted in the manner as having to face things like this. If white racism was just a .a white person telling me that blacks suck, It wouldn't matter. But it's not, its involves far more than that. And you need to learn the difference.

And molly, what's he name of this section of USMB? So why are you whining about how I am complaining about race? You don't do this to whites here, so then why are you now so suddenly concerned with someone discussing race in the race and racism section of a forum?
You dont get to decide what people are allowed to say on these forums. I did not mention institutional racism. You also dont get to decide whether or not a white person experiences racism. I dont tell you how all blacks feel, think or behave, but you seem to think you know all about whites. You are the whiner and trying to talk down to people with name calling only shows your true, ugly character

Well I CAN say that what you see as racism is not the same as what we see. I CAN say that 1 black person saying they don't like you because you are white is not the same as a 6-1 white vole against providing resources that will help 75,000 blacks. I CAN say that one black person saying blacks are superior is not the same as a 5-4 supreme court decision that kills portions of the voting act that gave 40 plus million he right to vote. Yes, I CAN say those things because they are different.

If you can tell me what I did not suffer from when you have not lived 1 day black and probably with little interaction with blacks, I can say no white person has ever suffered from racism after growing up in a town that was 90 prcent white, going to a university that was 90 percent white, being on a wrestling team in college where I was the only black, playing rugby where the most black teammates I had was 5 out of 50 men,the rest white, working jobs where I was the only black person in a company full of whites, I do think that after more than 45 years of that, I can say I have learned a lot about how white people think.
Not all white people think alike, thus you do not know how white people think. And it doesn't matter how many people experience racism, it still happens, you just play the victim.

Who said I think all white people think alike? YOU! I have learned how white people think. When you are a person of color you have to Iearn how whites think in order to survive You need to understand that different races have different experiences. You cannot assume that just because I say you know nothing abut being black that you get say I know nothing about whites. Your comments reveal you don't know jack about blacks.

I know there are whites who have had exposure to blacks enough to understand where blacks are coming from and how we see things. You are not one of hem. And when whites out number blacks 5 -1 as you racists are so adept at saying, the chance of blacks not knowing anyone white is going to be very slim. The likelihood of whites not knowing anyone black would be very high. You are unable to understand this simple reality because you are too busy looking for a way to be a poor pitiful oppressed white victim of black racism.

Who originally said all white people were alike? With my experiences on this board, that would be ATL.

With walls of text about how great blacks are and that only they understand racism and have (by inference) hold a monopoly of being mistreated and so forth, the black extremists have shown they are bigoted, racist, and hate mongers.

When one of you does say something inaccurate, the other extremists remain silent - and silence is consent.

Ask Molly, because she's the one who made the comment.There are no black extremists here. .And as we see by your lying you ignore the hundreds of threads here and thousands of posts full of inaccurate racist garbage by whites. You talk a lot of shit here where there are other racists, why not try entering an all black forum and express your ideas to them?
All rise! Class is in session!

Chicago is not run by virtually all black leadership. The facts

How Chicago's White Donor Class Distorts City Policy

Chicago’s 2015 mayoral race was one of the most expensive in the nation’s history, with big donors playing an outsized role in financing both candidates’ campaigns. In fact, over 90 percent of the money raised by the two major candidates came from donors giving more than $1,000, and more than half (52%) came from donors outside of the city.[1] Both the Chicago mayoral and council elections are primarily financed by white, male donors who don’t reflect the racial and class diversity of the city’s residents. The experience in Chicago is emblematic of national elections, where a small cadre of white major donors—.01 percent—accounted for over 40 percent of all campaign contributions.[2] New research provides disturbing evidence that the financing of our elections by a small group of big donors has very real consequences in terms of the public policies that get enacted.[3] In fact, when the preferences of the donor class diverge with those of the average voter, it is the donor class’s preferences that win. But donors and voters don’t always agree. For example, while 34% of non-donors living in Chicago support the Bowles-Simpson austerity plan, 62% of Chicago donors do. The preferences of the white, male and rich donor class diverge strongly from ordinary Chicagoans but it’s their agenda that’s being implemented.


  • The 2015 mayoral election was dominated by big money, with candidates raising more than 92% of their funds from donors giving $1,000 or more.
  • These big donors are disproportionately white. Though whites make up 39% of the population of Chicago, they make up 88% of donors giving more than $1,000. While only 6% of Emanuel’s donors were people of color, 39% of Garcia’s donors were.
  • Chicago donors are overwhelmingly high-income. Though only 15% of Chicagoans make more than $100,000, 63% of donors did and 74% of those giving more than $1,000 did.
  • The donor class is more supportive of budget cuts than average Chicagoans and more opposed to policies that would bolster opportunity.
  • In the council races there were also deep disparities. In these races, 79% of donors were men, 82% were white and 54% had an income over $100,000.
  • Only five overwhelmingly white wards accounted for 13 percent of Chicago’s population, but 42 percent of donors to the Chicago mayoral and aldermanic races.

Chicago’s democracy is being distorted by an overwhelmingly, white, wealthy and male donor class.

How Chicago's White Donor Class Distorts City Policy

You said you were older than katsteve and he's into his 60's. .And it's really unwise for you to make claims of being able to physically out do people you know nothing about.

Third, America has a history, and that history shows that whites have been the most violent and criminal race since this nation was established until this very moment.

Last, 95 percent of the doctors are white. So what your paragraph shows is that the racism practiced by white doctors against black patients has come back to bite whites in the ass. You can't dismantle my argument. That's why you didn't.


Chicago is predominantly black. Regardless of whose money is being poured into their elections, the politicians are, virtually to a man, black. That means you just accused your own race of being racist. Good job there.

While I don't recall the specific post with katsteve, I have told posters there NOT "grown ass men" men as they claim regardless of their chronological age. If you're acting ten, the you could be 100 and still have the mindset of a ten year old... apparently that describes katsteve.

Next, your characterization about whites being the most criminal is dishonest. In the 1970s I remember discussing this very point on the radio. They didn't have the Internet back then so accurate figures for recent years was hard to come by. So we relied on those figures for the 1960s. Back then black people made up less than 13 percent of the population, but committed 67 percent of the violent crime. Then there was this in more recent years:

FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?

(Note their sources)

Finally, I've heard that figure a lot lately. 95 percent of the doctors in this country are NOT white. I go to a medical facility - and have been going there for over 15 years. I looked them up on the Internet. The Internet said they had sixteen employees there... that was a crock. This place has an urgent care center, a pharmacy, primary care doctors, lab and a host of specialty doctors... gastroenterology, neurology, rheumatology, internal medicine, dermatology, pediatrics, radiology, opthamology, optometry, - (and maybe some specialities I don't know about) I've seen all those listed ones (except pediatrics) over the last few years. 95 percent of the people there are non-white. All of my surgeons and specialty doctors - and their assistants (save of 2) have been non-white. That includes their assistants.

In all that time I've never had a primary care doctor that was white. Working backward my primary care doctors over the last fifteen years was a Japanese, Chinese, Thai, and an Indian. A white guy from Germany did do a colonoscopy on me once and there are two white nurses in urgent care. ALL of the ladies that check you in are black or Hispanic. I don't think that facility is any different than any other. Surgeries in three different hospitals are not any different I just don't believe anyone goes from hospital to hospital and doctor's office to doctor's office asking what race they are. So, pardon my skepticism on that one.

All Rise! Class is in session.

If we are acting 10, you are behaving like an infant.

5 percent of all doctors are back. No one gives a damn about your skepticism

Whites commit more crimes. You cite ne category

From 1776 until now whites have been the most violent and criminal race in this country. Fact. Your denying that is dishonest. Now if you want to pretend those years never existed, then we look at the last recorded year from the FBI and these are arrest rates which is what channel 4 used as well.

When we look at this, whites are arrested at more than double the rate of blacks and led in 27 of the 30 categories of crime. Including violent crime.

Notice the source.

Table 21

The top five races for people living in Chicago are: White (44%), Black (32%), Asian (5%), Hispanic or Latino (28%), Two or more races (2%).
Chicago Population 2018 | Population USA

It appears that Chicago is majority white.


No point in responding to you. You are afraid of the facts. Chicago's politicians are almost, to a man, black, but are still being led around like a puppy on a leash by whites.... according to your B.S.

The mayor of Chicago


Chicago city council


Where are all of the exclusively black politicians?

They don't exist.

Where did I use the word exclusively?

I'm not going tp play the word game with you chump.

You are afraid of the facts. Chicago's politicians are almost, to a man, black, but are still being led around like a puppy on a leash by whites.... according to your B.S.

Where are all those blacks who are supposed to be running Chicago m-f?

They don't exist!

That's where.

Now what does Chicago have to do with anything? Because we just had a black president save our NATION from a potential depression created by white republicans in charge. But whites like you are sooo stupid they elect another one to repeat the same process that created a near depression and this time he's setting us up with annual trillion dollar deficits and no surplus to squander. But hey not a problem, we'll just make up an imaginary Chicago and then make false claims.
Chicago is predominantly black. Regardless of whose money is being poured into their elections, the politicians are, virtually to a man, black. That means you just accused your own race of being racist. Good job there.

While I don't recall the specific post with katsteve, I have told posters there NOT "grown ass men" men as they claim regardless of their chronological age. If you're acting ten, the you could be 100 and still have the mindset of a ten year old... apparently that describes katsteve.

Next, your characterization about whites being the most criminal is dishonest. In the 1970s I remember discussing this very point on the radio. They didn't have the Internet back then so accurate figures for recent years was hard to come by. So we relied on those figures for the 1960s. Back then black people made up less than 13 percent of the population, but committed 67 percent of the violent crime. Then there was this in more recent years:

FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?

(Note their sources)

Finally, I've heard that figure a lot lately. 95 percent of the doctors in this country are NOT white. I go to a medical facility - and have been going there for over 15 years. I looked them up on the Internet. The Internet said they had sixteen employees there... that was a crock. This place has an urgent care center, a pharmacy, primary care doctors, lab and a host of specialty doctors... gastroenterology, neurology, rheumatology, internal medicine, dermatology, pediatrics, radiology, opthamology, optometry, - (and maybe some specialities I don't know about) I've seen all those listed ones (except pediatrics) over the last few years. 95 percent of the people there are non-white. All of my surgeons and specialty doctors - and their assistants (save of 2) have been non-white. That includes their assistants.

In all that time I've never had a primary care doctor that was white. Working backward my primary care doctors over the last fifteen years was a Japanese, Chinese, Thai, and an Indian. A white guy from Germany did do a colonoscopy on me once and there are two white nurses in urgent care. ALL of the ladies that check you in are black or Hispanic. I don't think that facility is any different than any other. Surgeries in three different hospitals are not any different I just don't believe anyone goes from hospital to hospital and doctor's office to doctor's office asking what race they are. So, pardon my skepticism on that one.

All Rise! Class is in session.

If we are acting 10, you are behaving like an infant.

5 percent of all doctors are back. No one gives a damn about your skepticism

Whites commit more crimes. You cite ne category

From 1776 until now whites have been the most violent and criminal race in this country. Fact. Your denying that is dishonest. Now if you want to pretend those years never existed, then we look at the last recorded year from the FBI and these are arrest rates which is what channel 4 used as well.

When we look at this, whites are arrested at more than double the rate of blacks and led in 27 of the 30 categories of crime. Including violent crime.

Notice the source.

Table 21

The top five races for people living in Chicago are: White (44%), Black (32%), Asian (5%), Hispanic or Latino (28%), Two or more races (2%).
Chicago Population 2018 | Population USA

It appears that Chicago is majority white.


You still are governed most by blacks. Start at the city level. Tell us what party they belong to and what race they are. Then do the same for the county, state and your federal legislators... party and race. Then we'll talk.

No. We've talked and you're wrong. I live in Kansas, a state ran by white conservatives. And it has been ruined.

Kansas' experiment in conservative economics still a bust


Kansas' experiment in conservative economics still a bust

You don't get to nitpick then try blaming things on blacks and democrats.

IF you live in Kansas and IF it was ruined AND you haven't moved, what it says about you does not need any future commentary.

Why is it that whites like you think everyone else should move but you complain and go nowhere? That pretty much says it all about someone like you and that is what needs no further commentary.

Look Dude,

I've shared with you my upbringing... from being in an abusive home to one where my father wasn't around much of the time... he was too busy doing prison stints.

I lived in homes with no water or electricity a good portion of my life. I left home at 14 and lived under the stars without any family support system. Today, all of my blood relatives of my birth family are dead. I fared a lot better than they did. It was God's miracle that I made it.

In the course of that time, I was almost pronounced dead after a car wreck. Witnessing gun fights, cops beating people (myself included) and having my share of scraps both inside and outside the ring, you don't have anything on me. Having been beaten, tortured, and cigarettes put out on me by own father, you have nothing on me there.

Let me see, my house is paid for as is my car. I have money in the bank. Some of closest friends have been friends for 20 + years. I was able to get an education, go to college and in two semesters, I will have a degree in Theology to go along with a well earned legal education. I minored in American History. That's not to mention having taken courses in locksmithing, classes for foster parents, and a course in working on mail insertion machines back when I was in college. Oh, I forgot, I took Dr. Deming's Total Quality Management during the day while taking my legal training at night (my employer paid me for going to the TQM training.) I've been a Justice of the Peace, a political campaign manager up to the state level (and my guy got elected.)

During that time a lot of my personal friends and acquaintances have wound up in jail, prison, killed by LEOs or flipped and forced to work as snitches. Uncle Scam did not like constitutionalists either. Fact is, a few years ago I sold an acre lot I owned. It was within a few feet of being perfectly square. I thought if it were a grave yard and you planted all the political activists I've been friends with that got killed either by or because of the government; that lot could not hold them all even they were buried side by side... that's just the ones I knew!

Had it not been for paraesophageal hernia repair and gearing up for our ministry to begin (which comes after I finish school), I wouldn't have time for this back and forth with you. Now given all of that, I can say that if God were not looking over me, I'd be dead. You, on the other hand spend too much time on the Internet to really have much of a success story being led by a God that held your hand no matter how much adversity came your way. And, just because I DID lose my job due to reverse racism, it did not make me a victim. It taught me how to rise above adversity and to become a better person. I didn't argue the point with you about the fact that many have lost jobs and opportunities due to government favoring non-whites in liberal administrations. Just because it happened, did not make me a victim. That is where YOU are projecting.

You probably graduated from the Sugar Hill Institute of Technology with a BS in cow manure; working on an MS (More of the Same) and with your walls of racist text here you aspire to obtain a PhD (Piled Higher and Deeper) majoring in Black Racist Studies, but make NO mistake: What didn't kill me made me stronger. I'm nobody's victim. I'm God's success story. Hard work, sacrifice, and a dependency on God. Try it. It's more productive than spending your life blaming the white people for your trials and tribulations. They gave me NO advantage over you. So you should aspire to be great, not a whiner that specializes in daily doses of how the white people screwed me.
Last edited:
All rise! Class is in session!

Chicago is not run by virtually all black leadership. The facts

How Chicago's White Donor Class Distorts City Policy

Chicago’s 2015 mayoral race was one of the most expensive in the nation’s history, with big donors playing an outsized role in financing both candidates’ campaigns. In fact, over 90 percent of the money raised by the two major candidates came from donors giving more than $1,000, and more than half (52%) came from donors outside of the city.[1] Both the Chicago mayoral and council elections are primarily financed by white, male donors who don’t reflect the racial and class diversity of the city’s residents. The experience in Chicago is emblematic of national elections, where a small cadre of white major donors—.01 percent—accounted for over 40 percent of all campaign contributions.[2] New research provides disturbing evidence that the financing of our elections by a small group of big donors has very real consequences in terms of the public policies that get enacted.[3] In fact, when the preferences of the donor class diverge with those of the average voter, it is the donor class’s preferences that win. But donors and voters don’t always agree. For example, while 34% of non-donors living in Chicago support the Bowles-Simpson austerity plan, 62% of Chicago donors do. The preferences of the white, male and rich donor class diverge strongly from ordinary Chicagoans but it’s their agenda that’s being implemented.


  • The 2015 mayoral election was dominated by big money, with candidates raising more than 92% of their funds from donors giving $1,000 or more.
  • These big donors are disproportionately white. Though whites make up 39% of the population of Chicago, they make up 88% of donors giving more than $1,000. While only 6% of Emanuel’s donors were people of color, 39% of Garcia’s donors were.
  • Chicago donors are overwhelmingly high-income. Though only 15% of Chicagoans make more than $100,000, 63% of donors did and 74% of those giving more than $1,000 did.
  • The donor class is more supportive of budget cuts than average Chicagoans and more opposed to policies that would bolster opportunity.
  • In the council races there were also deep disparities. In these races, 79% of donors were men, 82% were white and 54% had an income over $100,000.
  • Only five overwhelmingly white wards accounted for 13 percent of Chicago’s population, but 42 percent of donors to the Chicago mayoral and aldermanic races.

Chicago’s democracy is being distorted by an overwhelmingly, white, wealthy and male donor class.

How Chicago's White Donor Class Distorts City Policy

You said you were older than katsteve and he's into his 60's. .And it's really unwise for you to make claims of being able to physically out do people you know nothing about.

Third, America has a history, and that history shows that whites have been the most violent and criminal race since this nation was established until this very moment.

Last, 95 percent of the doctors are white. So what your paragraph shows is that the racism practiced by white doctors against black patients has come back to bite whites in the ass. You can't dismantle my argument. That's why you didn't.


Chicago is predominantly black. Regardless of whose money is being poured into their elections, the politicians are, virtually to a man, black. That means you just accused your own race of being racist. Good job there.

While I don't recall the specific post with katsteve, I have told posters there NOT "grown ass men" men as they claim regardless of their chronological age. If you're acting ten, the you could be 100 and still have the mindset of a ten year old... apparently that describes katsteve.

Next, your characterization about whites being the most criminal is dishonest. In the 1970s I remember discussing this very point on the radio. They didn't have the Internet back then so accurate figures for recent years was hard to come by. So we relied on those figures for the 1960s. Back then black people made up less than 13 percent of the population, but committed 67 percent of the violent crime. Then there was this in more recent years:

FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?

(Note their sources)

Finally, I've heard that figure a lot lately. 95 percent of the doctors in this country are NOT white. I go to a medical facility - and have been going there for over 15 years. I looked them up on the Internet. The Internet said they had sixteen employees there... that was a crock. This place has an urgent care center, a pharmacy, primary care doctors, lab and a host of specialty doctors... gastroenterology, neurology, rheumatology, internal medicine, dermatology, pediatrics, radiology, opthamology, optometry, - (and maybe some specialities I don't know about) I've seen all those listed ones (except pediatrics) over the last few years. 95 percent of the people there are non-white. All of my surgeons and specialty doctors - and their assistants (save of 2) have been non-white. That includes their assistants.

In all that time I've never had a primary care doctor that was white. Working backward my primary care doctors over the last fifteen years was a Japanese, Chinese, Thai, and an Indian. A white guy from Germany did do a colonoscopy on me once and there are two white nurses in urgent care. ALL of the ladies that check you in are black or Hispanic. I don't think that facility is any different than any other. Surgeries in three different hospitals are not any different I just don't believe anyone goes from hospital to hospital and doctor's office to doctor's office asking what race they are. So, pardon my skepticism on that one.

All Rise! Class is in session.

If we are acting 10, you are behaving like an infant.

5 percent of all doctors are back. No one gives a damn about your skepticism

Whites commit more crimes. You cite ne category

From 1776 until now whites have been the most violent and criminal race in this country. Fact. Your denying that is dishonest. Now if you want to pretend those years never existed, then we look at the last recorded year from the FBI and these are arrest rates which is what channel 4 used as well.

When we look at this, whites are arrested at more than double the rate of blacks and led in 27 of the 30 categories of crime. Including violent crime.

Notice the source.

Table 21

The top five races for people living in Chicago are: White (44%), Black (32%), Asian (5%), Hispanic or Latino (28%), Two or more races (2%).
Chicago Population 2018 | Population USA

It appears that Chicago is majority white.


No point in responding to you. You are afraid of the facts. Chicago's politicians are almost, to a man, black, but are still being led around like a puppy on a leash by whites.... according to your B.S.

The mayor of Chicago


Chicago city council


Where are all of the exclusively black politicians?

They don't exist.

Where did I use the word exclusively?

"Chicago's politicians are almost, to a man, black"

The above is what you stated. And is appears to be similar to "exclusively"

By all means, feel free to explain the difference.
YOu did call me a vile name. That I did not respond to a buried question, that included the option, being less qualified, does not justify your name calling.
What name did I call you Corrrell?

And just a heads up, the last person who called me rude simply because I'm not the kind of woman who does what other people want me to if it's not something I choose to do,and particularly if it's not something I'm required to do, sent the cops after me. All of the things that they put in place to try to take me down turned around and bit them in the ass. The attorney involved is no longer allowed to practice law in the State of Washington and the person who falsified my records has a conviction for the same thing they were trying to set me up on. I don't know where the WA state trooper is these days who stopped me but having an audio recording of the stop even though my dashcam failed right before the traffic stop (it ran out of disk space) goes a long way toward proving the lies they told.

I noticed you haven't gone after any of the men here the way you insist on coming at me, so do you have problems with women who are in positions of authority who won't shut up and do what you want them to do or is it only because I'm a black woman who's not buying your crap?

And for the last time, I'm not a friggin liberal.
Chicago is predominantly black. Regardless of whose money is being poured into their elections, the politicians are, virtually to a man, black. That means you just accused your own race of being racist. Good job there.

While I don't recall the specific post with katsteve, I have told posters there NOT "grown ass men" men as they claim regardless of their chronological age. If you're acting ten, the you could be 100 and still have the mindset of a ten year old... apparently that describes katsteve.

Next, your characterization about whites being the most criminal is dishonest. In the 1970s I remember discussing this very point on the radio. They didn't have the Internet back then so accurate figures for recent years was hard to come by. So we relied on those figures for the 1960s. Back then black people made up less than 13 percent of the population, but committed 67 percent of the violent crime. Then there was this in more recent years:

FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?

(Note their sources)

Finally, I've heard that figure a lot lately. 95 percent of the doctors in this country are NOT white. I go to a medical facility - and have been going there for over 15 years. I looked them up on the Internet. The Internet said they had sixteen employees there... that was a crock. This place has an urgent care center, a pharmacy, primary care doctors, lab and a host of specialty doctors... gastroenterology, neurology, rheumatology, internal medicine, dermatology, pediatrics, radiology, opthamology, optometry, - (and maybe some specialities I don't know about) I've seen all those listed ones (except pediatrics) over the last few years. 95 percent of the people there are non-white. All of my surgeons and specialty doctors - and their assistants (save of 2) have been non-white. That includes their assistants.

In all that time I've never had a primary care doctor that was white. Working backward my primary care doctors over the last fifteen years was a Japanese, Chinese, Thai, and an Indian. A white guy from Germany did do a colonoscopy on me once and there are two white nurses in urgent care. ALL of the ladies that check you in are black or Hispanic. I don't think that facility is any different than any other. Surgeries in three different hospitals are not any different I just don't believe anyone goes from hospital to hospital and doctor's office to doctor's office asking what race they are. So, pardon my skepticism on that one.

All Rise! Class is in session.

If we are acting 10, you are behaving like an infant.

5 percent of all doctors are back. No one gives a damn about your skepticism

Whites commit more crimes. You cite ne category

From 1776 until now whites have been the most violent and criminal race in this country. Fact. Your denying that is dishonest. Now if you want to pretend those years never existed, then we look at the last recorded year from the FBI and these are arrest rates which is what channel 4 used as well.

When we look at this, whites are arrested at more than double the rate of blacks and led in 27 of the 30 categories of crime. Including violent crime.

Notice the source.

Table 21

The top five races for people living in Chicago are: White (44%), Black (32%), Asian (5%), Hispanic or Latino (28%), Two or more races (2%).
Chicago Population 2018 | Population USA

It appears that Chicago is majority white.


No point in responding to you. You are afraid of the facts. Chicago's politicians are almost, to a man, black, but are still being led around like a puppy on a leash by whites.... according to your B.S.

The mayor of Chicago


Chicago city council


Where are all of the exclusively black politicians?

They don't exist.

Where did I use the word exclusively?

"Chicago's politicians are almost, to a man, black"

The above is what you stated. And is appears to be similar to "exclusively"

By all means, feel free to explain the difference.

I'm not your push button monkey. Similar is not the same as exact. I asked if you guys could start at the city level and work your way to the top of the food chain, telling me how many legislators representing the black people were black.

You expect answers to your questions, but don't want the accountability to those I asked first. I'll give you a chance to get on a level playing field. Three questions. You have only a yes or no answer. Play fair and when you ask me three questions, I'll give you the straight up honest courtesy.

1) Will you disavow the actions of a poster here who implies I'm a racist based upon a post he admitted not reading?

2) Can you admit that whites have been victims of racism (especially those who were helping blacks and attacked by the same people blacks were attacked by?)

3) Can you admit that the black people have no monopoly on understanding the subject of race?

No commentary - simple yes or simply no.
You insulted me with a serious insult, based on your assumptions.
And how has that harmed you? What are your damages? Has my comment lowered the esteem in which you were previously held on the US Message Board's thread on America Says Yes That Blacks Are More Racists Than Whites? Or within your family? Among your friends, neighbors, co-workers? How in the hell has my opinion, truthful and accurate as it may be, harmed you?

Lack of personal harm does not excuse rude behavior, AND such easy, reflexive use of false accusations of racism, is causing great harm to this nation, tearing it apart actually.

I will not let it pass unchallenged.

I must of missed that bolded, red portions in your long, rambling posts.
So it's my fault that you have the attention span of a gnat? Are you ready to concede I did not call you a "vile name" that you just misunderstood my comment yet you continue to call me names? Drama queen? Really?

YOu did call me a vile name. That I did not respond to a buried question, that included the option, being less qualified, does not justify your name calling.

Pointing out, incorrectly, that you were judging New Haven Conn, based as though they were likely to be using tactics of the JIm Crow South, is NOT, "believing that racism existed/exists only in the the South and years gone by".
Correll you do not understand that of which you speak. Did you even look at any of the links I sent you in my last comment? Those are current day racial discrimination cases and in one case religious bigotry in Connecticut which means the same set of state laws in addition to the federal laws that governed the New Haven, Connecticut Firefighters case also apply in these cases. [/QUOTE]

A case or two of accused discrimination in the same state, does not support your behavior of assuming deep abiding racism in action.

YOU are the one ignorant of whites in the modern time, if you think that we are all out to discriminate against blacks.

They're NOT applying case law and statutes from the southern United States, they're applying Connecticut state laws yet found that many of the same tactics used in the south are the ones that racists use EVERYWHERE there are racists because that's what racists do. There are however more subtle forms or racism including refusing to hold accountable those who violate the law and rights of others. That is a form of racism that can be traced directly to the concept of jury nullification.

The people who's rights were violated in New Haven were the white firefighters who were denied promotions they had earned based on their skin color.

That is what you libs want, as seen by the support that discrimination got from the Dem appointees on the Court.

Blatant anti-white discrimination in order to get equal outcomes regardless of merit, and regardless of the rights or interests of whites.

THAT'S the primary story of racism in America today, and the what the future will be, if you libs get you way.[/QUOTE]

There is no blatant anti white discrimination.[/QUOTE]

An empty and unsupported denial, of behavior demonstrated and documented in a Supreme Court case, and by, THANK GOD, a bare minority of Supreme Court Justices.
Being vastly outnumbered.

Lucking for them, whites voted for and endured generations of AA, and associated programs.

For how much longer?

.Whites like you have done nothing consistently for generations but be racists.


Not really. It's all you do.

You are a liar and a race baiting piece of shit.

Nah, I'm not lying and the only race baiter here is you.

Your pretense to not know what race baiting is, is noted and laughed at.

YOu did call me a vile name. That I did not respond to a buried question, that included the option, being less qualified, does not justify your name calling.
What name did I call you Corrrell?

And just a heads up, the last person who called me rude simply because I'm not the kind of woman who does what other people want me to if it's not something I choose to do,and particularly if it's not something I'm required to do, sent the cops after me. All of the things that they put in place to try to take me down turned around and bit them in the ass. The attorney involved is no longer allowed to practice law in the State of Washington and the person who falsified my records has a conviction for the same thing they were trying to set me up on. I don't know where the WA state trooper is these days who stopped me but having an audio recording of the stop even though my dashcam failed right before the traffic stop (it ran out of disk space) goes a long way toward proving the lies they told.

I noticed you haven't gone after any of the men here the way you insist on coming at me, so do you have problems with women who are in positions of authority who won't shut up and do what you want them to do or is it only because I'm a black woman who's not buying your crap?

And for the last time, I'm not a friggin liberal.

Correll actually believes that there is widespread "anti white" discrimination of epic proportions happening in America, and that the black population as a whole is benefiting at the expense of the white population of this country.

All Rise! Class is in session.

If we are acting 10, you are behaving like an infant.

5 percent of all doctors are back. No one gives a damn about your skepticism

Whites commit more crimes. You cite ne category

From 1776 until now whites have been the most violent and criminal race in this country. Fact. Your denying that is dishonest. Now if you want to pretend those years never existed, then we look at the last recorded year from the FBI and these are arrest rates which is what channel 4 used as well.

When we look at this, whites are arrested at more than double the rate of blacks and led in 27 of the 30 categories of crime. Including violent crime.

Notice the source.

Table 21

The top five races for people living in Chicago are: White (44%), Black (32%), Asian (5%), Hispanic or Latino (28%), Two or more races (2%).
Chicago Population 2018 | Population USA

It appears that Chicago is majority white.


No point in responding to you. You are afraid of the facts. Chicago's politicians are almost, to a man, black, but are still being led around like a puppy on a leash by whites.... according to your B.S.

The mayor of Chicago


Chicago city council


Where are all of the exclusively black politicians?

They don't exist.

Where did I use the word exclusively?

"Chicago's politicians are almost, to a man, black"

The above is what you stated. And is appears to be similar to "exclusively"

By all means, feel free to explain the difference.

I'm not your push button monkey. Similar is not the same as exact. I asked if you guys could start at the city level and work your way to the top of the food chain, telling me how many legislators representing the black people were black.

You expect answers to your questions, but don't want the accountability to those I asked first. I'll give you a chance to get on a level playing field. Three questions. You have only a yes or no answer. Play fair and when you ask me three questions, I'll give you the straight up honest courtesy.

1) Will you disavow the actions of a poster here who implies I'm a racist based upon a post he admitted not reading?

2) Can you admit that whites have been victims of racism (especially those who were helping blacks and attacked by the same people blacks were attacked by?)

3) Can you admit that the black people have no monopoly on understanding the subject of race?

No commentary - simple yes or simply no.




But, I will provide feedback on #1. I think that you are a "covert" racist. One who attempts to play semantics, and actually believes that the black people who post here cannot see you for what you really are.
Let me ask you this.... Do you think that the act of opposition towards a person's view, culture, and actions are always considered as being racism ?? Is opposition between a white and black person always going to be considered as racism at play, and that it is always based strictly upon the color of a person's skin color or is it based upon the acts or actions associated with ones character, where as skin color just happens to be one of the identifying factors involved in the individuals who are then placed in the spotlight of another if they might disagree ?
I think you've hit upon something. I've been called a racist many times before on NewsVine among other things and I didn't understand why I was viewed as such. They even called me a militant or "other" and the best that I could determine was they were acting as if I was a member of the New Black Panther party (or the previous one). And the only thing I had done is exactly what I've been doing on this board, explaining the history of racism in American, how the damage is of a cumulative nature meaning that when actual harm has been done, whether it be physical, emotional, psychological, financial or even just animus, the loss of esteem within one's community and there exists no remedy for the damage inflicted (by law because the people affected were of African descent) then the person is never made whole. And that the damage is then carried forth until the next instance occurs which allows many times went unresolved and so on and so forth. This is something unique to the African American race because it was written into law.

It seems as if the individuals here know and understand this (they'd have to be extremely stupid to not since it's been patiently explained to them in detail) so my perspective is that they're not here to debate the issue or contribute anything meaningful to improve race relations, they're simply here to harass and denigrate the individuals who are actually exchanging factual information and attempting to impart some knowledge. Am I mistaken as to the purpose of this forum?

Also one of the other posters mentioned a scenario where a white woman drew the ire of the Klan because she was in an interracial relationship and he asked was she not the victim of racial discrimination although ironically she was being victimized by white racists. Here in WA state this is specifically addressed under the Revised Code of Washington

RCW 9A.36.078
Malicious harassment—Finding.

The legislature finds that crimes and threats against persons because of their race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or mental, physical, or sensory handicaps are serious and increasing. The legislature also finds that crimes and threats are often directed against interracial couples and their children or couples of mixed religions, colors, ancestries, or national origins because of bias and bigotry against the race, color, religion, ancestry, or national origin of one person in the couple or family. The legislature finds that the state interest in preventing crimes and threats motivated by bigotry and bias goes beyond the state interest in preventing other felonies or misdemeanors such as criminal trespass, malicious mischief, assault, or other crimes that are not motivated by hatred, bigotry, and bias, and that prosecution of those other crimes inadequately protects citizens from crimes and threats motivated by bigotry and bias. Therefore, the legislature finds that protection of those citizens from threats of harm due to bias and bigotry is a compelling state interest.

The legislature also finds that in many cases, certain discrete words or symbols are used to threaten the victims. Those discrete words or symbols have historically or traditionally been used to connote hatred or threats towards members of the class of which the victim or a member of the victim's family or household is a member. In particular, the legislature finds that cross burnings historically and traditionally have been used to threaten, terrorize, intimidate, and harass African Americans and their families. Cross burnings often preceded lynchings, murders, burning of homes, and other acts of terror. Further, Nazi swastikas historically and traditionally have been used to threaten, terrorize, intimidate, and harass Jewish people and their families. Swastikas symbolize the massive destruction of the Jewish population, commonly known as the holocaust. Therefore, the legislature finds that any person who burns or attempts to burn a cross or displays a swastika on the property of the victim or burns a cross or displays a swastika as part of a series of acts directed towards a particular person, the person's family or household members, or a particular group, knows or reasonably should know that the cross burning or swastika may create a reasonable fear of harm in the mind of the person, the person's family and household members, or the group.

The legislature also finds that a hate crime committed against a victim because of the victim's gender may be identified in the same manner that a hate crime committed against a victim of another protected group is identified. Affirmative indications of hatred towards gender as a class is the predominant factor to consider. Other factors to consider include the perpetrator's use of language, slurs, or symbols expressing hatred towards the victim's gender as a class; the severity of the attack including mutilation of the victim's sexual organs; a history of similar attacks against victims of the same gender by the perpetrator or a history of similar incidents in the same area; a lack of provocation; an absence of any other apparent motivation; and common sense.​
YOU are the one ignorant of whites in the modern time, if you think that we are all out to discriminate against blacks.
I will readily admit that I am ignorant of many things but on the topic of this message board, I'm about 75% ahead of you when it comes to pure facts vs uninformed opinion and that's me being generous.

Furthermore, I NEVER said that ALL whites are out to discriminate against blacks, in fact I specifically stated that I am not anti-white (I don't even know why this has to be stated lol) that I am anti white RACISTS and we could actually leave out the white part because it's actually anti racists of any ilk period. You know this therefore you are lying again.
Blatant anti-white discrimination in order to get equal outcomes regardless of merit, and regardless of the rights or interests of whites.
So you're stating that in your opinion, whites were entitled to everything from the git go and it was never meant for blacks to have any of those things, correct?

Nothing in my post in any way hints the slightest bit, at that.

Indeed, I challenge you to support the logic that led you to mis characterize my post, the way you did.
Lack of personal harm does not excuse rude behavior, AND such easy, reflexive use of false accusations of racism, is causing great harm to this nation, tearing it apart actually.

I will not let it pass unchallenged.
And you called me the Drama Queen... challenge accepted.

Nothing over dramatic about my post.

False accusations such as you did, are tearing this nation apart.
Back then black people made up less than 13 percent of the population, but committed 67 percent of the violent crime. Then there was this in more recent years:
Before the FBI began compiling crime statistics, which are voluntarily provided to them by the some of the LE agencies in the country (if receiving federal grant money in exchanging for providing information can be called "voluntary") there was an incident that had it been reported would have been documented as hundreds of black criminals being responsible for the destruction of their own neighborhood when in reality an angry white mob completely destroyed the most affluent black community in all of the United States none of whom were arrested let alone held accountable for the loss of life and destruction of property that occurred. Nor were any of the residents reimbursed for their losses. This was the Tulsa Race Riots that destroyed what was called the Black Wall.

I'm telling you this because I've been developing database software for 30 years therefore I know very thoroughly what data is needed in order to come up with accurate results and the first problem is that they aren't collecting all of the needed information in order to depict an accurate portrayal of crime in America by race. And this is before we even get to the stereotyping of black Americans as being inherently more violent and criminally inclined (there are documents and court rulings that state this), which leads to racial profiling and discrimination at each step of the criminal justice system from arrest to prosecution, conviction and sentencing.

I don't have time to revisit this again today but I sincerely hope you're not attempt to imply that black people commit more crimes than whites do.
You probably graduated from the Sugar Hill Institute of Technology with a BS in cow manure; working on an MS (More of the Same) and with your walls of racist text here you aspire to obtain a PhD (Piled Higher and Deeper) majoring in Black Racist Studies, but make NO mistake: What didn't kill me made me stronger. I'm nobody's victim. I'm God's success story. Hard work, sacrifice, and a dependency on God. Try it. It's more productive than spending your life blaming the white people for your trials and tribulations. They gave me NO advantage over you. So you should aspire to be great, not a whiner that specializes in daily doses of how the white people screwed me.
This is really uncalled for. If a white racist is the cause of an adverse action, there is absolutely no reason not to call them out on it. No one has stated that all white people are responsible for the acts of the racists among you but just like you claim that no one speaks out when you think one of us has stated an untruth, I dont' see any of you taking Correll to task for the lies he constantly spews and his willful ignorance.

Why are you assuming that because the black people here on this board have experienced racism means that we haven't accomplished anything in our lives? Did it never occur to any of you that in spite of the racism that has peppered our lives we prevailed nonetheless, however I'm sure our lives could be more comfortable or we could be further along in our endeavors had not it been the those incidents.
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