Are Christians hypocrites?

Okay, I thought you understood, but you missed it completely as well. Open your mind to wisdom, it's an abstract part of knowledge and actually requires thought instead of recitation.

So you are saying I'm dumb because if I wasn't I would get it.
So you are saying I'm dumb because if I wasn't I would get it.

No, naive. Dumb would mean you were unable to speak. First, don't take things literally when it's used as wisdom, wisdom is never literal but figurative. Took me many years to figure that out, I was about 20 when I did though. Even though I hate repeating myself, I will be kind this time and actually tell you again. It's an example of things taken too the extreme, a habit many christians have fallen into when attacking other people using their beliefs. But the fact of the matter is that for one scripture in the christian bible there is at least one more that contradicts this. This is not a bad thing, though many anti-christians claim it is they are wrong to for it. It is written thus so that people will be able to use one passage to justify their actions, simply by ignoring the other passages they can basically get away with anything.

There is one lesson of wisdom from the christian bible that is never contradicted though, and it's the one that the best christians I have known live by, that you are not allowed to be the judge of another, that is your gods job and duty.
No, naive. Dumb would mean you were unable to speak. First, don't take things literally when it's used as wisdom, wisdom is never literal but figurative. Took me many years to figure that out, I was about 20 when I did though. Even though I hate repeating myself, I will be kind this time and actually tell you again. It's an example of things taken too the extreme, a habit many christians have fallen into when attacking other people using their beliefs. But the fact of the matter is that for one scripture in the christian bible there is at least one more that contradicts this. This is not a bad thing, though many anti-christians claim it is they are wrong to for it. It is written thus so that people will be able to use one passage to justify their actions, simply by ignoring the other passages they can basically get away with anything.

There is one lesson of wisdom from the christian bible that is never contradicted though, and it's the one that the best christians I have known live by, that you are not allowed to be the judge of another, that is your gods job and duty.

Oh. I thought since it required actual thought and I couldn't do that it meant something else. I really don't know what point you're trying to make. I don't think the Bible is written in a certain way so that everyone can find a way to justify their actions. I don't understand why you're attacking Christians for taking things to extremes. For the most part Christians are conservative, it's mostly other people that are trying to change things. Most Christians I know would like to keep things the same. You need to be kind and repeat it anymore if you don't want to.
Oh. I thought since it required actual thought and I couldn't do that it meant something else. I really don't know what point you're trying to make. I don't think the Bible is written in a certain way so that everyone can find a way to justify their actions. I don't understand why you're attacking Christians for taking things to extremes. For the most part Christians are conservative, it's mostly other people that are trying to change things. Most Christians I know would like to keep things the same. You need to be kind and repeat it anymore if you don't want to.

If that was truly the case, that most christians would want things to remain the same, then they would have left sex ed in schools and not try to push for creationism being taught as science. Though many may be content with the live and let live policy that most of us would love to see, there are louder ones that scream and rant saying just the opposite. As I have said a long time ago on here, if the good ones would only duct tape the mouths of those few bad ones maybe the rest of the world wouldn't be so willing to lump them all into one group and label them badly.
I often wish God would do things for me. I usually find things work best if I use the gifts God has given me to get what I need. I don't blame them for wishing, but I think failing to get medical treatment is not what God would want. Making medicine available tells us that God is ok with us using it to heal.

I always figured medical treatment was like the old story about the man who was caught in a flood. He climbed up on his roof and prayed to God to save him from the flood. As the waters rose higher, his neighbor came by in a rowboat and offered to let him get in. The man said, "No thanks. I'm certain God will deliver me."

The water got deeper, and he continued praying. A man in a motorboat came by and shouted, "Get in! You're going to drown if you stay there!" The man on the roof shouted back, "No, God will save me! I'm sure of it!"

As the waters climbed up his body, a helicopter came by and threw down a ladder. But the man refused, insisting that God would save him if he just believed. The helicopter flew away, and the man drowned.

When he got to Heaven, he confronted God and said, "I always believed that if I prayed and trusted you, you would help me and take care of me. Why did you let me drown instead of saving me?"

God answered, "I sent you two boats and a helicopter. Why didn't you get into any of them?"

If a person is rejecting medical treatment because they want to pray for a miracle to heal them instead, maybe they should consider that God ALREADY sent the miracle by allowing mankind to be smart enough to figure out medical treatment.
I always figured medical treatment was like the old story about the man who was caught in a flood. He climbed up on his roof and prayed to God to save him from the flood. As the waters rose higher, his neighbor came by in a rowboat and offered to let him get in. The man said, "No thanks. I'm certain God will deliver me."

The water got deeper, and he continued praying. A man in a motorboat came by and shouted, "Get in! You're going to drown if you stay there!" The man on the roof shouted back, "No, God will save me! I'm sure of it!"

As the waters climbed up his body, a helicopter came by and threw down a ladder. But the man refused, insisting that God would save him if he just believed. The helicopter flew away, and the man drowned.

When he got to Heaven, he confronted God and said, "I always believed that if I prayed and trusted you, you would help me and take care of me. Why did you let me drown instead of saving me?"

God answered, "I sent you two boats and a helicopter. Why didn't you get into any of them?"

If a person is rejecting medical treatment because they want to pray for a miracle to heal them instead, maybe they should consider that God ALREADY sent the miracle by allowing mankind to be smart enough to figure out medical treatment.

I loved that. I just prefer to modernize stories.
If that was truly the case, that most christians would want things to remain the same, then they would have left sex ed in schools and not try to push for creationism being taught as science. Though many may be content with the live and let live policy that most of us would love to see, there are louder ones that scream and rant saying just the opposite. As I have said a long time ago on here, if the good ones would only duct tape the mouths of those few bad ones maybe the rest of the world wouldn't be so willing to lump them all into one group and label them badly.

I'm young but I didn't just fall off the turnip truck. To leave things the same would have been to never put sex ed in school to begin with and to have run Darwin out of town before anyone even thought of teaching his theory. You can't take things Christians are trying to put back to the way they had them in the first place as working for change.

And yes, wouldn't it be great if the moderates restrained the extremists... of every kind not just Christianity. Like maybe when a whole community wants a nativity scene in front of the firehouse but 1 atheist makes a huge stink and ruins it for everyone else, maybe that would be a nice time for the extremist to be duct taped. Or is that not what you meant? Do you only mean the extremists you don't agree with?
I'm young but I didn't just fall off the turnip truck. To leave things the same would have been to never put sex ed in school to begin with and to have run Darwin out of town before anyone even thought of teaching his theory. You can't take things Christians are trying to put back to the way they had them in the first place as working for change.

And yes, wouldn't it be great if the moderates restrained the extremists... of every kind not just Christianity. Like maybe when a whole community wants a nativity scene in front of the firehouse but 1 atheist makes a huge stink and ruins it for everyone else, maybe that would be a nice time for the extremist to be duct taped. Or is that not what you meant? Do you only mean the extremists you don't agree with?

No, I agree with you on the last part.

Thing is though, change isn't bad, it's changing to something that has not worked already that is bad. If something has already been tried and didn't work the first time, there is good reason it would not work again. As for darwinism, that's a very small aspect of evolution. Medical science requires the study of evolution or they would be unable to create vaccines for any virus other than those they already have, evolution itself is fact. As for Darwin, his theories are nice window dressing but still had a lot of untested flaws at the time, now we know it's monkeys not apes for example.
No, I agree with you on the last part.

Thing is though, change isn't bad, it's changing to something that has not worked already that is bad. If something has already been tried and didn't work the first time, there is good reason it would not work again. As for darwinism, that's a very small aspect of evolution. Medical science requires the study of evolution or they would be unable to create vaccines for any virus other than those they already have, evolution itself is fact. As for Darwin, his theories are nice window dressing but still had a lot of untested flaws at the time, now we know it's monkeys not apes for example.

Why is it impossible to write anything on a message board without someone thinking it's your personal position?

Consider for a moment that I was simply showing how you were being disingenuous with your "change" comment and not trying to make any other point.
Why is it impossible to write anything on a message board without someone thinking it's your personal position?

Consider for a moment that I was simply showing how you were being disingenuous with your "change" comment and not trying to make any other point.

Ever stop to think that perhaps you were the one who did that and not me?
Ever stop to think that perhaps you were the one who did that and not me?

Ok then let's rewind to where you told me that my religion disallowed me to use a computer and work forward from there. Where's your proof? I'll accept any version of the Holy Bible from KJV though modern times. I'm disallowing the Great Bible, the Bishops Bible, and the Geneva Bible because the full text of each is not easy to find. (Though I recommend the Geneva Bible to anyone that really enjoys the KJV)

As soon as we get this behind us we can look at whatever silly mistake I made.
Ok then let's rewind to where you told me that my religion disallowed me to use a computer and work forward from there. Where's your proof? I'll accept any version of the Holy Bible from KJV though modern times. I'm disallowing the Great Bible, the Bishops Bible, and the Geneva Bible because the full text of each is not easy to find. (Though I recommend the Geneva Bible to anyone that really enjoys the KJV)

As soon as we get this behind us we can look at whatever silly mistake I made.

And again the answer is the same, it's an example of what the result of taking things to an extreme would be. As I said, you ignored that answer or just didn't get it for some reason. If everyone was to put their lives into the hands of a god to the extreme that many are attempting to push onto others it would result in no technological advances. England wanted that a long time ago, and the US forced our way (with the aide of the French) from their grip for that reason. The result is that now we have computers, automobiles, etc. because people would not just live by misplaced faith, instead we took our lives into our own hands. But now many want to go back to that and there are signs of such with the attempts to stop progress in science. Without that science you would not have ANYTHING you have today.
And again the answer is the same, it's an example of what the result of taking things to an extreme would be. As I said, you ignored that answer or just didn't get it for some reason. If everyone was to put their lives into the hands of a god to the extreme that many are attempting to push onto others it would result in no technological advances. England wanted that a long time ago, and the US forced our way (with the aide of the French) from their grip for that reason. The result is that now we have computers, automobiles, etc. because people would not just live by misplaced faith, instead we took our lives into our own hands. But now many want to go back to that and there are signs of such with the attempts to stop progress in science. Without that science you would not have ANYTHING you have today.

Oh, you made up an absurd example to illustrate the foolishness of my religion.

Or, in other words, you lied.
Oh, you made up an absurd example to illustrate the foolishness of my religion.

Or, in other words, you lied.

And again you read more into it. It was nothing about just you, it was about a concept you brought up. Just because you said it doesn't mean it was an insult directed to you. Actually it was an insight as to why it isn't as healthy as you may think. You can either learn from it or discard it as nonsense. It matters not to me really, but I just like imparting wisdom, it's one of my flaws I guess.
And again you read more into it. It was nothing about just you, it was about a concept you brought up. Actually it was an insight as to why it isn't as healthy as you may think. You can either learn from it or discard it as nonsense. It matters not to me really, but I just like imparting wisdom, it's one of my flaws I guess.

Here's a recap since it seems you may have forgotten that it was you that brought this up. I'm not sure what isn't as healthy as I think either, but I'm not going to press you to explain, I don't think you can.

If christians did actually just live with their faith then fine, go at it, but they don't. They use computers which actually defies their religious ideal of living by faith. They use guns to kill those who disagree with them, again going against the ideal. There are many others but I am too lazy to write them. As I mentioned many times, the only christians I can stand are the Amish, they stick to themselves to live by their faith. Unless you are Amish you are not living by your faith, and if you were you wouldn't be online.
What I want to know is what religion does not allow its adherents to use computers and what is Amanda so pissed off about?

I've been reading pages and pages on this thread and I still can't find the source of this fight.
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What I want to know is what religion does not allow its adherents to use computers?

Well, the Amish believe that all things of science are against the christian god, since it says live by faith alone. Thus the context I was referring to in response to mentioning the living by faith. Amish are cool though, I like them, they follow their beliefs strictly but do not force them on others. They even offer their children time in the rest of the world to explore and experience it then offer them the choice to return to their community or stay with the rest of the world. It's no surprise that many return, but some do stay with the big cities and technology, though they hold their ideals they just accept science as being a useful tool. The strange thing is that those who do come to the rest of the world are almost invisible to the non-christians, they seem to blend in with us techies and many of the scientists, they even blend in with the corporates well. It's odd, like little chameleons. But they don't preach to non-believers, which makes them REALLY cool friends.
What I want to know is what religion does not allow its adherents to use computers and what is Amanda so pissed off about?

I've been reading pages and pages on this thread and I still can't find the source of this fight.

I quoted where computers entered in the post above yours. I don't know why computers were brought up. I must have made some kind of stupid statement about having faith in God and KK took it and ran to the absurd computer place and planted a flag. Now he or she is defending it like it's some kind of pearl of wisdom. I don't understand but I'm bored with it so I'm letting go.
Hmm. KK. The Tibetans somewhat took on that policy similar to the Amish and remained a feudal culture. They did not emphasize technological advances but concentrated on spiritual advances instead.

This led to their collapse as a nation.
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I quoted where computers entered in the post above yours. I don't know why computers were brought up. I must have made some kind of stupid statement about having faith in God and KK took it and ran to the absurd computer place and planted a flag. Now he or she is defending it like it's some kind of pearl of wisdom. I don't understand but I'm bored with it so I'm letting go.

No it is you who keeps repeating it, and continue to ask questions, but when I attempt to clarify you just ask the same question reworded with a different view. I try to accommodate such odd remarks, but you have to look more at the messenger in such cases than you are willing, and not with blinders. I am a humorist wise-cracking know it all, if I don't have fact I use abstraction instead or don't respond. Abstraction is a rare art now I see though so will refrain from using something of such a highly artistic nature with someone who is so grounded in their ways.

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