Are Christians hypocrites?

Gaybaker...just because you don't get it doesn't mean I didn't make the point.

I did make the point and showed, once again, that you know absolutely nothing of the content of the Bible; nor do you have any understanding of the content that does come to your attention.
Gaybaker...just because you don't get it doesn't mean I didn't make the point.

I did make the point and showed, once again, that you know absolutely nothing of the content of the Bible; nor do you have any understanding of the content that does come to your attention.
From previous post that is because he does not believe that the word applies to him personally also.
He has no understanding of the Word and despite his bragging, isn't familiar with it. As he proves every time he opens his big stupid mouth.
All the christian scriptures are myth. I never use them in an argument because they are human musings about some fantasy dreamt up, just like all religious scriptures. At least I assume you are talking about christian ones since there are a LOT of other scriptures out there and all say they are true themselves ... which is a really ignorant reason to believe in something.

Let me get this straight. You will condemn a Christian for using a computer because you believe it is against their God. However, you believe the Bible is myth and therefore will not point out where it says using a computer is against God.

I believe you are the ignorant one here. You've never even read the Bible, yet you condemn it as myth and you use it against Christians as if you've actually read it and understand it.

Most of the intelligent atheists I know have at least read the Bible, even if they don't believe in it.

If you are going to condemn Christians based on scripture, you have a responsibility to provide that scripture, not cop out because you don't believe it in.
LIf you are going to condemn Christians based on scripture, you have a responsibility to provide that scripture, not cop out because you don't believe it in.

I agree with this a lot. If you're going to tell me my religion prohibits something you kinda of have to show me where it says this if you want me to believe you.
Let me get this straight. You will condemn a Christian for using a computer because you believe it is against their God. However, you believe the Bible is myth and therefore will not point out where it says using a computer is against God.

I believe you are the ignorant one here. You've never even read the Bible, yet you condemn it as myth and you use it against Christians as if you've actually read it and understand it.

Most of the intelligent atheists I know have at least read the Bible, even if they don't believe in it.

If you are going to condemn Christians based on scripture, you have a responsibility to provide that scripture, not cop out because you don't believe it in.

I honestly didn't take you for an extremist at first, but this type of response is what I would expect from one of them. I already clarified that post many times, yet you have chosen to ignore it or you are still misunderstanding the connection completely. So when I give up and move on you still get stuck on it and attempt to use it as fire power, that is what extremists do not thinking people. You also seem to ignore the fact that when a christian insists on using their scriptures for proof then it is only natural that they show their work. Since I do not believe them to be factual in any regard all my proof comes from science and logic or scriptures of the Ancient Egyptians instead (my core beliefs now are based on their myths). So now I have leveled the playing field, you now know what references you can use to attempt to stump me as many do Allie, and I hope and pray to Anpu that you are not an extremist or your heart will not pass his test.
I honestly didn't take you for an extremist at first, but this type of response is what I would expect from one of them. I already clarified that post many times, yet you have chosen to ignore it or you are still misunderstanding the connection completely. So when I give up and move on you still get stuck on it and attempt to use it as fire power, that is what extremists do not thinking people. You also seem to ignore the fact that when a christian insists on using their scriptures for proof then it is only natural that they show their work. Since I do not believe them to be factual in any regard all my proof comes from science and logic or scriptures of the Ancient Egyptians instead (my core beliefs now are based on their myths). So now I have leveled the playing field, you now know what references you can use to attempt to stump me as many do Allie, and I hope and pray to Anpu that you are not an extremist or your heart will not pass his test.

Okay, maybe I'm a little slow here. Let's try it this way:

What you are saying is that Christians aren't suppose to use computers and you aren't basing that on scripture but on ancient egyption philosophy?

Okay, now I'm completely confused.

I think you just wish Christians didn't use computers so you wouldn't have to deal with them. There doesn't seem to be anything that backs your assumption that Christians shouldn't be using computers at all.

Are you really an athiest, or are you now saying you believe in Ra? Anubis?

What is it about the scriptures of the Ancient Egyptians you find to be factual? Why do you believe they are factual but not the Bible?

BTW, I'm Againsheila, not allie.
Okay, maybe I'm a little slow here. Let's try it this way:

What you are saying is that Christians aren't suppose to use computers and you aren't basing that on scripture but on ancient egyption philosophy?

Okay, now I'm completely confused.

I think you just wish Christians didn't use computers so you wouldn't have to deal with them. There doesn't seem to be anything that backs your assumption that Christians shouldn't be using computers at all.

Are you really an athiest, or are you now saying you believe in Ra? Anubis?

What is it about the scriptures of the Ancient Egyptians you find to be factual? Why do you believe they are factual but not the Bible?

BTW, I'm Againsheila, not allie.

No, it was an example of what 'living by faith' would have caused, thought for certain you would have gotten that but no matter how many times I explain it you are still either ignoring the connection or just denying it.Bah, why must this be the best example I know (I hate being a gamer sometimes because it's the one time period used as a reference the most) but the Dark Ages are the perfect example of what happens.
No, it was an example of what 'living by faith' would have caused,

I didn't follow all of this so I won't comment on the example, but where are you getting that "living by faith" is to the exclusion of all else. To take your logic to the extreme it would mean not eating because if God wanted to keep you alive he would provide nourishment. You could apply this to any number of other life ending acts. It just doesn't make sense... do you have any Christian scripture that would support what you're saying?
I didn't follow all of this so I won't comment on the example, but where are you getting that "living by faith" is to the exclusion of all else. To take your logic to the extreme it would mean not eating because if God wanted to keep you alive he would provide nourishment. You could apply this to any number of other life ending acts. It just doesn't make sense... do you have any Christian scripture that would support what you're saying?

Actually you understand it better than most now. The point is that taking anything in extreme is wrong and will lead to self destruction. the christian scriptures themselves cannot be taken as an extreme either, though they are now when a christian disagrees with something, using that extreme as a phony logic to reason why it's wrong. Yet at the same time, anyone who has read the book could also find a scripture that opposes that extreme.
I didn't follow all of this so I won't comment on the example, but where are you getting that "living by faith" is to the exclusion of all else. To take your logic to the extreme it would mean not eating because if God wanted to keep you alive he would provide nourishment. You could apply this to any number of other life ending acts. It just doesn't make sense... do you have any Christian scripture that would support what you're saying?

You're doesn't make sense.......


Did'ja hear about the couple that let their daughter die in a diabetic coma because they didn't believe in medicine, rather, they wished for God to heal her or take her home?

God heals. It's people's stupidity at ignoring the help that is the problem.
You're doesn't make sense.......


Did'ja hear about the couple that let their daughter die in a diabetic coma because they didn't believe in medicine, rather, they wished for God to heal her or take her home?

God heals. It's people's stupidity at ignoring the help that is the problem.

That's another great example.
Actually you understand it better than most now. The point is that taking anything in extreme is wrong and will lead to self destruction. the christian scriptures themselves cannot be taken as an extreme either, though they are now when a christian disagrees with something, using that extreme as a phony logic to reason why it's wrong. Yet at the same time, anyone who has read the book could also find a scripture that opposes that extreme.

So you don't have any Christian teachings that specifically say this. Is your point just how stupid we are?
So you don't have any Christian teachings that specifically say this. Is your point just how stupid we are?

Okay, I thought you understood, but you missed it completely as well. Open your mind to wisdom, it's an abstract part of knowledge and actually requires thought instead of recitation.
You're doesn't make sense.......


Did'ja hear about the couple that let their daughter die in a diabetic coma because they didn't believe in medicine, rather, they wished for God to heal her or take her home?

God heals. It's people's stupidity at ignoring the help that is the problem.

I often wish God would do things for me. I usually find things work best if I use the gifts God has given me to get what I need. I don't blame them for wishing, but I think failing to get medical treatment is not what God would want. Making medicine available tells us that God is ok with us using it to heal.

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