Are Christians hypocrites?

Several times in high school I tried to courageously act upon my convictions and not bow my head as Christian prayers were recited over the public address system. Later, I was looked at with scorned as students learned that I was not doing what was expected. During break time, one student even got in my face and shoved me asking why I would not pray with the others and suggested that I thought that I was better than everybody else. Thinking back, I think that I should have filed an assault complaint. He came close to hitting me. Then, for my bachelor party, some friends took me to a strip club. A coworker learned about it and gave me a long lecture about how he was “disappointed with me”. I thanked him for his unrequested opinion of me, but he would not take the hint. He continued to “push the Bible” until I finally told him to leave me alone. There are many other examples but I have stuff to do. Your turn.

I am not saying that there should be a law. Don’t put words in my mouth. I am just saying that a Christian can be, and often is, just as much a pushy nosey, judgmental busy-body as a non-Christian can be.

I would be willing to bet that kids would have done that about anything you didn't go along with. That's practically the point of school, to make you conform. You would have got the same thing for not going along with the pledge of allegiance.

Personally, I don't get in anyone's face about God. I don't think that's how you can win anyone over. I try to live the best example of being kind and generous and I smile all the time. Sometimes people will ask me why I'm so happy and then I tell them how my faith lifts me up and if they want to know more I will tell them more.

You know, a lot of things go both ways. I've gone with co-workers to lunch and had them laugh at me because I stopped and said a silent prayer to myself before eating. Do you know how hard it was to sit there though the rest of the meal knowing they all thought I was stupid? But I think maybe only 1 or 2 felt that way and the others just didn't have the courage to say anything. I think that's really sad. If you watch how I post here I think you will see that even though I do not like what homosexuals do I will stand up for their right for equal protection under the law because it's only fair. I stand up for a woman's right to choose even though I would never have an abortion because who am I to take away some one else's right to their body. Not all Christians are like the ones that bothered you. I think more of them are like me than you might realize because we aren't in your face you don't even know we're around.
I would be willing to bet that kids would have done that about anything you didn't go along with. That's practically the point of school, to make you conform. You would have got the same thing for not going along with the pledge of allegiance.

Personally, I don't get in anyone's face about God. I don't think that's how you can win anyone over. I try to live the best example of being kind and generous and I smile all the time. Sometimes people will ask me why I'm so happy and then I tell them how my faith lifts me up and if they want to know more I will tell them more.

You know, a lot of things go both ways. I've gone with co-workers to lunch and had them laugh at me because I stopped and said a silent prayer to myself before eating. Do you know how hard it was to sit there though the rest of the meal knowing they all thought I was stupid? But I think maybe only 1 or 2 felt that way and the others just didn't have the courage to say anything. I think that's really sad. If you watch how I post here I think you will see that even though I do not like what homosexuals do I will stand up for their right for equal protection under the law because it's only fair. I stand up for a woman's right to choose even though I would never have an abortion because who am I to take away some one else's right to their body. Not all Christians are like the ones that bothered you. I think more of them are like me than you might realize because we aren't in your face you don't even know we're around.

Amen to that!
Actually, the only place where it says that a man shouldn't lay with another man is in Leviticus.

And, it was more for the Levite priests to not do that because they were the High Priests of Israel.

I think those are the only ones that rule applied to personally.
I would be willing to bet that kids would have done that about anything you didn't go along with. That's practically the point of school, to make you conform. You would have got the same thing for not going along with the pledge of allegiance.

Personally, I don't get in anyone's face about God. I don't think that's how you can win anyone over. I try to live the best example of being kind and generous and I smile all the time. Sometimes people will ask me why I'm so happy and then I tell them how my faith lifts me up and if they want to know more I will tell them more.


You know, a lot of things go both ways. I've gone with co-workers to lunch and had them laugh at me because I stopped and said a silent prayer to myself before eating. Do you know how hard it was to sit there though the rest of the meal knowing they all thought I was stupid?

Yep. I do not condone what those co-workers did. That was rude and wrong.

If you watch how I post here I think you will see that even though I do not like what homosexuals do I will stand up for their right for equal protection under the law because it's only fair. I stand up for a woman's right to choose even though I would never have an abortion because who am I to take away some one else's right to their body. Not all Christians are like the ones that bothered you. I think more of them are like me than you might realize because we aren't in your face you don't even know we're around.

Yeah. I don't think that I ever read your bashing anyone. Perhaps I was just clouded by some bad examples.
Could you point me toward the scriptures in question? I'm not trying to pick a fight I'm genuinely curious. I don't see how what you're saying can be anything more than an interpretation designed to make Christians look foolish. I'm especially not concerned if it's in the Old Testament, because the teachings of Jesus turn a lot of that on it's head. Either way, I'm hardly perfect, if God can forgive the truly terrible things I've done I think he'll let me slide on technology.

She can't because she's simply trying to muddy the water with bullcrap.
Actually, the only place where it says that a man shouldn't lay with another man is in Leviticus.

And, it was more for the Levite priests to not do that because they were the High Priests of Israel.

I think those are the only ones that rule applied to personally.

no, there are other places.
Jude 1:7-:8
7Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

8Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.
Ezekiel 16:49-50 (TNIV) reads:

“ Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.
In Mark 7: 20-23 (KJV) it says:

“ And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.
In Mark 7: 20-23 (KJV) it says:

“ And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.

And, it specifically mentions homosexuality WHERE again?

I see stuff about adultery, fornications, murders, coveting, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, evil eyes, blasphemey, pride and foolishness, all of which can apply to ANYONE, including heterosexuals, but don't see anything about homosexuality.

I guess it's in the lobotomized interpretation of that verse, right AlwaysABitch?
Could you point me toward the scriptures in question? I'm not trying to pick a fight I'm genuinely curious. I don't see how what you're saying can be anything more than an interpretation designed to make Christians look foolish. I'm especially not concerned if it's in the Old Testament, because the teachings of Jesus turn a lot of that on it's head. Either way, I'm hardly perfect, if God can forgive the truly terrible things I've done I think he'll let me slide on technology.

All the christian scriptures are myth. I never use them in an argument because they are human musings about some fantasy dreamt up, just like all religious scriptures. At least I assume you are talking about christian ones since there are a LOT of other scriptures out there and all say they are true themselves ... which is a really ignorant reason to believe in something.
In Mark 7: 20-23 (KJV) it says:

“ And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.

And you have the pride to assume you are more correct ... that makes you a sinner by your own ideal.
All the christian scriptures are myth. I never use them in an argument because they are human musings about some fantasy dreamt up, just like all religious scriptures. At least I assume you are talking about christian ones since there are a LOT of other scriptures out there and all say they are true themselves ... which is a really ignorant reason to believe in something.

I'm not going to argue if you think it's a myth or not, but you mentioned that Christians couldn't use computers and that must be based on something, so can we talk about that something?
I'm not going to argue if you think it's a myth or not, but you mentioned that Christians couldn't use computers and that must be based on something, so can we talk about that something?

It's an analogy based on "living on faith" that seems too complex for many of you to understand. We here are living by science, maybe some myth, but those who advance all the wonderful things you have did so not by faith but by science. Avoiding reality wouldn't have allowed that, which is what living by faith means. So if you want to remain nomadic hunters without medicine, computers, etc. you can live by faith and leave the rest of us be, or you can admit that you don't live by faith and use the science just like the rest of us.

Your false god did not give us computers, they were invented by a scientist. Your false god didn't give you medicine, cars, nothing, it was all our advances. Advances we as humans should be proud of, since that pride would lead to even more, but instead most want to say "our god gave it to them", well, ANYONE in ANY religion can easily make that claim, but to do so only slows progress as we had seen in the Dark Ages.

If you want to live by faith, fine, go back to the Dark Ages and leave the rest of the world alone.
Several times in high school I tried to courageously act upon my convictions and not bow my head as Christian prayers were recited over the public address system. Later, I was looked at with scorned as students learned that I was not doing what was expected. During break time, one student even got in my face and shoved me asking why I would not pray with the others and suggested that I thought that I was better than everybody else. Thinking back, I think that I should have filed an assault complaint. He came close to hitting me. Then, for my bachelor party, some friends took me to a strip club. A coworker learned about it and gave me a long lecture about how he was “disappointed with me”. I thanked him for his unrequested opinion of me, but he would not take the hint. He continued to “push the Bible” until I finally told him to leave me alone. There are many other examples but I have stuff to do. Your turn.

I am not saying that there should be a law. Don’t put words in my mouth. I am just saying that a Christian can be, and often is, just as much a pushy nosey, judgmental busy-body as a non-Christian can be.

Matt, if everybody was expected to bow their heads and pray, I would have taken my shirt off, raised my hands to the heavens and started shouting out loud. "Praise the Lord, halleluia!" I love being a contrarian, and I am not afraid to make people think about their convictions.

If somebody castigates me, I am cool with that. They are simply saying that they don't do things the way I do. I freely admit to having been a sinner before I found God. I am very tolerant of sinners and sometimes, I smile at them. It is all perspective, dude. That is what makes life fun. If we were all the same, it would be boredom city.

You gotta get out and shake things up a little.
I think the term 'hypocrite' for a Christian with flaws is harsh. We're all human and the truth is that we practice a spiritual path often with mixed motivation.

Some people go to Church because its a great place to network for business. Why judge them for that?

They may be missing out on other opportunities, but perhaps they will change.
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It's an analogy based on "living on faith" that seems too complex for many of you to understand. We here are living by science, maybe some myth, but those who advance all the wonderful things you have did so not by faith but by science. Avoiding reality wouldn't have allowed that, which is what living by faith means. So if you want to remain nomadic hunters without medicine, computers, etc. you can live by faith and leave the rest of us be, or you can admit that you don't live by faith and use the science just like the rest of us.

Your false god did not give us computers, they were invented by a scientist. Your false god didn't give you medicine, cars, nothing, it was all our advances. Advances we as humans should be proud of, since that pride would lead to even more, but instead most want to say "our god gave it to them", well, ANYONE in ANY religion can easily make that claim, but to do so only slows progress as we had seen in the Dark Ages.

If you want to live by faith, fine, go back to the Dark Ages and leave the rest of the world alone.

Kitten, your perspective is totally different from fundamental Christianity which is usually considered the most conservative of Christian faith.

To them, living by faith is simply asking God into their lives to guide them day to day. It does not preclude science or technology. I was a Christian and a Nuclear Weapons Officer and a Nuclear Reactor Plant Operator when in military service. I was a Christian and a Data Communications Manager for Pacific Bell (Now AT&T) for 17 years. My faith did not in any way preclude my reliance on science to support my family.

Remember the Bible says that faith even as small as a grain of mustard seed can move mountains. The overwhelming majority of people have faith even smaller than that, but I consider them to be good Christians. Remember it is not how religious you are. It is just simple obedience to the spirit of God, and even in that you don't have to be perfect.
Kitten, your perspective is totally different from fundamental Christianity which is usually considered the most conservative of Christian faith.

To them, living by faith is simply asking God into their lives to guide them day to day. It does not preclude science or technology. I was a Christian and a Nuclear Weapons Officer and a Nuclear Reactor Plant Operator when in military service. I was a Christian and a Data Communications Manager for Pacific Bell (Now AT&T) for 17 years. My faith did not in any way preclude my reliance on science to support my family.

Remember the Bible says that faith even as small as a grain of mustard seed can move mountains. The overwhelming majority of people have faith even smaller than that, but I consider them to be good Christians. Remember it is not how religious you are. It is just simple obedience to the spirit of God, and even in that you don't have to be perfect.

A post that can go back to the topic, though not all christians (I get more flack for separating the two types than I do for generalizing, how odd) are fundies, I see both types all the time and many I know personally. The problem I have are those who do live as hypocrites, and they are the ones who just happen to be the loudest and most pushy.

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