Are Christians hypocrites?

The purpose of a church is NOT to save sinners. The purpose of a church is to #1, praise God, and to provide fellowship, support and strengthen the faith of those who are saved.

Those who are saved are supposed to witness to others, and most Christian churches have an open door policy when it comes to bringing in the unsaved; we like to see people in our churches, hearing the word, because through the Word comes salvation. But the primary function of a church isn't to "save" sinners, nor is the implication that those who are "saved" aren't sinners. THat is the universal appeal of the Christian church...the recognition that we are all sinners, every single one of us. We are saved through faith and faith alone. The desire to be good comes with being saved...but nowhere in the Bible does it say that those who are saved are not still sinful, and nobody except someone who is completely ignorant of Christianity would ever try to imply that. Every human is a sinner, and Christians recognize this.

I get tired of being called a "hypocrite" because I don't act the way non-Christians think I should. That doesn't make me a hypocrite, it makes you ignorant because you don't understand Christianity.

You obviously have never studied the Bible, in particular the teachings in the New Testament. If the Fellowship of Believers is not actively working to help those who do not know God and the plan of salvation, then that "church" is a dead church, and the Bible says that in the later days God will spit that church out of His mouth. They are the Church of Satan, and those who fellowship there are followers of Satan. The Christian God will deny you with the words, "Depart from me for I never knew you." Check it out in Revelation.

Consequently, according to the Bible, you are damned to hell.

Shame that! Try reading the Bible and find out what your responsibilities are to God and to your fellow man.

Smartt: the church is a body of believers. That is not a building or a temple, or a place. It is the people. The purpose for joining together is to worship and give praise and honor to God. We edify each other in the use of the Gifts of the Spirit, within the church body.

Every local church group meets somewhere, usually on Sundays and Wednesdays for worahip and praise and prayer. We also invite people who are not part of the body of Christ to come and join us, which offers them a visual of what the church is about, and usually they will hear the Word of God there.

However, the great commission says that we are to "go" and make disciples..." This means that when we leave the building, we walk out into the mission field to share the good news of the Creator God and His awesomeplan for His people. We share the good news of salvation through a presentation of Word of God, and our personal experiences with God. God is the one who calls, draws, and convicts. Our job is to proclaim Him to the mountain tops and the valleys.

Being a sinner, which we all are, does not make anyone a hypocrite. Teaching and preaching a truth, and then not abniding by that truth your self, that is what a hypoctite is. There are hypocrites in the secular world just as there are in the church.

If a person preaches, or teaches that no one should rob their neighbor, but has a habit of putting on the time card more time than he actually works, he is a thief and a hypoctire. Of the same would be true if he cheats on the Taxes.

MattsKramer: I get tired of self-righteous nosey judgmental Christian busy-bodies practically always telling me that what I am doing is wrong and trying to tell me how I should live. If they would concentrate on improving their own lives instead of being so eager to find fault among others, the world would be a much better place.

smartt: If you were really honest, you would have to realize that your statement here must be a lie. I doubt that you hang around with these very mean and evil Christians. I doubt that you hang our with Christians at all. That makes me wonder just how so many of them are always telling you these things. How is that? Here you are telling them on a message board how they should not live. Hmmm. Hypocrital much?
There are many Christian hypocrites (I include myself in this group, as I am not the best Christian I could be), but not for this reason. Church is to worship and enrich one's relationship with God. Evangelism is pursued in one's everyday life, "on the street" as it were.

Why would you consider yourself a hypocrite? Do you espouse verbally a practice which you have no intention of trying to follow? Sincerely trying to obey God and failing does not make you a hypocrite. It just makes you imperfect . . . and human.

Smartt: That was a great and very honest response. I wish everyone would realize this truth.
I share your conviction. Note that I said that Non believers and Sinners should be there. Those "Sinners" can be believers.

I note that a lot of posters confuse the "Fellowship of the Believers" with Church service. Though they can be one and the same now-a-days, that was not the way it was 1900+ years ago.
I still want to know why just some regular joe christian gets to define what a sin is and what is not a sin?Not saying all do this but some do! Even if you live what you think is a pure life that still doesn't mean you get to judge another!

A "regular joe christian" didn't define sin...God did, with His word in the Bible.
So basically, you mostly have your panties in a wad over people expressing opinions - albeit obnoxiously - at you? And you somehow have decided that this is unique to religious people?

If you want to see examples from the other side, how about all the homosexual activists who invaded and disrupted church services, threw things at parishioners, knocked an old lady around and stomped on her styrofoam cross, and got numerous people fired as protests to the passage of California's Prop 8?

I I condemn those actions too right along with abortion clinic bombings.

Christians didn't bomb the abortion clinics, mad men did. Don't try to tie those evil deeds to Christians.
So basically, you mostly have your panties in a wad over people expressing opinions - albeit obnoxiously - at you? And you somehow have decided that this is unique to religious people?

If you want to see examples from the other side, how about all the homosexual activists who invaded and disrupted church services, threw things at parishioners, knocked an old lady around and stomped on her styrofoam cross, and got numerous people fired as protests to the passage of California's Prop 8?

I I condemn those actions too right along with abortion clinic bombings.

Christians didn't bomb the abortion clinics, mad men did. Don't try to tie those evil deeds to Christians.

But they called themselves Christian.
Ever stop to think that perhaps you were the one who did that and not me?

Ok then let's rewind to where you told me that my religion disallowed me to use a computer and work forward from there. Where's your proof? I'll accept any version of the Holy Bible from KJV though modern times. I'm disallowing the Great Bible, the Bishops Bible, and the Geneva Bible because the full text of each is not easy to find. (Though I recommend the Geneva Bible to anyone that really enjoys the KJV)

As soon as we get this behind us we can look at whatever silly mistake I made.

Amanda trying to talk Christianity teachings to a non-Christian is not possible. They view things from a worldly perspective and will never understand it from a God/Christian perspective. They hate the moral compass the Bible provides as it gets in the way of them "doing their thing" or there being no "absolute truths". They want to live exactly as they see fit and have others do the same. The problem with that is some people like to rob, some like to steal and some even kill. How does their logic of letting everyone live as they desire fit into doesn't.
I stopped trying to discuss religion on message boards as many (not all) are just hate filled, anti-religious people that enjoy bashing Christian beliefs. I am completely at peace with my beliefs and am eager to share is asked. What I am not eager to do is get into a discussion with those that simply have a world view of life.
I I condemn those actions too right along with abortion clinic bombings.

Christians didn't bomb the abortion clinics, mad men did. Don't try to tie those evil deeds to Christians.

But they called themselves Christian.

I can call myself the president...doesn't make it true.
Bombing/killing are not part of the teaching's of Christ. The media is quick to jump on these types of crimes but are not into researching the background of the criminal. Going to Church does not make you a Christian nor does reading and knowing the Bible. Don't be mislead by how the media portrays Christians as they are mostly run by seculars with secular views.
They hate the moral compass the Bible provides as it gets in the way of them "doing their thing" or there being no "absolute truths".

I am not religious in any way, shape or form, but I like the moral compass that the bible provides. Most people I know who are not religious feel the same.....

That's great. If only more felt this way whether religious or not. I really don't see a down side to this moral guide as a way to live one's life.
I get tired of being called a "hypocrite" because I don't act the way non-Christians think I should. That doesn't make me a hypocrite, it makes you ignorant because you don't understand Christianity.

I get tired of self-righteous nosey judgmental Christian busy-bodies practically always telling me that what I am doing is wrong and trying to tell me how I should live. If they would concentrate on improving their own lives instead of being so eager to find fault among others, the world would be a much better place.

So you find fault with Christians finding fault? The Bible says we are ALL sinners, and fall short of perfection.

Christians are by no means Hypocrites, because the one of the most fundamental Christian doctines is this:

"If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us"

Anti Christians constantly try to paint Christians as people who claim some kind of perfection, when even the most cursory reading of the new testament proves that is not true. It is a straw man that anti Christians construct so that they can tear it down again and again.

If you are sure God does not exist, and you are sure that what you do is moral, then why should you complain? As a person who lives in a free society, you may come across people sometimes who think what you are doing is wrong.

The reason Anti Christians get angry can be found in the Bible:

John 3:19 *And this is the test by which men are judged: the light has come into the world and men have more love for the dark than for the light, because their acts are evil.
20 *The light is hated by everyone whose acts are evil and he does not come to the light for fear that his acts will be seen.

People get angry because they know they are wrong.
Let me ask you this: If you were escorting a frail old lady across the street, and someone came up to you and told you that it was wrong to do that, would you get angry? NO, because the idea is absurd. You might look at them funny and go on your way.
But you get mad at Christians because you are guilty in your heart, you know you are wrong.

But Christ says this:
Revelation 3:20 *See, I am waiting at the door and giving the sign; if my voice comes to any man's ears and he makes the door open, I will come in to him, and will take food with him and he with me.

All who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.. Have you ever called on the name of the Lord? Billions of people have, and Christ has revealed Himself to them in ways only they can understand: The Apostle Peter writes:

1 Peter 1:16 *¶For when we gave you news of the power and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, our teaching was not based on stories put together by art, but we were eye-witnesses of his glory.
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People in general are hypocrites.

Christians (or religious people) get singled out because people expect more of them.


Christians are no better than anyone else. But they are forgiven and redeemed.

Besides, explaining to a non-Christian what it's like to be saved by the Lord is like trying to explain what it is like to have a baby to someone who never had one.

To those of you who distrust Christians, you are right. Christians are sinners too.

But have you tried giving your life to Christ? What's stopping you? Are you afraid that you will be ruined by Jesus?

I bet there are very few people in this world walking around saying, "Man, I gave my heart and soul to Jesus and he ruined me. It was a horrible mistake."


Nothing bad can come from Christ. Of course, bad things may come from people who don't like you coming to Christ, but Jesus Himself will never hurt you.

He will save you.

The funny thing is, as a Christian, I'm not afraid to debate atheists at all. Given enough time, it's not me who will be converted.
You should learn not to project your own issues, pathologies, and bigotry onto others. I criticize everyone equally, depending on what they've done that needs it.

Show me the religious teaching you've recieived that tells you to criticize all others. If more people of any faith spent time examining their own minds and hearts to find the flaws, and developed kindness and compassion toward themselves and others we wouldn't be asking the question "Are Christians hypocrites?"

Luke 17:3:
"3 *Give attention to yourselves: if your brother does wrong, say a sharp word to him; and if he has sorrow for his sin, let him have forgiveness.
4 *And if he does you wrong seven times in a day, and seven times comes to you and says, I have regret for what I have done; let him have forgiveness."

As believers we are to gently point out the sins of our brothers.
Jesus preached repentance:
4: 17 *From that time began Jesus to preach, and to say, Repent ye; for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

You cannot repent without repenting from something, and that something is sin.

Jesus told his disciples to preach repentance:

Mark 6: 11 *And whatsoever place shall not receive you, and they hear you not, as ye go forth thence, shake off the dust that is under your feet for a testimony unto them.
12 *And they went out, and preached that men should repent.

There is no question that Jesus was harsh to hypocrites, but the hypocites he was talking to were not seeking righteousness:
Mat 23:13:
13 *¶But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye shut the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye enter not in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering in to enter.
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Ever stop to think that perhaps you were the one who did that and not me?

Ok then let's rewind to where you told me that my religion disallowed me to use a computer and work forward from there. Where's your proof? I'll accept any version of the Holy Bible from KJV though modern times. I'm disallowing the Great Bible, the Bishops Bible, and the Geneva Bible because the full text of each is not easy to find. (Though I recommend the Geneva Bible to anyone that really enjoys the KJV)

As soon as we get this behind us we can look at whatever silly mistake I made.

Amanda trying to talk Christianity teachings to a non-Christian is not possible. They view things from a worldly perspective and will never understand it from a God/Christian perspective. They hate the moral compass the Bible provides as it gets in the way of them "doing their thing" or there being no "absolute truths". They want to live exactly as they see fit and have others do the same. The problem with that is some people like to rob, some like to steal and some even kill. How does their logic of letting everyone live as they desire fit into doesn't.
I stopped trying to discuss religion on message boards as many (not all) are just hate filled, anti-religious people that enjoy bashing Christian beliefs. I am completely at peace with my beliefs and am eager to share is asked. What I am not eager to do is get into a discussion with those that simply have a world view of life.

Dude, Jesus entire ministry was to "non Christians"

Matthew 9:11 *And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Teacher with the publicans and sinners?
12 *But when he heard it, he said, They that are whole have no need of a physician, but they that are sick.
13 *But go ye and learn what this meaneth, I desire mercy, and not sacrifice, for I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.
I I condemn those actions too right along with abortion clinic bombings.

Christians didn't bomb the abortion clinics, mad men did. Don't try to tie those evil deeds to Christians.

But they called themselves Christian.

I can call myself the Queen of England, but that ain't getting me past the guards at Buckingham Palace, now is it? The Bible doesn't say, "By your label are ye known." It says, "By your fruits are ye known." In other words, if it doesn't act like a Christian, it probably isn't, no matter how big the "Christian!" sign is that its wearing.
You know....that's one thing that I've always wondered about.....

Christians will invite you to their church so that they can show you off around the building to all their friends and have them say what a wonderful person they are because they brought you, yet, right after the service, everyone boogies for home and leaves the non believer and sinners behind on the sidewalk.

If you ask me, that's kind of ass backwards.
I used to get invited to churches all the time but I never do anymore! I wonder why?:evil:
I have gone to a few churches since breaking off away from the religions my parents believe in and I still haven't found one that believes the way I do. I for one em not a big fan of most organized religion, I believe in a god, but have doubts about who Jesus really was, and really don't want to attend a church where they feel women are just there to take care of their husband and the children. The last church I attended on a regular basis the minister started talking about politics which I felt was wrong so I of course stopped going there which was eight year ago. I also started to question to much about what they were teaching us so I felt I didn't belong there.
I guess my biggest thing is even though my faith is not real strong I know how important it is for children to grow up going to church, I enjoyed it as a child and feel it teaches them morals. I have a son who I want to go to church but I don't want to cringe every time I have to take him. So if anyone has some good ideas on some liberal churches that would be great!

Smartt: You don't have to be invited to church. As a matter of fact, going on your own, because you want to is far better. You feel more comfortable that way.

However, if you believe in God, just go with that. Recognize Him in every experience you have. Take your son camping by the lake or mountains. God is there.Seek Him. You will find Him. And in the process you can let your Son know how to recognize Him too. Talk to God, even in the presence of your son. Teach your son morals. Seek in every opportunity to be in the presence of God. He is there.

When you do this, He will lead you to the place where He can develop a real and personal relationship with you. You might even discover that somewhere along the way you want to invite others to know the God that you know.
Christians didn't bomb the abortion clinics, mad men did. Don't try to tie those evil deeds to Christians.

But they called themselves Christian.

I can call myself the Queen of England, but that ain't getting me past the guards at Buckingham Palace, now is it? The Bible doesn't say, "By your label are ye known." It says, "By your fruits are ye known." In other words, if it doesn't act like a Christian, it probably isn't, no matter how big the "Christian!" sign is that its wearing.

Couldn't you say the same can be applied to Muslim terrorists?

Suicide bombers and Militants call themselves Muslim

But peaceful Muslims reject them and say they are not inside the fold of Islam for killing innocent people.

So wouldn't it be hypocritical to call a suicide bomber a "Muslim Extremist" and not call an Abortion-Clinic bomber a "Christian extremists"?
But they called themselves Christian.

I can call myself the Queen of England, but that ain't getting me past the guards at Buckingham Palace, now is it? The Bible doesn't say, "By your label are ye known." It says, "By your fruits are ye known." In other words, if it doesn't act like a Christian, it probably isn't, no matter how big the "Christian!" sign is that its wearing.

Couldn't you say the same can be applied to Muslim terrorists?

Suicide bombers and Militants call themselves Muslim

But peaceful Muslims reject them and say they are not inside the fold of Islam for killing innocent people.

So wouldn't it be hypocritical to call a suicide bomber a "Muslim Extremist" and not call an Abortion-Clinic bomber a "Christian extremists"?

Here's the thing. When you look at the "fruits", you also have to look at the tree bearing them.

Christianity does not espouse violence and hatred as a tenet of its faith. Yes, some people who call themselves Christians do, and it is the contradiction between the actual teachings of Christianity and their behavior that tells you they are either not really Christians, or really bad at it.

So are Islamofascists contradicting the actual, literal teachings of their faith, or not? Are we talking about an apple tree bearing peaches, or the apples you would expect? You tell me.
But they called themselves Christian.

I can call myself the Queen of England, but that ain't getting me past the guards at Buckingham Palace, now is it? The Bible doesn't say, "By your label are ye known." It says, "By your fruits are ye known." In other words, if it doesn't act like a Christian, it probably isn't, no matter how big the "Christian!" sign is that its wearing.

Couldn't you say the same can be applied to Muslim terrorists?

Suicide bombers and Militants call themselves Muslim

But peaceful Muslims reject them and say they are not inside the fold of Islam for killing innocent people.

So wouldn't it be hypocritical to call a suicide bomber a "Muslim Extremist" and not call an Abortion-Clinic bomber a "Christian extremists"?

There is no such thing as a "peaceful Muslim" or the "Peaceful religion of Islam". People who claim there is are either ignorant or being deliberately deceitful.

Suicide bombers adn militants are doing EXACTLY what the Koran and the Haddiths tell them to do..right down to lying about who they are when they are captured, killing women and children, and adjusting to suit the enemy, TEMPORARILY, when they are subdued. They have a particular word for this alleged "compromise"....which means TEMPORARY compromise until you can pick up the sword again.

There is no peace or compromise in Islam. People who think there is are lying to themselves.

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