Are Christians Political Chumps for voting Republican?

No, life began 4 billion years ago and is an ongoing process.

An individual doesn't exist until he or she is born.

This is the fact you religious nutters can't get your heads around, I know. And the Plutocrats have robbed you fucking blind distracting you with this bullshit.

that so..? well i'd like to see how a human begins life through your "ongoing process" instead of through conception....i.e. egg + sperm.....

Thousands of women will go to abortion clinics next week, and not a one of them will think of it as a "baby".

Deal with it.

so your "ongoing process" was just another progressive falsehood....?

the young women are the ones who really have to 'deal with it'.....of course they know they are getting rid of a baby...what do you think being 'pregnant' is all about....?

but they've been told by godless progressive seculars that killing the 'fetus' is OK....that it isn't a 'real' baby......all lies....

you were once a fetus yourself.....with a beating heart and brain waves and tiny little fingers and toes....all the apparatus and chromosomes to become a fully developed human being.....guess you got lucky and were allowed to live....

So why is that relevent to anything.

I was once spooge, but I'm pretty sure I don't want to give civil rights to spooge.

no you weren' begins with conception....a scientific fact....

And Constitutional protections are afforded only to those who are born, not an embryo/fetus – that’s a fact of law.

This also goes to the OP’s point, that in a free society, a freedom most social conservatives and Christian fundamentalists fear and oppose, we’re at liberty to debate when life begins, and make a determination for ourselves, predicated on our own beliefs and good conscience, free from interference by the state.

Just as the Framers intended.
Think about it.

Assume for a moment that you are red state Christian who isn't rich or a CEO or has a stock portfolio.

You just vote for the Republicans because they are right with Jesus.

So what do you have to show for your efforts?

Abortion - Still legal after 41 years.
Creationism - Still not being taught in the Schools.
Gay Marriage- 16 states and counting
Prayer In Schools - Still ain't gonna happen.

What you did get were free trade treaties that sent your job to China and a Bank Deregulation taht left you with an underwater mortgage, but you didn't get any of those things that make Baby Jesus Cry repealled.
The reason I vote Republican is because my views closely reflect the views of the Republican party. I am aware that abortion and gay marriage are legal, and that the GOP may not be able to outlaw these practices. However the reason why these practices may not be outlawed has nothing to do with the Republican party, they are not to blame. The Democrats are the ones who are fighting to keep abortion and gay marriage legal. Why would I vote for a party that supports policies that I disagree with?

Because you believe every American has the right to his civil liberties, even if you disagree with how your fellow Americans exercise their civil rights?
So why is that relevent to anything.

I was once spooge, but I'm pretty sure I don't want to give civil rights to spooge.

no you weren' begins with conception....a scientific fact....

And Constitutional protections are afforded only to those who are born, not an embryo/fetus – that’s a fact of law.

This also goes to the OP’s point, that in a free society, a freedom most social conservatives and Christian fundamentalists fear and oppose, we’re at liberty to debate when life begins, and make a determination for ourselves, predicated on our own beliefs and good conscience, free from interference by the state.

Just as the Framers intended.

so why do people get charged with two murders if they kill a pregnant woman....?
I think too many have been chumps voting blindly on either side.

You know it took a long hard deal to become the Conservative Party of Canada and become the majority. But when I vote, I know that my representative will represent me in Ottawa as compared to voting R or D and as soon as your poor rep makes it to Washington and inside the beltway, well you are a distant memory.

And what do you do? You vote them in again. Unfreaking real.

BIG problem.
Are Christians Political Chumps for voting Republican?

Of course not.

Simply don't try to push the religious culture on the rest of America.
ONLY in your MIND are they doing it. YOU just hate the fact the First Amendment exists for them too. Right Fakey?


Says it all, doesn't it folks? Ignore the "magic skyman" - Joseph here is his own little God and he's got it all figured out. He's just as omnipotent (in his mind) :eusa_doh:

The Magic Skyman stopped existing for me when my Mom got cancer and everyone in the Parish prayed for her to get better.

And she didn't.

No Magic Skyman.

Sadly, you deluded fools keep voting against your own economic interests hoping you can still impose him on the rest of us.

Ah Joe B so that's where it begins. I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. Prayer isn't always answered the way we want it to.
Indeed. Sometimes God has to say no...for HIS purposes.
Think about it.

Assume for a moment that you are red state Christian who isn't rich or a CEO or has a stock portfolio.

You just vote for the Republicans because they are right with Jesus.

So what do you have to show for your efforts?

Abortion - Still legal after 41 years.
Creationism - Still not being taught in the Schools.
Gay Marriage- 16 states and counting
Prayer In Schools - Still ain't gonna happen.

What you did get were free trade treaties that sent your job to China and a Bank Deregulation taht left you with an underwater mortgage, but you didn't get any of those things that make Baby Jesus Cry repealled.
The reason I vote Republican is because my views closely reflect the views of the Republican party. I am aware that abortion and gay marriage are legal, and that the GOP may not be able to outlaw these practices. However the reason why these practices may not be outlawed has nothing to do with the Republican party, they are not to blame. The Democrats are the ones who are fighting to keep abortion and gay marriage legal. Why would I vote for a party that supports policies that I disagree with?

Because you believe every American has the right to his civil liberties, even if you disagree with how your fellow Americans exercise their civil rights?
Swell. We all have a right to our civil liberties, I fully agree. This includes the Polygamous community in Utah. They should be allowed to obtain multiple wedding licenses without fear of prosecution. Why should one group be allowed civil liberties, but not another?
First of all - it was Bill Clinton who forced "free trade" (NAFTA) down the throats of the American people. So Dumbocrats sent the jobs to China.

I'm a supporter of free trade, as anyone who believes government should get out of peoples' lives should be. However, it was Republicans who passed NAFTA, not Democrats.

Clinton and his House allies came from behind to wipe out a substantial lead that NAFTA opponents held as the week began. A bipartisan coalition of 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats prevailed over the opposition of 156 Democrats, 43 Republicans and one independent. House Approves U.S.-Candada-Mexicot Trade Pact

The Senate on Saturday approved the North American Free Trade Agreement, ending with little flourish a national debate that a week ago had threatened to throw out the pact entirely and complicate Clinton Administration plans for expanded trade agreements with other parts of the world.

The vote was 61 to 38. As was the case earlier in the House, Republicans supplied the most support, accounting for 34 of the favorable votes to 27 from the Democrats.

Senate Approves NAFTA on 61-38 Vote : Trade: Passage in upper house had been expected. Pact still faces action in Mexico and Canada. - Los Angeles Times

you're missing the point that our Founders were most Christians who actively pursued their religions within the States they lived 'separation of religion and state' except in the national sense.....they even prayed in the early schools....

No, the Revolution happened during a period known as the "Enlightenment".

Also known as "Smart people were figuring out the religious were full of shit and told them to shut the fuck up."

Sadly, it didn't last long enough to cure us of religious stupidity, because too many stupids want to be reunited with their childhood puppies in heaven.

Funny, I don't remember that from my history classes. What they told me is that the Age of Enlightenment was a period when reason and individualism triumphed over tradition. I know this is going to destroy that single brain cell you are relying on to be able to breathe, but a lot of the enlightenment was driven by religious people seeking answers to real questions about the world around them.

The driving force was the debate between people who believed in free will. aka Arminianism, and those who believed that the entire world is tightly regulated and controlled by God, aka Calvinism. This debate had gone on for about a century, and it wasn't until the technology advanced enough to make it less onerous to make long voyages, which enabled the birth of science as we understand it today, that real evidence started to pole up in favor of the free will side of the debate.

The really sad part of the whole thing is that idiots have reduced it to religion verses science. It is even sadder that assholes are now using it to justify their attempts to impose organized solutions instead of allowing individuals to find their own answers.
No, life began 4 billion years ago and is an ongoing process.

An individual doesn't exist until he or she is born.

This is the fact you religious nutters can't get your heads around, I know. And the Plutocrats have robbed you fucking blind distracting you with this bullshit.

that so..? well i'd like to see how a human begins life through your "ongoing process" instead of through conception....i.e. egg + sperm.....

Thousands of women will go to abortion clinics next week, and not a one of them will think of it as a "baby".

Deal with it.

The people responsible for Kayleigh Slusher didn't view her as a child either.

Deal with it.


you're missing the point that our Founders were most Christians who actively pursued their religions within the States they lived 'separation of religion and state' except in the national sense.....they even prayed in the early schools....

No, the Revolution happened during a period known as the "Enlightenment".

Also known as "Smart people were figuring out the religious were full of shit and told them to shut the fuck up."

Sadly, it didn't last long enough to cure us of religious stupidity, because too many stupids want to be reunited with their childhood puppies in heaven.

did you not know that 99% of those 'Enlightened Ones' were religious.....?

He didn't even notice that they cared more about the individual than the state.
So why is that relevent to anything.

I was once spooge, but I'm pretty sure I don't want to give civil rights to spooge.

no you weren' begins with conception....a scientific fact....

And Constitutional protections are afforded only to those who are born, not an embryo/fetus – that’s a fact of law.

This also goes to the OP’s point, that in a free society, a freedom most social conservatives and Christian fundamentalists fear and oppose, we’re at liberty to debate when life begins, and make a determination for ourselves, predicated on our own beliefs and good conscience, free from interference by the state.

Just as the Framers intended.

Are you sure about that?
Let me get this straight - you voted for McCain but against Romney? :lmao:

Oh man - even I didn't vote for McCain. This guy has to be lying. I can't imagine anyone who is so radical that they cast a vote for an idiot like McCain but then went with Obama over Romney.

Well, of course you didn't. McCain wasn't your kind of complete whackjob.

What McCain was is a war hero, a man of sterling integrity, a guy who has served his country for over 50 years in the miltiary and Congress.

As Opposed to Romney, who was a Mormon, a greedy asshole and a panderer.

They had me off the wagon at "Mormon".

Really? McCain was a "war hero" for allowing himself to get captured and then being tortured? That's your idea of a "hero"?

Furthermore, you said that Bush infuriated you. Well everyone knew that John McCain was George Bush with less brains and less charisma. So you voted to double-down on the policies which infuriated you? You're really that stupid?

And the only thing McCain "served" was his own interests for 50 years. If his character was so "sterling" why did he support a fence along the border, then oppose a fence along the border?

You continue to humiliate yourself every time you open your mouth...

you're missing the point that our Founders were most Christians who actively pursued their religions within the States they lived 'separation of religion and state' except in the national sense.....they even prayed in the early schools....

No, the Revolution happened during a period known as the "Enlightenment".

Also known as "Smart people were figuring out the religious were full of shit and told them to shut the fuck up."

Sadly, it didn't last long enough to cure us of religious stupidity, because too many stupids want to be reunited with their childhood puppies in heaven.

did you not know that 99% of those 'Enlightened Ones' were religious.....?

Then why doesn't the word "Jesus" or "God" appear anywhere in the Constitution, and the Declaration only have the word "Creator", which is a largely Deist concept.

(The Deists believed that there was a Creator of the universe, but he really didn't care about day to day morality.)

Anyway, back to my point, which you all avoid.

Given Christians have nothing to show for their support of the GOP, why do you all keep doing it?

so your "ongoing process" was just another progressive falsehood....?

the young women are the ones who really have to 'deal with it'.....of course they know they are getting rid of a baby...what do you think being 'pregnant' is all about....?

but they've been told by godless progressive seculars that killing the 'fetus' is OK....that it isn't a 'real' baby......all lies....

obviously, you've never known a woman who has had an abortion or you wouldn't say such ass-poundingly retarded things.

Never heard them call it "the baby". The usually called it, "That thing I need to take care of."

And frankly, Religious babes were just as likely to do it if they felt "that thing" was going to fuck up their dreams.
[quoYou really are ignorant. Christianity - even evangelical Christianity - was spreading during the Enlightenment. It's not difficult to find sermons by preachers of the era who sensed a sort of revival with the looming revolution.

Of course, not all the founders really appreciated it. Jefferson, for one, was somewhat perturbed at the spread not only of evangelical Christianity but also of capitalism (yes, Americans were becoming prosperous even in the 18th century).

Actually, the Second Great Awakening didn't happen until 1820 or so, when the Revolution and Enlightenment were well over and some considered it a terrible idea.

In addition to an increase of religious stupidity, progress on other things were also rolled back. For instance, slavery was going out of fashion in most of the world during the Enlightenment, but the Religious stupids doubled down in this country.

It was also this period that gave us such stupidity like the Millerite Movement and Mormonism.

Really? McCain was a "war hero" for allowing himself to get captured and then being tortured? That's your idea of a "hero"?

And what branch of hte service did you serve in? Oh, wait, you let other people do the fighting for big corporations.

Furthermore, you said that Bush infuriated you. Well everyone knew that John McCain was George Bush with less brains and less charisma. So you voted to double-down on the policies which infuriated you? You're really that stupid?

Um, no, McCain was the guy who was telling Bush that he was on the wrong track, and he was largely vindicated. But since you are about 20, I can understand why you don't understand this.

And the only thing McCain "served" was his own interests for 50 years. If his character was so "sterling" why did he support a fence along the border, then oppose a fence along the border?

You continue to humiliate yourself every time you open your mouth...

I think you have this backwards. He supported Amnesty, then opposed it because most of his party wasn't keen on it.

As for a fence, a fence is something really fucking stupid people want as a monument to their stupidity, but illegals LAUGH at fences.

[ame=]Penn and Teller: Bullshit (Immigration) - YouTube[/ame]
[quoYou really are ignorant. Christianity - even evangelical Christianity - was spreading during the Enlightenment. It's not difficult to find sermons by preachers of the era who sensed a sort of revival with the looming revolution.

Of course, not all the founders really appreciated it. Jefferson, for one, was somewhat perturbed at the spread not only of evangelical Christianity but also of capitalism (yes, Americans were becoming prosperous even in the 18th century).

Actually, the Second Great Awakening didn't happen until 1820 or so, when the Revolution and Enlightenment were well over and some considered it a terrible idea.

In addition to an increase of religious stupidity, progress on other things were also rolled back. For instance, slavery was going out of fashion in most of the world during the Enlightenment, but the Religious stupids doubled down in this country.

It was also this period that gave us such stupidity like the Millerite Movement and Mormonism.
Why, exactly, are are you bringing up the Second Great Awakening now? Off-topic much?

Our history is replete with revivals. Like the economy, Christianity surges and relaxes. Face it, Dude, the Enlightenment Era was a time of growth for both.

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