Are Christians Political Chumps for voting Republican?


As opposed to the magic skyman, who drowned everyone in the world after he gave them free will and they made decisions he didn't like.


I love the liberal false narrative that because God gave you free will, you are entitled to rape, steal, and pillage without retribution from him... :eusa_doh:

Every argument that Joseph tries to make is so nonsensical, it almost defies belief. Hard to imagine there are people like him out there.

That's not the narrative I was saying at all.

But I think you are too slow to understand it.

Okay, let's try one more time if you can answer the Sister Mary Bonaventure Question. Sister B. was a nasty nun I had in Grammar School, and she was telling us all about Noah's Flood. And at 11, I asked the sensible question about why God would drown babies.

"Because they were WICCCCKEED babies! WIIIIIIICKED!!!!" the old crone screached.

Now I realize she was an evil horrible person because like most nuns, she was a frustrated, self-hating Lesbian. (Just the kind of people you want to expose kids to!)

But she did bring up a point. I've spent 40 years arguing with religionists, and not a one of you came up with an answer that was less fucktarded.

How can God drown babies and still be considered "Good"?
Think about it.

Assume for a moment that you are red state Christian who isn't rich or a CEO or has a stock portfolio.

You just vote for the Republicans because they are right with Jesus.

So what do you have to show for your efforts?

Abortion - Still legal after 41 years.
Creationism - Still not being taught in the Schools.
Gay Marriage- 16 states and counting
Prayer In Schools - Still ain't gonna happen.

What you did get were free trade treaties that sent your job to China and a Bank Deregulation taht left you with an underwater mortgage, but you didn't get any of those things that make Baby Jesus Cry repealled.

so you are saying the Democrat party does not have real Christian members and are not right with Jesus since they push all that anti-Christian legislation....?

....that Obama.....Pelosi....etc. are liars.....and they make 'Baby Jesus Cry'....?

think about it....

HOw we all know this was a stupid non-response.

Poodle thought it was clever.

Democrats realize we have something called "Separation of Church and State". They don't vote for their magic sky man and they don't believe in talking snakes.

I would HONESTLY hope Obama and Pelosi dont' believe in the bible.

spoken like an atheist commie who has no respect for the 1st Amendment....or for life.....or social structure.....or just about anything that America started with....

really don't think Obama believes in the Bible.....he'd rather mock it....and praise the Koran...

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Tell me something, if you can do it without lying, when did you decide Bush was a bad president? I mean, seriously, what happened after you voted for him twice that was different from what he did before you voted for him? Was it Obama getting elected? If that was the trigger, will you finally admit that, by any reasonably objective standard, Obama is worse than Bush after the 2016 election? Will you spend the 8 years after that telling everybody that Obama is the worst president in history, and bitching and moaning about how stupid you were to have voted for him?


When did I decide Bush was a horrible President.

I would like to HONESTY say it was when Iraq turned into a complete clusterfuck or when all those people drowned in New Orleans. But, no, I kept making excuses for him even then.

The point where I finally came around on Bush being horrible was when his incompetence actually started effecting my life- l.e. when the economy collapsed in 2008 and he had that idiotic look on his face.

So here I am, being honest enough to say I'm not a great person. I only cared when the shit started impacting me personally.

Incidently didn't vote for Obama in 2008 (I voted for McCain, who I thought was a good man) and I only voted for Obama in 2012 because your party decided to let the Mormon Cult hijack it to do a PSA.

Let me get this straight - you voted for McCain but against Romney? :lmao:

Oh man - even I didn't vote for McCain. This guy has to be lying. I can't imagine anyone who is so radical that they cast a vote for an idiot like McCain but then went with Obama over Romney.

Ah but you've not read the book. Jehovah cried when He realized the devastation he had wrought and vowed it would never happen again. This is why we have rainbows. HE made a solem oath to the beasts of the world that this would never ever happen again. It was a covenant.

Oooh, we have Rainbows, that more than makes up for mass infanticide.

Not sure what book you are reading but Lot never fucked his daughters. He pleaded with the gays to please please please take his daughters instead of demanding the Lord's angels Okey dokey everyone still kept screaming for asshole love but Lot did not screw his daughters.

Hey, if it were my daughters, I'd let the mob take the angels. Seriously, fuck them.

But to the point.

Book Of Genesis, Chapter 19.

19:30 And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the mountain, and his two daughters with him; for he feared to dwell in Zoar: and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters.
19:31 And the firstborn said unto the younger, Our father is old, and there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all the earth:
19:32 Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.
19:33 And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.
19:34 And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.
19:35 And they made their father drink wine that night also: and the younger arose, and lay with him; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.
19:36 Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father.

Lot had sex with his daughters.

Let me get this straight - you voted for McCain but against Romney? :lmao:

Oh man - even I didn't vote for McCain. This guy has to be lying. I can't imagine anyone who is so radical that they cast a vote for an idiot like McCain but then went with Obama over Romney.

Well, of course you didn't. McCain wasn't your kind of complete whackjob.

What McCain was is a war hero, a man of sterling integrity, a guy who has served his country for over 50 years in the miltiary and Congress.

As Opposed to Romney, who was a Mormon, a greedy asshole and a panderer.

They had me off the wagon at "Mormon".

Tell me something, if you can do it without lying, when did you decide Bush was a bad president? I mean, seriously, what happened after you voted for him twice that was different from what he did before you voted for him? Was it Obama getting elected? If that was the trigger, will you finally admit that, by any reasonably objective standard, Obama is worse than Bush after the 2016 election? Will you spend the 8 years after that telling everybody that Obama is the worst president in history, and bitching and moaning about how stupid you were to have voted for him?


When did I decide Bush was a horrible President.

I would like to HONESTY say it was when Iraq turned into a complete clusterfuck or when all those people drowned in New Orleans. But, no, I kept making excuses for him even then.

The point where I finally came around on Bush being horrible was when his incompetence actually started effecting my life- l.e. when the economy collapsed in 2008 and he had that idiotic look on his face.

So here I am, being honest enough to say I'm not a great person. I only cared when the shit started impacting me personally.

Incidently didn't vote for Obama in 2008 (I voted for McCain, who I thought was a good man) and I only voted for Obama in 2012 because your party decided to let the Mormon Cult hijack it to do a PSA.

In that case, prepare to despise Obama.

I know you hate Mormons, but that doesn't make me a Republican. Why do you keep pretending I am a Republican? Is it easier than actually thinking? How many times have I pointed out that I didn't vote for Bush, or McCain, you did?

spoken like an atheist commie who has no respect for the 1st Amendment....or for life.....or social structure.....or just about anything that America started with....

really don't think Obama believes in the Bible.....he'd rather mock it....and praise the Koran...


I have a lot of respect for the First Amendment, written by Diests who had just watch 200 years of European Kings killing each other and a lot of innocents over whether or not Jesus was made of Wafers or not.

The Founding Fathers might have been a bunch of slave-rapists who didn't want to pay their fair share of taxes, but they also had the good sense to realize religions was full of shit.

Thus, they were Deists. About the best you could get in the 18th century.

As opposed to the magic skyman, who drowned everyone in the world after he gave them free will and they made decisions he didn't like.


I love the liberal false narrative that because God gave you free will, you are entitled to rape, steal, and pillage without retribution from him... :eusa_doh:

Every argument that Joseph tries to make is so nonsensical, it almost defies belief. Hard to imagine there are people like him out there.

That's not the narrative I was saying at all.

But I think you are too slow to understand it.

Okay, let's try one more time if you can answer the Sister Mary Bonaventure Question. Sister B. was a nasty nun I had in Grammar School, and she was telling us all about Noah's Flood. And at 11, I asked the sensible question about why God would drown babies.

"Because they were WICCCCKEED babies! WIIIIIIICKED!!!!" the old crone screached.

Now I realize she was an evil horrible person because like most nuns, she was a frustrated, self-hating Lesbian. (Just the kind of people you want to expose kids to!)

But she did bring up a point. I've spent 40 years arguing with religionists, and not a one of you came up with an answer that was less fucktarded.

How can God drown babies and still be considered "Good"?

The reason you hate God is I can't explain everything He does? Isn't that stupid? Do you hate Obama because I can't explain why he ordered the death of a 16 year old American teenager?

Don't answer that.
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As opposed to the magic skyman, who drowned everyone in the world after he gave them free will and they made decisions he didn't like.


I love the liberal false narrative that because God gave you free will, you are entitled to rape, steal, and pillage without retribution from him... :eusa_doh:

Every argument that Joseph tries to make is so nonsensical, it almost defies belief. Hard to imagine there are people like him out there.

That's not the narrative I was saying at all.

But I think you are too slow to understand it.

Okay, let's try one more time if you can answer the Sister Mary Bonaventure Question. Sister B. was a nasty nun I had in Grammar School, and she was telling us all about Noah's Flood. And at 11, I asked the sensible question about why God would drown babies.

"Because they were WICCCCKEED babies! WIIIIIIICKED!!!!" the old crone screached.

Now I realize she was an evil horrible person because like most nuns, she was a frustrated, self-hating Lesbian. (Just the kind of people you want to expose kids to!)

But she did bring up a point. I've spent 40 years arguing with religionists, and not a one of you came up with an answer that was less fucktarded.

How can God drown babies and still be considered "Good"?

Jehovah was pissed. No brainer.
In that case, prepare to despise Obama.

I know you hate Mormons, but that doesn't make me a Republican. Why do you keep pretending I am a Republican? Is it easier than actually thinking? How many times have I pointed out that I didn't vote for Bush, or McCain, you did?

I'm sure you are whatever the voices in your head tell you that you are when the meds aren't taken.

Jesus, get back to me when you are medicated, okay?
I'm actually not against abortion I do have some stocks and a good portfolio even though I'm not a CEO or rich I don't vote Republican for any of the issues listed in the Op. I support the idea of giving people the chance to succeed or fail on their own to make their life what they choose based on their own skill, ability, and determination to succeed a philosophy more in line with Republicans than Democrats in my opinion.
(Blacks, who comprise 25 percent of the Democratic Party, have higher levels of religiosity than whites.)

Research Shows Growing Republican, Democratic 'God Gap'

God and Government Democrats – 34 percent of Democrats

Mostly non-white, highly religious and large shares live in the South. They are more economically distressed and see a role for larger government. They divide closely on gay marriage and abortion, oppose cuts to entitlements and support increased spending to create jobs.

The many faces of the Democratic Party

spoken like an atheist commie who has no respect for the 1st Amendment....or for life.....or social structure.....or just about anything that America started with....

really don't think Obama believes in the Bible.....he'd rather mock it....and praise the Koran...


I have a lot of respect for the First Amendment, written by Diests who had just watch 200 years of European Kings killing each other and a lot of innocents over whether or not Jesus was made of Wafers or not.

The Founding Fathers might have been a bunch of slave-rapists who didn't want to pay their fair share of taxes, but they also had the good sense to realize religions was full of shit.

Thus, they were Deists. About the best you could get in the 18th century.
I've heard Jefferson was a Deist. Who else was?

Ah but you've not read the book. Jehovah cried when He realized the devastation he had wrought and vowed it would never happen again. This is why we have rainbows. HE made a solem oath to the beasts of the world that this would never ever happen again. It was a covenant.

Oooh, we have Rainbows, that more than makes up for mass infanticide.

Obama and the left have pushed for infanticide....

...not to mention 55 MILLION babies aborted since 1973 Roe v Wade....

explain that...
As a practicing Christian since I was 12....I am alarmed by how religion is being abused by both sides to garner political gain. As a country we have fallen so short of those values and replaced the with corporate gluttonous greed. This cannot be argued or refuted. What we do in this country resembles nothing what the bible preaches. Zero.
In that case, prepare to despise Obama.

I know you hate Mormons, but that doesn't make me a Republican. Why do you keep pretending I am a Republican? Is it easier than actually thinking? How many times have I pointed out that I didn't vote for Bush, or McCain, you did?

I'm sure you are whatever the voices in your head tell you that you are when the meds aren't taken.

Jesus, get back to me when you are medicated, okay?

Yep, I am the crazy one.

Ah but you've not read the book. Jehovah cried when He realized the devastation he had wrought and vowed it would never happen again. This is why we have rainbows. HE made a solem oath to the beasts of the world that this would never ever happen again. It was a covenant.

Oooh, we have Rainbows, that more than makes up for mass infanticide.

Obama and the left have pushed for infanticide....

...not to mention 55 MILLION babies aborted since 1973 Roe v Wade....

explain that...

Fetuses aren't infants.

An infant can live outside the body, and isn't the size of a kidney bean, like most fetuses are when they are aborted.

Now, if you want to say we have mass feticide, knock yourself out.

spoken like an atheist commie who has no respect for the 1st Amendment....or for life.....or social structure.....or just about anything that America started with....

really don't think Obama believes in the Bible.....he'd rather mock it....and praise the Koran...


I have a lot of respect for the First Amendment, written by Diests who had just watch 200 years of European Kings killing each other and a lot of innocents over whether or not Jesus was made of Wafers or not.

The Founding Fathers might have been a bunch of slave-rapists who didn't want to pay their fair share of taxes, but they also had the good sense to realize religions was full of shit.

Thus, they were Deists. About the best you could get in the 18th century.

progressives have completely distorted our history......most of the Founders were Christians....did you know that 9 of the 13 Colonies had state was only the Federal goverment that had 'separation of church and state' other words no national religion was allowed....?
Oooh, we have Rainbows, that more than makes up for mass infanticide.

Obama and the left have pushed for infanticide....

...not to mention 55 MILLION babies aborted since 1973 Roe v Wade....

explain that...

Fetuses aren't infants.

An infant can live outside the body, and isn't the size of a kidney bean, like most fetuses are when they are aborted.

Now, if you want to say we have mass feticide, knock yourself out.

you were once a fetus yourself.....with a beating heart and brain waves and tiny little fingers and toes....all the apparatus and chromosomes to become a fully developed human being.....guess you got lucky and were allowed to live....

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