Are Christians Political Chumps for voting Republican?

The decision to go after evangelicals was made to break the New Deal coalition. The sixties social revolutions (which alienated a large part of the traditional working class democratic base) opened the door for the Republican party to attract the rural south and heartland. Christianity was the needed tool for prying oor workers and the white suburban middle class away from the dems, who had alienated them with bra burners, hippies, atheists, black panthers, etc. Reagan never stepped foot in a church while governor of California. He also passed the most liberal abortion policy when he could have easily prevented it. As for family values, he was a divorced man estranged from his children, but he needed Pat Robertson and the moral majority to attract voters who don't really care about the Free Trade deals he gives to his business base. Religion worked like a charm.

You are somewhat in error. Reagan did go to Church while Governor, but he never attended a Church as President saying that the contingent of secret service agents should not be imposed on others wanting only to worship. Reagan had been divorced from Jane Wyman for years before he married Nancy. Whom he met in 1951. He was divorced in 1948 and married Nancy in 1952. Is it your contention that people who are divorced may NEVER remarry?

As far as the children go, adopted son Michael remains a strong advocate for his father's memory. Patti and Ron Jr., had their issues whatever they were. Maureen was a frequent visitor to the White House. Seems like the Reagan family was 2 for 2, like most families.

Yes Reagan signed the Therapeutic Abortion Act while governor. Doesn't it just sound like such a named act would be of benefit to sick women who needed an abortion to basically save their lives?

Ultimately he signed the Act knowing that if he did not, it would not save a single life for anyone as his veto would be overridden by the state legislature.
As opposed to the magic skyman, who drowned everyone in the world after he gave them free will and they made decisions he didn't like.

I love the liberal false narrative that because God gave you free will, you are entitled to rape, steal, and pillage without retribution from him... :eusa_doh:

Every argument that Joseph tries to make is so nonsensical, it almost defies belief. Hard to imagine there are people like him out there.

That's not the narrative I was saying at all.

But I think you are too slow to understand it.

Okay, let's try one more time if you can answer the Sister Mary Bonaventure Question. Sister B. was a nasty nun I had in Grammar School, and she was telling us all about Noah's Flood. And at 11, I asked the sensible question about why God would drown babies.

"Because they were WICCCCKEED babies! WIIIIIIICKED!!!!" the old crone screached.

Now I realize she was an evil horrible person because like most nuns, she was a frustrated, self-hating Lesbian. (Just the kind of people you want to expose kids to!)

But she did bring up a point. I've spent 40 years arguing with religionists, and not a one of you came up with an answer that was less fucktarded.

How can God drown babies and still be considered "Good"?

Joseph - you're one bizarre person. I have bolded in red your words above. And what I said was your "narrative" was exactly what you said word-for-word. You stated that because God gave people free will he should not have drowned them for making "decisions" he didn't like.

Where the fuck is that written?!? God made it very clear - you have free will, but there are consequences for your action. Here are the rules, make the right decisions or you will suffer the consequences. It was cut & dry, black & white, crystal clear.

And yet you try to create the absurd narrative that because God granted that free will, he has no right to take issue with or action against those that rape, steal, and pillage... :eusa_doh:
I love the liberal false narrative that because God gave you free will, you are entitled to rape, steal, and pillage without retribution from him... :eusa_doh:

Every argument that Joseph tries to make is so nonsensical, it almost defies belief. Hard to imagine there are people like him out there.

That's not the narrative I was saying at all.

But I think you are too slow to understand it.

Okay, let's try one more time if you can answer the Sister Mary Bonaventure Question. Sister B. was a nasty nun I had in Grammar School, and she was telling us all about Noah's Flood. And at 11, I asked the sensible question about why God would drown babies.

"Because they were WICCCCKEED babies! WIIIIIIICKED!!!!" the old crone screached.

Now I realize she was an evil horrible person because like most nuns, she was a frustrated, self-hating Lesbian. (Just the kind of people you want to expose kids to!)

But she did bring up a point. I've spent 40 years arguing with religionists, and not a one of you came up with an answer that was less fucktarded.

How can God drown babies and still be considered "Good"?

Joseph - you're one bizarre person. I have bolded in red your words above. And what I said was your "narrative" was exactly what you said word-for-word. You stated that because God gave people free will he should not have drowned them for making "decisions" he didn't like.

Where the fuck is that written?!? God made it very clear - you have free will, but there are consequences for your action. Here are the rules, make the right decisions or you will suffer the consequences. It was cut & dry, black & white, crystal clear.

And yet you try to create the absurd narrative that because God granted that free will, he has no right to take issue with or action against those that rape, steal, and pillage... :eusa_doh:

Guy, you are missing the point one more time.

The BABIES who God drowned were not stealing. They were not Raping. They were not pillaging.


So why did God drown the Babies?

And if God was so upset about the raping and the pillaging- which by the way, is not what the bible says they were doing - why did that sort of thing go on after the flood?

Why didn't God just have the bad people keel over from heart attacks.

Are you really saying the Babies were "wicked"?

Seriously, guy, you are almost making Sister Mary B's answer sound smart.

You just aren't very good at this, are you?
Yes. Christians are chumps for voting Republican..... They should vote Conservative. If a RINO emerges, then Christians should vote him out.
Yes. Christians are chumps for voting Republican..... They should vote Conservative. If a RINO emerges, then Christians should vote him out.

The left and the right vote for the plutocrats they are offered.

What we need is a few populists to vote for. Not likely. But it is what we need.
Democrats are simply so reprehensible that no decent person could vote democrat without violating their conscience. Democrats are the personification of evil, the kind of evil that exists across all lines and strata of religious belief.
Are Christians Political Chumps for voting Republican?
Fake in antichristians.....liars smearing the word of screw the elderly, and fuck the poor, and greed is good.
no you weren' begins with conception....a scientific fact....

No, life began 4 billion years ago and is an ongoing process.

An individual doesn't exist until he or she is born.

This is the fact you religious nutters can't get your heads around, I know. And the Plutocrats have robbed you fucking blind distracting you with this bullshit.
An individual exists at conception, though he becomes a citizen once born (or naturalized).

That is pure genius.
and still the dems gave us the 2 worst presidents in recent history

That would kind of depend.

I think the worst in recent history was Dubya. Easily. Hands down. And I voted for that retard twice.

But really had nothing to do with my thread.

I mean, I really understand why rich people vote Republican.

Poor working class Christians, can't understand it at all.

Well a self absorbed person like yourself,wouldn't be able or need to understand,all you need to know is why you voted for who you did.
No, the Revolution happened during a period known as the "Enlightenment".

Also known as "Smart people were figuring out the religious were full of shit and told them to shut the fuck up."

Sadly, it didn't last long enough to cure us of religious stupidity, because too many stupids want to be reunited with their childhood puppies in heaven.

did you not know that 99% of those 'Enlightened Ones' were religious.....?

Then why doesn't the word "Jesus" or "God" appear anywhere in the Constitution, and the Declaration only have the word "Creator", which is a largely Deist concept.

(The Deists believed that there was a Creator of the universe, but he really didn't care about day to day morality.)

Anyway, back to my point, which you all avoid.

Given Christians have nothing to show for their support of the GOP, why do you all keep doing it?

Have you ever read A Christmas Carol? If you had, you might have noticed that Dickens used the same kind of language. The reason for that is that the culture of the period was a more devout, and thus cautious about the Third Commandment. It was actually considered blasphemy to toss around God in casual conversation, and was punishable by death in some places. Everyone used words like Creator or Providence because that was the way they did things.

In other words, that is not a Deist thing, but it does help demonstrate your ignorance for thinking it is.
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[quoYou really are ignorant. Christianity - even evangelical Christianity - was spreading during the Enlightenment. It's not difficult to find sermons by preachers of the era who sensed a sort of revival with the looming revolution.

Of course, not all the founders really appreciated it. Jefferson, for one, was somewhat perturbed at the spread not only of evangelical Christianity but also of capitalism (yes, Americans were becoming prosperous even in the 18th century).

Actually, the Second Great Awakening didn't happen until 1820 or so, when the Revolution and Enlightenment were well over and some considered it a terrible idea.

In addition to an increase of religious stupidity, progress on other things were also rolled back. For instance, slavery was going out of fashion in most of the world during the Enlightenment, but the Religious stupids doubled down in this country.

It was also this period that gave us such stupidity like the Millerite Movement and Mormonism.

When was the First Awakening again? The early 1700s? Isn't that about the time the Age of Enlightenment began?

Do you try to look this stupid on purpose?
and still the dems gave us the 2 worst presidents in recent history

That would kind of depend.

I think the worst in recent history was Dubya. Easily. Hands down. And I voted for that retard twice.

But really had nothing to do with my thread.

I mean, I really understand why rich people vote Republican.

Poor working class Christians, can't understand it at all.

Well a self absorbed person like yourself,wouldn't be able or need to understand,all you need to know is why you voted for who you did.

Oh, guy, it isn't a mystery.

Christians vote for Republicans because they are being played. I guess once you start believing in an invisible Sky Man, they know a chump when they see one.

When was the First Awakening again? The early 1700s? Isn't that about the time the Age of Enlightenment began?

Do you try to look this stupid on purpose?

Do you stop taking your meds when reality intrudes.

The First Great Awakening ENDED when European Enlightenment Ideas started making it to these wonderful shores.

And for just a bright shining Moment, Americans stopped being stupid.

It was breif... but it was amazing.
Have you ever read A Christmas Carol? If you had, you might have noticed that Dickens used the same kind of language. The reason for that is that the culture of the period was a more devout, and thus cautious about the Third Commandment. It was actually considered blasphemy to toss around God in casual conversation, and was punishable by death in some places. Everyone used words like Creator or Providence because that was the way they did things.

In other words, that is not a Deist thing, but it does help demonstrate your ignorance for thinking it is.

So you are using a CHILDREN'S BOOK from 100 years later to make your point?

Really, guy? Really?

“The Government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.”
~1797 Treaty of Tripoli signed by John Adams

“In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own. It is error alone that needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.”
~Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to Horatio Spofford, 1814

“The civil government functions with complete success by the total separation of the Church from the State.”
~James Madison, 1819, Writings, 8:432, quoted from Gene Garman, “Essays In Addition to America’s Real Religion”

Sorry, Not Christians....

When was the First Awakening again? The early 1700s? Isn't that about the time the Age of Enlightenment began?

Do you try to look this stupid on purpose?

Do you stop taking your meds when reality intrudes.

The First Great Awakening ENDED when European Enlightenment Ideas started making it to these wonderful shores.

And for just a bright shining Moment, Americans stopped being stupid.

It was breif... but it was amazing.

Does that mean the enlightenment only lasted 35 years?

Seriously dude, stop drinking.
Have you ever read A Christmas Carol? If you had, you might have noticed that Dickens used the same kind of language. The reason for that is that the culture of the period was a more devout, and thus cautious about the Third Commandment. It was actually considered blasphemy to toss around God in casual conversation, and was punishable by death in some places. Everyone used words like Creator or Providence because that was the way they did things.

In other words, that is not a Deist thing, but it does help demonstrate your ignorance for thinking it is.

So you are using a CHILDREN'S BOOK from 100 years later to make your point?

Really, guy? Really?

“The Government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.”
~1797 Treaty of Tripoli signed by John Adams

“In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own. It is error alone that needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.”
~Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to Horatio Spofford, 1814

“The civil government functions with complete success by the total separation of the Church from the State.”
~James Madison, 1819, Writings, 8:432, quoted from Gene Garman, “Essays In Addition to America’s Real Religion”

Sorry, Not Christians....

Children's book? Seriously?

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