Are Evolution and Atheism Incompatible?

Name a single belief that atheists have.

A belief in materialism.

Atheists demand that all follow their beliefs and demand schools prohibit any competing faith.

Rational people, let's call them "Agnostics," tend to not care what others believe.

I care not if my neighbor believes in one god, or twenty. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg.

Not really, an atheist has just heard all the fairy tales and does not give them credibility
Not really, an atheist has just heard all the fairy tales and does not give them credibility

And uses the state to crush the rights of those who do, and to ensure that their rights to free speech are curtailed lest they spread "fairy tales" or express views in contrast to the Atheist.

(BTW; the name of religious zealot should be capitalized; ergo "Atheist.")
2) By definition, superior species multiply while inferior species are reduced or become extinct. Is that not why dinosaurs were dominant in their day? Are not humans dominant today?

I think you need to read the pans your post got again. The thrust is that biologists don't impose value judgments on the results of evolution. You are engaged in circular reasoning at best; "survival of the fittest" is true by definition if fitness is defined as the ability to survive! It's also meaningless as are all definitions. Give me a counterexample where the fittest did not survive.

For your specific references, the most successful creatures today (or in all of evolutionary history for that matter) by number of individuals or by gross biomass are single celled creatures. Dinosaurs and humans are fragile fringe players compared to algae.

Atheism is an affirmative belief that there are no gods, whereas Agnosticism is the lack of belief in any particular god(s). To which do you subscribe?

Most everyone who has looked at it call philosophical Taoism atheist and I concur. One of the tenets of my school is that personified deities are social institutions designed for social control and do not exist independently. You can lump them with fairies and egg-producing rabbits.

6) I define god as a being beyond human comprehension. How do you define god?

I define a personified god as a supernatural deity that interacts with humans in history and has aspects of personality (like being capable of being flattered, cajoled, or bribed; of experiencing anger, lust, affection, or disappointment; or of preferring one group over another). This leaves room for deities that do not interact with humans, such as the Theists "Clockmaker God" who sets Creation in motion and then retires from it, or those who identify a deity as identical with Creation, or Nature, or Tao. But in each of these the believer does not expect a deity to intercede for them.

I find it peculiar that you appear to get your information about atheists from sources other than atheists, and your concept of evolution from people other than evolutionists. Thus your attempt to make a connection here is flawed on many levels. It makes my head hurt.
You're confusing what some atheists believe and do with 'tenets' of atheism.

I'm "confusing" the stated creeds of the major Atheist groups with the beliefs of Atheists: Which is a bit like confusing the beliefs of the KKK with what the Klan website declares Klan beliefs to be.

It's more like confusing the beliefs of Republicans with the principles of capitalism - there may be overlap, but they're not the same thing. in other words, Republicans might subscribe to capitalism, but not everything they believe is part of capitalism. You're taking the views of various advocacy groups (humanists, etc...) and claiming they are part of atheism. Atheism is much narrower than that.

Atheism prescribes no particular view on materialism vs spiritualism,

No, the would be "agnosticism."

Ok. If you're just going to make up your own definitions, we can't really have useful conversation on the topic.
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You have failed to address what I wrote, entirely. Try again. You merely re-asserted your position, without addressing what I wrote, which means my points still stand against yours.

What you claim is false, yet again.

You stated that Atheism has no connection to materialism - to which I cited the American Atheist society, i.e. the Atheist church, stating that they are linked.

Just because a group of atheistic americans have aims and purposes does not make them a church. Atheism is not a religion. Learn your terms.

Ah, so words mean only what you want them to mean, and only when that meaning is convenient.

I understand, Humpty.

I know enough about christianity to know its definition, and what many of its adherents believe. You seem to have no grasp of what atheism means.

That you prevaricate does not change actual meanings.

Atheism is an anti-liberty religious movement dedicated to ending 1st amendment rights by establishing secular humanism as the official religion of the United States.


I'm not a religious man, I don't get along well with fanatics who want to force their beliefs on others - thus I clash with Atheists.
Atheism is an anti-liberty religious movement dedicated to ending 1st amendment rights by establishing secular humanism as the official religion of the United States.

Uh.. no, that's a paranoid delusion the religious right cooked up. There may be assholes who pursue those ends, but that's not what atheism means, and that's not what it means to be an atheist.
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It's more like confusing the beliefs of Republicans with the principles of capitalism

Uh, that's pretty stupid.

It would be like "confusing" the beliefs of Republicans with the principles listed on the GOP platform.

- there may be overlap, but they're not the same thing. in other words, Republicans might subscribe to capitalism, but not everything they believe is part of capitalism. You're taking the views of various advocacy groups (humanists, etc...) and claiming they are part of atheism. Atheism is much narrower than that.

So, Atheists don't believe what Atheists believe and I should never look to Atheists to find out what Atheists believe?


Ok. If you're just going to make up your own definitions, we can't really have useful conversation on the topic.


Seriously dude, give it a rest.

Atheism - the denial of the existence or possibility of existence of god, gods, or the supernatural.

Agnosticism - the belief that the existence of god is unknown and may be unknowable.

I use terms correctly, you - not so much...
Uh.. no, that's a paranoid delusion the religious right cooked up. There may be assholes who pursue those ends, but that's not what atheism means, and that's now what it means to be an atheist.

Right sparky...

Let me google that for you

That's hilarious. Your own link betrays your fallacy. You searched for 'atheists sue'. Exactly as I pointed out, you're confusing what some atheists do, with the tenets of an imagined 'atheist' religion. I'm not sure why you're on this silly vendetta, but you've lost touch with reason.
That's hilarious. Your own link betrays your fallacy. You searched for 'atheists sue'. Exactly as I pointed out, you're confusing what some atheists do, with the tenets of an imagined 'atheist' religion. I'm not sure why you're on this silly vendetta, but you've lost touch with reason.

Gotcha, Atheists can't be held responsible for what Atheists do.

Besides, just because Atheists work tirelessly to crush the 1st amendment rights of others, it doesn't mean that Atheists oppose rights because Atheists don't believe what Atheists believe and I should never look to Atheists to find out what Atheists believe.

840,000 instances of Atheists crushing civil liberties is just an anomaly - pay no attention to the Atheist thug behind the curtain...

Say goodnight, Gracie.
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Besides, just because Atheists work tirelessly to crush the 1st amendment rights of others, it doesn't mean that Atheists oppose rights because Atheists don't believe what Atheists believe and I should never look to Atheists to find out what Atheists believe.

Well, I'm an atheist and I work tirelessly for the opposite goals - so I know from first hand experience that you are utterly full of shit.

Goodnight, 'Gracie'.
Well, I'm an atheist and I work tirelessly for the opposite goals - so I know from first hand experience that you are utterly full of shit.

Goodnight, 'Gracie'.

Maybe you should work on your fellow Atheists - because despite your bullshit - Atheism in this nation exists to curtail religious liberty. You don't like the fact that Atheism is viewed like this? Start with fuckwads like Richard Dawson and the rest of the scum that have launched full scale war against freedom of expression.

Atheists are the single most hostile group to liberty in this nation.
Well, I'm an atheist and I work tirelessly for the opposite goals - so I know from first hand experience that you are utterly full of shit.

Goodnight, 'Gracie'.

Maybe you should work on your fellow Atheists - because despite your bullshit - Atheism in this nation exists to curtail religious liberty. You don't like the fact that Atheism is viewed like this? Start with fuckwads like Richard Dawson and the rest of the scum that have launched full scale war against freedom of expression.

Atheists are the single most hostile group to liberty in this nation.

Atheists aren't a group or a religion any more than capitalists are a group or a religion. You've got a boner for non-believers for some unknown reason and, frankly, it's a little weird. But your inane mission doesn't reflect reality. Most atheists never even talk about their views with others - in part because of assholes like you. We don't have a mission statement, monthly meetings or anything binding us to any agenda. We just don't believe in god. You're shadow boxing.
Atheists aren't a group or a religion any more than capitalists are a group or a religion.

The first place for Atheists to start is to be honest. People are tired of being lied to.

You've got a boner for non-believers for some unknown reason and, frankly, it's a little weird. But your inane mission doesn't reflect reality. Most atheists never even talk about their views with others - in part because of assholes like you. We don't have a mission statement, monthly meetings or anything binding us to any agenda. We just don't believe in god. You're shadow boxing.


You know damned well I'm a "non-believer" myself.

So no, not non-believers, Atheists.

I'm a Libertarian - this means I strongly advocate for liberty. I dislike groups that exist to crush or curtail civil liberties. Usually this means I clash with the authoritarian democrats - but Atheists are another group that spends most of their time attacking basic civil rights.

Let me clue you in on something, a little girl saying a prayer by a flagpole does you no harm, even if it's on sacred government ground. Atheist come unglued when someone says something contrary to their religion on government ground - must be a statist meme with them.

See, that little girls prayer means nothing to me - no more than her singing to her Barbie doll - I have no need to get the ACLU and the Federal Government to silence her - I have no belief system to protect - certainly not one as fragile as the Atheists - who obviously crumble at the mere mention of god, or the sight of a religious symbol.
You know damned well I'm a "non-believer" myself.

So no, not non-believers, Atheists.

Well let me return the favor and clue you in - you are an atheist. You've just bought into a strawman created by the religious right. And that's too bad, because you're furthering their fear mongering and demonizing people like yourself. Sort of an Uncle Tom atheist in your way.

I'm a Libertarian - this means I strongly advocate for liberty. I dislike groups that exist to crush or curtail civil liberties. Usually this means I clash with the authoritarian democrats

Yup me too. But I also clash with authoritarian republicans.

but Atheists are another group that spends most of their time attacking basic civil rights.

No, they're not. Most atheists are humble folks who have no particular agenda. You're letting your paranoid fantasies get away from you.
Well let me return the favor and clue you in - you are an atheist.


I love it when zealots tell me what I am.

No, I lack your faith and have not accepted Nogod as my personal lord and savior.

I follow no religion, including Atheism. I lack the faith to believe OR TO DENY. I am an agnostic

You've just bought into a strawman created by the religious right. And that's too bad, because you're furthering their fear mongering and demonizing people like yourself. Sort of an Uncle Tom atheist in your way.

I support liberty and have no desire to further your war to force Christians to bow to your faith.

In my 50+ years on this Earth, I've never once seen a Christian force an Atheist to pray, or praise Jesus. But I've seen Atheists force Christians not to pray on thousands of occasions.

One religion imposes it's views on the other - and it sure the fuck ain't the Christians.

Yup me too. But I also clash with authoritarian republicans.

But authoritarian Atheists who worship the state to the point that all government ground is sacred and must not be sullied by infidel beliefs are just great with you, huh?


No, they're not. Most atheists are humble folks who have no particular agenda. You're letting your paranoid fantasies get away from you.

840,000 documented instances of Atheists crushing civil liberties - hardly a fantasy.
Well let me return the favor and clue you in - you are an atheist.


I love it when zealots tell me what I am.

Yeah. Me too. Like I said, just returning the 'favor'.

I support liberty and have no desire to further your war to force Christians to bow to your faith.

That's simply a lie. I have no such desire, and I challenge you to prove otherwise. Find anything I've posted supporting that assertion.

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