Are Evolution and Atheism Incompatible?

Popular evolutionary theory is based on the concept that, by endlessly reshuffling the genetic deck, more and more superior species (e.g., humans) will arrive on the scene. Atheism rejects the notion of a being superior to humans. Doesn't the former mandate that these other beings will emerge some where at some time? Wouldn't they be considered "gods" in relation to humans, just as humans are "gods" in relation to lesser animals? In other words, wouldn't evolution have to stop in order to preserve the Atheistic view of humans as the most intelligent beings in the universe? :confused:

The only thing atheism rejects are claims about god(s).
Popular evolutionary theory is based on the concept that, by endlessly reshuffling the genetic deck, more and more superior species (e.g., humans) will arrive on the scene. Atheism rejects the notion of a being superior to humans. Doesn't the former mandate that these other beings will emerge some where at some time? Wouldn't they be considered "gods" in relation to humans, just as humans are "gods" in relation to lesser animals? In other words, wouldn't evolution have to stop in order to preserve the Atheistic view of humans as the most intelligent beings in the universe? :confused:

The only thing atheism rejects are claims about god(s).

(My bold)

& even then, if the believers can come up with reproducible experimental data in favor of their theory, the atheists would likely be willing to try to reproduce the experiment & the data.
The only thing atheism rejects are claims about god(s).

Actually, Atheism states conclusively that there is no supernatural occurrence.

A perusal of quantum physics highlights the absurdity of Atheism as clearly as a perusal of Geology does creationism.

There s one honest answer -and we all know it, but we have too much ego to admit it. "I don't know."

No, there is no cosmic goat herder who formed us from clay, yes, we evolved. Does this mean there are no supernatural forces? Far from it, Brane worlds and high dimensions are far outside the natural realm of 4 dimensional time/space.

Atheism is as hokey as the other religions it competes with.
Popular evolutionary theory is based on the concept that, by endlessly reshuffling the genetic deck, more and more superior species (e.g., humans) will arrive on the scene. Atheism rejects the notion of a being superior to humans. Doesn't the former mandate that these other beings will emerge some where at some time? Wouldn't they be considered "gods" in relation to humans, just as humans are "gods" in relation to lesser animals? In other words, wouldn't evolution have to stop in order to preserve the Atheistic view of humans as the most intelligent beings in the universe? :confused:

"Atheism rejects the notion of a being superior to humans." - where did you get that idea?
The only thing atheism rejects are claims about god(s).

Actually, Atheism states conclusively that there is no supernatural occurrence.

It does? I've never really seen that as part of the definition. Atheism is simply the lack of a belief in god(s). That's it. I don't get the urge to attach all this other stuff to it (evolution, rejection of the supernatural, etc....). I guess it's the whole 'team sports' mentality that surrounds political arguments, where you're assuming that because most atheists also reject the supernatural, that the concept of atheism itself does. But it doesn't.

Atheism is as hokey as the other religions it competes with.

Nonsense. Atheism is not a religion. It's the lack of a belief in god. A newborn baby is, by definition, an atheist.
The only thing atheism rejects are claims about god(s).

Actually, Atheism states conclusively that there is no supernatural occurrence.

A perusal of quantum physics highlights the absurdity of Atheism as clearly as a perusal of Geology does creationism.

There s one honest answer -and we all know it, but we have too much ego to admit it. "I don't know."

No, there is no cosmic goat herder who formed us from clay, yes, we evolved. Does this mean there are no supernatural forces? Far from it, Brane worlds and high dimensions are far outside the natural realm of 4 dimensional time/space.

Atheism is as hokey as the other religions it competes with.

Actually, it doesn't.

What does quantum mechanics have to do with atheism?
The only thing atheism rejects are claims about god(s).

Actually, Atheism states conclusively that there is no supernatural occurrence.

A perusal of quantum physics highlights the absurdity of Atheism as clearly as a perusal of Geology does creationism.

There s one honest answer -and we all know it, but we have too much ego to admit it. "I don't know."

No, there is no cosmic goat herder who formed us from clay, yes, we evolved. Does this mean there are no supernatural forces? Far from it, Brane worlds and high dimensions are far outside the natural realm of 4 dimensional time/space.

Atheism is as hokey as the other religions it competes with.

Actually, it doesn't.

What does quantum mechanics have to do with atheism?[/QUOTE]

Leave him be....he is on a roll
It does? I've never really seen that as part of the definition. Atheism is simply the lack of a belief in god(s). That's it. I don't get the urge to attach all this other stuff to it (evolution, rejection of the supernatural, etc....). I guess it's the whole 'team sports' mentality that surrounds political arguments, where you're assuming that because most atheists also reject the supernatural, that the concept of atheism itself does. But it doesn't.

You would have to be willfully ignorant to make such a claim.

{the cosmos is devoid of immanent conscious purpose; that it is governed by its own inherent, immutable, and impersonal laws; that there is no supernatural interference in human life; that humankind -- finding their resources within themselves -- can and must create their own destiny.}

Aims and Purposes | American Atheists

Nonsense. Atheism is not a religion. It's the lack of a belief in god. A newborn baby is, by definition, an atheist.

Atheism is one of the most aggressive and dogmatic religions around. Of the religions, I place Atheism on the level of the Jehovah's Witnesses in their rabid proselytizing and cramming their beliefs down the throats of others.
It does? I've never really seen that as part of the definition. Atheism is simply the lack of a belief in god(s). That's it. I don't get the urge to attach all this other stuff to it (evolution, rejection of the supernatural, etc....). I guess it's the whole 'team sports' mentality that surrounds political arguments, where you're assuming that because most atheists also reject the supernatural, that the concept of atheism itself does. But it doesn't.

You would have to be willfully ignorant to make such a claim.

{the cosmos is devoid of immanent conscious purpose; that it is governed by its own inherent, immutable, and impersonal laws; that there is no supernatural interference in human life; that humankind -- finding their resources within themselves -- can and must create their own destiny.}

Aims and Purposes | American Atheists

Nonsense. Atheism is not a religion. It's the lack of a belief in god. A newborn baby is, by definition, an atheist.

Atheism is one of the most aggressive and dogmatic religions around. Of the religions, I place Atheism on the level of the Jehovah's Witnesses in their rabid proselytizing and cramming their beliefs down the throats of others.

Name a single belief that atheists have.
Actually, Atheism states conclusively that there is no supernatural occurrence.

A perusal of quantum physics highlights the absurdity of Atheism as clearly as a perusal of Geology does creationism.

There s one honest answer -and we all know it, but we have too much ego to admit it. "I don't know."

No, there is no cosmic goat herder who formed us from clay, yes, we evolved. Does this mean there are no supernatural forces? Far from it, Brane worlds and high dimensions are far outside the natural realm of 4 dimensional time/space.

Atheism is as hokey as the other religions it competes with.

Actually, it doesn't.

What does quantum mechanics have to do with atheism?[/QUOTE]

Leave him be....he is on a roll

He/she is ignorant as to the definitions of terms he/she is using. That is very frustrating in the context of debate.
Name a single belief that atheists have.

A belief in materialism.

Atheists demand that all follow their beliefs and demand schools prohibit any competing faith.

Rational people, let's call them "Agnostics," tend to not care what others believe.

I care not if my neighbor believes in one god, or twenty. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg.
Name a single belief that atheists have.

A belief in materialism.

Atheists demand that all follow their beliefs and demand schools prohibit any competing faith.

Rational people, let's call them "Agnostics," tend to not care what others believe.

I care not if my neighbor believes in one god, or twenty. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg.

Wrong. Atheism has no logical connectivity to materialism. It may often be the case that atheists are materialists, but that is irrelevant to the definition of atheism, which does not logically entail materialism. It is often the case that Christian's think homosexuality is wrong, but I wouldn't consider this as part of the definition of christianity.
Name a single belief that atheists have.

A belief in materialism.

Atheists demand that all follow their beliefs and demand schools prohibit any competing faith.

Rational people, let's call them "Agnostics," tend to not care what others believe.

I care not if my neighbor believes in one god, or twenty. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg.

You're confusing what some atheists believe and do with 'tenets' of atheism. Atheism prescribes no particular view on materialism vs spiritualism, religious freedom, or any of the other non-sense you're assigning to it. It's simply a lack of belief in gods. That's it. Agnosticism is a conviction on the provability of the existence of gods and has nothing to do with whether one believes or not. It's important to understand the terms we're using, otherwise we're talking past one another.
Thank you for your fascinating, well evidenced, original and insightful contribution.

It's certainly evidence, irrefutable in fact, that we have declining intelligence. Of course, this is concentrated in the North American strata of homosapiens. Perhaps if we turned to the cradle of civilization in Greece and Egypt we will see the great strides forward of mankind....

Whacha think, sparky?
Flynn effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BTW, the "sparky" epithet is irritating, and achieves nothing other than showing yourself up. Please put a sock in it.
Wrong. Atheism has no logical connectivity to materialism.

Ah, another Humpty Dumpty approach, where words mean what you choose?

Humanism, Materialism, Atheism, variable names, consistent concept. Atheists as militant, dogmatic, pushy.

It may often be the case that atheists are materialists, but that is irrelevant to the definition of atheism, which does not logically entail materialism.

And yet it is the Atheist Church that declares them to be linked;

Aims and Purposes | American Atheists

Funny dat.

It is often the case that Christian's think homosexuality is wrong, but I wouldn't consider this as part of the definition of christianity.

Then you know as little of Christianity as you do of Atheism.
Wrong. Atheism has no logical connectivity to materialism.

Ah, another Humpty Dumpty approach, where words mean what you choose?

Humanism, Materialism, Atheism, variable names, consistent concept. Atheists as militant, dogmatic, pushy.

It may often be the case that atheists are materialists, but that is irrelevant to the definition of atheism, which does not logically entail materialism.

And yet it is the Atheist Church that declares them to be linked;

Aims and Purposes | American Atheists

Funny dat.

It is often the case that Christian's think homosexuality is wrong, but I wouldn't consider this as part of the definition of christianity.

Then you know as little of Christianity as you do of Atheism.

You have failed to address what I wrote, entirely. Try again. You merely re-asserted your position, without addressing what I wrote, which means my points still stand against yours.

Just because a group of atheistic americans have aims and purposes does not make them a church. Atheism is not a religion. Learn your terms.

I know enough about christianity to know its definition, and what many of its adherents believe. You seem to have no grasp of what atheism means.
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You're confusing what some atheists believe and do with 'tenets' of atheism.

I'm "confusing" the stated creeds of the major Atheist groups with the beliefs of Atheists: Which is a bit like confusing the beliefs of the KKK with what the Klan website declares Klan beliefs to be.

Atheism prescribes no particular view on materialism vs spiritualism,

No, the would be "agnosticism."

Atheists like to pretend to be agnostic when the heat is on, but will revert to dogmatism instantly once the light is directed elsewhere.

religious freedom, or any of the other non-sense you're assigning to it.

Do be kind enough not to piss on my head and tell me it's raining.

Atheism is at war with religious liberty. Atheism is the radical push to legislate belief systems and prohibit competing views in the public sphere. I have little doubt this will extend to private affairs once sufficient power is accrued.

It's simply a lack of belief in gods. That's it. Agnosticism is a conviction on the provability of the existence of gods and has nothing to do with whether one believes or not. It's important to understand the terms we're using, otherwise we're talking past one another.

It's important to be honest with the terms we use. I realize the Atheism is repellent when seen for what it is, therefor Atheists are "less than candid" about it - still....

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