Are Evolution and Atheism Incompatible?

That's simply a lie. I have no such desire, and I challenge you to prove otherwise. Find anything I've posted supporting that assertion.

I have no idea what you personally do. But I've already posted 840,000 examples of Atheism infringing civil liberties.

I don't oppose DBlack as a force against liberty, I oppose Atheism and have strongly supported and cited the fact that Atheism works to curtail and crush individual civil liberty.
That's simply a lie. I have no such desire, and I challenge you to prove otherwise. Find anything I've posted supporting that assertion.

I have no idea what you personally do. But I've already posted 840,000 examples of Atheism infringing civil liberties.

I don't oppose DBlack as a force against liberty, I oppose Atheism and have strongly supported and cited the fact that Atheism works to curtail and crush individual civil liberty.

Well, then you're simply being a bigot. You're making claims about what all atheists want. I'm proof that those claims are false and you're ignoring that fact. I could post 840,000 examples of Christians infringing on civil liberties and it wouldn't prove a damned thing about Christianity. Except that some Christians are assholes. Some atheists are assholes too. So what?
840,000 documented instances of Atheists crushing civil liberties - hardly a fantasy.

Victimhood. You adore it, thus you go to such bizarre extremes to justify your claims to your precious, precious victimhood. Have you ever done some self-examination, concerning why you have such an emotional need to be seen by others as some kind of ultimate victim?
Not really, an atheist has just heard all the fairy tales and does not give them credibility

And uses the state to crush the rights of those who do, and to ensure that their rights to free speech are curtailed lest they spread "fairy tales" or express views in contrast to the Atheist.

(BTW; the name of religious zealot should be capitalized; ergo "Atheist.")

Atheists just object to others forcing religion onto them

How would you feel if atheists forced the school to force their beliefs on your children?

Children, there is no God and Jesus was just a nice man in sandles and a robe
I have several atheist "believers" listening to the gospel I preach. That's because the true gospel reveals the lies of Christianity and all religions in this world.
2) By definition, superior species multiply while inferior species are reduced or become extinct. Is that not why dinosaurs were dominant in their day? Are not humans dominant today?

I think you need to read the pans your post got again. The thrust is that biologists don't impose value judgments on the results of evolution. You are engaged in circular reasoning at best; "survival of the fittest" is true by definition if fitness is defined as the ability to survive! It's also meaningless as are all definitions. Give me a counterexample where the fittest did not survive.

For your specific references, the most successful creatures today (or in all of evolutionary history for that matter) by number of individuals or by gross biomass are single celled creatures. Dinosaurs and humans are fragile fringe players compared to algae.

Atheism is an affirmative belief that there are no gods, whereas Agnosticism is the lack of belief in any particular god(s). To which do you subscribe?

Most everyone who has looked at it call philosophical Taoism atheist and I concur. One of the tenets of my school is that personified deities are social institutions designed for social control and do not exist independently. You can lump them with fairies and egg-producing rabbits.

6) I define god as a being beyond human comprehension. How do you define god?

I define a personified god as a supernatural deity that interacts with humans in history and has aspects of personality (like being capable of being flattered, cajoled, or bribed; of experiencing anger, lust, affection, or disappointment; or of preferring one group over another). This leaves room for deities that do not interact with humans, such as the Theists "Clockmaker God" who sets Creation in motion and then retires from it, or those who identify a deity as identical with Creation, or Nature, or Tao. But in each of these the believer does not expect a deity to intercede for them.

I find it peculiar that you appear to get your information about atheists from sources other than atheists, and your concept of evolution from people other than evolutionists. Thus your attempt to make a connection here is flawed on many levels. It makes my head hurt.

What makes your head hurt is all the dodging and weaving you do to avoid answering simple questions. Atheists are strident in their condemnation of other religions, but get all squishy and word mincing when it comes to their own beliefs, preferring to masquerade as Agnostics. In reality, they are profoundly ignorant individuals who are terrified of the unknown and want to prevent anyone else from talking about it in their presence.
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2) By definition, superior species multiply while inferior species are reduced or become extinct. Is that not why dinosaurs were dominant in their day? Are not humans dominant today?

I think you need to read the pans your post got again. The thrust is that biologists don't impose value judgments on the results of evolution. You are engaged in circular reasoning at best; "survival of the fittest" is true by definition if fitness is defined as the ability to survive! It's also meaningless as are all definitions. Give me a counterexample where the fittest did not survive.

For your specific references, the most successful creatures today (or in all of evolutionary history for that matter) by number of individuals or by gross biomass are single celled creatures. Dinosaurs and humans are fragile fringe players compared to algae.

Most everyone who has looked at it call philosophical Taoism atheist and I concur. One of the tenets of my school is that personified deities are social institutions designed for social control and do not exist independently. You can lump them with fairies and egg-producing rabbits.

6) I define god as a being beyond human comprehension. How do you define god?

I define a personified god as a supernatural deity that interacts with humans in history and has aspects of personality (like being capable of being flattered, cajoled, or bribed; of experiencing anger, lust, affection, or disappointment; or of preferring one group over another). This leaves room for deities that do not interact with humans, such as the Theists "Clockmaker God" who sets Creation in motion and then retires from it, or those who identify a deity as identical with Creation, or Nature, or Tao. But in each of these the believer does not expect a deity to intercede for them.

I find it peculiar that you appear to get your information about atheists from sources other than atheists, and your concept of evolution from people other than evolutionists. Thus your attempt to make a connection here is flawed on many levels. It makes my head hurt.

What makes your head hurt is all the dodging and weaving you do to avoid answering simple questions. Atheists are strident in their condemnation of other religions, but get all squishy and word mincing when it comes to their own beliefs, preferring to masquerade as Agnostics. In reality, they are profoundly ignorant individuals who are terrified of the unknown and want to prevent anyone else from talking about it in their presence.

OK hot shot. You seem to believe you know everything about my faith. An atheist is one who does not believe in the existence of "god". So the term only has meaning when applied to a specific concept of God. Do you believe in Thor? If not then you are an atheist with respect to the existence of Thor.

I stated that I did not believe in personified deities and explained what I meant by "personified deities". This makes me an atheist with respect to any faith based on personified deities such as Christianity, Islam, and other Abrahamic faiths. Am I going too fast for you here?

I assure you I do not get "squishy" in discussions of faith; I do however have little tolerance for whiney brats who feel persecuted because other people do not drink their brand of koolaid. Religious people in general and Christians in particular, are not persecuted or disadvantaged in the United States. Period. To claim otherwise is simply to look silly.

Now what exactly what are the "simple questions" you want answered that I have not addressed, sport? And do you feel persecuted just because I call you whiney?
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Well, then you're simply being a bigot.

I admit it, I'm "bigoted" against statist thugs who seek to use the implied force of arms of the government to impose their belief system on all others.

You're making claims about what all atheists want.

No, I'm providing cited proof of what Atheists do.

You can argue that Stalin was a great guy who WANTED only the best; he still murdered 65 million people.

I don't care about what Atheists want, I care about what they do - and what they do is fight against civil liberties.

I'm proof that those claims are false and you're ignoring that fact. I could post 840,000 examples of Christians infringing on civil liberties and it wouldn't prove a damned thing about Christianity. Except that some Christians are assholes. Some atheists are assholes too. So what?

If I see examples of Christians seeking to exclude Atheists from public grounds, or prohibit Atheists from expressing their views on government lands, I will condemn those Christians.
Atheists just object to others forcing religion onto them

Preferring instead to force their religion onto others.

I understand, Atheists have a lot in common with the Taliban - in both aims and methods.

How would you feel if atheists forced the school to force their beliefs on your children?

They do, fucktard.

Children, there is no God and Jesus was just a nice man in sandles and a robe

You have failed to address what I wrote, entirely. Try again. You merely re-asserted your position, without addressing what I wrote, which means my points still stand against yours.

What you claim is false, yet again.

You stated that Atheism has no connection to materialism - to which I cited the American Atheist society, i.e. the Atheist church, stating that they are linked.

Just because a group of atheistic americans have aims and purposes does not make them a church. Atheism is not a religion. Learn your terms.

Ah, so words mean only what you want them to mean, and only when that meaning is convenient.

I understand, Humpty.

I know enough about christianity to know its definition, and what many of its adherents believe. You seem to have no grasp of what atheism means.

That you prevaricate does not change actual meanings.

Atheism is an anti-liberty religious movement dedicated to ending 1st amendment rights by establishing secular humanism as the official religion of the United States.


I'm not a religious man, I don't get along well with fanatics who want to force their beliefs on others - thus I clash with Atheists.

why are theists so crazy?
Well, I'm an atheist and I work tirelessly for the opposite goals - so I know from first hand experience that you are utterly full of shit.

Goodnight, 'Gracie'.

Maybe you should work on your fellow Atheists - because despite your bullshit - Atheism in this nation exists to curtail religious liberty. You don't like the fact that Atheism is viewed like this? Start with fuckwads like Richard Dawson and the rest of the scum that have launched full scale war against freedom of expression.

Atheists are the single most hostile group to liberty in this nation.

Atheists aren't a group or a religion any more than capitalists are a group or a religion. You've got a boner for non-believers for some unknown reason and, frankly, it's a little weird. But your inane mission doesn't reflect reality. Most atheists never even talk about their views with others - in part because of assholes like you. We don't have a mission statement, monthly meetings or anything binding us to any agenda. We just don't believe in god. You're shadow boxing.

Really , because one of these definitions are fitting of the atheists I have talked to on here. I will let you tell us which definition fits an atheist that makes it a religion.

re·li·gion (r-ljn)
a. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
b. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
2. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
4. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion
Maybe you should work on your fellow Atheists - because despite your bullshit - Atheism in this nation exists to curtail religious liberty. You don't like the fact that Atheism is viewed like this? Start with fuckwads like Richard Dawson and the rest of the scum that have launched full scale war against freedom of expression.

Atheists are the single most hostile group to liberty in this nation.

Atheists aren't a group or a religion any more than capitalists are a group or a religion. You've got a boner for non-believers for some unknown reason and, frankly, it's a little weird. But your inane mission doesn't reflect reality. Most atheists never even talk about their views with others - in part because of assholes like you. We don't have a mission statement, monthly meetings or anything binding us to any agenda. We just don't believe in god. You're shadow boxing.

Really , because one of these definitions are fitting of the atheists I have talked to on here. I will let you tell us which definition fits an atheist that makes it a religion.

re·li·gion (r-ljn)
a. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
b. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
2. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
4. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion

None of the above fit the definition of atheism. Here's the first google hit I got:

Bing Dictionary:

a·the·ism [ áythee ìzzəm ]
unbelief in God or deities: disbelief in the existence of God or deities
You have failed to address what I wrote, entirely. Try again. You merely re-asserted your position, without addressing what I wrote, which means my points still stand against yours.

What you claim is false, yet again.

You stated that Atheism has no connection to materialism - to which I cited the American Atheist society, i.e. the Atheist church, stating that they are linked.

Just because a group of atheistic americans have aims and purposes does not make them a church. Atheism is not a religion. Learn your terms.

Ah, so words mean only what you want them to mean, and only when that meaning is convenient.

I understand, Humpty.

I know enough about christianity to know its definition, and what many of its adherents believe. You seem to have no grasp of what atheism means.

That you prevaricate does not change actual meanings.

Atheism is an anti-liberty religious movement dedicated to ending 1st amendment rights by establishing secular humanism as the official religion of the United States.


I'm not a religious man, I don't get along well with fanatics who want to force their beliefs on others - thus I clash with Atheists.

I don't care what the "american atheist" society said. Are you really that much of tool to think that this would carry any weight in a debate? What someone said? Lol.
You have failed to address what I wrote, entirely. Try again. You merely re-asserted your position, without addressing what I wrote, which means my points still stand against yours.

What you claim is false, yet again.

You stated that Atheism has no connection to materialism - to which I cited the American Atheist society, i.e. the Atheist church, stating that they are linked.

Just because a group of atheistic americans have aims and purposes does not make them a church. Atheism is not a religion. Learn your terms.

Ah, so words mean only what you want them to mean, and only when that meaning is convenient.

I understand, Humpty.

I know enough about christianity to know its definition, and what many of its adherents believe. You seem to have no grasp of what atheism means.

That you prevaricate does not change actual meanings.

Atheism is an anti-liberty religious movement dedicated to ending 1st amendment rights by establishing secular humanism as the official religion of the United States.


I'm not a religious man, I don't get along well with fanatics who want to force their beliefs on others - thus I clash with Atheists.

According to Sun Tzu your "clashes with Atheists" are doomed to failure because you don't understand them at all. The first lesson to successfully waging any campaign is to learn all there is know about them. You have clearly demonstrated that you have a very erroneous concept of Atheism. So your efforts are futile and ineffective. Have a nice day.
According to Sun Tzu your "clashes with Atheists" are doomed to failure because you don't understand them at all. The first lesson to successfully waging any campaign is to learn all there is know about them. You have clearly demonstrated that you have a very erroneous concept of Atheism. So your efforts are futile and ineffective. Have a nice day.

So I've been told - apparently one should never trust Atheists to represent what Atheists believe.....

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