Are Evolution and Atheism Incompatible?

Name ONE absolute that atheists "tend to deal in."

There is no god.

Gee, that was easy...

Then, define religious, please, and show how atheism is a religion, using the correct definition of atheism: A (a prefix denoting "without)- Theism (belief in god). Hence, Atheism is simply a "lack of belief in god." Thank you. I look forward to what will likely be a completely vapid response.

Atheism is a dogma based on the absolute rejection of the possibility of a god.

I'm an agnostic - that means I don't give a fuck what you believe. I support your right to believe as you will - where we cross is that as an Atheist, you will seek to silence the religious expression of others. A prayer at a football game, a memorial to fallen soldiers, anything other than what you believe will be attacked.

We have an argument based on differing definitions of atheism? Shocking!

We have an argument based on differing definitions of atheism? Shocking!


I don't care about definitions.

I care about actions. It pisses me off when people use the implied violence of the state to silence the religious views of others.

And that is what Atheists do on a daily basis.

The major difference between American Atheists and the Taliban is.....

I got nothing.
It pisses me off when people use the implied violence of the state to silence the religious views of others.

And that is what Atheists do on a daily basis.
Atheists are torturing Uncensored on a daily basis with their "violence". · · :cuckoo:

GOOD !! · · :tongue:

We might as well be hung as a goat, as well as a lamb!!

I am an atheist.
I am quite uncompromising in my hostility to the organized religions and all other forms of popular superstition. Supporting any of them seems to me to be as silly as supporting the gods of ancient Egypt or the Greek Olympian gods.

I reject all faith and all beliefs -- without exception! I consider that to hold any belief is harmful to intellectual clarity.

I know most people will think that it is impossible to live believing nothing, but it is not hard at all, once you get the hang of it.

I am quite willing to consider hypotheses -- all hypotheses -- but I do not adhere or give my consent to any of them.

Some hypotheses may be judged more probable than others -- or, at least, of more practical utility. But that is no reason to believe them. Moreover, I find that it is always possible to find a reason by which any belief could be false.

Atheists, like Mormons, have a statement of faith and public confessions.

How nice, Neutered.
Isn't there a little girl praying at a flag pole somewhere, that you need to go beat up?
What? !!

You mean there is a flagpole somewhere that hasn't been chopped down yet?


It pisses me off when people use the implied violence of the state to silence the religious views of others.

And that is what Atheists do on a daily basis.
Atheists are torturing Uncensored on a daily basis with their "violence". · · :cuckoo:

GOOD !! · · :tongue:

We might as well be hung as a goat, as well as a lamb!!


Uncensored probably enjoys being tortured. :D
It pisses me off when people use the implied violence of the state to silence the religious views of others.

And that is what Atheists do on a daily basis.
Atheists are torturing Uncensored on a daily basis with their "violence". · · :cuckoo:

GOOD !! · · :tongue:

We might as well be hung as a goat, as well as a lamb!!
Uncensored probably enjoys being tortured. :D
He certainly asks for it often enough!! · · :D

Derideo, do you think a (1) federal law should be established, either through the legislature, or through the Supreme Court, that mandates that all children must be instructed by schools, public or private, (2) that there is no god and the belief in god is ignorance and possibly mental illness? (3) Should parents who take their children to church and give them religious instruction guilty of child abuse? Should they be prosecuted? (4) If it is know that parents attend church, should their children be removed from them to ensure that no religious instruction infect the children?

1. - Richard Dawkins in the "God Delusion."
2. - Bill Maher - “Religulous.”
3. - Penn Jillette - "Bullshit."
4. - Christopher Hitchens - "God is not great."

Derideo, do you think a (1) federal law should be established, either through the legislature, or through the Supreme Court, that mandates that all children must be instructed by schools, public or private, (2) that there is no god and the belief in god is ignorance and possibly mental illness? (3) Should parents who take their children to church and give them religious instruction guilty of child abuse? Should they be prosecuted? (4) If it is know that parents attend church, should their children be removed from them to ensure that no religious instruction infect the children?

1. - Richard Dawkins in the "God Delusion."
2. - Bill Maher - “Religulous.”
3. - Penn Jillette - "Bullshit."
4. - Christopher Hitchens - "God is not great."

Numan and I were just having a bit of fun at your expense. Neither of us is willing to discuss anything further with you. You make so many erroneous assumptions that it is a complete and utter waste of time to try and correct any of them. This is further compounded by the fact that you misconstrue what is actually written/posted/linked. Have a nice day.
numan and i were just having a bit of fun at your expense. Neither of us is willing to discuss anything further with you. You make so many erroneous assumptions that it is a complete and utter waste of time to try and correct any of them. This is further compounded by the fact that you misconstrue what is actually written/posted/linked. Have a nice day.

I will admit that reading your posts is torture, Neutered.
I am happy that I have been able to satisfy your deepest, darkest, most secret desires. · · :D

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Numan and I were just having a bit of fun at your expense. Neither of us is willing to discuss anything further with you. You make so many erroneous assumptions that it is a complete and utter waste of time to try and correct any of them. This is further compounded by the fact that you misconstrue what is actually written/posted/linked. Have a nice day.

I understand.

You got your ass handed to you, now off you scamper.
Numan and I were just having a bit of fun at your expense. Neither of us is willing to discuss anything further with you. You make so many erroneous assumptions that it is a complete and utter waste of time to try and correct any of them. This is further compounded by the fact that you misconstrue what is actually written/posted/linked. Have a nice day.

I understand.

You got your ass handed to you, now off you scamper.

The only ass being displayed here is in your ignorant, and admittedly bigoted, claims about something you clearly don't comprehend.

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