Zone1 Are Jews the choosen people of God?

I guess the concept of living in the present must be beyond your ability to process it.

So you say with this words here now that you share the totally weird idea god chose his people for the hate of mimicry Christians who crucify his Jewish son? Is this your Christmas presence? What's wrong with the USA? Have you all gone completely mad?
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First Jewish–Roman War - Wikipedia

The Jews were in rebellion against God because they didn't want to be controlled and dictated to by the Romans? Link, p;ease. There won't be one. So if one does not accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah; they " deserve" what happens to them Thank you for clarifying your " religion" is a dangerous Cult ; Something I always knew

He is no Christian. He only seem to thinks so. Why he thinks so is a mystery to me. It is absurde what he says - it's by the way also a little absurde what you say. Which rebellion against god? The Romans crucified Jesus because he had been seen from them as "INRI" = "Jesus from Nazareth [second class Jew from the province] king of the Jews". This made him to a rebell (freedom fighter) against the Roman Empire because the Romans decided who had to be the king of the Jews and their vasall.
Tip for everyone here: Who has a problem with the expression "Jew" may replace it with "human being", "American" or "neighbor" or any other normal expression for the own people. Maybe if you do so then you will understand in a better way what's really written about in the bible.
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I have been a student of that god as well (haven't we all).

One moment - what do you say here now? That you do not really believe in god ... because you are god on your own?

Gott ist immer in uns, nur wir sind so selten Zuhause.
Meister Eckhart
God is always within us, only we are so rarely at home.
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This is tied to how truths shall convey among humans, especially how ancient truths shall convey.

CNN as an authority determines what testimonies or stories from eyewitness accounts can be deemed valid, then it acts as a mass media to broadcast what it authenticated as factual.

The need of a chosen people is such an authority to authenticate stories from the prophets (God's chosen eyewitnesses) and for their testimonies/stories to convey through the broadcasting media we call Judaism. They validate the stories, record them down to pass from generation to generation, and finally with all books canonized as a preparation on broadcasting towards the whole world. The Jews failed at this point. God shifted the authority from the Jews to Christians, from Judaism to Christianity. The Jewish temple ceased to exsts while God's Church was set up.

The Church on earth becomes the authority to reckon the NT Canon and to preach/broadcast the gospel (news) to all nations in a human-facing manner (just like how CNN broadcasts but in a US-facing manner).

The Jews' role and Judaism ceased to function as God's CNN. God's Church on earth and Christianity took up the role instead.

However, in the perspective of God's covenant with the circumcised Jews, they can still be deemed as Jews as long as they choose to fulfill the requirements specified in the Mosaic Covenant. For the same reason, the Jews can still be marginally deemed as the chosen people of God (by means of the Mosaic Covenant adopted by those circumcised and willingly observing the Mosaic Law).

Ancient Jews are God's chosen people as their role acts as God's chosen CNN.
Modern Jews can still be God's chosen people as long as enough number of Jews are circumcised and to observe the Jewish laws acceptable within the Mosaic Covenant.

Circumcised or not: A Jew is a Jew. And the Jews are god's chosen people. What is the problem? The Jews live in the eldest continuous tradition of the world - but always young.
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Circumcised or not: A Jew is a Jew. And the Jews are god's chosen people. What is the problem? The Jews live in the eldest continuous tradition of the world - but always young.
That is like you saying that you are intelligent and thoughtful .

No amount of belief and faith could ever change such a self evidently absurd statement into something different .
That you might choose to believe garbage is your choice and perhaps your right , but you cannot expect others to take drivel seriously .
The Jews were "chosen" to bring the Torah to mankind. That mission remains in effect; how well they are doing at it is a matter of some dispute. Keep in mind that the person we refer to as Jesus Christ was born an Orthodox Jew, lived as an Orthodox Jew, and died as an Orthodox Jew, proclaiming that he did not intend to change the Torah at all.

So one might say that Christianity has taken on the task of bringing the Torah - as enhanced by the teachings of Christ - to the rest of the world. Again, how "we" are doing is a matter for discussion.
That doesn;t make any sense because not everyone can be a Jew.

If your mother was not Jewish you can never be a Jew. No one whose mother is not Jewish can convert religions and become Jewish.

That is like you saying that you are intelligent and thoughtful .

I am naturally intelligent and naturally thoughtful ... and naturally an idiot - but this is another theme.

No amount of belief and faith could ever change such a self evidently absurd statement into something different .
That you might choose to believe garbage is your choice and perhaps your right , but you cannot expect others to take drivel seriously .

Good that you don't speak about so I was not able to forget it, Russian or US-Russian, but it's really a good idea to leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers or Putins soldiers. Yesterday.
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That doesn;t make any sense because not everyone can be a Jew.

If your mother was not Jewish you can never be a Jew. No one whose mother is not Jewish can convert religions and become Jewish. ...

What's wrong.

And did you ever hear in your life the word "adopted"? In former times parents often died on many reasons and many children had been in former times adopted children. Adopted children under the Jews, the Romans and the German[ic]s - I guess also under the Celts - had been the same like all other children.
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He is no Christian. He only seem to thinks so. Why he thinks so is a mystery to me. It is absurde what he says - it's by the way also a little absurde what you say. Which rebellion against god? The Romans crucified Jesus because he had been seen from them as "INRI" = "Jesus from Nazareth [second class Jew from the province] king of the Jews". This made him to a rebell (freedom fighter) against the Roman Empire because the Romans decided who had to be the king of the Jews and their vasall.
Thank You. He’s a Hateful “ Christian “ Bigot who learned a lot in his “ church
Thank You. He’s a Hateful “ Christian “ Bigot who learned a lot in his “ church

I said he (Woodznutz) is no Christian at all for me. I called him anti-Christian and anti-Semite. And I do not think he ever had in his live a religious education which was better than your own religious education.

  • DNA isn't related as you an also be Jewish by conversion.
  • Past and present persecution shows its the same people since Haman plotted to exterminate them. As in the Bible, book of Esther.
  • Haman was descendants of Amalek.
  • All humans have flaws, but the targeting of this entire Nation (ganging up via different excuses every generation) proves chosenness, though closenness is an obligation.
Forum outcast infamous RACIST motivated posting:
'Luiza' - Nazism:

  • Pro Jihad child killing.
  • Admitting Jews today are the same ethnicity as Jesus . But often tries to lie about it.
  • Advocates for genocide.
  • Pro Jihad entities use of its children.
  • Promoting Hitler garbage.
  • Spamming the forums with despicable wording.







    • DNA isn't related as you an also be Jewish by conversion.
    • Past and present persecution shows its the same people since Haman plotted to exterminate them. As in the Bible, book of Esther.
    • Haman was descendants of Amalek.
    • All humans have flaws, but the targeting of this entire Nation (ganging up via different excuses every generation) proves chosenness, though closenness is an obligation.


but the targeting of this entire Nation (ganging up via different excuses every generation) proves chosenness, though closenness is an obligation.

So now its persecution mania with the world ganging up on Jewish people . The usual sob story .

But until we had this evil of Ethnic Cleansing , most people just privately thought Jews should be left alone to be collectively stupid and to continue to entertain themselves with their "Chosen" narrative, however comical we think it is . And , broadly speaking, we were happy to smile at the foolishness and just let them carry on with their funny traditions .
In the same way that we broadly tolerate Cult Christisans with their quaint and outdated beliefs .
In fact, both Cults are generally treated by decent outsiders as being on a par with kids believing the Santa and Tooth Fairy yarns, but every time we hear a Jew pitching the "Chosen" yarn we all privately giggle that otherwise sane people believe such nonsense .

If only because he must be the most useless God imaginable and a curse to any chosen people and certainly not a blessing . Not even a lucky mascot.

But when you translate this arrogant Chosen yarn into superiority and extra privilege , the world rightly turns against you .
And , as a result , you are getting part retribution which you have brought on yourselves .You have turned yourselves into despised Nazis

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