Zone1 Are Jews the choosen people of God?

Such a statement is only able to give a Nazi (=racist mass-murderer) or a useful idiot of Nazis (=racist mass-murderers).

Orthodox Jews for example do not go to an army - as for example the Amish and Jehova's witnesses also not do. And it had not been the singing and dancing Hasidim who murdered millions of tolerant and liberal Nazis in extermination camps on reason the Nazis had been spiritually unmusical.

By the way: Do you know that no birds sang in Auschwitz-Birkenau? That's no joke. It really did not sing any birds in Auschwitz-Birkenau when the Nazis murdered in masses about the same number of Jews there as live today inhabitants in Gaza. The very high number of Palestinians who live today exists because the Jews live now in Israel. Otherwise nearly no Palesrtians would be able to exist in this damn poor dusty area of the world. The Jews and their state are an asset to almost everyone in this part of the world and far beyond.

What are you blathering about? Or are you just pointing out again your bad grasp of English, along with everything else you know nothing about?
I always understood traditional catholic/orthodox/lutheran(?) theology to say that jews were once choosen, but they killed christ, so the blood of christ "is upon them and their children" and the choosen people or the people of God are not by circumisation anymore but by faith in Christ "in christ we are one, be it woman or man or slave or free or jew or greek" i think the choosen is the church now. But I think even the catholic church made adjustments, giving again more credit to christian zionism and such, that jews are still choosen people. I think the first pope say that was pope john paul the second, he apologised to jews as first pope and declared jews are still choosen people, i think the catholic church didnt fully broke with their traditional doctrine, but this where they made compromises.
Yes ... according to many ... these men and women are "chosen":

George Soros

Karl Marx

Jeffery Epstein

Diane Feinstein

Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Harvey Weinstein

Anthony Weiner

Mark Zuckerberg

Debbie Wasserman Schultz

So don't you DARE say anything bad about these wonderful children of "god" or you'll earn the title -- ANTI-SEMITE!! Ooooo ... scary!
the 4th century christianity claim is jesus was the jewish messiah - which judaism does not claim would involve reparation for sin, as usual one or both are liars ... everyone knows which to choose.

there is a detachment between religion and 2023's claim of jewish persecution - 1930's germany and the parasite a hitler were not motivated by a specific religion -

that was a retribution for an insular community that aggregated their own self interests they were retaliated against - and throughout history mostly the same they bring onto themselves having nothing to do with religion than their own illicit self perception - of themselves. choosing false heavenly personifications than which is for all beings alike.
Again, Thank You for admitting that your religion is based on fairy tales and lies Keep talking about 2023 “ claim” of Jewish persecution. 👍
Orthodox Jews for example do not go to an army
Yes they do, in general. There are certain smasler, sub-groups groups who often do not serve (for different reasons) but most Orthodox Jewish males, and many females do serve.
What are you blathering about?

I say your reality simulator - your brain - is doing a damn bad job. Main reason for this weakness is normally the "use it or lose it"-paradox. People who have only 2 brain cells think they are the most intelligent people in the world - while others who have the capacity to find out what's going on in 3000 parallel universes in the same not-time are never sure to be right.

Or are you just pointing out again your bad grasp of English, along with everything else you know nothing about?

By the way: Dudley + Smith are nice names for your two braincells.
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Yes ... according to many ... these men and women are "chosen":

George Soros

Karl Marx

Jeffery Epstein

Diane Feinstein

Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Harvey Weinstein

Anthony Weiner

Mark Zuckerberg

Debbie Wasserman Schultz

So don't you DARE say anything bad about these wonderful children of "god" or you'll earn the title -- ANTI-SEMITE!! Ooooo ... scary!

Exactly. This all are people who are chosen from god - if they are all Jews what I do not really know now. And if some of them really did do something wrong in the eyes of god then be happy. It is said when all Jews on a Sabbat do and not do everything what Jews have to do and not to do this day and if they all together will follow all rules which god gave them then the universe will explode - or implode? - or transplode? ... Whatever! ... I heard in this case your existence will end from one Plank-second to the next Plank-second. Be happy when god not let be billions of eternities between two Plank-seconds for you, so you had to hurry not to come too late to your own resurrection.

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Again, Thank You for admitting that your religion is based on fairy tales and lies Keep talking about 2023 “ claim” of Jewish persecution. 👍

Every tried to buy a third brain cell and to install it between the other two? This could speed up your "Think!"-capacity from 2! to 3!.
The Jews were "chosen" to bring the Torah to mankind. That mission remains in effect; how well they are doing at it is a matter of some dispute. Keep in mind that the person we refer to as Jesus Christ was born an Orthodox Jew, lived as an Orthodox Jew, and died as an Orthodox Jew, proclaiming that he did not intend to change the Torah at all.

So one might say that Christianity has taken on the task of bringing the Torah - as enhanced by the teachings of Christ - to the rest of the world. Again, how "we" are doing is a matter for discussion.
Every religion is free to preach they are the chosen one. No one has proven otherwise.
unlike you they did not need a placard on the wall to keep themselves together ...

nor did mary and joseph nor would they kneel to the false personifications of judaism the liars and their congregations use for their own selfish agendas.

how is it they lasted 3 years had the jews really known they would not have lasted three days.

- poor lowly jews and how they have suffered.
Jews don't do lots of kneeling----rare and sometimes privately
What are you blathering about? Or are you just pointing out again your bad grasp of English, along with everything else you know nothing about?
grammar check, mr. duds-----Do not end your sentence with a
preposition-----"....everything else you know nothing about...."----
more elegantly and correctly in English is---"... everything else about which
you know nothing...." The first sentence is ok----there your "about" acts
as an adverb-----. Don't quote me. Grammar is not my field.
Rubbish. You know squat about either Judaism, Jews, or Christianity. Jews have had their own hate fests for longer than that. In Jesus's days the Temple State had a 'racial purity' cult that made Nazis look like liberals. The ultra-Orthodox and Hasidics still do. You also seem to be oblivious to the obvious fact that Christianity is a Jewish sect, like a lot of other dumbasses.
I am fascinated, mr. duds----can you describe the details of the "racial purity"
rules or dogma of the "ultra-Orthodox jews" or "Hasidics"? If you have a problem with the details, consult Surada---she has provided an endorsement
of your statement.
Yes ... according to many ... these men and women are "chosen":

George Soros

Karl Marx

Jeffery Epstein

Diane Feinstein

Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Harvey Weinstein

Anthony Weiner

Mark Zuckerberg

Debbie Wasserman Schultz

So don't you DARE say anything bad about these wonderful children of "god" or you'll earn the title -- ANTI-SEMITE!! Ooooo ... scary!
According to Catholic dogma----Adolf Hitler, Josef Goebbels, Magda Goebbels, Dr. Josef Mengele--et al and et al. were catholics in
GOOD STANDING and eligible for PARADISE. Adolf Eichmann---was a
protestant----I do not know anything about his potential heavenly reward
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Rubbish. You know squat about either Judaism, Jews, or Christianity. Jews have had their own hate fests for longer than that. In Jesus's days the Temple State had a 'racial purity' cult that made Nazis look like liberals. The ultra-Orthodox and Hasidics still do. You also seem to be oblivious to the obvious fact that Christianity is a Jewish sect, like a lot of other dumbasses.

Rubbish. You know squat about either Judaism, Jews, or Christianity. Jews have had their own hate fests for longer than that. In Jesus's days the Temple State had a 'racial purity' cult that made Nazis look like liberals. The ultra-Orthodox and Hasidics still do. You also seem to be oblivious to the obvious fact that Christianity is a Jewish sect, like a lot of other dumbasses.
"Anti-Semitism of the Church Fathers"
Rubbish. You know squat about Judaism or Christianity. This is what your " religion" teaches. I know that Christianity is a Jewish Sect; Too bad they don't teach that in your Church For you to even compare the above to the Hasidic or Orthodox is a sign of desperation

Rubbish. You know squat about Judaism or Christianity. This is what your " religion" teaches. I know that Christianity is a Jewish Sect; Too bad they don't teach that in your Church For you to even compare the above to the Hasidic or Orthodox is a sign of desperation
The above are just a few small examples, HATE, BIGOTRY, INTOLERANCE, Something you would attribute to a Cult
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I am fascinated, mr. duds----can you describe the details of the "racial purity"
rules or dogma of the "ultra-Orthodox jews" or "Hasidics"? If you have a problem with the details, consult Surada---she has provided an endorsement
of your statement.
still waiting, mr. duds
Every tried to buy a third brain cell and to install it between the other two? This could speed up your "Think!"-capacity from 2! to 3!.
Ever tried to buy a second brain cell and put it next to the other one? This could speed up your “ Think!” Capacity from 1 to 2
unlike you they did not need a placard on the wall to keep themselves together ...

nor did mary and joseph nor would they kneel to the false personifications of judaism the liars and their congregations use for their own selfish agendas.

how is it they lasted 3 years had the jews really known they would not have lasted three days.

- poor lowly jews and how they have suffered.
Yes, they have suffered at the Hands of “ Christians “ the mainstay of your “ religion “
Yes, they have suffered at the Hands of “ Christians “ the mainstay of your “ religion “
The better stories are those acts of kindness. All faiths, all denominations in these faiths, have all suffered at the hands of those who hold different beliefs.
I don’t think others can compare to the Hate, Intolerance, Violence, Pogroms that the Jewish people have insured to
But not by all. During all these times, the friends should not be forgotten.

That being said, I get it. But dwelling on it can be a two-way street. It will give some the idea that all the above has always been okay/accepted and even expected. Stories that there is a better way need a light shone upon them as well.

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