Zone1 Are Jews the choosen people of God?

well----there are places in the world and in history that had
"state religions"-----the situation is a DRIVING FORCE in history---
even what served as a state religion in Iran when it was ZOROASTRIAN---
that is what the BOOK OF ESTHER is--actually---all about.
Then there was European history---etc etc
Possibly. Although both are more recent than Moses. Exodus is certainly fiction.
SO? Moses makes more sense than either
well----there are places in the world and in history that had
"state religions"-----the situation is a DRIVING FORCE in history---
even what served as a state religion in Iran when it was ZOROASTRIAN---
that is what the BOOK OF ESTHER is--actually---all about.
Then there was European history---etc etc

SO? Moses makes more sense than either

The Exodus is certainly a huge exaggeration if it happened at all.

Egypt controlled Canaan and Sina at the time. There's no record of the Jews being slaves in Egypt.

Your scholars think they were landless Canaanites from Urfa near Haran.

The Zoroastrian faith has survived from ancient times with followers worldwide, mainly in Iran and India.
Religion - A Thousand Years of the Persian Book | Exhibitions (Library of Congress)

Library of Congress (.gov)
“ Jesus” and “ Mohammed” are also fictional. 🥱🇮🇱✡️

jesus most surly is not the depiction described in the christian bible - however they were crucified and those others in the 1st century that gave their lives for what jesus taught - liberation theology, self determination and are historically recognized if not properly recorded.
jesus most surly is not the depiction described in the christian bible - however they were crucified and those others in the 1st century that gave their lives for what jesus taught - liberation theology, self determination and are historically recognized if not properly recorded.
YAWN… Yea, I can tell. Hate, discrimination, Pogroms, Torture, etc etc He did a HELL of a job
YAWN… Yea, I can tell. Hate, discrimination, Pogroms, Torture, etc etc He did a HELL of a job

... your issue is not the 1st century and those that were persecuted - true to the heavenly religion prescribed to a&e, the beginning of life and goal for remission to the everlasting - as well their repudiation of judaism for that reason ... and for its corruption that leads to their demise as occurred of course not before the jews saw fit to crucify them for their true heavenly convictions. the jews were jealous.

- you really need to clean out your gutter - those you hate rightfully or not are those that wrote and worship the false 4th century christian bible. the roman (christian) crucifiers who as you - are aligned in despotism.
that did not really appen - twirilling hammers driving a nail ... funny to watch.

And that's reality. Reality are not always only the own stupidities.

three years does not make a carpenter - either.

One moment. What do you think here? That the 30 years old "tekton" (= carpenter) Jesus needed three years to learn how to nail himselve as an anti-Roman criminal onto a cross of the Roman "civilisation"?

Three years and one day are by the way enough time to learn to be a carpenter:

The Exodus is certainly a huge exaggeration if it happened at all.

Egypt controlled Canaan and Sina at the time. There's no record of the Jews being slaves in Egypt. ...

But if you take a look at a beeramid - without beer - then you can get a light idea about how it could had been to live in a world where death was always at the centre of all efforts. As fascinating are the pyramids and the Egyptian pharaoes: Better to be unknown and unimportant as to live all day long - every day of your life - under the slavery of death, isn't it?

... your issue is not the 1st century and those that were persecuted - true to the heavenly religion prescribed to a&e, the beginning of life and goal for remission to the everlasting - as well their repudiation of judaism for that reason ... and for its corruption that leads to their demise as occurred of course not before the jews saw fit to crucify them for their true heavenly convictions. the jews were jealous.

- you really need to clean out your gutter - those you hate rightfully or not are those that wrote and worship the false 4th century christian bible. the roman (christian) crucifiers who as you - are aligned in despotism.
You’re the one who needs to clean out your gutter; I have only responded to the Hate and Intolerance towards the Jewish people for over 2,000 years
Three years and one day are by the way enough time to learn to be a carpenter:

to do what, drive a nail - two swings and it should be set ...

cutting in a staircase, framing a roof, running the exterior - interior trim ... sorry zann, your not a carpenter and are foolish to insinuate you know what that takes - nor was jesus a carpenter.
You’re the one who needs to clean out your gutter; I have only responded to the Hate and Intolerance towards the Jewish people for over 2,000 years

those same people were the cause for the migration and founding of this country to seek relief from them and are left out of the u s constitution -

hate filled deceivers, 4th century christians, crucifiers. truth be told they have far more in common w/ the jews who crucified jesus than any semblance of the 1st century events of liberation theology and self determination.
to do what, drive a nail - two swings and it should be set ...

cutting in a staircase, framing a roof, running the exterior - interior trim ... sorry zann, your not a carpenter and are foolish to insinuate you know what that takes - nor was jesus a carpenter.

Three to five years.

I was a meat cutter which required a three-year apprenticeship. I could have learned everything in less than six months working in the right shop. I changed companies and went to work as a journeyman after 18 months. They put me on probation for a month first and at the end were satisfied with my work. Nice boost in pay. :)

It is almost certain that Jesus was indeed a carpenter.

Mark 6: 2-3

2 And when the sabbath day was come, he began to teach in the synagogue: and many hearing him were astonished, saying, From whence hath this man these things? and what wisdom is this which is given unto him, that even such mighty works are (also?) wrought by his hands?

3 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him.

Of course, in that region 'carpentry' was likely working with stone and brick, thus 'builder' would be a better term.
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Three to five years.

I was a meat cutter which required a three-year apprenticeship. I could have learned everything in less than six months working in the right shop. I changed companies and went to work as a journeyman after 18 months. They put me on probation for a month first and at the end were satisfied with my work. Nice boost in pay. :)

It is almost certain that Jesus was indeed a carpenter.

Mark 6: 2-

those same people were the cause for the migration and founding of this country to seek relief from them and are left out of the u s constitution -

hate filled deceivers, 4th century christians, crucifiers. truth be told they have far more in common w/ the jews who crucified jesus than any semblance of the 1st century events of liberation theology and self determination.
The Jews didn’t crucify “ Jesus “ Even if they did; so what? Isn’t that what your “ religion” teaches? That his father GOD sent him down to DiE for our sins? Keep up with the over 2,000 year hate. Your “ church “ has taught you well
Of course, in that region 'carpentry' was likely working with stone and brick, thus 'builder' would be a better term.

than being a carpenter - plain and simple another that does not know what they are talking about.

jesus choose otherwise - they were not a carpenter during their days of tribulation ... they never again lifted a hammer nor for that matter laboured ever again.

in the real sense, the last days of the chain gangs lingered in florida to be remembered thirty or more on a job site ... from there to carpentry would be a quick 3 years for that to happen to even begin to learn.

not today's market, that has all perished the hammer today is just something to buy at the hardware store for their summer pleasure cruise.
The Jews didn’t crucify “ Jesus “ Even if they did; so what? Isn’t that what your “ religion” teaches? That his father GOD sent him down to DiE for our sins? Keep up with the over 2,000 year hate. Your “ church “ has taught you well

how they were able to turn the table on the fledgling events - that never had a chance and they all knew it ...

those in the 1st century are the refutation of judaism and gave their lives for liberation theology, self determination as well like you it was the jews that hated them and crucified jesus through selfishness and greed as are all three desert religions the same.
The Exodus is certainly a huge exaggeration if it happened at all.

Egypt controlled Canaan and Sina at the time. There's no record of the Jews being slaves in Egypt.

Your scholars think they were landless Canaanites from Urfa near Haran.

The Zoroastrian faith has survived from ancient times with followers worldwide, mainly in Iran and India.
Religion - A Thousand Years of the Persian Book | Exhibitions (Library of Congress)

Library of Congress (.gov)

The Exodus is certainly a huge exaggeration if it happened at all.

Egypt controlled Canaan and Sina at the time. There's no record of the Jews being slaves in Egypt.

Your scholars think they were landless Canaanites from Urfa near Haran.

The Zoroastrian faith has survived from ancient times with followers worldwide, mainly in Iran and India.
Religion - A Thousand Years of the Persian Book | Exhibitions (Library of Congress)

Library of Congress (.gov)
Your response is silly and dependent on hearsay and baseless conjecture. "Your scholars think....." <<<< try that one in a court of law. It is clear that you know nothing about zoroastrians----EVER TALK TO ONE? ----however--I am fair-----as to EXAGERRATION-----yes----try reading the ODYSSEY---I will try not to thrown in the really grass examples of BS---like the koran and 'new testament' for the sake of propriety. My husband DOES NOT
EXIST----because there is no record of his existence in the shariah shit hole
in which he was born------WHICH at the time of his birth was under the CONTROL OF DA UNITED KINGDOM----whatevah da fuck that means.
The Exodus is certainly a huge exaggeration if it happened at all.

Egypt controlled Canaan and Sina at the time. There's no record of the Jews being slaves in Egypt.

Your scholars think they were landless Canaanites from Urfa near Haran.

The Zoroastrian faith has survived from ancient times with followers worldwide, mainly in Iran and India.
Religion - A Thousand Years of the Persian Book | Exhibitions (Library of Congress)

Library of Congress (.gov)
for those who do not know----zoroastrianism---which was---at one time the STATE RELIGION of Persia---exists now in Iran only as a tiny and VERY PERSECUTED, both by government and muslims--minority---manages to survive in India ---Mumbai (the erstwhile Bombay) where the tiny minority
of jews in that country live----very amiably----including---christians and hindus-----THEN---occassionally the muslims pop up with violence and murder
to do what, drive a nail - two swings and it should be set ...

cutting in a staircase, framing a roof, running the exterior - interior trim ... sorry zann, your not a carpenter and are foolish to insinuate you know what that takes - nor was jesus a carpenter.
oh gee----so that was his problem---he had no profession---AND he
was not married-----weird for a Jew of his time----He could read and
write---but could do nothing and had no wife------poor guy

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