Zone1 Are Jews the choosen people of God?

Close your eyes. Remember the name of a church father. Take a look at his life. ... And? ... Doesn't work? .. .Nothing what you are able to remember? ...

I'm very sure you know not any name of only one church father on your own. And I am also sure you are nevertheless convinced this man - who you do not remember - had been an anti-Semite (what's by the way a modern darwinistic expression basing on biological racism).

So what do you really call 'false "religion"'? Your own lack of faith, rationality and love? Your own lack of spirituality and religion(=to be rebound in god?) Your own rebound rationality, etc etc. in hate and enmity? ...

Oh by the way. I do not need an answer - except I am wrong then I would be interested why I am wrong. But if you really like to find an essential answer then I suggest to you to try to speak with god. Specially because there is no need to tell god lies - except someone likes to believe in the own lies and thinks god is an idiot.

Actions speak louder then words Just look at the few examples I have given Over 2,000 years of Hate towards the Jewish people. . The Jewish people believe there is a God. Just because they don’t believe in “ Jesus “ we have lack of faith, Notice you had nothing to say about the other poster who called Moses a Liar to start with THANKS for making my point 👍
in reference to the 4th century christian bible ...

1st century romans as expressed during that time in that location by the middleast religious documents were to become in the 4th century, christians that wrote the 4th century christian bible.

- the state religion of the roman empire.

Actions speak louder then words Just look at the few examples I have given Over 2,000 years of Hate towards the Jewish people. . The Jewish people believe there is a God. Just because they don’t believe in “ Jesus “ we have lack of faith, Notice you had nothing to say about the other poster who called Moses a Liar to start with THANKS for making my point 👍

Let me say it this way. God always did do what I asked him for. That's how I learned not to ask him. Between god and me is no place for a piece of paper. Between the Holy Catholic Church and me is no place for a piece of paper. And between Jews and me is also no place for a piece of paper. Comprende?

Psalm from my David, German translation in the spirit of Martin Luther (Lutherbibel 2017).

Translation of the German text:

Psalm 62.
My soul is quiet to God, who helps me. For he is my rock, my help, my defence, that I shall not be shaken. How long do you all pursue one, do you all want to murder him as if he were a hanging wall and a cracked masonry? They only think how they can bring him down from his height, they delight in lying; with their mouth they bless, but in their heart they curse. But be still to God, my soul, for he is my hope. He is my rock, my help and my defence, so that I will not be shaken. With God is my salvation and my honour, the rock of my strength, my confidence is with God. Hope in him always, dear people, pour out your heart before him; God is our confidence. But men are nothing, great men also deceive; they weigh less than nothing, as much as they are. Rely not on violence, nor set your hope on robbery; if riches come to you, do not set your heart on them. One thing God has spoken, two things I have heard: God alone is mighty, and you, Lord, are gracious, for you repay each one according to his worth.
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From his book, Amos emerges as a thoughtful, probably well-traveled man of fierce integrity, who possessed a poet’s gift for homely but forceful imagery and rhythmic language. So distinctive is his style of expression that in many instances the reader can distinguish those portions genuinely by Amos from parts probably invented by others, such as the concluding, optimistic section foretelling the restoration of the Davidic kingdom.

As a theologian, Amos believed that God’s absolute sovereignty over man compelled social justice for all men, rich and poor alike. Not even God’s chosen people were exempt from this fiat, and even they had to pay the penalty for breaking it; hence, Amos also believed in a moral order transcending nationalistic interests.
We know of Jesus through the written word.

no, you know nothing of jesus and their religion - liberation theology, self determination and the refutiation of the judaism commandments are entirely left out of the 4th century christian bible, the reason jesus and those others in the 1st century were crucified for their beliefs.
Actions speak louder then words Just look at the few examples I have given Over 2,000 years of Hate towards the Jewish people. . The Jewish people believe there is a God. Just because they don’t believe in “ Jesus “ we have lack of faith, Notice you had nothing to say about the other poster who called Moses a Liar to start with THANKS for making my point 👍

Moses is probably fictional.
Yes. Seestaernli (e-water) - whoever he is - is really good. He often hits the nail right on the head.

that did not really happen - twirilling hammers driving a nail ... funny to watch.

three years does not make a carpenter - either.
no, you know nothing of jesus and their religion - liberation theology, self determination and the refutiation of the judaism commandments are entirely left out of the 4th century christian bible, the reason jesus and those others in the 1st century were crucified for their beliefs.
Where can I obtain this "4th century" bible? I'd like to check out your unsubstantiated statements.

oh ...

Christianity in the 4th century was dominated in its early stage by Constantine the great and the First Council of Nicaea of 325, which was the beginning of the period of the First seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787), and in its late stage by the Edict of Thessalonica of 380, which made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire.

who were they - and their appendix for material used and the archives preserved of those materials ...

It was convened by the emperor Constantine to resolve the controversy of Arianism, a doctrine that held that Christ was not divine but was a created being.

jimminy crickers ... form the 1st century, jesus a carpenter - to jesus was the judain massiah, all in just short of 100 years they took to write the 4th century christian bible.
oh ...

Christianity in the 4th century was dominated in its early stage by Constantine the great and the First Council of Nicaea of 325, which was the beginning of the period of the First seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787), and in its late stage by the Edict of Thessalonica of 380, which made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire.

who were they - and their appendix for material used and the archives preserved of those materials ...

jimminy crickers ... form the 1st century, jesus a carpenter - to jesus was the judain massiah, all in just short of 100 years they took to write the 4th century christian bible.

Most of the books of the New Testament were written between 80-120 AD.
Most of the books of the New Testament were written between 80-120 AD.

and that's what took 100 years to write their bible ...

who were they - and their appendix for material used and the archives preserved of those same materials ...

there are forgeries and fallacies on nearly every page of all 3 desert bibles, they are at least consistent in their messaging.
Where can I obtain this "4th century" bible? I'd like to check out your unsubstantiated statements.

do you know how to swim ...


no worries, what's next at the end of the rainbow awaiting the sinners - anyone's guess. good luck.

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