Zone1 Are Jews the choosen people of God?

I blame his parents .
Why they rocked him to sleep instead of strangling him we will probably never know .
Selfish Germy schweinehunds .

Do not forget to leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers. Yesterday.
beautress I think the bible says that only the ones who follow christ are children of God the others are only creatures of God but not children of God is that true or I remember that wrong if it is true why would there be a exception for jews who still believe that Jesus was a bastard but not lets say for muslims or buddhists ?
Most of the early followers were JEwish and Judaism itself had a large attachment called the God-Fearers. It seems obviousl to me that seekers often go through stages. So in the Acts there is someone who went from pagan to God-Fearer to Jew to Christian.

Chosen means something different than you make it. Noah was chosen BUT it extended to his wife , his sons, his sons' wives. I can't really say that all of them were of the same caliber and all of them that different from the generation being punished.

Not all the Egyptians were the enemy Moses himself was much esteemed in the land of Egypt, among Pharaoh's courtiers and among the people” (Exodus11:3).
It's like with our President-Traitor, if you affiliate with him you can't really complain when the inevitable horror comes.
I do not think that all who drowned in the Red Sea were on the side of Pharaoh, seems unlikely.
A tradition? A revolution? A freedom movement? A ... personal relationship and godly matter ... ?

Still trying to grasp it in a defined term?

All of that, and yet not, it is universal,
don't belittle G-d's relationship with
this world only to the personal.

There's no religion in Torah.
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I will anyway not tell you what I will find out when I will read this text. If you like to know what's written there then ask a Jewish Rabbi.
The Jews don't believe much of their own Bible (which is the same as we goyim's Bible). For example, they don't believe that the holocaust was part of God's punishment on them even though their own Bible clearly states that "and I will draw out the sword after them".
Look up the phrases,
Autistic Vegetable
Savant Idiot

And I thought it is called "idiot savant".

You are the first to be both .
Although may be you and Ze Bra are one and the same?
Two Germs , one deadly Disease .

Then you know what will happen one day when you will not decide to leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers. Yesterday. You will suffer a damned deadly disease when we really will drive mad because of your Russian brutality and stupidity.

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No - what I said to you is absolutely nothing what you said nor thought in your whole life. After I explained this to you you have now the first time the chance to think about. Thinking is a matter of chance.
And yet your 13.8 billion year timeframe reference still comes down to when matter was created. You may like to believe you are more than you really are but you are just one of God's creatures. You were created.
The Jews don't believe much of their own Bible (which is the same as we goyim's Bible). For example, they don't believe that the holocaust was part of God's punishment on them even though their own Bible clearly states that "and I will draw out the sword after them".

Strange - very very strange. You have absolutelly not any idea what you try to speak about.
And yet your 13.8 billion year timeframe reference still comes down to when matter was created. You may like to believe you are more than you really are but you are just one of God's creatures. You were created.
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We all should feel that way. That has nothing to do with our being rebels and at war with God.
I think that most in the Christian west believe they are blessed, if only because of their belief.
Are you speaking for the Jews?


The Jews are the people of god. Ask god why he decided to do so - and listen what he says to you with your 'outs of god'. Although this seems to be impossible I'm sure god will find a way to speak with you if he likes to tell you something. Not sure whether you will survive this.
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