Are Near Death Experiences And Views Of Heaven True?

A better question would be, how can a blind person describe what it is like to see for the first time in their lives since they have been blind since birth, but only after being revived from death
One little problem...their descriptions are still flawed and contain the omissions one would expect from a blind person who is describing something seen by their "mind's eye". As one would expect, the sources trying to convince others that these aremagical events leave out these details.

Near death experience is a misnomer. Most, if not all, the valid experiences occur during clinical death. People recall hovering over the scene, as an observer, watching the attempts to bring them back to life. They describe a bright light that they are strongly drawn to. Some see relatives that have died years before.

Are they real? I believe they are. You can believe whatever you want, because there is little evidence either way. One returnee did tell an attendant where his dropped pen got to, and he was covered with a sheet when the pen was dropped.

Some surgeons are so sure that these experiences are real that they place objects around the operating room to see if they are seen by a spirit hovering overhead.

I'm psychic. I can prove it. Simply by placing my hands of the computer monitor, I have determined that you are a Trump supporter!

Anyone with an open mind and common sense is a Trump supporter. I appreciate you recognizing that simple fact.
There is no evidence to show this is just a brain fart
Are you joking? ALL the evidence shows this is a physical phenonmenon in our brains. ALL of it. All thought and memory occurs in the brain. I dont think you understand the burden you carry. It us YOU who would have to produce evidence (and lots of it!) to the contrary, as ALL the available evidence shows not only that ALL thoughts and memory are physical phenomena occuring within the brain, but that humans are also prone to mistakes, prone to hallucination, prone to false memories, and prone to lying.

For instance: a surgeon swears up and down that a "dead" patient described his lunch last Tuesday. Would it make more sense to ignore ALLthe evidence and assume the patient had an out of body experience? Or would it be simpler and make more sense to assume the surgeon is simply lying?

It's no contest, sorry.
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A better question would be, how can a blind person describe what it is like to see for the first time in their lives since they have been blind since birth, but only after being revived from death
One little problem...their descriptions are still flawed and contain the omissions one would expect from a blind person who is describing something seen by their "mind's eye". As one would expect, the sources trying to convince others that these aremagical events leave out these details.

Near death experience is a misnomer. Most, if not all, the valid experiences occur during clinical death. People recall hovering over the scene, as an observer, watching the attempts to bring them back to life. They describe a bright light that they are strongly drawn to. Some see relatives that have died years before.

Are they real? I believe they are. You can believe whatever you want, because there is little evidence either way. One returnee did tell an attendant where his dropped pen got to, and he was covered with a sheet when the pen was dropped.

Some surgeons are so sure that these experiences are real that they place objects around the operating room to see if they are seen by a spirit hovering overhead.

I'm psychic. I can prove it. Simply by placing my hands of the computer monitor, I have determined that you are a Trump supporter!

Anyone with an open mind and common sense is a Trump supporter. I appreciate you recognizing that simple fact.

I scare myself with my amazing powers, sometimes!
For those who had them Yes. Many doctors hear these stories often and believe them. But they are reluctant to tell others about them. Here is one from an atheist who was transformed:

YouTube has many videos from NDE folk - some went on to write books & teach spiritual lessons.

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