Are people who vote differently from you evil?

Are people who vote differently from you evil?

  • I vote Democrat, those who vote Republican are within their rights

    Votes: 9 22.0%
  • I vote Democrat, those who vote Republican are misguided

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • I vote Democrat, those who vote Republican are evil

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • I vote Republican, those who vote Democrat are within their rights

    Votes: 8 19.5%
  • I vote Republican, those who vote Democrat are misguided

    Votes: 14 34.1%
  • I vote Republican, those who vote Democrat are evil

    Votes: 6 14.6%

  • Total voters
Many lower income whites do not vote. This is rarely because of indifference and ignorance. It is because of the knowledge that many Republican politicians would like to scale back domestic spending programs that benefit them, such a Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment compensation. Republican politicians are also opposed to raising the minimum wage and strengthening labor unions.

Lower income whites also know that many Democratic politicians lack their concerns about crime and immigration.

Yes Republicans have done a good job to convince these people both parties suck. And as long as they don't vote, Republicans are good with that. Just don't vote Democratic.

Us Democrats encourage them to vote because we assume if they're going to, it'll be for us. But I wasn't so sure the last 2 elections. I think a lot of poor whites voted for Trump because he was different and would fuck with the system. It was a great message. But then Trump used it anytime he didn't get his way or when he got caught breaking the law. Witch Hunt. Even when Republicans went after him, they were just deep state globalists.
Many lower income whites do not vote. This is rarely because of indifference and ignorance. It is because of the knowledge that many Republican politicians would like to scale back domestic spending programs that benefit them, such a Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment compensation. Republican politicians are also opposed to raising the minimum wage and strengthening labor unions.

Lower income whites also know that many Democratic politicians lack their concerns about crime and immigration.
How many of them voted Democrat this past midterm because of abortion? I bet a lot.
Yes Republicans have done a good job to convince these people both parties suck. And as long as they don't vote, Republicans are good with that. Just don't vote Democratic.

Us Democrats encourage them to vote because we assume if they're going to, it'll be for us. But I wasn't so sure the last 2 elections. I think a lot of poor whites voted for Trump because he was different and would fuck with the system. It was a great message. But then Trump used it anytime he didn't get his way or when he got caught breaking the law. Witch Hunt. Even when Republicans went after him, they were just deep state globalists.
If you have the opportunity ask a few white blue collar Republicans why they vote Republican. You may be surprised that they have good reasons. Before you do that, make it clear that you are not trying to start an argument; you want to learn from them.
This past election we heard that because Republicans know it's very unpopular to be a Republican and donate to the party, they donate DARK MONEY to Republicans and publicly to Democrats. So however much they show they gave to Democrats, you can be sure they give 8 x that to Republicans.

We should do away with Citizens United and then there would be no more dark money in politics.
Prove it! Where are your links to PROVE that Dem donors gave 8 times more to GOP?
You are making the claim the GOP donated to Democrats via the MSM?

The same group that as the attached point out DONATED 96% to Hillary she lost the MSM spent 4 years in a majority of negative news
CNN and NBC averaged 93% negative coverage of Trump’s first 100 days with CBS creeping behind with 91% negative coverage. The television networks do not have a monopoly on negative coverage. The two most notable anti-Trump newspaper outlets – – – the New York Times and the Washington Post – – – averaged 87% and 83% negative coverage respectively. God knows it will irritate the leftists to know the fairest news outlet with proportional negative and positive coverage was Fox News. Fair and balanced indeed.

But you know your stupidity is never more evident than your statement " there would be no more dark money in politics."
You are so dumb!

  • George Soros’ backed nonprofit invested at least $140 million into politically charged nonprofits just one year before the midterm elections.
  • Those donations are on top of the more than $170 million Soros personally contributed during the 2022 midterm election cycle to help Democratic campaigns and political action committees.
  • The Soros nonprofit separately donated approximately $60 million to charitable 501(c)(3)s which are prohibited from participating in politics.

And you think there will be no more dark money?????
How many of them voted Democrat this past midterm because of abortion? I bet a lot.
The Roe vs Wade Supreme Court Decision of 1973 led to the creation of the religious right. This is a political movement of largely lower middle class whites who usually know that they benefit from the economic reforms of the New Deal, along with Medicare.

Nevertheless, they vote Republican because social issues are more important to them.

The religious right is a large enough constituency to win tight elections for Republican politicians. Now that Trump has been instrumental in overturning Roe vs Wade, we can expect the religious right to continue to vote Republican, and elect Republican politicians.
If you have the opportunity ask a few white blue collar Republicans why they vote Republican. You may be surprised that they have good reasons. Before you do that, make it clear that you are not trying to start an argument; you want to learn from them.
I know a lot of union members who vote Republican. They aren't afraid their unions are going to be eliminated. They aren't worried their companies are going to go bankrupt and renig on their pensions.

Or a lot of them took the buy outs. My dad did. But Ford didn't go bankrupt like GM.

I'm constantly telling my former cop Republican friend he was in a union and has a pension coming. He's a government worker. Zero experience in the private sector. His father in law sold a big piece of commercial real estate and let him have a percent so he begs to differ but the reality is he does not appreciate his union and all that it got him. All while bragging to me he made close to 6 figures with overtime. And he now gets a pension for working 30 years. Do you get a pension? I don't get a pension.

So I know all the reason's he votes Republicans. Social wedge issues. But keep in mind we now know that even Fox News admits they've been lying to you guys all along. Maybe your take on things isn't as accurate as it should be. Just saying. What else have they been lying to you about?

So now my buddy ran for county clerk and he won. Now he makes close to 6 figures as the county clerk. Loves his political job. Government job. Loves it. And all he has to do is win one more 4 year term and he will get a pension for that too.

Isn't that nice? He can afford to vote GOP.

I wish they would take the pension away from him. Sorry, we're broke. Same excuse they gave us.
If you're young and don't vote Democrat you don't have a heart. If you're old and don't vote Republican you don't have a brain.

For you leftists, that means youth are unwise, and the left employs false and irrational narrations for sucking you in, and suck you in they've done.

Some people cannot figure that out, hence they have undeveloped brains, consistently demonstrated. Look at the left posters on this board for instance, it's not a mystery.
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If you're young and don't vote Democrat you don't have a heart. If you're old and don't vote Republican you don't have a brain.

For you leftists, that means youth are unwise, and the left employs false and irrational narrations for sucking you in, and suck you in they've done.

Some people cannot figure that out, hence they have undeveloped brains, consistently demonstrated. Look at the left posters on this board for instance, it's not a mystery.
I disagree. As we get older we become too set in our ways. We're also now part of the investor class, not the labor force. There's also that.

Thank God I'm 52 and still liberal.

You know educated people tend to be more liberal?

Rich people tend to be Republicans

Whites who are racist tend to vote GOP too. Conservatives.
"We should do away with Citizens United and then there would be no more dark money in politics."

I certainly agree with this part.

I do not agree at all, to assume that there was no dark money before Citizens United is nonsense, and to overturn that ruling would do nothing to stop dark money.

In modern times, nearly every election cycle has seen an increase in political spending, but there’s no indication that there’s a significant change in corporate spending since United. And the rules affecting independent spending by wealthy individuals, who are spending more, haven’t changed at all.

Indeed, much of the corporate influence peddling in Washington that has reformers concerned has nothing to with campaign spending. Most corporations spend far more on lobbying lawmakers already in Washington than they do in political spending to choose which politicians come to Washington.
I disagree. As we get older we become too set in our ways. We're also now part of the investor class, not the labor force. There's also that.

Thank God I'm 52 and still liberal.

You know educated people tend to be more liberal?

Rich people tend to be Republicans

Whites who are racist tend to vote GOP too. Conservatives.

If that's true why is it the most richest known people are all Democrats and even hard leftists?
If you're young and don't vote Democrat you don't have a heart. If you're old and don't vote Republican you don't have a brain.

For you leftists, that means youth are unwise, and the left employs false and irrational narrations for sucking you in, and suck you in they've done.

Some people cannot figure that out, hence they have undeveloped brains, consistently demonstrated. Look at the left posters on this board for instance, it's not a mystery.

It actually boils down to how weak the minds are. Weak minded people are easily brainwashed like the ones out of the indoctrination colleges. Stronger minded people snap out of the indoctrination, start thinking logically, and switch over to the Republican side.

Leftists politicians and policies are all lack of common sense, like saying a guy can be a girl if he only wears a dress. It defies common sense.
if the party you vote for wants to take away my Constitutionally protected freedoms, you are my enemy.

How come all the richest people I know are Republicans?

Most corporations CEO's are Republicans. Stop being stupid Ray.

I guess that depends on what you consider rich. The most wealthy are all Democrats. Would you like me to name some? And how do you know how any CEO votes?
I disagree. As we get older we become too set in our ways. We're also now part of the investor class, not the labor force. There's also that.

Thank God I'm 52 and still liberal.

You know educated people tend to be more liberal?

Rich people tend to be Republicans

Whites who are racist tend to vote GOP too. Conservatives.

I read "educated" people are more hip and rec'd a good brain washing via our shitty school systems.

And just because you're soft and lazy doesn't mean others in their 50s+ are. I'm rich but take care of my own thanks.

Blacks and whites who are racist tend to vote Democrack. You leftists like to ignore that, but remember, it was democracks who desired racism, and it's they who preach racism in the form of projection.

To me "52 and still liberal" means your brain never fully developed, and it's probably too late.

BTW, you're "educated" yet don't know Democrocs and liberalism are two different things. Purple hair doesn't make someone liberal, it just demonstrates a problem and dedication to the Demonicrats.
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I read "educated" people are more hip and rec'd a good brain washing via our shitty school systems.

And just because you're soft and lazy doesn't mean others in their 50s+ are. I'm rich but take care of my own thanks.

Blacks and whites who are racist tend to vote Democrack. You leftists like to ignore that, but remember, it was democracks who desired racism, and it's they who preach racism in the form of projection.

To me "52 and still liberal" means your brain never fully developed, and it's probably too late.

BTW, you're "educated" yet don't know Democrocs and liberalism are two different things. Purple hair doesn't make someone liberal, it just demonstrates a problem and dedication to the Demonicrats.

I'm both liberal and a Democrat. Show me how I'm not both. Show me I'm not a liberal.

Yes we understand you hate education. Because you aren't educated.

Blacks may be racist but can you blame them? And don't forget in 1959 you'd be a Democrat. You left the party when blacks started joining.

Not only am I old, I'm white, a male, no debt, educated, make good money, no kids to put through college. If you can't win me over you're doing a very poor job Republicans.

Fox proved something recently. They and all the other right wing sources are knowingly lying to you conservative Americans. Why? Because you aren't rich enough to vote GOP. If you knew the truth you'd be a Democrat.
I guess that depends on what you consider rich. The most wealthy are all Democrats. Would you like me to name some? And how do you know how any CEO votes?
Well first I want to know what their policies are. Look at Joe. Most of his policies are middle class first policies. Not trickle down. That's one thing.

Republicans passed and supported Citizens United. That put BIG MONEY more into politics not less. And dark money too. That's money you don't know who's getting it or where it's coming from. That's scary. Do you want to overturn Citizens United? Good!

3. When it comes down to it, the richest families in America tend to donate to Republican candidates. Forbes reported out of the 50 richest families in the United States, 28 donate to Republican candidates. Another seven donate to Democrats. Additionally, 15 of the richest families in the U.S. donate to both parties.

George Clooney is very liberal. Probably cares about the middle class and poor. Not afraid to pay more in taxes. Will Smith. JZ. Warren Buffet. But their policies say they care about the average people. Republicans think trickle down is best. And don't raise minimum wage. And unions are bad. Republicans are not the labor party.

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