Are republican voters really just a bunch of nihilists?

Nihilist is defined as somebody who believes in nothing. your own Jackass Party ACTUAL HISTORICAL RECORD reveals Democrats voted for EVERY ONE of the policies you blame on the other Party for tanking the economy.

so who are the ones who just spend their time bitching and dont really believe in anything you mindless moron?

lets do this; lets put up here RIGHT NOW a list of things you blame for tanking the economy, or things Democrats are supposedly against that they voted FOR; and a list of things Republicans say they are against but voted for; and let's see whose list is bigger ok?????
I have to say I just don't understand why anyone below the top 1% of earners vote republican. Republicans in office do nothing for the middle class and poor. I'm sure by now they would realize that Reagan economics has been proven over and over to be a failure. In terms of economics, there really isn't any reason to vote republican. Our crumbling infrastructure system is certainly a non issue with just about any republican. Of course if it was, they would favor a progressive tax system because that is the ONLY way to pay for fixing our infrastructure beyond racking up an even higher deficit.

I guess if you're immature enough to bitch about gay marriage then I can see why you would vote republican. You're all a bunch of middle schoolers trapped in adult bodies so of course you're going to vote for scumbags just as immature. For those that are pro-life, I can also at least comprehend why you vote republican because it is at least a divisive enough issue.

Beyond that, are the rest of you just nihilists? Rather than defend republicans, you just bitch about democrats. I mean my god why do you people even vote?
Government ---whether run by Democrats or Republicans, cannot create private jobs. They can only offer governmental jobs that are paid for through taxation. And this taken to it's ultimate conclusion means a socialist state where governmental officials become the controllers and manipulators of an economy that they ultimately OWN.
I have to say I just don't understand why anyone below the top 1% of earners vote republican. Republicans in office do nothing for the middle class and poor. I'm sure by now they would realize that Reagan economics has been proven over and over to be a failure. In terms of economics, there really isn't any reason to vote republican. Our crumbling infrastructure system is certainly a non issue with just about any republican. Of course if it was, they would favor a progressive tax system because that is the ONLY way to pay for fixing our infrastructure beyond racking up an even higher deficit.

I guess if you're immature enough to bitch about gay marriage then I can see why you would vote republican. You're all a bunch of middle schoolers trapped in adult bodies so of course you're going to vote for scumbags just as immature. For those that are pro-life, I can also at least comprehend why you vote republican because it is at least a divisive enough issue.

Beyond that, are the rest of you just nihilists? Rather than defend republicans, you just bitch about democrats. I mean my god why do you people even vote?
Government ---whether run by Democrats or Republicans, cannot create private jobs. They can only offer governmental jobs that are paid for through taxation. And this taken to it's ultimate conclusion means a socialist state where governmental officials become the controllers and manipulators of an economy that they ultimately OWN.
We are not headed that way.
I have to say I just don't understand why anyone below the top 1% of earners vote republican. Republicans in office do nothing for the middle class and poor. I'm sure by now they would realize that Reagan economics has been proven over and over to be a failure. In terms of economics, there really isn't any reason to vote republican. Our crumbling infrastructure system is certainly a non issue with just about any republican. Of course if it was, they would favor a progressive tax system because that is the ONLY way to pay for fixing our infrastructure beyond racking up an even higher deficit.

I guess if you're immature enough to bitch about gay marriage then I can see why you would vote republican. You're all a bunch of middle schoolers trapped in adult bodies so of course you're going to vote for scumbags just as immature. For those that are pro-life, I can also at least comprehend why you vote republican because it is at least a divisive enough issue.

Beyond that, are the rest of you just nihilists? Rather than defend republicans, you just bitch about democrats. I mean my god why do you people even vote?
I have to say I just don't understand why anyone below the top 1% of earners vote republican. Republicans in office do nothing for the middle class and poor. I'm sure by now they would realize that Reagan economics has been proven over and over to be a failure. In terms of economics, there really isn't any reason to vote republican. Our crumbling infrastructure system is certainly a non issue with just about any republican. Of course if it was, they would favor a progressive tax system because that is the ONLY way to pay for fixing our infrastructure beyond racking up an even higher deficit.

I guess if you're immature enough to bitch about gay marriage then I can see why you would vote republican. You're all a bunch of middle schoolers trapped in adult bodies so of course you're going to vote for scumbags just as immature. For those that are pro-life, I can also at least comprehend why you vote republican because it is at least a divisive enough issue.

Beyond that, are the rest of you just nihilists? Rather than defend republicans, you just bitch about democrats. I mean my god why do you people even vote?
Government ---whether run by Democrats or Republicans, cannot create private jobs. They can only offer governmental jobs that are paid for through taxation. And this taken to it's ultimate conclusion means a socialist state where governmental officials become the controllers and manipulators of an economy that they ultimately OWN.
We are not headed that way.

of course we are genius. you already give obama credit for "creating millions of jobs" even though they are private sector jobs.....................and you lament the fact that many of the pay so little they allow workers to stay on food stamps. if you guys had your way you would dictate the wages of workers too. IN FACT YOU ARE TRYING TO. So if you "create" the jobs and even dictate what they will be paid in jobs then how can you say you havent taken over the delivery AND MEANS OF PRODUCTION, which the definition of Socialism??????
The American Psychiatric Association categorizes Conservatism as a MENTAL ILLNESS.

Scientists have done MRI's on both Liberals and Conservatives and during interview questions while in the MRI machine, the brains of Conservatives light up in the area that deals with FEAR while the brains of Liberals don't.

Conservatives have a brain defect that makes them FEAR much more than normal people.

Righties think everyone is out to scroo them.
Righties think they are the only ones who work for their money.
Righties live in fear that they might have to pay a tax for something that helps OTHER people.

Righties can scream about this all they want but it is just the FACTS.


I have to say I just don't understand why anyone below the top 1% of earners vote republican. Republicans in office do nothing for the middle class and poor. I'm sure by now they would realize that Reagan economics has been proven over and over to be a failure. In terms of economics, there really isn't any reason to vote republican. Our crumbling infrastructure system is certainly a non issue with just about any republican. Of course if it was, they would favor a progressive tax system because that is the ONLY way to pay for fixing our infrastructure beyond racking up an even higher deficit.

I guess if you're immature enough to bitch about gay marriage then I can see why you would vote republican. You're all a bunch of middle schoolers trapped in adult bodies so of course you're going to vote for scumbags just as immature. For those that are pro-life, I can also at least comprehend why you vote republican because it is at least a divisive enough issue.

Beyond that, are the rest of you just nihilists? Rather than defend republicans, you just bitch about democrats. I mean my god why do you people even vote?
The American Psychiatric Association categorizes Conservatism as a MENTAL ILLNESS.

Scientists have done MRI's on both Liberals and Conservatives and during interview questions while in the MRI machine, the brains of Conservatives light up in the area that deals with FEAR while the brains of Liberals don't.

Conservatives have a brain defect that makes them FEAR much more than normal people.

Righties think everyone is out to scroo them.
Righties think they are the only ones who work for their money.
Righties live in fear that they might have to pay a tax for something that helps OTHER people.

Righties can scream about this all they want but it is just the FACTS.


I have to say I just don't understand why anyone below the top 1% of earners vote republican. Republicans in office do nothing for the middle class and poor. I'm sure by now they would realize that Reagan economics has been proven over and over to be a failure. In terms of economics, there really isn't any reason to vote republican. Our crumbling infrastructure system is certainly a non issue with just about any republican. Of course if it was, they would favor a progressive tax system because that is the ONLY way to pay for fixing our infrastructure beyond racking up an even higher deficit.

I guess if you're immature enough to bitch about gay marriage then I can see why you would vote republican. You're all a bunch of middle schoolers trapped in adult bodies so of course you're going to vote for scumbags just as immature. For those that are pro-life, I can also at least comprehend why you vote republican because it is at least a divisive enough issue.

Beyond that, are the rest of you just nihilists? Rather than defend republicans, you just bitch about democrats. I mean my god why do you people even vote?

no they dont you mindless idiot. and you cant back that up

geesh what a loser!
you fear conservatives. even your so-called brilliant Messiah and community organizer does poor mindless left-wing moron. That's why he trumped-up charges of sedition against a Fox News reporter so ludicrous they had to be dropped.

you say you dont have fear; yet you demonize people in revolutionary war costumes who just want lower taxes and fiscal sanity as some kind of domestic terrorists even though they havent done anything to anybody

ur a joke arizona willie; one of a legion of losers projecting his own intolerance and brainwashed rabid partisanship onto others
if you had any "facts" you would provide them. your "facts" are pseudo-intellectual junk-science spoon-fed to you by people that know you will fall for their stupidity hook, line, and sinker; poor mindless Gruberite. their "studies" start out with the CONCLUSION they ALREADY WANTED AND CAME TO, and work their way backward trying to "prove" it.

they have their own agenda and you are their useful idiot here to regurgitate it for them; dullard
Personally I have always been better off financially with a Republican President than under a Democrat President.
YOU do realize Bill and Hillary Clinton are the TOP 1/10th of 1% right?
Ok and?
They are NOT republicans. Nor are they conservatives. neither are Bill Gates, George Soros, The Kennedys. Etc etc.....
I still dont understand the point. No one ever said dems weren't rich.

It's about the left who say the rich don't pay their fair share which is not true.
They pay their fair share and then some.
Claim That Rich Don't Pay Enough Based on Perception, Not Fact - US News
We've all heard Warren Buffet say the rich pay a lower average tax rate than their secretaries. Hence, true fairness would mean the rich pay more of their income in taxes. Again, according to the IRS, the top 1 percent had an average tax rate of 24 percent; the top 10 percent 18 percent; and the top half of taxpayers had an average tax rate of 12.5 percent.

OK, but what about millionaires? Surely they can't be paying their fair share? Well, according to the IRS, this group accounts for just over 9 percent of the total income reported, but pays over 20 percent of all federal income taxes.
Bottom line: The claim that the rich do not pay their fair share, and pay less in taxes than those at lower income levels, is completely inaccurate. In politics, perception often counts more than reality. As the late Democratic Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously stated: "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."
We vote because if you socialist idiots win we are saddled with nothing but poverty. You always claim prosperity by taxing someone else but that never happens. Look at Venezuela they did the same thing and can't even get toilet paper to wipe their asses now. That's socialism. That's relying on taking from someone else for your benefit and ability to not work.

By voting Republican, you are saddled with poverty for all but the top 5%. Wages have stagnated and wealth has steadily flowed to the top since Reagan reworked the tax code.

The New Deal tax code instituted by Roosevelt and in place until 1980 helped all Americans to prosper.

I love how you use the least successful socialist countries for you examples. Try Canada, the Scandinavian Countries, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, any of those socialist hellholes with their higher quality of life, health and well being.

Wages stagnated because Democrats are ushering in all these foreigners who take jobs for less money than what Americans will work for. Democrats are counting the votes already as they push to eventually make these Hispanics legal while selling out America. It's why we are turning into a bilingual nation.

95% of this country is not in poverty, it's no wonder you're a liberal. People are doing better with Santa Clause in the White House than they can do working. They have their HUD house in the suburbs, their Obama Phone, their SNAP's card, free medical care. Why work?

Now we have over 93 million Americans of working age not working. This is the most since the early 70's.
Such a stupid statement.^^

We have maybe 80 million more in the country than 40 years ago. How many are retired? How many are disabled? How many are in school?

Yeah, we didn't have retired people, disabled or people in school back then. And you say my statement is stupid?
We vote because if you socialist idiots win we are saddled with nothing but poverty. You always claim prosperity by taxing someone else but that never happens. Look at Venezuela they did the same thing and can't even get toilet paper to wipe their asses now. That's socialism. That's relying on taking from someone else for your benefit and ability to not work.

By voting Republican, you are saddled with poverty for all but the top 5%. Wages have stagnated and wealth has steadily flowed to the top since Reagan reworked the tax code.

The New Deal tax code instituted by Roosevelt and in place until 1980 helped all Americans to prosper.

I love how you use the least successful socialist countries for you examples. Try Canada, the Scandinavian Countries, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, any of those socialist hellholes with their higher quality of life, health and well being.

Wages stagnated because Democrats are ushering in all these foreigners who take jobs for less money than what Americans will work for. Democrats are counting the votes already as they push to eventually make these Hispanics legal while selling out America. It's why we are turning into a bilingual nation.

95% of this country is not in poverty, it's no wonder you're a liberal. People are doing better with Santa Clause in the White House than they can do working. They have their HUD house in the suburbs, their Obama Phone, their SNAP's card, free medical care. Why work?

Now we have over 93 million Americans of working age not working. This is the most since the early 70's.
Such a stupid statement.^^

We have maybe 80 million more in the country than 40 years ago. How many are retired? How many are disabled? How many are in school?

Yeah, we didn't have retired people, disabled or people in school back then. And you say my statement is stupid?
And so is the one ^above immediately.
I didn't say 95% of the country is in poverty. I said that wages are stagnant and their wealth is being reduced.

Actually my percentage is off. According to census figures that came out in the past few days, 10% of Americans are prospering. The remaining 90% are losing ground and the 60% in the middle are losing the most ground.

The myth of free stuff, is another Republican lie. People don't vote Democrat for free stuff, they vote Democrat because they're smart enough to know that the Republicans will just make things worse.

The percentage of non-working adults is high right now for the same reason as in the 70's: Baby Boomers.

In the 70's they were still in school, and now they're retiring.

If you just mindlessly quote statistics without looking at root causes, you can be fooled into believing anything.

Me? Not really, especially when you make a statement like you didn't say 95% of the people in this country are in poverty:

We vote because if you socialist idiots win we are saddled with nothing but poverty. You always claim prosperity by taxing someone else but that never happens. Look at Venezuela they did the same thing and can't even get toilet paper to wipe their asses now. That's socialism. That's relying on taking from someone else for your benefit and ability to not work.

By voting Republican, you are saddled with poverty for all but the top 5%.

And yes, look into why we have so many people out of work. In fact, dig up the CNN report and read what it says. People are not working because it doesn't pay to work when compared to the dole. Why does it not pay to work? Because we have Democrats ushering in foreigners that keep wages down. Why would Democrats do that? Because statistically, Hispanics vote Democrat, and bringing in as many as they can into this country cheats the elections.
We have maybe 80 million more in the country than 40 years ago. How many are retired? How many are disabled? How many are in school?

Yeah, we didn't have retired people, disabled or people in school back then. And you say my statement is stupid?[/QUOTE]

You didn't have the largest demographic group in history working back then - the Baby Boomers, who were just entering the workforce. That's why the numbers were so large then. Now the Boomers are retiring in large numbers and once again affecting the numbers of adults not in the work force. Like a pig moving through an anaconda, the Boomers needs have created market bulges throughout their lives - the housing boom of the 70's, the investment boom of the 80's, and now the retirement housing needs are just starting to explode now.
Ray from Cleveland is a concrete learner. He cannot abstract. He does not understand we have 80 million more people, more people retiring than ever, more people in college than ever, more people disabled than ever.

He simply can't grasp times change.

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