Are republican voters really just a bunch of nihilists?

I could swear I've heard this OP somewhere before. Oh yeah, about a thousand times in the 60's.
Well the truth doesnt change over the decades.
Time to move on, Bud. But thanks for confirming.
Move onto what? You haven't explained why I wrong.
We don't prove negatives here. You don't get to come on here and spew your tiny mind thoughts and then demand others who have a different point of view, prove a negative.
Better go talk to Redfish. :lol: Or Correll. Or you.
We vote because if you socialist idiots win we are saddled with nothing but poverty. You always claim prosperity by taxing someone else but that never happens. Look at Venezuela they did the same thing and can't even get toilet paper to wipe their asses now. That's socialism. That's relying on taking from someone else for your benefit and ability to not work.

By voting Republican, you are saddled with poverty for all but the top 5%. Wages have stagnated and wealth has steadily flowed to the top since Reagan reworked the tax code.

The New Deal tax code instituted by Roosevelt and in place until 1980 helped all Americans to prosper.

I love how you use the least successful socialist countries for you examples. Try Canada, the Scandinavian Countries, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, any of those socialist hellholes with their higher quality of life, health and well being.
The New Deal kept the US in thew Great Depression far longer than it should have. But for our entry into WW II, the US economy would have continued to struggle under the weight of massive government debt brought on by the grossly irresponsible spending under FDR and Truman...Those New Deal programs should have been discontinued once they had served their purpose
Slavery, anti-democratic hatred, property restrictions, anti-female, anti-Native American, fugitive slave laws.

Yeah, we want to conserve the Founders' thinking if its expanding the franchising and opening the American dream to everyone.
We vote because if you socialist idiots win we are saddled with nothing but poverty. You always claim prosperity by taxing someone else but that never happens. Look at Venezuela they did the same thing and can't even get toilet paper to wipe their asses now. That's socialism. That's relying on taking from someone else for your benefit and ability to not work.

By voting Republican, you are saddled with poverty for all but the top 5%. Wages have stagnated and wealth has steadily flowed to the top since Reagan reworked the tax code.

The New Deal tax code instituted by Roosevelt and in place until 1980 helped all Americans to prosper.

I love how you use the least successful socialist countries for you examples. Try Canada, the Scandinavian Countries, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, any of those socialist hellholes with their higher quality of life, health and well being.
The New Deal kept the US in thew Great Depression far longer than it should have. But for our entry into WW II, the US economy would have continued to struggle under the weight of massive government debt brought on by the grossly irresponsible spending under FDR and Truman...Those New Deal programs should have been discontinued once they had served their purpose
That's an assertion. Prove it.
I have to say I just don't understand why anyone below the top 1% of earners vote republican.

One does not need to be in the top 1% to desire the opportunity to make an honest living, and to therefore prefer the party whose policies have the intent and effect of making these opportunities more plentiful, over the party that just wants to take from a dwindling number of productive workers in order to give handouts to the idle and lazy.

Republicans don't want you to make an honest living. They want to reward the wealthy and ensure that all of the profits of your labour flow to the wealthy. That's why they resist raising the minimum wage and prefer that low incomes be supplemented by handouts.

It's Republican policy to keep wages at the lowest possible levels so business owners can keep more of their profits while wages are subsidized by taxpayers.

And then distract you from this corporate welfare with gay marriage, abortion, and welfare queens so you don't notice what they're doing.
QUICK....Where's my.......:bsflag:Ahh, there it is..
Keep making up shit ya blue haired old biddy....Go take up knitting.
I have to say I just don't understand why anyone below the top 1% of earners vote republican. Republicans in office do nothing for the middle class and poor. I'm sure by now they would realize that Reagan economics has been proven over and over to be a failure. In terms of economics, there really isn't any reason to vote republican. Our crumbling infrastructure system is certainly a non issue with just about any republican. Of course if it was, they would favor a progressive tax system because that is the ONLY way to pay for fixing our infrastructure beyond racking up an even higher deficit.

I guess if you're immature enough to bitch about gay marriage then I can see why you would vote republican. You're all a bunch of middle schoolers trapped in adult bodies so of course you're going to vote for scumbags just as immature. For those that are pro-life, I can also at least comprehend why you vote republican because it is at least a divisive enough issue.

Beyond that, are the rest of you just nihilists? Rather than defend republicans, you just bitch about democrats. I mean my god why do you people even vote?

You are right of course, the Republican masses vote against their own best interests all the time. To understand why you need not look any further than con-media. It is 24/7
'life is miserable and its all THEIR fault'. Con-media has basically created a cult where its always 'us vs them' and it is always a 'crisis' and 'this election is the turning point', and 'its a war on... fill in the blank'.

Con-media keeps conservatives perpetually scared, and via that fear angry and they focus that anger on whatever target they choose. Its the same model used by televangelists to rape people of their money, only televangelists don't have much need to make people angry in general, they just want them scared.

It is sad to watch, it really is, but most conservatives caught in this brainwash-fest don't realize what has happened to them and in fact are angry, as directed, at anyone outside their bubble who casts any negative light on the inside of the bubble.

The reactions and actions of people stuck in a cult.
We vote because if you socialist idiots win we are saddled with nothing but poverty. You always claim prosperity by taxing someone else but that never happens. Look at Venezuela they did the same thing and can't even get toilet paper to wipe their asses now. That's socialism. That's relying on taking from someone else for your benefit and ability to not work.

By voting Republican, you are saddled with poverty for all but the top 5%. Wages have stagnated and wealth has steadily flowed to the top since Reagan reworked the tax code.

The New Deal tax code instituted by Roosevelt and in place until 1980 helped all Americans to prosper.

I love how you use the least successful socialist countries for you examples. Try Canada, the Scandinavian Countries, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, any of those socialist hellholes with their higher quality of life, health and well being.
The New Deal kept the US in thew Great Depression far longer than it should have. But for our entry into WW II, the US economy would have continued to struggle under the weight of massive government debt brought on by the grossly irresponsible spending under FDR and Truman...Those New Deal programs should have been discontinued once they had served their purpose
That's an assertion. Prove it.
Yer fuckin kidding me, right?....
Well, you asked for it butt lick.
UCLA.....Not exactly a bastion of conservatism....
How Government Prolonged the Depression
THOMAS SOWELL: FDR’s policies prolonged Great Depression
Next time you want your ass kicked, let me know
Yes, it does. Historically each time taxes were increased the net result was slower economy and lowered revenues.
History also shows that no modern civilization has been able to tax itself into prosperity.
Face fact...Your perception of taxation is for the purpose of punishment. Typical left wing class envy bullshit.
If you are enamored with high taxes, move to Europe. And don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

You may be pleased to know that making use of established Democrat/Liberal/Wrong-Wing/Keynesian principles, I have created a source of unlimited, free energy.

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YOU do realize Bill and Hillary Clinton are the TOP 1/10th of 1% right?
We did great under bill. The only thing I don't like about bill is that he went along with the GOP way too much. The Clinton's are master triangulators/negotiators. Hillary will get it done.

So realize your argument is that the Clinton's are too much like Republicans. If we choose Bernie it will be because anything that resembles Republican is repulsive to us.
I have to say I just don't understand why anyone below the top 1% of earners vote republican. Republicans in office do nothing for the middle class and poor. I'm sure by now they would realize that Reagan economics has been proven over and over to be a failure. In terms of economics, there really isn't any reason to vote republican. Our crumbling infrastructure system is certainly a non issue with just about any republican. Of course if it was, they would favor a progressive tax system because that is the ONLY way to pay for fixing our infrastructure beyond racking up an even higher deficit.

I guess if you're immature enough to bitch about gay marriage then I can see why you would vote republican. You're all a bunch of middle schoolers trapped in adult bodies so of course you're going to vote for scumbags just as immature. For those that are pro-life, I can also at least comprehend why you vote republican because it is at least a divisive enough issue.

Beyond that, are the rest of you just nihilists? Rather than defend republicans, you just bitch about democrats. I mean my god why do you people even vote?

You are right of course, the Republican masses vote against their own best interests all the time. To understand why you need not look any further than con-media. It is 24/7
'life is miserable and its all THEIR fault'. Con-media has basically created a cult where its always 'us vs them' and it is always a 'crisis' and 'this election is the turning point', and 'its a war on... fill in the blank'.

Con-media keeps conservatives perpetually scared, and via that fear angry and they focus that anger on whatever target they choose. Its the same model used by televangelists to rape people of their money, only televangelists don't have much need to make people angry in general, they just want them scared.

It is sad to watch, it really is, but most conservatives caught in this brainwash-fest don't realize what has happened to them and in fact are angry, as directed, at anyone outside their bubble who casts any negative light on the inside of the bubble.

The reactions and actions of people stuck in a cult.
Wow.....just wow.
I guess since you are the smartest person on the planet, we conservatives should just convert to liberalism.....Would that please you?....Everyone thinking the same?
No political or ideological differences? "No discussion or debate?
We vote because if you socialist idiots win we are saddled with nothing but poverty. You always claim prosperity by taxing someone else but that never happens. Look at Venezuela they did the same thing and can't even get toilet paper to wipe their asses now. That's socialism. That's relying on taking from someone else for your benefit and ability to not work.

By voting Republican, you are saddled with poverty for all but the top 5%. Wages have stagnated and wealth has steadily flowed to the top since Reagan reworked the tax code.

The New Deal tax code instituted by Roosevelt and in place until 1980 helped all Americans to prosper.

I love how you use the least successful socialist countries for you examples. Try Canada, the Scandinavian Countries, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, any of those socialist hellholes with their higher quality of life, health and well being.
The New Deal kept the US in thew Great Depression far longer than it should have. But for our entry into WW II, the US economy would have continued to struggle under the weight of massive government debt brought on by the grossly irresponsible spending under FDR and Truman...Those New Deal programs should have been discontinued once they had served their purpose
That's an assertion. Prove it.
Yer fuckin kidding me, right?....
Well, you asked for it butt lick.
UCLA.....Not exactly a bastion of conservatism....
How Government Prolonged the Depression
THOMAS SOWELL: FDR’s policies prolonged Great Depression
Next time you want your ass kicked, let me know
You guys are masters of re writing history. Spin.
I have to say I just don't understand why anyone below the top 1% of earners vote republican. Republicans in office do nothing for the middle class and poor. I'm sure by now they would realize that Reagan economics has been proven over and over to be a failure. In terms of economics, there really isn't any reason to vote republican. Our crumbling infrastructure system is certainly a non issue with just about any republican. Of course if it was, they would favor a progressive tax system because that is the ONLY way to pay for fixing our infrastructure beyond racking up an even higher deficit.

I guess if you're immature enough to bitch about gay marriage then I can see why you would vote republican. You're all a bunch of middle schoolers trapped in adult bodies so of course you're going to vote for scumbags just as immature. For those that are pro-life, I can also at least comprehend why you vote republican because it is at least a divisive enough issue.

Beyond that, are the rest of you just nihilists? Rather than defend republicans, you just bitch about democrats. I mean my god why do you people even vote?

You are right of course, the Republican masses vote against their own best interests all the time. To understand why you need not look any further than con-media. It is 24/7

Did you ever consider when looking at our debt, our deficit, our future, that perhaps maybe.....just maybe.....there are TOO MANY people voting for their best interest instead of the best interest of our country?

Maybe if you liberals and some conservatives would quit voting for what's in it for you, we might have a better country.
Sowell is a far right silly. Ohanian and Cole are great admirers of Paul Krugman.

And your two far righties at UCLA assert, "We found that a relapse isn't likely unless lawmakers gum up a recovery with ill-conceived stimulus policies. . . . "So he came up with a recovery package that would be unimaginable today, allowing businesses in every industry to collude without the threat of antitrust prosecution and workers to demand salaries about 25 percent above where they ought to have been, given market forces. The economy was poised for a beautiful recovery, but that recovery was stalled by these misguided policies."

There could be no "beautiful recovery" because there were no real customers. What they fail to tell you is that prices were unable to rise under any program until government (whether Germany, Italy, Japan and the finally the West and the US) were to place war orders that stimulated all of the economies, led to full employment, and growing prices.

And notice, yes, the governments were creating jobs.
I have to say I just don't understand why anyone below the top 1% of earners vote republican. Republicans in office do nothing for the middle class and poor. I'm sure by now they would realize that Reagan economics has been proven over and over to be a failure. In terms of economics, there really isn't any reason to vote republican. Our crumbling infrastructure system is certainly a non issue with just about any republican. Of course if it was, they would favor a progressive tax system because that is the ONLY way to pay for fixing our infrastructure beyond racking up an even higher deficit.

I guess if you're immature enough to bitch about gay marriage then I can see why you would vote republican. You're all a bunch of middle schoolers trapped in adult bodies so of course you're going to vote for scumbags just as immature. For those that are pro-life, I can also at least comprehend why you vote republican because it is at least a divisive enough issue.

Beyond that, are the rest of you just nihilists? Rather than defend republicans, you just bitch about democrats. I mean my god why do you people even vote?

You are right of course, the Republican masses vote against their own best interests all the time. To understand why you need not look any further than con-media. It is 24/7
'life is miserable and its all THEIR fault'. Con-media has basically created a cult where its always 'us vs them' and it is always a 'crisis' and 'this election is the turning point', and 'its a war on... fill in the blank'.

Con-media keeps conservatives perpetually scared, and via that fear angry and they focus that anger on whatever target they choose. Its the same model used by televangelists to rape people of their money, only televangelists don't have much need to make people angry in general, they just want them scared.

It is sad to watch, it really is, but most conservatives caught in this brainwash-fest don't realize what has happened to them and in fact are angry, as directed, at anyone outside their bubble who casts any negative light on the inside of the bubble.

The reactions and actions of people stuck in a cult.
Wow.....just wow.
I guess since you are the smartest person on the planet, we conservatives should just convert to liberalism.....Would that please you?....Everyone thinking the same?
No political or ideological differences? "No discussion or debate?
Ever see 12 angry men? Republicans were the dicks in that room.
Yes, it does. Historically each time taxes were increased the net result was slower economy and lowered revenues.
History also shows that no modern civilization has been able to tax itself into prosperity.
Face fact...Your perception of taxation is for the purpose of punishment. Typical left wing class envy bullshit.
If you are enamored with high taxes, move to Europe. And don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

You may be pleased to know that making use of established Democrat/Liberal/Wrong-Wing/Keynesian principles, I have created a source of unlimited free energy.

View attachment 50629
I have to say I just don't understand why anyone below the top 1% of earners vote republican. Republicans in office do nothing for the middle class and poor. I'm sure by now they would realize that Reagan economics has been proven over and over to be a failure. In terms of economics, there really isn't any reason to vote republican. Our crumbling infrastructure system is certainly a non issue with just about any republican. Of course if it was, they would favor a progressive tax system because that is the ONLY way to pay for fixing our infrastructure beyond racking up an even higher deficit.

I guess if you're immature enough to bitch about gay marriage then I can see why you would vote republican. You're all a bunch of middle schoolers trapped in adult bodies so of course you're going to vote for scumbags just as immature. For those that are pro-life, I can also at least comprehend why you vote republican because it is at least a divisive enough issue.

Beyond that, are the rest of you just nihilists? Rather than defend republicans, you just bitch about democrats. I mean my god why do you people even vote?

You are right of course, the Republican masses vote against their own best interests all the time. To understand why you need not look any further than con-media. It is 24/7
'life is miserable and its all THEIR fault'. Con-media has basically created a cult where its always 'us vs them' and it is always a 'crisis' and 'this election is the turning point', and 'its a war on... fill in the blank'.

Con-media keeps conservatives perpetually scared, and via that fear angry and they focus that anger on whatever target they choose. Its the same model used by televangelists to rape people of their money, only televangelists don't have much need to make people angry in general, they just want them scared.

It is sad to watch, it really is, but most conservatives caught in this brainwash-fest don't realize what has happened to them and in fact are angry, as directed, at anyone outside their bubble who casts any negative light on the inside of the bubble.

The reactions and actions of people stuck in a cult.
Wow.....just wow.
I guess since you are the smartest person on the planet, we conservatives should just convert to liberalism.....Would that please you?....Everyone thinking the same?
No political or ideological differences? "No discussion or debate?
Ever see 12 angry men? Republicans were the dicks in that room.
Oh really? A fucking movie?....BTW, YOU not only have a dick. You are a dick.
And, you could not think your way out of a wet paper bag if you were spotted the open end.
In fact your IQ could not scare a freezer thermometer.
I have to say I just don't understand why anyone below the top 1% of earners vote republican. Republicans in office do nothing for the middle class and poor. I'm sure by now they would realize that Reagan economics has been proven over and over to be a failure. In terms of economics, there really isn't any reason to vote republican. Our crumbling infrastructure system is certainly a non issue with just about any republican. Of course if it was, they would favor a progressive tax system because that is the ONLY way to pay for fixing our infrastructure beyond racking up an even higher deficit.

I guess if you're immature enough to bitch about gay marriage then I can see why you would vote republican. You're all a bunch of middle schoolers trapped in adult bodies so of course you're going to vote for scumbags just as immature. For those that are pro-life, I can also at least comprehend why you vote republican because it is at least a divisive enough issue.

Beyond that, are the rest of you just nihilists? Rather than defend republicans, you just bitch about democrats. I mean my god why do you people even vote?

You are right of course, the Republican masses vote against their own best interests all the time. To understand why you need not look any further than con-media. It is 24/7

Did you ever consider when looking at our debt, our deficit, our future, that perhaps maybe.....just maybe.....there are TOO MANY people voting for their best interest instead of the best interest of our country?

Maybe if you liberals and some conservatives would quit voting for what's in it for you, we might have a better country.

So you take a statement and twist it to fit your agenda. Con-media 101. You'd fit right in at Faux News. Do you fight on the front lines during the yearly 3 months of the 'War on Christmas'? That is a strange war, no fighting for 9 months out of the year. I guess its hard to get people riled up after New Years, what with the holidays being over and all. Can you call it a war though if it only lasts as long as Santa is on his way?

So, try again, what did you think I really meant by conservatives vote against their own best interests, aside from the hyperbole.

Or do I have to get out the Festivus pole.
YOU do realize Bill and Hillary Clinton are the TOP 1/10th of 1% right?
We did great under bill. The only thing I don't like about bill is that he went along with the GOP way too much. The Clinton's are master triangulators/negotiators. Hillary will get it done.

So realize your argument is that the Clinton's are too much like Republicans. If we choose Bernie it will be because anything that resembles Republican is repulsive to us.
Not the Clinton's....Just WJ Clinton.
Hildabeast is a card carrying liberal.... She is an elitist who cares only for her own personal gain. She doesn't give shit about you or anyone else but herself.
Lemme ask, in the absence of TV cameras or any media presence, you walk up to her and introduce yourself as a fan and supporter, just what do you think hillary would do?
If you think she would so much as acknowledge your presence except to sneer at you for having the nerve to address her without an appointment, you're nuts.
Yeah, I read that book.
I have to say I just don't understand why anyone below the top 1% of earners vote republican. Republicans in office do nothing for the middle class and poor. I'm sure by now they would realize that Reagan economics has been proven over and over to be a failure. In terms of economics, there really isn't any reason to vote republican. Our crumbling infrastructure system is certainly a non issue with just about any republican. Of course if it was, they would favor a progressive tax system because that is the ONLY way to pay for fixing our infrastructure beyond racking up an even higher deficit.

I guess if you're immature enough to bitch about gay marriage then I can see why you would vote republican. You're all a bunch of middle schoolers trapped in adult bodies so of course you're going to vote for scumbags just as immature. For those that are pro-life, I can also at least comprehend why you vote republican because it is at least a divisive enough issue.

Beyond that, are the rest of you just nihilists? Rather than defend republicans, you just bitch about democrats. I mean my god why do you people even vote?

You are right of course, the Republican masses vote against their own best interests all the time. To understand why you need not look any further than con-media. It is 24/7

Did you ever consider when looking at our debt, our deficit, our future, that perhaps maybe.....just maybe.....there are TOO MANY people voting for their best interest instead of the best interest of our country?

Maybe if you liberals and some conservatives would quit voting for what's in it for you, we might have a better country.

So you take a statement and twist it to fit your agenda. Con-media 101. You'd fit right in at Faux News. Do you fight on the front lines during the yearly 3 months of the 'War on Christmas'? That is a strange war, no fighting for 9 months out of the year. I guess its hard to get people riled up after New Years, what with the holidays being over and all. Can you call it a war though if it only lasts as long as Santa is on his way?

So, try again, what did you think I really meant by conservatives vote against their own best interests, aside from the hyperbole.

Or do I have to get out the Festivus pole.
Blah blah blah....
Republicans are Nihilists? Now that's one I haven't heard before so you get points for originality if not accuracy. You seem to be enamored with Democratic policies that have resulted in decades of generational welfare. Yet you rail against those that say "This ain't working, let's try a different approach". That is not Nihilism, that is American optimism. Democrats use fear, division and Racism to control the poor.

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