Are Republicans Anti-Vaccine?

I am absolutely against vaccines and they will have to strap me down
and give me the vaccine against my will

For the love of God, if people with critical thinking skills
would just start doing their homework.....

If people would just start using their brains

Nothing, absolutely NOTHING about the 'virus' is normal
The timing, the spread, the reaction, the lies, the shifting
the lockdowns, the everything

It doesn't make logical sense unless you see it logically from another set of eyes
ya, thank god pandemics are not normal. No this is not normal it is a once per hundred year event. As far as vaccines go it is prudent to allow them to go through the normal testing period. How ever saying I would have to be tied down is a bit stupid. I assume you are a loon against all vaccines. At this point the virus is not deadly enough to take an unproven vaccine but if it were to mutate and become more deadly then one has to consider alternatives that minimize risk.
Anyone with common sense would be wary (not weary) of a vaccine for COVID-19. First of all it typically takes years, not months to develop vaccines. Secondly flu vaccines suck. They often GIVE YOU THE FLU. Why should anyone believe a COVID-19 vaccine would be any better?
Drumpftards dont have common sense. However, you guys are all down for drinking some aquarium cleaner if Drumpf says so.
FYI the aquarium cleaner incident is now a Homicide investigation and the lady who handed the aquarium cleaner cocktail to her husband is a Democratic donor and the focus of the investigation.
Democrat or Republican donor? Guess what the last time I ran for election when I looked at the campaign finace reports the list of doners out side of my family were identical. Every last donor played both sides the fence. Kinda made me sick to my stomache. You would think you could tell the political leanings by the money they donate but you can not. The real game is they contribute to both sides and expect both sides to be beholden to them. I feel cleaner at the end of the day covered in fish guts than I did in my former proffession. At the end of the day when my boat is cleaned I typically stop and get a chocolate cone and the line to the window parts like the red sea due to my fish smell and the young ladies at the counter already have my cone waiting for me. My new life is much better. My new life I am typically only focused on making six people happy at a time. Shit load easier than making an entire county happy. I get my daily bag limit I am a hero. If not I encourage them to drink more and I am still a hero for having them on the lake all day. Life will be fucking good when this shit is over and I can fill boats again.
I have no opinion on the subject. I have never taken a flu shot and I seldom get sick.
Things may change as I age but at this point it isn't a priority for me.
What makes a Republican so weary about a Covid 19 vaccine?

"A new Morning Consult poll shows that while 64 percent of Americans would get a vaccine if it were available, there is a significant variation across political parties. 20 percent of Republicans say they will not accept the vaccine, versus only 7 percent of Democrats who say the same."

I don't take flu shots now because they give me the flu. I stopped taking them in 1970 because I don't think they really know much about viral infections. So why in hell would I take a vaccine the peckerwoods rushed to market with for purely financial and political reasons?
So you disagree that the trumped up drug Trump spewed would be a no go if you needed it? What do you have to lose?
My life, stupid. What did I say? I said they don't know fuck all about viral infections. They can't even cure a common head cold. When it comes to viral infections they're really no better than witch doctors out in the African jungle.
damn. that's super retahded.
What makes a Republican so weary about a Covid 19 vaccine?

"A new Morning Consult poll shows that while 64 percent of Americans would get a vaccine if it were available, there is a significant variation across political parties. 20 percent of Republicans say they will not accept the vaccine, versus only 7 percent of Democrats who say the same."

Oh no. I'll be at the head of the line to get vaccinated but I'm not a republican.
Republicans? This is a pure Alinsky argument. Democrats were against any effort to use drugs to combat the infestion. The (republican) President is pushing for a vaccine while the democrat majority in congress whines about it.
I am absolutely against vaccines and they will have to strap me down
and give me the vaccine against my will

For the love of God, if people with critical thinking skills
would just start doing their homework.....

If people would just start using their brains

Nothing, absolutely NOTHING about the 'virus' is normal
The timing, the spread, the reaction, the lies, the shifting
the lockdowns, the everything

It doesn't make logical sense unless you see it logically from another set of eyes
ya, thank god pandemics are not normal. No this is not normal it is a once per hundred year event. As far as vaccines go it is prudent to allow them to go through the normal testing period. How ever saying I would have to be tied down is a bit stupid. I assume you are a loon against all vaccines. At this point the virus is not deadly enough to take an unproven vaccine but if it were to mutate and become more deadly then one has to consider alternatives that minimize risk.
Hey assfuck....answer me this

What was different this flu season?

The virus strain they used in the flu shot

They not only used a totally new strain but they used a live virus
Which are able to replicate

What was different last flu season?

They used a biotech strain

Now, why in the world would they use a virus created in a lab in a vaccine?

So, the introduced a bio virus in a vaccine for 2018/2019
They remove that from vaccines for 2019/2020
introduce a new strain, use a live virus....and wouldn't you know, there's a pandemic


Vaccine X

Influenza Reagent
Influenza Virus Infectious A/Singapore/INFIMH-16-0019/2016 NIBSC code: 17/196
Instructions for use
(Version 2.0, Dated 23/11/2017)

Go fuck yourself
What makes a Republican so weary about a Covid 19 vaccine?

"A new Morning Consult poll shows that while 64 percent of Americans would get a vaccine if it were available, there is a significant variation across political parties. 20 percent of Republicans say they will not accept the vaccine, versus only 7 percent of Democrats who say the same."

I’d wait a year or two at the very least to see if there are any side effects to any “vaccine”.

But, I doubt there will ever be a vaccine. There has never been a vaccine made for this type of coronavirus. SARS happened 18 years ago and still no vaccine.

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